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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 06-10-2007

Comm. I.D: Ares

Message Begins//

Again the Coaliton has proven that it is more fit to rule Sirius than the Alliance!

A pirate by the name of Maximilian.Roberts had threatened a certain trader by the name of stormcrow in Omega-5. Stormcrow then fled into Cambridge, finding myself arguing with the SF on ideological grounds on open comms.

I decided to prove that we were more capable at enforcing the rule of law in Sirius than the pathetic SF. The SF pilot, SFB-Will followed me into Omega-5 where we both opened comm. channels. The SF pilot quickly ran after I told him that this was my show, that we were much better than his Alliance. The pirate's taunts about 'jurisdiction' may have scared him off, despite this pilot being a part of the SF's Battlegroup Excaliber, which apparently enforces the law in Cambridge and the Omegas.

I engaged the pirate with wit at first, until I was able to coax him into a neutral spot in the asteroids.

We passed each other a few times. I took some shield damage, but they stayed up. My accuracy was a touch better than his Sabre's, and with a cunning trick that I learnt from the <strike>wise</strike> crafty Lt. Voronov, I fired a homing Cruise Disruptor at him, which then set off a Nuclear Mine within its blast radius, that I had dropped a second earlier. Maximilian.Roberts' Sabre was ravaged instantaneously. I utilised neither batteries nor nanobots, my hull not getting the slightest scratch.

I then proceeded to comm. stormcrow, to let him know that we are the rule of law around here, not the SF.

I showed those cowardly Bretonians how the Coalition protects civilians - with courage and success.

Furthering the Revolution in the eyes of Sirius,

Ares out.

//Message ends.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - PARAKEET - 06-10-2007

Transmit To: Lt. Ares
Carbon Copy: SCRA Command
Hide recipients names: False
Transmission from: Adm. Korr

It is a good sight to see good pilots in the Coalition. It is too bad I still haven't met you in space. By showing the Common people that we are unstoppable and more fit to rule Sirus it could help gain even more Pilots to join our cause. If we let the media see how the SF were unable to defend their citizens then it influences more to be recruited into the ranks of the SCRA. Then when we have amassed a great fleet we will <strike>Strike through</strike> the heart of this corruption.

End Transmission_

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Razr - 06-13-2007

Comm ID: Lt. Ivan.Voronov

Once again the Coalition proves to be stronger than it's enemies i was lusting for some blood in theta and all of a sudden admiral Denelo.Mori shows up. I just though "hmmm Legion scmubag needs to die" I ended up chasing him all the way to Omicron Alpha where the engagement began and it wasn't easy due to the 6 Sabres and weapon platforms shooting at me and to boot that scimitar was a small target. Duringn the climax of the battle Denelo made one critical mistake i quickly targeted his middle gun and fired one sidewinder and two hornets in quick succesion causing him to lose all his guns and rather than kill him there on the spot i left him to live knowing what a failure he was, so that he may serve as an example of what happens when you mess with the coalition.

Ivan Out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 06-13-2007

Transmit to: {C}, {M}
CC: SCRA Message Dump
Comm ID: Grand Admiral Mcintosh, SCRA

This is your final warning. Setting us to a neutral status will only provoke the Coalition. Change your status to hostile within 12 hours, or you will be Hunt & Kill to all SCRA ships. As is, you are merely KoS/Hostile, as is normal for those who do not server the Coalition.

If you do not change your status within 12 hours, any members of your group that fail to engage any SCRA ships will have bounties placed upon them, and will be hounded to their dooms.

Stay under our radar, and you may survive. As is, you'll be lucky to make it out the week.

For the Coalition! Mcintosh out

Transmission Ended///

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 06-14-2007

Transmit to: Commodore Britanov, Commodore Chernekov, Lt. Commander Zehn
Comm ID: Commander Totenkopt

Comrades, good news. Myself and Lt. Ares have conducted a long-range strike in Vespuccci, destroying two Hellfire Legion Fighters. I'm formally transferring Lt. Ares to my Recon wing, as per Commodore Chernekov's orders to refill my ranks, and transferring the wing to Omega 52, on a temporary basis. So, we'll be moving out of your area of command Commodore Britanov, I'm glad we cut down so many of the Alliance scum in our short time with you.

We'll be rearming, and doing some small units tactical training, before moving to a new mobile command post. 'The Wing' shall now be sirius-wide, and shall eventually incorperate a new command vessel, between 4-6 pilots, and one supply gunboat. Commodore Chernekov has authorised this equipment, and I may draw another pilot from Lt. Commander Zehn's Training Squadron soon, depending on the pilots involved.

For the Revolution! Totenkopt out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 06-16-2007

Transmit to: SCRA Command
Comm. I.D: Lt. Ares

Message Begins//

Again we prove our superiority to the Children of Bretonia, or whatever it is that those drugged up lunatics are calling themselves nowadays!

Whilst engaging in a rather bland reconnaisance of New London, stopping at Trafalgar for resupply, I came across a {C} tagged Junker named Belce. Several insults regarding his Goddess, his denial of his drug habit, his cowardice and his status as a general vagabond in his own home drew him out into a dogfight in the debris around the station.

I had the upper hand entirely, not having to use bots or batteries.

Then, an {M} tagged Junker 'civilian', also a devotee of Tara by my guess, by the name of Tergin got involved, forcing me into something of a defensive flight. I even had to use a nanobot before my shields recharged!

After getting back into a smooth rhythm I managed to fight them both off (as well as a compliment of annoying Molly fighters...), destroying the Collector piloted by Belce. Tergin fled the scene before I even finished with his apparent brother-in-arms. Typical Children of Bretonia cowardice.

The Revolution crushes its delusional foes!

Ares out.

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 06-16-2007

Transmit to: SCRA Command
Comm. I.D: Lt. Ares
Subject: Reconnaissance Update

Message Begins//

Magellan is more heavily guarded by the Hellfire Legion than Commander Totenkopt and I previously thought...

On two separate occasions, I found myself attacked by cruisers. One was the Goldenflame, the other the Ven'gyr.

When engaging my systems outside Freeport 4 after a previous scouting mission,during which I fled the Goldenflame, I was ambushed by two Hellfire fighters, their names being Iron_Crucifix and Denelo.Mori. They had been hassling a Liberty Battleship (Sir_Grumpy), who then disengaged, allowing me to face them alone.

Whilst I was outnumbered, and started the fight with only 14 shield batteries (due to unforeseen and unreasonable problems with those on board Freeport 4.), I was able to take Denelo.Mori out of the fight, getting the upper hand... just as the Ven'gyr arrived. I did serious damage to the fighter piloted by Iron_Crucifix before the Ven'gyr wiped me out as I tried to flee home.

I crashed full speed into the landing deck of Freeport 4, causing a fortune's worth of damage. I won't be welcome back there for a hell of a long time.

Despite the downbeat tone to this update, we have gleaned some important information. Firstly; the Hellfire Legion have better hardware than we first thought. Secondly; They don't really know how to use it, considering the damage that a lone scout was able to cause.

Regrouping at Cadiz,

Ares out.

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - PARAKEET - 06-17-2007

Transmit To: SCRA Intel
Transmission from: Lt. Cobalt

Hmmm... Guys we got a problem, my gunboat turned purple? Must be those damned Bounty Hunters as they can't actually kill me so they gave me a new paint job. No HF or AW around, they must scared of my new paint job.

[Image: screen40.jpg]

[Image: screen39.jpg]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 06-17-2007

Transmit to: Lt. Cobalt
Comm ID: Victory

Cobalt, this is the Intelligence ship Victory. We're not sure quite what causes the changes of color, but it appears to be related to the camoflague pain we've applied within the past three months to all Gunboats. However, they weren't supposeded to turn the ships... purple.

By any chance, we're you nearby to Strongpoint Yankee when these images were taken? It's been sudgested that the intensive radiation from the object known as the "Lost Battlestar" could be interfering with the chemical composion of the paint.

Respond with updates, Victory out.

Transmission Ended///

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - PARAKEET - 06-17-2007

Transmit To: Victory
Transmission from: Lt. Cobalt

Well I did attempt to dock with the ship.... thing. But I did not want me there so I left. That might also explain the scratches on the side of Sundered Heart. Hopefully it will wear off in time.

[Image: screen38-1.jpg]

I also would like to report that Angels[Slivervia] (I hope spelled it right) sends regards to Zhen and SCRA. TBH ordered no fighting in gamma so I chased a police tagged Freelancer IDed (when rank 44) out into theta where I left him go, since AW are a bigger threat. But none came out, I guess that paint really does help.