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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Death Shadow - 06-18-2007

OOC i have something to discuss with the scra high command. One of your own RAGB.Surrendered.Hearts. Keeps f1ing out of combat and switching chars. Once he ran and fast-docked and f1ed and switched chars. I find this to be against RP rules and server rules. I would like you to put an end to this. Thank you

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Razr - 06-18-2007

Comm ID:Lt. Ivan

To: SCRA high command

Sorry but this whole post is OOC and this is my resignation to the SCRA I'm sorry Koolmo man but there are just some people here i can't work with and i won't mention any names I'll just give you a brief summary Speed docking switching ships insults oh and i remember him saying "your screwed" well i told you i might have to leave and that was the last straw so I'm out my ship will be terminated within 3 days GL to you guys and doesn't matter he won't last after Augast anyways. He's ganna bring you atlot of trouble in the times ahead.

My Regards.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 06-18-2007

OOC - Don't worry Mista, the argument is between Razr and _Ultra_

Also, it's kinda ironic that the first man to desert the Coalition in this wartime situation actually started the war in the forst place! Good job I like irony, eh?

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - BestFlyerHere - 06-18-2007

ooc: You havent been here very long, have you. After Aeon left, Koolmo commenced a badly-needed redo of SCRA's RP. They're Coalition, and HF is very strongly Alliance. He didn't start the war, he just escalated it.

Koolmo, thanks for the chance to RP a bit, I think this should bring some excitement to the war.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 06-18-2007


BFH, you just want to shoot me, don't you...:P Thankee for ye olde kind words.

Razr, _Ultra_, slow the h*ll down. I need to know exactly what happened, when chars were switched, and whom you were fighting. Time intervals between, and the like.

_Ultra_, thats for you specifically. Please PM me, so we don't have this going on in the public eye. I really need to know what went on.

Razr, for the moment, I refuse to accept your resignation. Let us get this sorted out, someone as crazy as you belongs in the coalition.

Mista, PM me next time. If you don't like someones actions, tell me in private, or report them. Or both. Don't post in my message dump to complain, tell me personally. DO Tell me though.

@ All: Hold yer horses folks, it'll all be okay.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 06-18-2007

To: SCRA Command
Comm. ID: Lt. Ares

Begin Transmission//

Yesterday we fought the HF in a most bloody conflict. I personally took out three enemies. Two were HF fighters (both tagged Kestrel.Lysania - separate occasions), and one was an Sso| bomber-for-hire, piloted by Mista.Shoultz.

Myself and the Sundered.Heart entered Vespucci, causing much grief to our enemies. The Sundered.Heart had to retreat and was eventually replaced by the Sleeper.Cell.II, who was unable to engage due to issues at dock.

There was much fighting in Magellan, and eventually the AW destroyer, Chimaera, attacked the Sleeper.Cell. Being low on supplies and missing components from our ships, we were unable to engage fully. My weapons were knocked offline in short order, as I made the mistake of underestimating our foe's aim when attempting to conserve shield batteries. Note to self; this trick works on fighters, not on destroyers.

So, we did plenty damage, although that dog Aralie did manage to run from me a few times.

Ares out.

//End Transmission

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 06-18-2007

To: SCRA Command
Comm. ID: Lt. Ares

Begin Transmission//

Red alert! 52 has been attacked by the HF Battleship Ven'Gyr. My fighter was unable to caue any damage whatsoever and I was forced to hide out on Cape Verde as one of their boarding parties caused havok.

Might I request some new equipment to deal with their plethora of heavy armaments? A bomber as an additional craft for myself, and perhaps some training in its use would sure help me further the cause.

Ares out.

//End Transmission

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 06-18-2007

Send to: SCRA
Comm. ID: Lt. Ares

Message Begins//

A small measure of justice was sent the Hellfire Legion's way. I hopped into a new fighter and screamed across Sirius until I reached the Jump from Magellan to Vespucci.

I encountered an HF fighter by the name of Aaron. He gave me a good run for my money, I can tell you that. Good job I'm not a fan of money, eh?

Well, he almost destroyed me with his Saber, but I rendered his ship unusable and he fell back to his home base [OOC - Another kill.]

Looks like I'm top of this little war's killboard, comrades! Who's next is anybody's guess, for we are death incarnate!

Ares out.

//Message Ends.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 06-19-2007

Transmit to: All SCRA
Comm ID: Mcintosh
Priority: Yellow

Right, listen up. In light of recent events, the following promotions/commendations are taking effect immediatly.

Promoted to Lt. Commander: Blunt/Ares (Player and Character) - For glorious service to the coalition, completing an incredible amount of kills in a short time, and for taking the fight to the enemy despite suicidal odds. He shall be taking over the XO position of Commander Totenkopt's Recon Wing.

Promoted to Lt. Commander: Razr (Player) - For taking the fight to the enemy, and refusing to back down under heavy fire.

Promoted to Full Commodore: Commodore Britanov (Character) - For excellent service to the Coalition, including a valiant holding action against horrible odds. He is also being awarded the Golden Halo for Dedication in the service of the Coaliton. Wear it well.

Promoted to Full Commander: Commander Zehn (Character) - For the excellent administration of a top-notch training squadron, and for many heroic actions against the enemies of the Coalition. Commander Zehn will be taking over Operational Fighter Command for the Omegas.

Promoted to Captain: Axe (Player) - For dedication to the Coalition, and for carrying his gametime above and beyond the call of duty.

Congradualtions to all. On a slightly more dubious note, Admiral Corr is hereby suspended of rank, until I recieve a full report on his actions and conduct over the last 48 hours.

For the Coalition! Mcintosh out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 06-19-2007

To: SCRA High Command
Comm. ID: Lt. Commander Ares

Message Begins//

I'd like to offer my thanks to High Command for my recent promotion. I will endeavour to prove myself worthy of my new postition, specifically in the field of reconnaissance and the hunting/killing of enemy fighter and bomber spacecraft. The Asgard Warriors and Hellfire Legion will learn to fear the Revolution.

However, since I have been given XO status over Recon Wing, I would personally like to know the status of Commander Totenkopt. Has he been reassigned? If not, I would like to see hime remain in command of this wing... we need every pilot we can get, and he is most certainly capable.


Also, I would also like to add a new 'Corsair' pirate grouping to our 'destroy mercilessly' list of names. This group would be those tagged 'GDI'. Explanation follows...

Whilst refitting at Strongpoint Gamma, I was graced by the presence of Elder Alexander of the Corsair Brotherhood. The GDI were also present. Upon my demanding of identification, I was returned insults. The Brotherhood's Elder then proceeded to ask for ID too, and also demanded to know why these 'Corsairs' fired upon a certain 'Pirate King'.

They had little to no respect for their Elder. I, being of Corsair blood, attempted to explain the situation to the fools. I was fired upon for my leniency by the Huntress, [GDI]Raptor. The GDI then fled from the Brotherhood battleship Prox's fire.

I was able to exact revenge later, from a Titan piloted by [GDI]Commander. I blasted off all of his weaponry before he managed to dock and hide upon a station in the Sigmas. The fool will take some time replacing his Nomad retrofitted weaponry...

Ares out.
//Message Ends