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RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Jane Hartman - 11-19-2014




To the Admiralty and High Command:

Captain Hartman, XO Durango reporting. Assigned to Durango for capital warfare induction on November 15. Unknown warship detected in Manhattan orbit 2225 hours. Durango called to general quarters, cast off from Manhattan mooring point 2243 hours. Freelancer Tenebris Lumen reported bogey, identified as a Zoner nephilim-class, was on course for Colorado jump-gate. Rendezvoused with Secondary Fleet defiant-class gunboat Nightmare departing Manhattan Orbit, 2246 hours.

Sensor contact with zoner dreadnought achieved 2248 hours. Ship identified as Zitronenfalter, and could produce no authorization for its presence in core space. Zitronfalter complied with orders to depart, and was escorted to Kepler by Nightmare for processing by the locals. Zitronfalter departed Libertonian space at 2305 hours. Durango resumed exercises in Low Manhattan Orbit at 2310 hours.

Current operational capacity: COMBAT CAPABLE
Vessels disabled or destroyed: Nil.




RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Jane Hartman - 11-19-2014


TARGET ID: Liberty Forces Reporting Centre
SUBJECT: Fighter Familiarization - Module III

Good Morning Sir/Ma'am,

Returned to fighter training on the 18th after an introductory period aboard Durango. After the completion of Phase I based aboard Fort Severin the 163rd, myself included, transferred to 12SQN aboard Ottawa for advanced training. We're approximately forty percent of the way through the program, with another thirty exercises before we're scheduled for type endorsements or, in my case, re-endorsement.

Details of last night's simulations have been logged below:

2225 - Launch Simulation One.
Participants: [LN]-Jane.Hartman (Executioner)
Mission: Installation Strike + Fighter Intercept.
Opponents: Lane Hackers.
Outcome: Successful
| #1 |

2231 - Launch Simulation Two.
Participants: [LN]-Jane.Hartman (Executioner)
Mission: HVT Retrieval.
Opponents: Lane Hackers.
Outcome: Successful

2239 - Launch Simulation Three.
Participants: [LN]-Jane.Hartman (Executioner)
Mission: HVT Strike.
Opponents: Xenos.
Outcome: Successful
| #1 |

2307 - Launch Simulation Four.
Participants: [LN]-Jane.Hartman (Executioner)
Mission: HVT Strike.
Opponents: Xenos.
Outcome: Successful

2316 - Launch Simulation Five.
Participants: [LN]-Jane.Hartman (Executioner)
Mission: Installation Strike.
Opponents: Xenos.
Outcome: Successful

2323 - Launch Exercise One.
Participants: [LN]-Jane.Hartman (Executioner), [LN]-Sam.Evans (Executioner - Failed to launch.)
Mission: HVT Strike.
Opponents: OpFor - 12th Squadron.
Outcome: Aborted.

Came into contact with a Freelance Sabre en-route to the St Lawrence field for Exercise One. Ship listed as Zander, and the pilot identified himself as one Altair. Fake name if I ever heard one; but he wasn't breaking any laws by moving about. Claimed to be a cartographer of some sort, looking for a Lane Hacker installation in the field. My Executioner didn't have the equipment to confirm the ship's capabilities, so scans were sent to Ottawa for processing. A security force fighter (D9|Jackal), followed by an order fighter (Vaelin.Darklight) also intruded on the training area, and were eventually dispersed with the assistance of the 5th Fleet's ADM O'Neill.

Considering my training Executioner's reduced combat capability, I elected not to pursue the order ship. However; LADAR signatures of the ship have been disseminated to local patrols through Ottawa, and we'll recognize him if he shows his face again.


Jane Hartman

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Commissar - 11-29-2014


TARGET ID: Liberty Forces Reporting Centre
SUBJECT: Naval Forces Operations - New York

Good Afternoon Sir/Ma'am,

Yesterday, in the course of routine resupply runs, at approximately 2247 hours, Sentinel Peak and Fort Wayne (under the command of ENS Jones) detected the presence of a Naval Forces freighter in low Manhattan orbit. The craft, flashing Kusari Naval Forces identification and operating under the reporting name Kagoshima, was observed on a polar orbit. Encrypted communications bursts from the freighter to the ground were detected, but fleet intelligence has not informed me as to the nature of the encryption or whether we're aware of their content at the time of this transmission.

[22:46:42] [LN]-LLS-Mount.Sentinel: Irving: Er, are you picking this up?
[22:46:59] [LN]-LLS-Fort.Wayne: Jones: What exactly..?
[22:47:10] [LN]-LLS-Mount.Sentinel: Irving: Take a look at that signature.
[22:47:26] [LN]-LLS-Mount.Sentinel: Irving: Naval Forces boat, low Manhattan orbit.
[22:47:31] [LN]-LLS-Fort.Wayne: Jones: That Naval Forces IFF? Uhh..
[22:47:40] [LN]-LLS-Mount.Sentinel: Irving: Bearing 293, 4.9 clicks out.

The freighter did not respond to hails or orders to halt from Mount Sentinel and began an exit burn shortly after Mount Sentinel and Fort Wayne set intercept courses. In the course of the burn, Kagoshima was observed launching what appeared to be sidewinder-type missiles over the North Pole of the planet. No fighters were available for disruption duty, and with the freighter capable of outrunning our Bisons, we abandoned the pursuit at the Colorado jump point (New York System Sector 3C) rather then risk losing our cargo the fields.

I've been in touch with Major Horen at Mt Davies Air Force Base, and he's had sub-orbital flyers out to look over the impact sites for those munitions. I'm sure the Major'll have his own report to submit, but at the time of writing, they've found nothing at the pole to speak of.

While we were unable to catch the freighter, ENS Jones and I were able to take scans of its equipment and cargo.

Without breaking the encryption on those bursts, it's hard to speculate on what that bird was doing out there. That said, I think someone'll want to be having a serious talk with the Kusarian Embassy. This one smells like something for our brothers and sisters in the LSF to me.


Jerome Irving

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - rainth345 - 12-04-2014


[Image: j1HY2ps.jpg]

COMM ID: Lieutenant Commander Frank Barnes
TARGET ID: Liberty Naval Primary Fleet
SUBJECT: Admiral Sius' condition

Greetings, all.

It is with great joy that I announce the recovery of Admiral Remus Sius. About a week ago, the Admiral's eyes opened. He wasn't able to speak at first but the movement of his head indicated that he understood the doctor's questions.

Brain scans were made and no damage was found. Speech returned to him a day after. The Admiral is making full recovery sometime within the weekend. He will be cleared for active duty in the days following his discharged from the hospital.

Lieutenant Commander Frank Barnes


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Arbs - 12-29-2014

COMM ID: Lieutenant Alan Jones
TARGET ID: Liberty Naval Primary Fleet Reporting Center

Post-Action report
December - 27 - 821

I departed from Planet Manhattan and immediately set course to Texas after receiving word of moderate presence of Rheinland vessels in the Texas system. When I arrived the battle had already begun, about 20k up-spin from Planet Houston's vicinity. LT CMDR Catherine Raven had already arrived, but had to leave shortly due to a problem with her ship.

Their forces consisted mostly of BDM U-xxx series cruisers, hired freelancers piloting bombers mostly and a fighter, two rogue elements, a bomber and a destroyer were present in the engagement as well, backed by one(?) Bismarck class battleship.

However, despite the severity of the the threat our forces managed to repel the attack into inflicting almost 100% casualty rate amongst their forces. Casualties were received on our side as well, however our forces had the upper hand.

My objective was to provide cover to our capital warships, and neutralize enemy strike craft forces, which was accomplished with the help from a LPI officer, other naval strike craft, and Freelancers working for the Republic of Liberty.

Note: Combat footage is not available.

Lieutenant Alan Jones
First Fleet, Liberty Navy


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Sunset Glow - 01-11-2015

COMM ID: Sandra Rivers, Lieutenant
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Reporting Center
SUBJECT: Supply Deliveries

Lieutenant Rivers here,

I launched from battleship Yukon to continue a patrol that had been interrupted by an ion-storm. Shortly after launch I received a transmission from one of our freighters, the [LN]-LNS-Lakewood they said they needed immediate assistance in system Manchester.

As I arrived I found our freighter holding its ground against a pair of Gaian ships, one transport and one bomber.

My arrival seems to have stabilized the situation and the Gaians moved off after a brief conversation. Unfortunately, one person got hurt, their ship exploded the very moment I arrived but we could find and retrieve their escape pod.
The person is currently at Long Island Station for emergency medical attention.

After the Gaians had moved off I escorted the freighter back to Long Island station where the cargo was unloaded and the injured pilot transferred to the medical facilities.

Guncam Image

On a last note: The gaian pilot I spoke to appeared to have been a very unstable and volatile individual. I recommend utmost caution I do not think we have seen the last of them.

Sandra Rivers

RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Sunset Glow - 01-11-2015

COMM ID: Sandra Rivers, Lieutenant
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Reporting Center
SUBJECT: Carrier Escort
PRIORITY: Moderate

Lieutenant Rivers here,

After receiving an assignment to join a sortie already in progress, I launched from Norfolk shipyard in New York system. I was to rendevouz with a Navy convoy in system Manchester to help escorting a carrier ship back to Liberty core space.

On my way, I met with Alan at planet Coracao and he flew me to Manchester in formation where we were supposed to meet with the convoy, consisting of our escort charge, the [LN]-LNS-Pine.Ridge, Jane.Hartman, Reginald.Lewis and Alan.Jones.

We met our escort charge at planet Wight, but before departing we lost contact with Jane.Hartman and the Alan.Jones. It appeared they were chasing a hostile contact but I think the others will have more information on that or the sortie in progress.

After contact was restored, we set off for New York and jumped from Manchester to Cortez and from Cortez to California system where we encountered a single [HF]-tagged ship from the infamous hellfire-legion. It approached and scanned our ships, I was to remain with the carrier as escort while the others deterred the hellfire ship.

Guncam Image 1
Guncam Image 2

Eventually, the carrier and myself made it to a safe distance, the other craft joined us again and we continued towards our final destiantion: Norfolk Shipyard

I only know that the carrier was transporting an item of interest, again, the other pilots may have more information on it.

Sandra Rivers

RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Jane Hartman - 01-11-2015


PRIORITY: Moderate

Commander Valentine,

Report to my office (11, Long Island Station) at 2300 hours.

Jane Hartman

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Jane Hartman - 01-13-2015

JANUARY 12 822



To the Admiralty and High Command:

Admiral Hartman reporting. First Fleet squadron mustered in high Los Angeles orbit consisting of:

ADM Hartman, Jane (BDR-804)
CDR Valentine, Zoe (BDR-804)
LCDR Lewis, Reginald (BDR-804)
LCDR Hale, Lily (BDR-804)
LT Jones, Alan (BDR-804)

Two Hellfire Legion fighters made an appearance during the briefing, but were driven off by the combined fire of Yukon and Fremont. Callsigns and classes are listed below:

• [HF]-Strongest ('Sabre' Very Heavy Fighter)
• [HF]-Adam.Williams ('Prosecutor' Very Heavy Fighter)

Our squadron arrived in Manchester without further incident at 2034, where we split into two flights (1: CDR Valentine (CO), LCDR Hale, LT Jones; 2: ADM Hartman (CO), LCDR Lewis) to conduct a search for the Gaian raiders identified in LT Rivers's report. CDR Valentine's flight conducted a search of the southern tradelane and surrounds, without success. My patrol, in the system's eastern quadrant, was similarly unsuccessful. EWS reported an incoming ion storm at 2050 hours and I ordered the squadron to Suffolk, New London, rather than land aboard a civilian installation.

Hale and Valentine's systems responded poorly to the storm, and they were unable to rejoin the patrol. LT Rivers; however, was available. Jones was dispatched to guide her from Manchester while Lewis and I explained the situation to Commander Jacobs (BAF|) aboard HMS Wellesley.

At 2015 system scanners detected a capital-class hyperspace rupture later identified as Pine Ridge, CDR Ellington commanding. In light of the Commander's report (below) I abandoned our earlier sweep to return Pine Ridge to republic space ASAP.

[21:24:17] [LN]-LNS-Pine.Ridge: We've picked up an artifact, Admiral.
[21:27:13] [LN]-LNS-Pine.Ridge: We've found the Normandie.

En-route to Birmingham LT Jones reported contact: <G>Gaian.Raven ('Claymore' Gunship) in the proximity of the north-west field at 2133. Jones broke to pursue the gunboat while Lewis and Rivers remained with Pine Ridge. Contact with Jones was lost at 2134. I broke formation with Pine Ridge and set course for Jones's last position (2C, Manchester), where I found a stable jump hole. Both Jones and the Gaian were within scanner range on jumping in to the system, with Jones under fire from the gunboat. Rather than delay Pine Ridge, Jones and I disengaged without damage and RV'd with the carrier at Birmingham. The Gaian pursued us approximately 10km from the jumphole in Manchester and broke contact shortly after.

Jones docked aboard Pine Ridge and the remainder of the patrol continued to Cortez. En-route to Curacao the lane was disrupted by [HF]-Strongest, the same sabre that harassed the squadron in L.A. orbit. Alone, the ship was unable to inflict significant damage on the fleet and both Pine Ridge and LT Rivers were able to re-enter the lane while LCDR Lewis and I ran diversion. Both Lewis and I were able to disengage once the carrier arrived in Liberty space.

The flight from L.A. to Norfolk passed without further incident. I expect CDR Ellington will have more to contribute on Pine Ridge's operations once shipboard operations are complete.

Final patrol composition:

ADM Hartman, Jane (BDR-804)
CDR Ellington, Catherine (Pine Ridge, Atlantis-class carrier)
LCDR Lewis, Reginald (BDR-804)
LT Rivers, Sandra (Li-117)

Current operational capacity: COMBAT CAPABLE
Vessels disabled or destroyed: Nil.




RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Sunset Glow - 01-13-2015

COMM ID: Sandra Rivers, Lieutenant (Navy Zeta-17)
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Reporting Center
SUBJECT: System Patrol, January 13th

Lieutenant Rivers here,

Lt. Jones and myself started our patrol today and came upon reports of trouble from Texas system, where we encountered a rheinland warship by the designation of "U-99".

We found it with the help of other, unaffiliated pilots (5th|Jim.Schofield, SMFC|Scylla, "Alpha-1" - thank you again!), who graciously offered valueable intel to us. The rheinland warship was unresponsive and proceeded to dock at Beaumont station, a junkerbase.

Guncam 1 (rheinland warship docking)
Guncam 2 (rheinland warship docking)

It undocked again shortly and my scanners detected a hyperspace breach consistent with readings of a charging jumpdrive. Our suspicion was soon confirmed as the warship from rheinland disappeared from scanners in a bright flash.

Lt. Jones and myself returned to New York afterwards where we came upon another rheinland ship as well as a liberty rogue ship. The LNS-Santisima.Trinidad pursued the rheinland ship, while Lt. Jones and myself tried to catch the Liberty Rogue ship.

After finding it at rochester base and then giving chase to the Pittsburg debris field, the liberty rogue ship slowed down and opened fire on us.
Lt. Jones reacted quickly and engaged the rogue ship into a dog fight, distracting it from me (I was flying an upholder bomber).

Eventually, Lt. Jones defeated the Liberty Rogue ship which turned out to be an (unarmored) bactrian class freighter.

Guncam 3

I suggested that we try to talk to the pilot and Lt. Jones took over questioning the pilot of the freighter, which yielded some interesting intel:

Quote:- A pair of pelican transports operating as a team in kepler preyed on traders. (according to the liberty rogue pilot, they even managed to stop a GMG affiiated helium trader)
- The pelican transports had "outlandish" equipment. One of them was reported to vanish at will which indicates the use of a cloaking device.
- Furthermore one of the transports was a definitely "Freelancer" and "charon" type transport weaponry was involved.
- The two transprots also allegedly had what the liberty rogue pilot called "Special Operations papers"
- He also remembered that their name started with an "A" but he could not give us any further information as his flight recorder only had today's flight data.

After I recorded the intel given to us Lt. Jones let the pilot go with a fine of 500.000sc since the pilot stood down and cooperated.

Guncam 4
Guncam 5

Lt. Jones and I proceeded to Planet Manhatten afterwards where I docked at Long Island station to write and submit this report.

Sandra Rivers