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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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Liberty Forces Message dump - OsoRojo - 03-23-2007

(Ensign Woods)..........Sir?..........

(Gov. OsoRojo) Yes Ensign.

(EW) We made contact with LNS-RedBear and they have taken station within orbit of Richmond. They are asking for more details.

(Gov.) Crap.....I wish I had more to go on before issuing any directives. Overall, tell Admiral RedBear I only have a feeling, but nothing more. Send my compliments to Admiral RedBear and suggest he maintain a patrol route between Cali-Tex jump holes until comms can be restored.

(EW) Aye, aye, sir!

(Gov.) Thank the Void RedBear is here. Comms on the fritz for unknown reason and garbled comms from DOD and TACCOM lead me into a feeling of unease. What the Frakk is going on out there!


Liberty Forces Message dump - BestFlyerHere - 03-23-2007

Roger that, Adm. Adamson, proceeding to DEFCON 2. ......
*AI voice*
"Scram reactor shutdown"

What the hell? Damnit, guess I gotta go to emergency comms.

This is Lt. Mark Kaine, of the Southern Alliance. Requesting help immediately. Reactor scrammed on me, and I'm stuck on emergency power. I have ..... 5 hours before I run out. Mayday, Mayday.

*repeats message*

Where is everybody? There's never been a time when the Emergency Channel's not been monitored. Aw, well, *switches transponder to 5500, international emergency code* that should wake them up.

Liberty Forces Message dump - Nussebull - 03-23-2007

From V.Adm Nuss to SA Personnel

All SA suppliers are demanded to transfer 50million credits or more to the Treasury dept,
this money will be used for constructions of bases in Virginia.

Faction status updated, NEW CLAN RULES.


End transmission

From Porter to SACC

Got it, will donate 100mil.


Liberty Forces Message dump - Thor - 03-23-2007

In the State Room aboard the LNS Sacramento...

"Look Caleb, I'm sorry but I'm going to need at least 150 mil more this month. Possibly more." said the admiral into the comm unit.

"Damn it Derek, my crews are overworked as it is. And you keep putting in orders for more funds! This @#&* don't grow on trees. It's getting harder to get through the passage and the Corsairs are demanding more and more in taxes, we just can't keep up. What the hell do you need it for?" came the angry reply from the harried man on the screen. It was obvious he hadn't been getting much sleep.

"You know I can't..." Derek began but was immediatly cut off again.

"Don't the Navy pay for all this crap? I mean what the *#%$@! are they doing that you need to harrass me for more credits. A pause. "This is insane!"

"Alright Caleb, calm down!" the admirals tone left no question about it. "I need more credits. Period." then his toned sofened. "I know you have been working doubletime and I appriciate it, I really do. Would it help if I sent an escort down to help out?"

The man on the screen sighed "Maybe, I don't know. Can you even do that?"

"I think that I can arrange that. I am after all the Govenor." Derek smiled. "I'll dispatch, unofficially of course, a fighter to provide escort. And you'll be getting the standard deal. 15% yield on investment." he finished.

"I'd like to actually see some of those "yields." grumbled Caleb. "You'll have your money in two days. Oh and send down that Scotch you owe me this time. Make it a double."

"Will do, Caleb. And hey take care of yourself will ya." said Derek

"You too "Admiral". You too." and with that the screen went dark.

-Incoming Transmission-

Comm ID: Govenor Adamson / California


I will have the requested funds in two days time. Standard delivery proticals.

Govenor Derek Adamson
Military District of California

Liberty Forces Message dump - pchwang - 03-23-2007

---Incoming Transmission---
To: Governor OsoRojo
Re: Harrison Gurney

Sir, we believe that we have found Captain Gurney's body. Since you were the last to see him, we would like you to identify him.

If you were aware of any specific body markings? Those could help, as the facial features are no longer distinguishable.

We believe that Captain Gurney was killed by the implosion of his cockpit after he picked up a distinctive signal emanating from the Colorado System.


Liberty Forces Message dump - WingCommander - 03-23-2007

Comm ID: J.Dekker

Messege to: Admiral Osorojo.

Admiral, I have news from the chief technicien from the flightdeck
My fighter should be ready over an few hours from its repairs.

In the mean time i go take some time in the flight-simulation
As soon as my fighter is ready i go further on patrol in the texas system.

Dekker out.

End messege.

Liberty Forces Message dump - pchwang - 03-23-2007

Memo to: Governors OsoRojo and Adamson
From: Henry Epps, State Department

Dear Governors,

My name is Henry Epps, and I am due to arrive at Richmond in around one week. I have been instructed by Liberty, the President's office, and the Department of Defense to take temporary control over the tumultous situation that seems to have enveloped the South Alliance.

I hope that with cooperation, we will succeed. At the moment, I have replace the South Alliance Tactical Command Department. The 300 specialists who make up the department have been reassigned to Juneau.

With Best regards,

Henry Epps


Transmit to: Governor Adamson
Transmit From: DoD, Special Division Six

Admiral. Due to the current threats that seem to have been fired at your direction, we are assigning body guards to you.

You will be notified of them once they arrive.

We would also appreciate it if you could give Mr. Seldon a promotion. He has served Liberty well.

Liberty Forces Message dump - BestFlyerHere - 03-23-2007

ooc: Could someone make me a pretty small SA sig thingy? Like... about as big as my HF one. Also, do i keep my rank of Lt.? Or do i switch to ensign?

Comm ID: Lt. Mark Kaine

This is Kaine. I was able to restart my reactor, but I neglected to install that flash memory for my main computer. All my systems are wiped. Only the comms work, and I had to manually type in the frequency. I need rescue operations in the near future. My engines are shot, and shield is barely functioning. It goes down from the occassional asteroid that is gravitating around my Avenger. I can only wait for you S&R ops. Good hunting. Kaine out.

Liberty Forces Message dump - OsoRojo - 03-23-2007

ooc: 1st if we discuss what just happen at Houston, it shall only be by PM understood. No flaming!


To: Mr. Epps

Comm ID: Richmond HQ, Virginia


Forgive my tardiness in welcoming you to Virginia and as the new Civil Authority appointed by our esteemed President. My tardiness was due to upgrading communications here at Virginia. We are starting from scratch, but, thankfully, the technicians have finished. Overall, our readiness is good, but there is always room for improvement. We look forward to working with you.

My compliments
Governor OsoRojo of Texas



To: Lt. Dekker

Comm ID: Richmond HQ, Virginia


Excellent, once complete continue primary mission, unless already done, i.e. gain Lib Navy insignia and in good standing with Lib Guard. Overall, personnel is in the process of placing in a Home base you shall receive notification soon, as will all new inducties.

My compliments
Governor OsoRojo of Texas


(God I can really hate this job)


Comm ID: Richmond HQ, Virginia

Attention, for I will be brief. Yes...............That was Captain Gurney

(Ensign.....full-honors and best position at Arlington National Cemetery.....Understood!.....Good)


Liberty Forces Message dump - Nussebull - 03-23-2007

Interceptor to SACC

Cruiser Columbia and Interceptor encountered Helghast and Corsair in Texas,
both threats was eliminated. (killed Helghast GB twice, Corsair killed once later)

LSF Frigate arrived and fired on the Interceptor by mistake,
Interceptor returned fire, the LSF ship was badly damaged and
was sent back to New York.

Bs| Destroyer Silva tried to pass through Texas, was shot on sight and damaged, but got away.
(docked on Houston)

End report