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GC Tea House - Zapp - 10-10-2010

The out-lander smiles and nods. He recognizes her voice; the occasion of their meeting wasn't something easily forgotten. "Hello Ms. Sei, we haven't been properly introduced. Eugene Debs, Captain of La Villa Strangiato." He bows his head slightly, then pulls it back up with his glass. "I thank you for your hospitality."

GC Tea House - Sand_Spider - 10-10-2010

As Ozei was talking things over with Miss Chi and Mister Eugene, a fourth voice breaks the conversation for a moment; one which sets Ozei at ease a fair bit. *So, I am to meet with Miss Sei? Excellent! She seems to know me best around here, should make things a little easier* "Miss Sei, so nice of you to join us! Please, have a seat!" He gestures with an open arm to the chair which Sei had chosen.

"So then! How have things been treating you, Miss Sei? Spectacular, I take it? And would I assume correctly that you are perhaps who I am to discuss an arrangement of sorts with?" Ozei said so with a slight grin, an arched brow and a friendly tone. *Best make this as smooth as possible, don't want to mess an opportunity like this up...*

GC Tea House - Korny - 10-10-2010

Chi smiled at Ozei, took a small sip from her tea and started talking in a calm voice as usual. "How my week was ? Well...There isn't really anything that has happened...Except for me being promoted ! I'm now a Han'gyoku of the sisterhood...Beside of that, nothing really mentionable happened. I'm a pretty lonely person you know, except for my sisters I have no one..."

She smiled even more as Sei entered the bar, she quickly emptied her tea and bowed towards her as she came closer to the table. "Konbanwa, Sei-san ! Please have a seat, hai ?" She said happily and waved the bartender to herself to fill up the cup of tea.

GC Tea House - Chase - 10-12-2010

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Accepting the seat, Sei sits and gives a slight bow to all at the table.
[color=#FFCCCC]My my, such a greeting from all of you, let me first start with our latest guest, hai? Glad to see that you've found our home and have made yourself comfortable Eugene-san, I do hope we were able to moor that gunboat, it should be safe here so please, take as long as you'd like to get to know how we work around here.
Taking a long sip from her glass, she relaxes and turns to address Chi, who had greeted her as she sat. Sei glares for a moment then carefully emphasizes her status, ensuring Chi hears it.
[color=#FFCCCC]and Shimizu-san... congratulations on your promotion my dear, your dedication to patrols and skill in the cockpit have no doubt been of great help to the sisterhood, arigatou. Other than that, have you taken it upon yourself to concentrate in any area in particular? Perhaps disrupting Samura's storage facilities, or securing our supplies?
Sei looks over for a moment at Ozei, who is leaning forward, looking at Sei as if expecting a response. The hand holding her glass straightens out, as if saying stop, then she retracts all but her pointer finger into a fist.
Ozei-kun as well, it pleases me that one of our closest friends has decided to make himself seen here at the Tea House. Domo to interrupt this conversation, what is it you three were speaking of?

GC Tea House - Sand_Spider - 10-12-2010

*Did she just address me by -kun..? I think I heard that right, seems this should go easier than I thought if Miss Sei really is the one I am to speak with!* Ignoring the fact that his question left unanswered for now, Ozei decided to answer Sei's.

"Oh, I was just explaining to Mister Eugene here a few points of information to know about our little sector of space we call Kusari. As well, Chi-chan - she prefers I address her by that... - was just telling me how she was recently promoted to Han'gyoku! She also mentioned, err.." Ozei scratched the back of his head, looking down and off to the side. "she mentioned being lonely or something along the lines.." Ozei looked up at Miss Chi "Funny, I.. thought you mentioned you had a boyfriend once...?" He said so with a slight tilt of the head and a neutral/worried expression. *Something is up with Chi... Is she hinting at something?*

GC Tea House - Zapp - 10-12-2010

Eugene looks between Ozei and Chi, then to Sei. He opens his mouth as if to say something, but someone by the door catches his eye. In his early thirties, the man has a seemingly permanent scowl on his face which doesn't help the fact that he's not good looking to start. His hair is raven black and he walks with a swagger and familiarity that bespeaks experience in barroom tussles. He approaches the table and stands next to Eugene.

"Cap'n, we have the prelims on those scans you wanted. Maintenance is done, and all stations report ready to be reviewed before you permit 'shore leave'." His accent was unmistakably Libertonian and gravelly, as was his dress.

"Ah, thank you," nodded Eugene, standing up. "This is my first mate, Mr. Samuel Gompers. With that, I believe I'll take my leave. Business calls. Hopefully my crew will be able to relax a bit before we set off again. Thank you for your hospitality, Sei-san(?)" he said, bowing his head. The slight inflection on the end of 'san' was obvious; he wasn't sure if he was using the prefix in the correct context.

GC Tea House - Korny - 10-12-2010

Chi suddenly stood up, after finishing her cup of tea in one sip, and bowed three times, for Ozei, Eugene and Sei. "Gomenasai, but I have to leave you for now...I don't...feel too well." She said with a light nervous smile on her face, watching Ozei for a few moments more before turning around and quickly walking out of the tea-house.

GC Tea House - Chase - 10-12-2010

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Nodding as Mr. Debs gets up and leaves with his first mate, Sei listens intently to Chi's apology. As miss Shimizu is walking away, Sei, now feinting a confused and flustered face, turns to Ozei and raises an eyebrow.
[color=#FFCCCC]I suppose you have nothing to do with that?
Laughing through her nose she sips her drink. Sei looks up for a moment and gazes around the room. The other tables, as if taking the queue from Eugene and Chi, were beginning to say their goodbyes. Sei continued to giggle to herself, watching the bartender place her hand on her hip and look very puzzled at the sudden exodus.
[color=#FFCCCC]So it is time then for us to discuss your... acquisition from us. Things like this are not given lightly, as you've already found out from the weeks of pestering me.
She smirked
Of course, you've proven yourself again and again to our cause, so I've taken it upon myself to get you what you wished for. If the elders won't authorize the building of another, then we will find you something which can be outfitted properly, and modified to fit your... stature.
Pausing again, Sei once again looked across the room at every corner, as if there were Kempeitai hidden in every crevice.
Your deeds however have only gotten you the trust of flying one of our finest.., the exchange for the ship is another matter, which, I'll assume you've made progress on or we wouldn't be here?
The woman leans in intently to look Ozei directly in the eye, a portion of her dark hair falling from her hair sticks, outlining her right cheek and jawbone. The excitement on Sei's face is obvious.

GC Tea House - Saigo.Watanabe - 10-13-2010

Dreams are shattered and hopes are dashed For Saigo, She is lost to the world, A hidden Tale, to be told. Rumours and whispers follow as Saigo strides into the tea house, long forgotten in looks, but held close to Saigo's Heart.

Saigo looks around in this familar yet alien place to her, it had changed... New faces, and new habits. Not what she was used to.
She relinquished her blades and guns to the guard outside, not wanting to cause trouble nor draw attention.

"Konnichiwa, Any chance for a small pot of tea?

Whether she would be recognised or not did not bother her, only her usual outfit showing that she was a Golden Chrysanthemum, a rich crimson dress, with golden flowers. A golden hairpin keeping her hair up with a tattoo only just showing on her right shoulder.

Needless to say, she still had that glare in her eyes, the fierce look... if a little more softer then it used to be.

Saigo then proceeded to the corner of the Tea House and sat down, carefully sipping her tea, watching the events of the room.

GC Tea House - Sand_Spider - 10-13-2010

Ozei felt the stare from Sei, turning his head to lock eyes. For a moment, no words were exchanged, no expressions. Just a stare down, woman to man, Sei to Ozei.

After a few more seconds - though what seemed like minutes - Ozei straightened himself in his chair, still looking at Sei, took in a deep breath, and released it.

Closing his eyes and tilting his head a few degrees forward for just a second, opening them again and bringing his head back up, Ozei spoke.

"Hai, your assumption would be correct, Miss Sei. As you can well imagine, the object which I offer for what I seek is no laughing matter.. I have called in a few favors, - some of them owed to me in the first place, others I must fulfill later - and what I have come up with, is really quite spectacular." Ozei went to take a sip of his wine, but finds he had already finished it, so instead he leans in slightly, arms on the table.

"The craft is, in essence, smaller, faster, and more majestic than any other vessel in comparison to cargo capacity and other craft of similar size. In addition, it is of Kusarian origins.." Ozei grins fairly widely. "I... Do not suppose you get which vessel I hint at, do you Miss Sei?" *Heheh, I bet I can guess her expression in just a moment..*