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Liberty Police, Inc. Applications Office - Printable Version

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RE: LPI Recruitment (iRP) - BigPapaSmurf - 12-03-2013

*For review once firmware issue is repaired or if piloting another vessel is acceptable*

Name: Ezra "Big Papa" Knight

Age: 27

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 68kg

Previous Jobs: General freelancer for the lawful.

Qualifications: Antonyms ability to carry out the law. With a thirst to never give up the hunt of a unremorseful criminal. Escort a ship safely to its destination, and anything that will help ensure or improve the safety and quality of life of all law abiding Liberty citizens.

Brief Biography: Being born into poverty, and living in a...well lets call it cesspool of crime and debotury in the sub levels of Manhattan. I grew to have a disgust towards every type of crime you could imagine; every waking hour I would see my neighbors being bullied, robbed, and taken advantage of. What little credits they were able to gather up were no sooner scammed away from them either by some new "feel good" drug, get rich quick pyramid scheme or even a few smuggling runs to help people out of the slums and into some "oasis" of a boarder world...if you were willing to pay the price of course...which often led to these innocent people being jettisoned into the vacuum of space, just out of scanner range; and always after they paid out their credits for the "voyage." I swore to my parents I would get out and make something of myself, something they can be proud of. On my 13th birthday my father gifted me a ship... or rather a rusted frame with a little spark and flame still left in it. I spent a few years working odd jobs here and there and managed to get enough credits saved to get my little ship space worthy. Since then I have been finding jobs in the Liberty system hunting down criminals in hopes of some day lessening the burden these delinquents bring to the less fortunate and undefended. With the hope of someday returning home to my parents with something to be proud of.

Reasons for Joining: While wrapping up another successful mission of "capture the crook" I ran into LPI-Jadin.Larsen[RO] we spent a good amount of time on our 5kyp3 communications channel about 2 hours. Recruit Officer Larsen gave me the run down on the majority of the LPI operations and what LPI stands for. I feel I would be a good fit to be one of the entrusted to wear the LPI badge and uphold its beliefs.

5kyp3 protocol (Skype): BigPapaSmurf1600

RE: LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Ace Razgriz - 12-23-2013

  • Name: Roger Wilkins

  • Age: 25

  • Height: 5'11

  • Weight: 182 lbs

  • Previous Jobs: Freelancer mainly

  • Qualifications: Has abilities within him to serve to the highest code, having the tragic incidents of his past within his heart.

  • Brief Biography: I was born on planet Erie, as a good amount of Libertonians are, and I had a good life. My father was a miner and my mother flew a repair ship as a part time Navy or LPI repair woman, but one day when a battle was being fought in Texas between the Navy and the Rheinland Military, they were both killed in crossfire, the fight strayed into the northern debris field where my father was mining and my mother was assisting the Navy, but during the battle they were both struck down by an Elbe's guns. I lived with my Aunt and Uncle for a while and mainly became a freelancer, I always meant to join the LPI but always left it until tomorrow, but now I have finally decided to step up.

  • Reasons for Joining: Iv recently seen a significant rise in crime rates lately within Liberty's heart of New York. And after procrastinating 5 years im finally stepping up to join.

  • 5kyp3 protocol (Skype): Toothless791

RE: LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Error - 12-24-2013

Deputy Sinclair sits in one of his many seats aboard the Red Deer II, idly flipping through the latest applications for the space-borne part of the force. He eventually pauses, and slides two applications out of his stack. They've got "Wilkins" and "Knight" printed on them, typeset in large (72pt, to be precise), friendly and alternating red and blue lettering.


To be honest, it kinda looks like somebody down in Human Resources has had a field day on those two. Probably an intern, as you note that the names appear to have been hand-written using... crayons? Perhaps it's just "Take your child to work"-day again. Just like yesterday, the day before that, and the day three weeks ago, apparently, judging by Wilkins' application. Looks like HR's standards just keep on dropping, but at least this... "development" seems to keep Accounting, and, by extension, the taxpayers and shareholders happy.

"Yeah. Something like that, anyhow. Wait, what? ...Hello? Is there anybody here?"

There is a brief pause as Colin scans the room, eyeballing every nook and cranny of his office from the relative comfort of his chair.

"Grmhnh. Probably just the... wind."



Well; I've got some good news and some bad news for both of you. The bad news is that our Liberators are working just fine again, so I won't have to put you two into the now-discontinued Patriots. A damn shame, if you ask me. The good news is that you're both accepted as Recruit Officers of Liberty Police Inc., and that I've sent you both a 5-KYP3 comms protocol contact request each to get you added to our private channel.

I'm hoping to hear back from you two soon!



-Colin Sinclair, Deputy Chief of the Liberty Police, Inc.

RE: LPI Recruitment (iRP) - amras - 01-02-2014

[*]Name: Lucas Miles
[*]Age: 17
[*]Height: 5:10
[*]Weight: 90
[*]Previous Jobs: Cabin boy
[*]Qualifications: cabin boy
[*]Brief Biography: Lucas grew up helping on his families rhino class freighter, hauling goods across local space for small profits. He expected to take over the family business one day until a stray liberty rogue decided that the Glenny would make good target practice. Losing a ship but gaining a purpose, Lucas is ready to begin his new career.
[*]Reasons for Joining:To shoot bandits, a lot, sir!
[*]5kyp3 protocol (Skype):lateraldrift8071

RE: LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Kamir - 01-07-2014

Name: Stefan Tarlar
Age: 21
Height: 5'5''
Weight: 172 lbs
Previous Jobs: Manager in Fitness Club in West Point, Dish washer at West Point's Bar.
Qualifications: Last year student of West Point Military academy. Have shooting skills obtained in West Point's 2nd attack department ( 3 month courses) and spy detection skills obtained in Fort Bush (10 month courses).
Brief Biography: I was born in Manhattan 21 year ago. I have a bigger brother named Kamir Tarlar and a younger sister Eve Tarlar. As my brother started to working as trader in Interspace corp. our family had enough money to send me to West Point Military academy after I finished Manhattans high school. This is my 4th course out of 5th. I study there military tactics and battleship operations.
Now I live in Fort Bush with my fiance (we are planning our wedding in 3 month).
And we think that we will have a baby but we are still not sure about that.
Reasons for Joining: To finish Military academy I need to internship in some Liberty defense corporation. And I want to fight crime in Liberty.
5kyp3 protocol: kam8ikaza

RE: LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Error - 01-14-2014

It's that time of the week again, apparently. Colin's sitting alone on the bridge of the Red Deer II, out in the depths of the Alberta system, gazing out into the not-so-empty part of space directly ahead of him. Simple stationkeeping in quiet corner of Sirius like this one doesn't require much in the way of crew on the bridge. Except for when it gets less quiet, of course.

Colin's staring contest with Alberta's lone sun is abruptly lost the moment an announcement comes on over the bridge's comms system. It's over almost as quickly as it started.

"Right. Come on in."

After a short while, one of the more remote bulkhead doors slide open with a "whoosh" as one of Liberty's finest steps onto the bridge with a stack of paper in tow. After handing the stack over to Colin in the captain's chair, he proceeds right back out again before the door has had time close behind him, leaving the bridge just as quiet as it was a minute ago. Except for the sound of Colin being stuck with a heap of applications, of course.



Sender: Deputy Chief Colin Sinclair, on behalf of Liberty Police, Inc.
Location: Red Deer II, Alberta
Subject: Applications, Mr. Tarlar and Mr. Miles

Ok. So, after some consideration, I've chosen to accept Mr. Stefan Tarlar out of the two of you for a rather simple reason; your application is far too short for me to make up my mind about it, Mr. Miles. While I do commend the effort you put in by getting your patrol vessel set up before you were accepted, I never saw it in action first-hand so it didn't help all that much in the end, I'm afraid. You are of course free to apply again at a later time if you're still interested.

Mr. Tarlar, I'll send you a 5-KYP3 comms protocol contact request later today to finalize things and to get you added to our private comms channel.


-Colin Sinclair, Deputy Chief of the Liberty Police, Inc.

RE: LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Zeeroi - 01-26-2014

Name: Zeeroi Talbot
Age: 22
Height: 6 feet 2 inches
Weight: 86 kg
Previous Jobs: DSE Grizzly Technician and DSE Escort Pilot
Qualifications: DSE Nanobot Proficiency Level 4, DSE Shield Battery Proficiency Level 4, DSE Cretified Scanner Technician

Brief Biography: Orphaned, brought up on Planet Pittsburgh, believed to have Colonial parents who fled the Taus from the onslaught of the Gallia Royal Navy. I have been told my parents and I escaped with IMG help, and they began working as mining support for the IMG, but I was far too young to remember. They felt that the mining life was no place for a small boy, and so they left me at Freeport 4. I made my way to Planet Pittsburgh on a DSE transport, probably a Mammoth, and began working for them when I was old enough to lubricate bearings. I became quite skilled working with nanobots, as my small hands were far more capable of dealing with the nanobot canisters. When I became old enough, I applied for Liberty citizenship, and was successful, but due to my papers being lost I only know the name given to me by my DSE superiors when they picked me up at Freeport 4. I have spent all of my life in Liberty space since, mostly as a technician but frequently an escort light fighter pilot.

Reasons for Joining: I saw a lot of crime and illegal trade when on Planet Pittsburgh, and how life in Liberty degenerates when contaminated with Cardamine, Illegal Firearms, Slaves etc. As a technician, there was little I could do, but stand and watch as Libertonians threw their lives away dealing with criminals and their goods. I want to sign up, to clean up Liberty space, and stop pirate trade from affecting this system.

I have kitted myself out with my earnings from my previous work with a Liberator and x4 Flashpoints IL. I am doing freelance work with the LPI, Navy and LSF while awaiting to hear the results of my application.

5kyp3 protocol (Skype): charlie.deano

RE: LPI Recruitment (iRP) - jaxTeller - 01-29-2014

name: Daniel Grady
age: 26
weight: 185 lbs
previous jobs: prison guard at various stations in texas system, security at top nightclubs on manhatten, and private investigator for some high ranking officials ( you need delta clearance to pull names)
qualifications: just under 20 hours of flight time in a liberty gunboat
short bio: father was a fleet admiral for the liberty navy was killed in action while attacking a rogue outpost when i was 7, mother was too strung out on cardimine to care so i raised my 2 younger brothers untill i turned 18 and joined the prison guard.
reason for joining: to protect and serve is number 1. number 2 cardimine is a terrible drug and i want to keep it out of liberty.
skype: arsonik187

RE: LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Error - 02-02-2014

Nothing interesting to see here; Colin's actually replying to these two in a timely manner for once. Kinda.

Unless you consider that alone to be interesting, of course!

(At this point, Colin wants me to point out that he doesn't find that to be very interesting at all. Just for the record.)


Sender: Deputy Chief Colin Sinclair, on behalf of Liberty Police, Inc.
Location: Red Deer II, Alberta
Subject: Applications, Mr. Zeeroi and Mr. Daniel Grady

Greetings, gentlemen. Or at least I'm assuming that you're both gentlemen; there's unfortunately no gender checkbox on the application form just yet, so you will just have to make do with my apologies in advance if I do happen to get anything wrong. Though I suppose a gender checklist may be more appropriate and/or politically correct in this day and age.

Anyhow. Out of the two most recent applications I've chosen to only accept Mr. Zeeroi's. Mr. Daniel Grady, your application was simply a bit too brief for me to be able to comfortably accept you to the LP, Inc., but you are of course free to apply again at any time.

Mr. Zeeroi, I've sent you a 5-KYP3 comms protocol contact request to get you added to our private channel. Welcome to the force, Recruit.


-Colin Sinclair, Deputy Chief of the Liberty Police, Inc.

RE: LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Alex.Mercer - 02-05-2014

  • Name: Alison.Hunt
  • Age: 25
  • Height: 5"8'
  • Weight: 150
  • Previous Jobs: Personal Body Guard for VIPS, Prison Guard, TRU (Tactical Response Unit)
  • Qualifications: Criminal Justice, Special Tactics Response Training
  • Brief Biography: Born on Planet Manhattan. Became Personal Body guard for VIP/Celebrity Hosts. Prison Security guard on LPI Sugar Land for four years. Graduated from Manhattan university, Married with children, Husband former Liberty Security Force agent,
    Retired to enlist with the Liberty Police
  • Reasons for Joining: Looking to get off planet and to server and protect the citizens
    of Liberty
  • 5kyp3 protocol (Skype): aceman2243