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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 09-24-2007

Comm. ID: Commander Ares

Message Begins//

This evening Lt. Commander Jovovich and I launched a minor assault into California, on mid-priority, LSF, targets.

I arrived first by an interval of approximately 20 seconds, in order to draw fire away from Jovovich's bomber. This idea of Jovovich's worked well, and his bomber was able to take out the LSF gunboat, and the fighter which I had crippled, without any interference.

We then proceeded to destroy much of the defense fleet in orbit around Planet Los Angeles. As I send this to you, more Coalition sympathisers are now able to leave the planet.

We dropped off our prisoners at a detention facility on Crete, then launched an attack on the Outcasts in Alpha. We destroyed several Destroyers which were in production, but one, piloted by 'Mercury', a Lane Hacker, was ready. As we did before, I acted as 'the Sickle', providing a distraction, whilst Jovovich was the crushing 'Hammer' of the formation.

After stalling Outcast Destroyer production, we decided to get souvenirs for my mama and Dimitri's 'mamushka', who were both very proud. We took pictures of ourselves by the Hispania, the ship that took the Coalition to Sirius!

[Image: KillingSpree1.png]
[Image: th_screen87.jpg][Image: th_screen85.jpg][Image: th_screen86.jpg]

Say yes to Freedom! Say no to Cardamine! Glory to the People!

-Ares out!

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Razr - 09-26-2007

Comm ID: Lt.Voronov
To:Captain Dieter Zehn

Today in Gamma while plotting the specs for a patrol in my nav map, a person I remembered by the name of BrachiatuZ he had tried to kill me for a code name gun. After failing I warned him not to return to Gamma, well here I was staring at him he ignored my three minute warning and was terminated. Soon after Lt.Commander Varnava arrived to see the ranting fellow, and he had called in backup VaruZ (GB), [Shadow]_EternalNight (Huntress cruiser) Each pilot was smashed multiple times and posed no threat. I'd like to extend a special thanks to a corsair who actually knew what was going on. Antnubis after seeing the many warnings the fools were given he undocked from crete with his corsair gunboat and assisted us in teaching these boys 'not to spend it all in one place.' Seriously they had more money than sense! Who can afford to purchase five gunboats within twenty minutes!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Lt.Commander Varnava has orded that each violator be treated as a hostile on sight.

Lt.Ivan Voronov out................

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 09-28-2007

Comm. ID: Ares

Message Begins//

So, Revolution in Rheinland anyone? Yes? Good.

We have Corsair backing in moves to attack the fascists running Rheinland at present. They will be attacking through the Sigmas.

I'd rather rely on our own men and women instead of the enthusiastic but untrained Corsairs. So we shall attack through the Omegas, instigating uprisings as we go. Apparently the Unioners are somewhat sympathetic to our Communist ideals.

Anyway, with help or without, we'll punch through the formidable Rheinland Military. Today's scouting mission showed them to be ready to defend Rheinland to the hilt. My ship took immense damage from a still unknown source, which continues to puzzle myself and all witnesses.

A later scouting effort proved more useful. I managed to board several ships as they were in the process of being outfitted, capturing a pair of cruiser commanders overseeing the process, detonating high-explosives inside the ships as I left. On my return to the Omegas, I was attacked by a brave rookie Rheinland Policeman named Wolfhound. His Armoured Transport was left in a heap of molten slag, unable to cope with being out-maneuvered by a more dedicated combat vessel.

That is all, apart from a rather amusing piece of information I picked up on long range scanners...

A BSG pilot is using my call-sign! I'll take it as a compliment or something... but I'll make one thing clear. He is most certainly not me nor even related to me in any fashion. I am flattered though, haha!

-Ares out

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Sonja - 09-29-2007

Comm ID: Sonja Kerensky

Sleeping in the mountains of Crete. Looking up at the delightfully...boring!

I recieved a message from Commander Ares that a massive Outcast and Dragon presence had been detected in Omicron Alpha. Intel showed at least a single battleship, cruiser and gunboat. A small strike team consisting of myself, Nikolai Varnava, Ares and Ivan Voronov assembled at the jump hole to Omicron Alpha. However, Ivan had to bail out before the fight even began due to a massive fuel leak in his left engine, which could have cought fire (The fuel mixture contains Ivan has uses its own oxygen, so it will burn well, even in space). While he went limping back to Crete, the three of us jumped through and attacked.

NovaPG were spotted, and distrupted by Ares. One dual nova shot finished the gunboat before it had even started. The others were as disorganised as the victim, who pleaded for mercy as my novas met his hull. They refused to fight us, knowing that the odds were against them. Let them live with their cowardice.

We proceeded to Ibiza, but just as our cruise engines engaged, an Outcast destroyer "Crateria" came into view. He was engaged, and was downed fast. However, Ares' titan was too close to the explosion and the EM pulse disabled his electronics. Directions were fed into what was left of his guidance systems to take him back to Crete.

The two of us, Nikolai and myself, proceeded to planet Malta after Ibiza was cleared of hostiles. We encountered a disorganised force of two Outcast battleships, another destroyer, and a fighter. Of course, they thought they could take two small bombers. Well, they thought wrong!

The first battleship, named after the Hispania, went down after a medium period of time, and the second engaged about two minutes before the first was destroyed. The second put up slightly more of a fight, but went down. Some time in between this, an outcast destroyer, which was irrelavent to the outcome of the battle, fell.

The last target, a poorly built fighter, decided to suicide and save what was left of his faction's honour than die by our hands. Let him have his honour, I say, when we have his life.

Today's engagement told us two things:

1. The Outcasts can field a massive amount of armour.

2. The Coalition does not take odds into account when it destroys the enemy.

As a side note, Ares returned after the battle for a photoshoot at the wreck of the Hispania, the ship which brought us to Sirius.

[Image: th_screen145.jpg]

Here are the kills recorded during the battle:

[Image: screen138.jpg]
[Image: SCRA-CrateriaNPC.jpg]
[Image: screen140.jpg]
[Image: screen141.jpg]
[Image: screen142.jpg]
[Image: screen144.jpg]

The first shows the death of the gunboat.
The second shows the death of the first Outcast destroyer encountered.
The third shows the death of the first Outcast dreadnought.
The fourth shows the death of the second Outcast destroyer
The fifth shows the death of the second Outcast dreadnought
The last shows the suiciding Outcast, overwhelmed by the loss of his peers.

Note: The sizes and lengths of the assorted messages could not be standardised. I apologise if it is an inconveniance.

End Transmission.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - NovaPG-Die-Hard - 09-29-2007

**Hacked interface**

Comm ID: Captain Bruce Willis

To: all SCRA Scum

You are proud of attacking one under construction Members?

You scum report Lies and half truths, No other NovaPG was involved.

Now i warn you SCRA, if you continue to attack any members of the NovaPG.

I will order the whole fleet to destroy you, Mark my words the Blockade on sigma 13 will look like a walk in the park.

i will have you hung on the mito gallows for your cowardice

This is Not a Threat its a god dammed promise..

Bruce Willis Out............

**Hacked Interface Ended**

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - desecrator - 09-29-2007

--- Incoming Transmission ---
-Trace Detected; Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma - Transmitting Message-

Message to; Captain Bruce Willis of the NovaPG
CC to; The Sirius Coalition Revolution Army, The NovaPG
CommID: Lt. Commander Nikolai Varnava of the SCRA

Well well well, so we have a bunch of sour grapes hacking our comm systems? Heh, annoying at first yes, but became amusing after I read your transmission.

Note this 'Bruce', all NovaPG ships will continued to be attacked and terrorized by our vessels. We have no intentions of standing down. If you wish for us to end it, maybe staying out of range from our strong point would be smart? How about going back to Kusari space, where Blood Dragons are supposed to be in a bitter Revolution would be wise? And not meddling with drug dealing Outcasts... Hmm, maybe not... The choice is yours.

The loss of your gunboat within Omicron Alpha earlier today is not entirely our fault, but your own. As it was escorted by not one, but two of your own gunboats. My apologies if we chose to destroy our enemies then let them roam free.

So, now as for your threat. If you wish to bring your 'fleet' in to our space, do so. The results you will find most enjoyable... For us at least.

--- Transmission Terminated ---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 09-30-2007

Comm. ID: Commander Ares

Message Begins//

Regarding the Blood Dragons...

Do not go out of your way to attack them. Our main targets just now are the decadent Houses and, to a lesser extent, the Outcasts. The Blood Dragons inadvertently provide a fair degree of instability in Kusari for our Communist movement to take advantage of.

Now, they are still in favour of a feudalistic Shogunate, which goes against what we stand for. So, if they get in your way, blast them. Also, do not put up with them massing fleets near space which we consider our own. And, as always, if fired upon, make them regret it.

Next time, we will warn those suicide-merchants to go back to Kusari where they belong before an assault. Hopefully they remember their revolutionary roots.

-Ares out

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 10-06-2007

Comm. I.D: Commander Ares

//Message Begins

Today, Strongpoint Gamma was attacked by a large Outcast force. Their attack was disjointed and poorly-led, much to our advantage.

First, an Outcast Destroyer arrived on scans. Myself, my sister Enyo and Lt. Voronov made short work of it thanks to Ivan's bomber.

Then, two gunboats, paired with Lohingren, leader of the 'Reapers of Sirius', attacked.

Enyo's computer malfunctioned, so we covered her retreat.

The two gunboats rapid-firing guns were unfortunately too much for Ivan's Taiidan Bomber, taking him out of the fight.

The three vessels then pummeled me with their guns, but I was able to keep an even footing with Lohingren, who proudly and foolishly called them off. He wanted me alone.

Well, my Disruptors kept blowing his torpedoes up in his face and he went down.

I wasn't able to handle Gunboats in my fighter, not having enough firepower to hurt them, so I distracted them until Commodore Stakhanov in the Osiris-class 'Karl Marx' managed to get to the battlefield from Strongpoint Gamma.

They were blasted rather abruptly upon his arrival, one fleeing as his comrade was disintegrated.

Another victory for the Coalition!

-Ares out

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Razr - 10-06-2007

Location: Planet Crete Medical Ward
Subject: Ivan Voronov

Ivan awoke in a daze, he looked around and noticed he was laying on a steel table. Ivan looked at the doctor for an indication of a problem, but when he opened his mouth and tried to speak no words came out. The doctor looked at Ivan with pity and sadness, then muttered "Lieutenant Voronov The damage you sustained from you last fight was staggering. You fell so far into shock from the pain, that your brain somehow damaged itself, as a result you'll never be able to speak again."
Ivan just let his body drop back on the table, it wasn't like anyone ever listened to what he had to say, but he couldn't help feeling like he'd never be whole again. Ivan wondered why life always held bad fortune, Captain Zehn had always told him that if he gave then he would receive just as much back. The angry Coalition man clenched his fist so hard blood trickled from his palm, then almost as suddenly as his awakening he was asleep again.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 10-06-2007

Location: Planet Crete Medical Ward
Subject: Ivan Voronov

The doctor shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. He was grateful that they had a truckload of pharmaceuticals out the back...

The extreme amount of painkillers were necessary to carry out Ares' orders. Implanting electronics into Ivan's throat was a horrifically painful process. Without the painkillers, it might have killed him.

Anyway, he still sniggered. He laughed because Ivan would find the cure more painful than the injury.

Commander Ares had ordered that the vocal implants were to be programmed to sound like a small girl. He had also ordered a remote control to turn the damn thing off.

Cruel, but deserved, thought the doctor. Funny, too.