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Communication Zone: Maquis Front de Libération de Gallia - Printable Version

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RE: Communication Zone: Maquis Front de Libération de Gallia - Buka - 12-31-2021

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Author:Louis Fontaine
Recipient:Lionel Boucher
Subject:Take Charge in Orkney, see what's up
Encryption:L'étoile de Nox

Monsieur Boucher, After a day or so spent at thinking about your message and multiple analizes of logs sent by you as well some patrols in Orkney, I've came to conclusion - First, the Radman, informations shared by him are indeed true. There can be seen Gallic Naval forces transports heading to modular installation located near Planet Sanday. Crippling these supply units will have heavy impact on enemy force therefore I'm sure that Radman would require some prize for intel he gave you. What about that Bounty Hunter... I don't really trust Sirians but If its true that he works for himself we may gain another gun facing at Navy units for some price of-course. My last investigation shows that base is still in construction however its already capable of supporting multiple fighter wings. I would request to deploy at least one capital sized vessel, one bomber, and two fighter wings in Orkney System ready to support eventual strike on the installation and transports.
What are your toughs?

Terminer l'émission,
Louis Fontaine

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RE: Communication Zone: Maquis Front de Libération de Gallia - Lionel Bourcher - 12-31-2021

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From:Lionel Boucher
To:Louis Fontaine
Subject:Go for it

Putain Fontaine,

What part of "you are in charge" do you not understand! I am busy trying to get something out of the Lorraine, Champagne and Caussade messes, putting our Inaugural Annual Propaganda and Fighting Leaders' Ceremony together and my back started hurting terribly to top it all off!

You have Carte Blanche, use our spare resources to reward the Junker if you think he deserves it, tell him about Martinique and that it pays for Council Military Salvage and do what you see fit in Orkney, grab whoever is willing to help you out.

Take charge, and don't worry about fucking up. First you wouldn't be a Maquisard if hou haven't made a few big screw ups in your life, and second - we have hit Orkney before and we can hit it again if you make a mess of things, go for it!

Ok? Ok!

Terminer l'émission,
Lionel Boucher
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RE: Communication Zone: Maquis Front de Libération de Gallia - Lionel Bourcher - 01-08-2022

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From:Lionel Boucher
To:Louis Fontaine
Subject:Good call

You and the Junker weren't kidding - there is some sort of angry looking base and the Bretonians are attacking!

I got my sexy [FLG]NT-Predator some great upgrades lately - A Sirian that was looking even dodgier than a Brigand Loan Shark sold me this Furnace Performance Thruster that propells my Pradator to explosive speeds!

Two of some sort of Seafood shaped Bretonian ships were already there - and guess what, the cocky Sirians said we won't be able to do anything with our ships!

Not on my watch - my Predator packs a punch of a killer whale, is as fast as a cheetah and agile like a dolphin, I decided to show the Brets what it can do. There was no chance the mighty Predator would get blown up by one little base!

[08.01.2022 16:11:19] [FLG]NT-Predator: Bonjour!
[08.01.2022 16:11:25] BAF|HMS-Grandiose: Harold: Hail, Maquisard. Is this all the promised support?
[08.01.2022 16:11:33] [FLG]NT-Predator: Support?
[08.01.2022 16:11:39] [FLG]NT-Predator: Fontaine told me to show up
[08.01.2022 16:11:42] [FLG]NT-Predator: What's all this about
[08.01.2022 16:12:07] [FLG]NT-Predator: Vengeance Actual - are you expecting us also?
[08.01.2022 16:12:09] BAF|HMS-Grandiose: Harold: A certain Fontaine has promised us support in the form of battlecruisers and snubcraft. Yet nothing so far.
[08.01.2022 16:12:50] [FLG]NT-Predator: I repeat - Vengeance actual - were you expecting us?
[08.01.2022 16:12:53] BAF|HMS-Vengeance: Khatri: I don't think any ships the Maquis can bring would mean much, sir. All of them are outranged by the platforms.
[08.01.2022 16:13:10] BAF|HMS-Vengeance: Khatri: Only if the enemy moved the platforms, and we needed a decoy, but so far we are good.
[08.01.2022 16:13:49] [FLG]NT-Predator: Are you trying to test my resolve, Sirian?
[08.01.2022 16:14:01] [FLG]NT-Predator: I suppose you have no clue who you are dealing with here
[08.01.2022 16:14:07] Death: BAF|MN-George.Teeze was put out of action by Frog (Gun).
[08.01.2022 16:14:14] [FLG]NT-Predator: Pour Gallia!
[08.01.2022 16:14:20] BAF|HMS-Vengeance: Khatri: The Avalon is experiencing some difficulties with their radio, sir.
[08.01.2022 16:14:20] BAF|HMS-Grandiose: Harold: Indeed we do not. Are you not only a transport captain?
[08.01.2022 16:14:48] BAF|HMS-Vengeance: Khatri: Bloody hell...
[08.01.2022 16:15:20] BAF|HMS-Vengeance: Khatri: If only bravery alone could do damage to Bregancon, those Maquis would have it down in a minute.
[08.01.2022 16:15:45] [FLG]NT-Predator: Die Royalist scum, die!
[08.01.2022 16:15:45] BAF|HMS-Grandiose: Harold: Quite so. But bravery is of little use on the modern battlefield.
[08.01.2022 16:16:01] BAF|HMS-Vengeance: Khatri: Regrettably.
[08.01.2022 16:16:20] Death: [FLG]NT-Predator was put out of action by a hostile vessel.

The mighty Predator got blown up

Terminer l'émission,
Lionel Boucher
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RE: Communication Zone: Maquis Front de Libération de Gallia - Lionel Bourcher - 01-11-2022

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From:Lionel Boucher
Recipient:Remi, FLG
Subject:Sirian potential Recruit, mission done

Strange times
Ok so listen, this freelancer on a Kestrel, Tocsun hates that those guilty of Leeds went unpunished. I explained the situation, handed him propaganda and decided to test him.

I have shipped him 20 million credits and asked him to deliver whatever he thinks we'd need from Sirius to Roussillon and then give us a call.

If he does well and reaches out let's consider to offer him a spot in our military arm before we let him do the more...passionate stuff under my tutelage.

Secret Mission
Remi, I have done what you asked me to do, not seen by anyone I didn't want to be seen by.

I sure hope you know what you are doing - I am no good diplomat, I am straightforward and hate games like this, but if you can navigate through this I will consider you the sorcier en chef des négociations.

[10.01.2022 22:10:08] [FLG]NT-Predator: Hello freelancer
[10.01.2022 22:10:10] [FLG]NT-Predator: care for a chat?
[10.01.2022 22:10:13] Tocsun: hello
[10.01.2022 22:10:32] [FLG]NT-Predator: what brings you to these parts
[10.01.2022 22:11:08] Tocsun: I am trying to find out Gallian rebels to trade with
[10.01.2022 22:11:47] [FLG]NT-Predator: Well we like to call ourselves Revolutionaries or but you found them!
[10.01.2022 22:12:15] Tocsun: natio doesn't like me yet
[10.01.2022 22:12:23] [FLG]NT-Predator: *laughs* not a trusting bunch
[10.01.2022 22:12:32] Tocsun: they're about half a bar away from leaving me alone
[10.01.2022 22:12:35] [FLG]NT-Predator: We on the other hand, know nobody and fight an impossible enemy
[10.01.2022 22:13:20] [FLG]NT-Predator: So Sirian, what are you after - Money?
[10.01.2022 22:13:25] Tocsun: Yes, I hear an enemy that didn't expect its own people to care about 6 billion Bretonians?
[10.01.2022 22:13:45] Tocsun: Well, in the short term, a better ship
[10.01.2022 22:13:48] Tocsun: so yes, money
[10.01.2022 22:14:13] ERR Invalid parameters
[10.01.2022 22:14:17] Tocsun: But I want to join either a Gallic anti-Royalist, or Crayter, or IMG but not sure which
[10.01.2022 22:14:39] Tocsun: I've always liked the Crayter faction
[10.01.2022 22:15:12] [FLG]NT-Predator: yeah have what I needed, gl guys :)
[10.01.2022 22:15:16] [FLG]NT-Predator: I might make a gaian transport
[10.01.2022 22:15:21] [FLG]NT-Predator: the route is super easy haha
[10.01.2022 22:15:33] [FLG]NT-Predator: Well listen stranger
[10.01.2022 22:15:37] Tocsun: After all, Leeds is where I came from so I have no intention of cosying up to those genocidal maniacs
[10.01.2022 22:16:07] [FLG]NT-Predator: You came to the right place - us Maquisards are against the Gallic Union riddled with those that followed orders
[10.01.2022 22:16:12] [FLG]NT-Predator: and against Royalists themselves
[10.01.2022 22:17:24] Tocsun: My curiosity is piqued, but I'm not ready to commit right this minute
[10.01.2022 22:17:28] [FLG]NT-Predator: But listen Tocsun
[10.01.2022 22:17:34] [FLG]NT-Predator: I don't know you and you don't know me
[10.01.2022 22:17:38] [FLG]NT-Predator: Tell you this
[10.01.2022 22:17:53] [FLG]NT-Predator: How about I give you some money as means towards a better ship, and some of our information
[10.01.2022 22:18:09] [FLG]NT-Predator: And you will deliver to one of our Roussillon bases what you think we would find useful
[10.01.2022 22:18:13] [FLG]NT-Predator: at whichever quantity
[10.01.2022 22:18:16] [FLG]NT-Predator: how does that sound
[10.01.2022 22:18:26] Tocsun: a shipping run?
[10.01.2022 22:18:30] [FLG]NT-Predator:  
[10.01.2022 22:18:41] [FLG]NT-Predator: Of sorts, you sirians tend to be able to get things
[10.01.2022 22:19:05] [FLG]NT-Predator: Surprise us for a small sum then we can see if we are a good fit in your quest against the Leeds guilty parties
[10.01.2022 22:19:10] [FLG]NT-Predator: Sounds good?
[10.01.2022 22:19:46] Tocsun: well, if I'm able to land, I'd be happy to be your freighter for a bit
[10.01.2022 22:19:59] [FLG]NT-Predator: very well Sirian
[10.01.2022 22:20:42] [FLG]NT-Predator: keep your credits friend
[10.01.2022 22:21:34] Tocsun: where am I going?
[10.01.2022 22:21:34] [FLG]NT-Predator: right
[10.01.2022 22:21:51] [FLG]NT-Predator: that us up to you Sirian, fly in your sirian bases, get us something we'd find useful
[10.01.2022 22:22:03] [FLG]NT-Predator: When done, deliver it to one of our bases here
[10.01.2022 22:22:16] Tocsun: in Roussilon? Isn't there only one base?
[10.01.2022 22:22:16] [FLG]NT-Predator: and send me a communication, name's boucher *smiles*
[10.01.2022 22:22:29] [FLG]NT-Predator: our base is in 4G area
[10.01.2022 22:22:42] Tocsun: yes, near planet Elne
[10.01.2022 22:22:50] Tocsun: I'll head there now
[10.01.2022 22:22:52] [FLG]NT-Predator: find any materials in sirius you think we can use and deliver them there
[10.01.2022 22:23:17] [FLG]NT-Predator: Good luck Freelancer - take it as a test of working together! Surprise us

Terminer l'émission,
Lionel Boucher
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RE: Communication Zone: Maquis Front de Libération de Gallia - Lionel Bourcher - 01-14-2022

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From:Lionel Boucher
Subject:Royalists came out of their holes

C'est quoi ce bordel?
Long story short, the Royalists swarmed Tau-44. The strange traders I've met the other day were chatting to Crayterians and were assaulted.

I would find out more but an asteroid blew up a nova in my face. That bastard.

[14.01.2022 18:17:35] Ori|Eyran.Annis.: Begone.
[14.01.2022 18:17:36] Ori|Stella:Dewoitine: When is season A?
[14.01.2022 18:17:36] MdG/-Ruben.Leclere.: Hunting season?
[14.01.2022 18:17:37] Jaan.Sono: Yes.
[14.01.2022 18:21:28] DTR-CNS>Tavros: Eros: We'd like to perform a joint strike on Malta
[14.01.2022 18:21:30] Ori|Eyran.Annis.: Raiders inbound.
[14.01.2022 18:21:33] Ori|Eyran.Annis.: Execute edict.
[14.01.2022 18:21:40] =CR=FV-Argos|47: Combes: That can certainly be arranged.
[14.01.2022 18:21:46] MdG/-Aurore-V: Targets are confirmed.
[14.01.2022 18:21:52] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Cava
[14.01.2022 18:21:53] Ori|Eyran.Annis.: Slaughter them.
[14.01.2022 18:21:54] Ori|Stella:Dewoitine: Multiple targets.
[14.01.2022 18:22:00] MdG/-Aurore-V: Lock confirmed.
[14.01.2022 18:22:06] MdG/-Aurore-V: Engaging.
[14.01.2022 18:22:07] =CR=FV-Argos|47: Combes: My men have had the ability to strike their home for a while now. Benefit of knowing the Taus well.
[14.01.2022 18:22:07] =CR=Thunder-Wolf: keep them off!
[14.01.2022 18:22:08] MdG/-Ruben.Leclere.: Roger.
[14.01.2022 18:22:09] Jaan.Sono: Alright, weapons primed.
[14.01.2022 18:22:10] Ori|Stella:Dewoitine: Let's shred them.
[14.01.2022 18:22:12] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: well
[14.01.2022 18:22:13] MdG/-Ruben.Leclere.: Readying weapons.
[14.01.2022 18:22:15] DTR-Filibuster: Felicis: Look out, compadres!
[14.01.2022 18:22:19] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: time to kill me some Royalists
[14.01.2022 18:22:22] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Pour Gallia
[14.01.2022 18:22:23] Ori|Stella:Dewoitine: Torpedoes armed.
[14.01.2022 18:22:34] DTR-Nox.: L: Standing by until ordered to.
[14.01.2022 18:22:45] =CR=FV-Argos|47: WO: Point defense, online.
[14.01.2022 18:22:51] DTR-Filibuster: Felicis: Aye!
[14.01.2022 18:23:20] DTR-CNS>Tavros: Eros: Do you require assistance?
[14.01.2022 18:25:25] MdG/-Jade.Paris.: Well done
[14.01.2022 18:25:25] Death: [FLG]Boucher's.Jag suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).

Terminer l'émission,
Lionel Boucher
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RE: Communication Zone: Maquis Front de Libération de Gallia - Lionel Bourcher - 01-23-2022

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From:Lionel Boucher
Subject:Sirians came back!

Those guys that were vital in saving Caussade project came back after a very long time - although why were they hauling food supplies to Gallia of all places escapes me.

Oh well - we want allies and keep our pro-Sirian stance, trying to understand their bizzare behavior that includes odd trading patterns, ships and even fantastical far fetched tales of some space lizards that climb into people is sort of what we need to do.

I told them we will always welcome more of their munitions, guns or whatever was the good stuff they have been shipping us, we exchanged pleasantries and they were on their way - wherever it is that Sirians go.

[23.01.2022 10:16:30] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: Bonjour!
[23.01.2022 10:16:49] 2022-01-23 10:16:49 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:16:49] SCRA|CPS-Minsk: RO: Bonjour
[23.01.2022 10:17:10] 2022-01-23 10:17:10 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:17:10] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: Fancy seeing you here!
[23.01.2022 10:17:14] 2022-01-23 10:17:14 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:17:14] SCRA|CPS-Minsk: RO: Need something, gallic comrade?
[23.01.2022 10:17:15] 2022-01-23 10:17:16 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:17:15] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: What happened to that VL guy !
[23.01.2022 10:17:21] 2022-01-23 10:17:21 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:17:21] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: or VI?
[23.01.2022 10:17:23] 2022-01-23 10:17:23 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:17:23] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: I do forget
[23.01.2022 10:17:41] 2022-01-23 10:17:42 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:17:41] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: had a ship just like yours
[23.01.2022 10:17:42] 2022-01-23 10:17:42 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:17:42] SCRA|CPS-Minsk: ?: It doent matter, comrade.
[23.01.2022 10:17:48] 2022-01-23 10:17:49 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:17:48] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: And Volgograd munitions he did!
[23.01.2022 10:17:52] 2022-01-23 10:17:53 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:17:52] SCRA|CPS-Minsk: doesn`t*
[23.01.2022 10:17:57] 2022-01-23 10:17:58 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:17:57] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: They were very useful indeed!
[23.01.2022 10:18:08] 2022-01-23 10:18:09 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:18:08] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: Well, what brings you to these ends
[23.01.2022 10:18:24] 2022-01-23 10:18:24 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:18:24] SCRA|CPS-Minsk: RO: You mean?..
[23.01.2022 10:18:43] 2022-01-23 10:18:44 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:18:43] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: As in what brought you to Gallia
[23.01.2022 10:20:07] 2022-01-23 10:20:08 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:20:07] SCRA|VI-CPS-Zyrianin: RO: We sell in Gallia some Food.
[23.01.2022 10:20:18] 2022-01-23 10:20:18 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:20:18] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: Oh well - no worries
[23.01.2022 10:20:18] 2022-01-23 10:20:19 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:20:18] SCRA|CPS-Minsk: RO: We bringed to gallia a food rations ye.
[23.01.2022 10:20:30] 2022-01-23 10:20:31 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:20:30] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: If you have more of that Volgograd Industrial thing you have already delivered to us
[23.01.2022 10:20:39] 2022-01-23 10:20:39 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:20:39] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: You are always welcome to bring more!
[23.01.2022 10:20:52] 2022-01-23 10:20:52 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:20:52] SCRA|VI-CPS-Zyrianin: RO: Okay.
[23.01.2022 10:20:54] 2022-01-23 10:20:54 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:20:54] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: Or Volgograd Munitions was it *thinks*
[23.01.2022 10:21:01] 2022-01-23 10:21:02 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:21:01] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: We can barter whatever you need
[23.01.2022 10:21:07] 2022-01-23 10:21:07 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:21:07] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: They were very potent indeed
[23.01.2022 10:21:11] 2022-01-23 10:21:11 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:21:11] SCRA|CPS-Minsk: RO: Sure comrade. Can we continue our journey?
[23.01.2022 10:21:17] 2022-01-23 10:21:18 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:21:17] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: hey
[23.01.2022 10:21:21] 2022-01-23 10:21:22 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:21:21] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: Why do you ask me *laughs*
[23.01.2022 10:21:27] 2022-01-23 10:21:28 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:21:27] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: your people have done a lot for us
[23.01.2022 10:21:34] 2022-01-23 10:21:34 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:21:34] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: you are free to do as you please
[23.01.2022 10:21:42] 2022-01-23 10:21:43 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:21:42] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: *tips hat*
[23.01.2022 10:21:43] 2022-01-23 10:21:43 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:21:43] SCRA|CPS-Minsk: RO: Well, its rude stopping a dialog like that.
[23.01.2022 10:21:47] 2022-01-23 10:21:48 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:21:47] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: till next time!
[23.01.2022 10:21:48] 2022-01-23 10:21:48 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:21:48] SCRA|CPS-Minsk: RO: Good luck.
[23.01.2022 10:21:50] 2022-01-23 10:21:51 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:21:50] [FLG]Provence.Gardien: I like your manners
[23.01.2022 10:21:56] 2022-01-23 10:21:57 SMT
[23.01.2022 10:21:57] SCRA|VI-CPS-Zyrianin: RO:Good luck!

Terminer l'émission,
Lionel Boucher
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RE: Communication Zone: Maquis Front de Libération de Gallia - Lionel Bourcher - 02-08-2022

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From:Lionel Boucher
Subject:Money for the cause

Good raid

Got myself 30 large ones from GMS, sellin' that to that place god knows where - Kappa something, location I got from a bartender aeons back.

No clue where the fuck I am, but this is a lot of money for the cause

Terminer l'émission,
Lionel Boucher
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RE: Communication Zone: Maquis Front de Libération de Gallia - Lionel Bourcher - 02-09-2022

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From:Lionel Boucher

We have widespread support currently from the populace across former Republique and from a lesser extent the Minarchy so I wouldn't mess with this stuff in the open as it won't win us many popularity contests. But we do have some of the substance Gaians used on Gaia - I am open to ideas.

Terminer l'émission,
Lionel Boucher
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RE: Communication Zone: Maquis Front de Libération de Gallia - ambasada.ludozerska - 02-12-2022

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Author: Raimund Lavigned
Recipient: The Front's High Command
Subject: The new neighbourhood

Two days ago on Battleship Pamiers I was approached by Boucher, who told me a new jump hole appeared in the Agout Asteroid Field and asked me to accompany him on the scouting flight. After jumping, we emerged in the previously uncharted space near the binary pair of Tau-61. The hole leading back to Roussillon is located near the edge of an icy asteroid field on the outskirts of the system, facing a gas giant with three moons. The largest of them appeared to have atmosphere and water on the surface, but we were unable to find a reentry vector safe enough for our ships to use.
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A quick tour around revealed another jump hole in a second asteroid field on the opposite side of the planet, this one leading to Orkney, not far from Gaians' Kirkwall Base. While we cannot be completely sure without a detailed survey, it appears those are the only two entry/exit points into and out of the system. Boucher already started planning how to use the new space when we found out we weren't the first ones to get there.

While flying through the large nebula outwards from the jumphole, our sensors started returning unusual readings. We decided to cloak and check them out. The source of those anomalous signals turned out to be a large installation of unknown ownership. Boucher tried to initiate contact from the safety of cloaking field, but received no response. Likewise, there was no traffic anywhere near the station, despite it visibly being equipped to service large vessels, including capital ships. We soon started to run out of cloaking device batteries, so I decided to leave and led us back to Roussillon, where we docked on Caussade. Unfortunely, most of the data I gathered about the station had been corrupted for unknown reason, including the navigation logs.

Terminer l'émission,
Raimund Lavigned
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RE: Communication Zone: Maquis Front de Libération de Gallia - Lionel Bourcher - 02-16-2022

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From:Lionel Boucher

Found myself a new source of guns! Volgograd Ordinance, it's good stuff, oui - get it in Omegas, Caussade will pay handsomely if you deliver it - 5659 credits per unit to be exact. Nox can be taken to Gran Canaria from Montauban in Roussillon on the way there!

Terminer l'émission,
Lionel Boucher
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