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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 01-14-2008

Comm. ID: Captain Ares

Message Begins//

Well, I managed to extract my mother (and Spetsnaz squadron Omega) from Planet Crete before those treacherous TBH bastards could lay their dirty paws on her.

I entered Gamma to get my mama, finding a pair of TBH buzzing around.

Well, my nuclear mines gassed Banderas' Titan, then Matei's. I was then engaged by an independent Titan piloted by Phaedrus Zeta, brought over by Banderas' lies, who ate my mines too. And then Almeros, a pirate IDed Nephthys, engaged...

...and also bit the dust, after being force fed his own torpedo.

Well, after four kills solo, I dusted myself off and picked up mama from Crete, putting her on a shuttle from Freeport 5 to civilian quarters on Planet Gran Canaria that Commodore Zehn should be able to organise. She wasn't too pleased at my risking my neck against those 'bad, unwashed Brotherhood boys' for her, but we Coalition folks actually care about our families, unlike the backstabbing Brotherhood.

Anyway, I put the fear of Marx into those villainous scoundrels, reminding them that we're the top dog in Sirius.

The Revolution storms ahead. Adios, amigos.

-Ares out

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 01-15-2008

Comm. ID: Captain Jan Richthofen

Message Begins//

A positive development, comrades.

I want you all to welcome recruits Prutko and Karchov, Vasili and Alexi, both fresh Libertonian revolutionaries that have signed up as Lieutenants for our cause.

They are currently en-route to the quartermaster, arming for coming conflicts.

It's good to see the Revolution expanding, and I'd like to see everyone make these fine young gentlemen feel at home here.

For the people,

-Richthofen out

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cmfalconer - 01-16-2008

To: SCRA Command
From: Lt. Alexi Karchov

Greetings Comrades,

I have finished outfitting my ViperII with the help of Capt. Ares. Sadly, before I could get properly equipped, the Havana was jumped by TBH traitors. I was ordered out of the system by Capt. Ares as my training and outfitting is incomplete.

Clenching my teeth at not getting my chance at the treacherous dogs, I proceeded to Nome base to have the Xenos fix my transponder. New ships always have these glitches.

I hope to have my transponder fixed soon and training started soon, but the looks on the Xeno engineers face says I won't be training for a few days.

Until then Comrades, keep up the good fight!

Lt. Karchov out

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 01-16-2008

Comm. ID: Captain Ares

Message Begins//

Typical Brotherhood swine trying to jump someone that is effectively a Coalition civilian.

Well, I made Banderas regret making that mistake, nuking his vessel, when I was engaged by our lunatic traitor, Mr. Voronov. Unfortunately, my light fighter's weapons systems were not up to the challenge of his Raven's Talon's shields and I found myself swarmed by hired thugs in Titans.

Having managed a successful rearguard for Alexi, I saw no need to take unnecessary risks, and landed on Planet Gran Canaria for repairs.

So far, the Brotherhood has not managed to destroy a single SCRA vessel in this little conflict. Let's keep it that way.

-Ares out

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 01-16-2008

Comm. ID: Captain Ares

Message Begins//

Well, after a close call earlier, I decided to take out my sturdier Raven's Talon into Omicron Gamma to hunt down the treacherous Brotherhood.

I encountered Matei and Banderas in their Titans, who seem to think that we fired the first shots in this war, and engaged immediately. I found myself swarmed by hired amateurs in Titans too, but they weren't able to prevent me vapourising the twin Brotherhood craft I had my sights set on.

I headed back to Omicron Theta for (very minor) repairs and marked two extra notches on my baby's hull.

We strike from the shadows and bring light to the darkness of my homeworld. Oh, and Commodore Zehn, sorry again about the solo mission. I just couldn't help myself. I think I might be taking this conflict with those slimy, ass-kissing traitors a touch too personal...

Anyway, I'm rockin' steady... adios, amigos and comrades!

-Ares out!

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Spear - 01-16-2008

To: SCRA Command
From: Lt. Vasiliy Prutko


Lt Prutko reporting for duty, my shiny new Viper Mrk 1 is fully equiped and ready to serve the people and aid in the destruction of our enemies.

Prutko out

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Spear - 01-16-2008

To: SCRA Command
From: Lt. Vasiliy Prutko


Reporting my first kill comrades! This evening I launched from an undisclosed Freeport close to the Gamma system on a rapid solo strike to test my skill in my new craft. On arrival at Crete I was fortunate to encounter Denton[TBH] launching! After insulting the dog we engaged in combat. After awhile of jousting a Corsair Osiris appeared as well as one on their lunchbox Gunboats and a Praetorian bomber. Unable to pin me down the Osiris and Gunboat stood of the engagement and I struck down my TBH Titan enemy with a missile salvo and torpedo while his sheild was down.

The bomber, designation: Or immediatley started a retreat towards Crete and the Osiris droping nukes behind him. I pursued then relented telling my foe to run and setting a course out of the system. I had what I wanted, my first kill and only minor scratches on my hull sustained.


Prutko out

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 01-17-2008

To: Lt. Vasiliy Prutko
Comm. ID: Captain Jan Richthofen

Message Begins//

Great work, Vasiliy! Facing down a full enemy battlegroup solo, and achieving a strategic victory... perfect!

Now, I must remind you to be careful, though. Do not hesitate to extract yourself as rapidly as possible if things get too hot. Losing your dignity is one thing... losing your life is another.

Again, well done, you'll go far, son.

-Richthofen out!

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Spear - 01-17-2008

To: SCRA Command
From: Lt. Vasiliy Prutko


Tracking a Bounty Hunter to Omega 49 I noticed I was myself being hunted be a TBH Gunboat, designation: Sicarii[TBH] I evaded this craft having no patience to stand toe to toe with a Gunboat in my Viper. I stated my intention to head for Gamma and kill me a TBH and gave the craft the slip.

In Gamma I met Shepardi[TBH] pilotiing a Titan near Cella Dior. After a short engagement I claimed my second TBH scalp! Comms indicated I had another hostile pilot on approach seeking vengance and I met [Almeros] piloting Nephthys fighter near Crete. This engagement proved tougher, even more so when a Cruiser, designation: Xibanya Nuren(Laowai) and a Gunboat designation: Sinshadow attempted to aid Almeros.

Concentrating my fire on the fighter I pulled the caps into the asteroids near Tripoli and the Gunboat choose to dis-engage. After a long engagement I destroyed Almeros craft and set a course for home. Taunting the Cruiser Commanders inability to save his friend.

My kill count is now 3 for the Coalition!

[Image:] [Image:] [Image:]

Prutko out

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 01-17-2008

Comm. ID: Captain Ares

Message Begins//

Well, it looks like the Brotherhood are so terrified of Captain Costello that they have to send whole divisions to attack his, still unfit for combat, Osiris, the Havana. Apparently they need a cruiser, two bombers, some fighters and a gunboat to attack an unready battleship.

I jumped in as quickly as possible, and found myself swarmed. I ordered all troops on the surface to scatter and take cover in underground complexes, inspired by ancient Terran strategies used by our Vietnamese Communist predecessors. The bombardment mostly hit Zoner and Corsair settlements, but thankfully our raid sirens were able to warn them before it began.

We dropped to Gran Canaria's surface safely, evading enemy fire.

It appears that our guerrilla tactics are working well. We've got the foe scared, afraid to venture out alone and we've still to lose a ship in combat.

-Ares out

//Message Ends