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[M]olly Recruitment Center - Printable Version

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[M]olly Recruitment Center - Tigger - 05-25-2012

[Image: mollygentop.png]

Aye John, ye be accepted. Report to Li'l Bo at Colleraine for initial training and processing.

Welcome to the fight lad, there's a dark storm looming ahead and we need all the pilots we an get.

Carrie Duncan
Officer of the Day

[Image: mollygenbtm.png]

[M]olly Recruitment Center - Slainte - 06-10-2012

Pat woke with a start. "Some buggers hammering somewhere" he thought to himself.
Thats when the pain hit him.
The hot, searing pain that only comes with a hangover the likes of which he didnt get that often. Mainly because he wasnt sober that often.
" I need a drink " he said to no-one in particuler and checked his pockets for creds.
After finding none he realised with a shock that he would have to go earn some through goods deads or foul. Foul being the preferd one.
BMM'ers need releasing from our gold again but he had best get some backup for it. Been a while and he was rusty.

Name: Pat McGroin
Gender: Male
Age: Forty something, i think
Clan: My own
Tick the role you want to be in [M]
Regular [M] [X]
Wild Geese []
MMC []

Biography: The less folks know about me, the better. But if you must know, the first thing i remember is suckling on a bottle of whisky on Arranmore somewhere, hanger i think and, come to think of it, thats the last thing i remember as well!
So, i guess, i'm from around those parts. Parents? dunno where they went.
The only thing i do know for sure is that i'm a Molly through and through and i hate those BMM feckers with a passion.
That, and i can fly a boat with the best of 'em. Not fighters mind you, whisky slowed my brain too much fer that, but cargo smugglin? thats my game.

Reasons for joining us: You need supplies and cargo? thats for me.[/indent]

S.K.Y.P.3 information Slainte19677[/indent][/font]

[M]olly Recruitment Center - Madvillain - 06-11-2012

[Image: Bilders-295x300.jpg]
Name: Fergal
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Clan: O'Ferguson
Hobbies: Dranking, Foighting
Tick the role you want to be in [M]
Regular [M] []I
Wild Geese []WANna
MMC []Be Foighting!

Biography:I was born 'n raised by me mum and dad,
at home, where I spent 24 years doing not a whole lot aye.
Fullblood Molly and all that.
In case ya wondering that's not a real forest behind me,
It's a poster I've ordered onlinehh.
Looks greet huh!
At the moment I am engaged in gettin' pissed drunk and looking for foights
Reasons for joining us:Looking for a foight.

[M]olly Recruitment Center - Tigger - 06-12-2012

[Image: mollygentop.png]

Aye Fergal, I reckon ye'll do. Since ye be spoilin' fer a fight, report to Colleen at Arranmore straight away and get yerself outfitted with a uniform and assigned to a ship and engineer crew.

Cynthia Morgan
Officer of the Day

[Image: mollygenbtm.png]

[M]olly Recruitment Center - Nicolas - 06-27-2012

Name: Frederick
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Clan: O`Connel
Tick the role you want to be in [M]
Regular [M] [X]
Wild Geese []
MMC []

Biography:Frederick was born on Arranmore. His father Fillian worked there as engineer, taking care of the stationed mining vessels, his mother Fanny was a waitress in the bar. Short before his first birthday the O`Connel family decided to spend a short holiday in Liberty. A cousin of Fanny used to be a member of the Rogues there.
The Pirate Transport taking Gold and the family there was intercepted by a BPA patrol. Frederick`s father himself was shot down in his Greyhound escorting the vessel. The policemen took over the transport finding Fanny holding her son in her arm and a gun in her hand. She shot two of the officers until they were able to overwhelm her. The enraged men executed her in the cargo bay and Frederick was dropped in an orphanage on planet Leeds. Word about this got through to Fanny`s cousin in Liberty.

On Frederick`s 18th birthday he received a message from his grand cousin, explaining him his true origins. After a year of alcohol excesses, street fights and meaningless sex in the lowest classes of Leeds Frederick decided it was time to follow his parent`s footsteps.

Reasons for joining us: Fighting, drinking and sleeping around, in space though.

[M]olly Recruitment Center - Tigger - 07-03-2012

[Image: mollygentop.png]

Oi Frederick,

Ye have been accepted to the Mollys so welcome to ye. Get yer arse to Arranmore for uniform and transponder codes, then report on the double to Matt Fisk at Coleraine for training.

Carrie Duncan
Officer of the Day

[Image: mollygenbtm.png]

[M]olly Recruitment Center - prisoner98002 - 07-10-2012

Name: Randy
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Clan: Mcdonough
Tick the role you want to be in [M]
Regular [M] [X]
Wild Geese [X]
MMC []

Biography: Born and raised on ships. The only time i have been on a planet was not a good experience. I can fly transports and Gunboats pretty well. I worked along side BMM for some time as a trader and a Gunboat escort. All was going very well till one day corsairs attacked. After many years of working hard they took it all away. My family and my ships. BMM could not find a reason why the corsairs attack so the started pointed fingers for some one to blame. Yes you guessed right, I was there last pointed finger. All that was lost in the attack was souly on my shoulder. Billions was lost that day in ships, supply's, ore, and life.
**Shakes his head in disappointment** Now that I have seen the true nature of BMM and the corsairs. I would like to kill them all for killing my family. Somebody must pay and it wont be me. **He gets a grin on his face** As long as the BMM and Corsairs are alive I will try and kill them all.

Reasons for joining us: To kill and put a dampener on the BMM. The screwed me out of a good life. Want to show them that they messed with the wrong guy. To kill all corsairs I run across. Simply put I want "revenge".

[M]olly Recruitment Center - Sashu.Kaldorie - 07-13-2012

[font=Lucida Console]
Name: Andraste
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Clan: Johnston
Tick the role you want to be in [M]
Regular [M] [x]
Wild Geese []
MMC []

Biography: There's not much I remember about my past. I remember my father moving me around my entire life untill I hit 18. Then began my drinking. Whiskey and Vodka whenever I could get it. I would run merc jobs just so I could have money for my habit. I fight best when I'm drunk. If you catch me when I'm sober... I'd advise leaving me alone. It never ends well for most men. Women I don't have a problem with. I don't have much of an accent because my father was a liberty rogue, my mother a Molly. But my mother died giving birth to me. Being around my father I just never picked up much of an accent. I may be a little odd around here, but I'm a good pilot. I'm sure you could use me.

Reasons for joining us: My mother was a Molly, Father was a Liberty Rogue. I've heard much about the Mollys growing up. And I feel their cause is just.
S.K.Y.P.3 information melolyncia.scarletcrusade

[M]olly Recruitment Center - Tigger - 07-16-2012

[Image: mollygentop.png]

Andraste Johnson and Randy McDonough I'm pleased ta tell ye both that ye have been accepted inta the Mollys.

Oi there recruits, now get yer arses to Arranmore for uniform and transponder codes, then report on the double to Matt Fisk at Coleraine for training.

Cynthia Morgan
Officer of the Day

[Image: mollygenbtm.png]

[M]olly Recruitment Center - Evo - 08-06-2012

Name: Richard
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Clan: Hoffman
Tick the role you want to be in [M]
Regular [M] [X]
Wild Geese []
MMC []

Biography: I uh, don't really know what we're meant to wri-- Oh. A biography. Well uh, I'm just your average poor dude living in his ship wanting a lot more money and willing to do ALMOST anything to get it. So I thinks to myself, why not join a group of others wantin' to do the same? Makes sense to me. Oh, oh yeah. I was born in New London with two perfect parents that always encouraged me to the best of their ability and.. Nah, just kidding. I was an orphan and always got beaten up. I like to not dwell on the past though. As I like to say, keep on going until you hit the bottom of the bottle.. And then, there's always another bottle!

Reasons for joining us: Pursuing material wealth, like all a ya are.
S.K.Y.P.3 information thatthirdguy..