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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Printable Version

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RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Techpriest - 07-16-2017

[Image: 96amOIsbSImfzYkfSUXZig.png]

Ah of course, I'll fix that. Due to technical incidence of my whale spontaneously blowing up in orbit, I was unable to fulfill all of the contract, I was still able to do half. I think I can finish the half within the next day or so.

My first trip I carried some aluminium, sold all of them, bought some materials to bring back to the next base in destination. Then I...

A shipment of:
  • 500 Copper
  • 500 Aluminium
  • 400 High Temperature Alloy
  • 500 Beryllium
  • 500+450 Titanium
  • 250 Cobalt
  • 15 Engine Components
  • 500+500 Gold
  • 500 Carbon Nanotubes
  • 50 Energy Field Equipment
has been delivered.

Smith Henryson
Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: 96amOIsbSImfzYkfSUXZig.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Techpriest - 07-21-2017

[Image: 96amOIsbSImfzYkfSUXZig.png]

I might finish this contract soon. Maybe I'll take up some Iridium in O-49...

So what happened on the way was...

A shipment of:
  • 1000 Tantalum
  • 500 Homium
  • 500 Molybdenum
  • 3000 Ultralloy
has been delivered.

Smith Henryson
Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: 96amOIsbSImfzYkfSUXZig.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Hopewell - 03-28-2018

[Image: K2O9OVo.png]

[Image: pda02_by_rhulaner-darhnll.png]
Location: Ômega 49
Recipient: Planet Gran Canaria
Subject: Nichols Upgrade Project
Date of Send: 28/March/825 A.S.


I delivery in Planet Gran Canaria:
Oxygen Recycling System - Phase 3 - Production

Report IncidentProof
Police Interference Report.

Starting from Omega 49 with defined assignments for supply continuity of the Nichols Upgrade, Oxygen Recycling System - Phase 3 - Production in Gran Canaria, I took Gold Ore's supply to New Berli Planet and started purchasing material entrusted to me for purchase.
In Munich - Rheinland bought High-performance Alloys / In Honshu - Kusary bought Robo Cultivars / in Colorado bought Magnétic Supercondutors.
Under the command of the pilot, the pilot whipped the muzzle of Whale to the Ontario Hole Hole and from there through the trade lane we entered California and continued with the intention of completing the cargo with materials from Leeds - under the jurisdiction of Gállia and then to Newcastle - Breton.
There was a startle in the air when Riverside Station was approached by an LPI pilot.
Then what happened is reported in full in the Spolier on the right.
We spend the night in Sheffield Station - Manchester.
Now in the morning we complete the load, which we already delivered in Planet Gran Canaria.
Taking advantage of the time I have until I receive new orders, I refer to the OSI command on this subject.

Capt. karl Broken

See you later.

[Image: NjQsvSe.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Sombs - 12-07-2018

[Image: jOr35T1.png]

To all employees of Nichols Trading Station,

With the current political situation in this system turning more and more dangerous, we advise extreme caution. Do not involve yourself or any OSI assets into the conflict. Do not provoke anyone. The Omicron Supply Industries will not partake in any offensive actions. Should a conflict arise, a contingent of Credits will be diverted for preparation and execution of humanitarian aid missions. The logistics teams on Nichols and planetside on Las Palmas are currently discussing the possibilities.

I repeat. Do not get involved.

For the time being, all transport pilots are advised to limit their trade runs to not-even-remotely military-related cargo. With the Red Hessian system Omega-47 off-limits in general, limit your stays in Bretonia to the minimum or use the route through Omega-52 and Omega-5 to reach your destinations.

Megan Joy
Project Assistant: Nichols Upgrade Project

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Stoner_Steve - 12-08-2018

[Image: RRvg2De.png]
*Eye's Only OSI Board of Directors*


While performing routine supply to Nichols I found an RHA pilot enjoying the view of Gran Canaria from the Vista. I more or less asked pointedly about the situation with the Omega 47 system. Surprisingly I received a favorable response to my question about gaining passage though the system. Maybe all this trouble with the Sterling isn't for naught.

Isaac Nemo
Omicron Supply Industries


RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Stoner_Steve - 12-11-2018

[img float=left][/img]
-- Start File --
-- start feed --
* ID: Rob Ross - Chief Engineer, Third Shift
* Location: Nichols Trade Center, Omega 49
* Date: 10/12/825 - 01:00
* Work Order: H-28998
Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:

\Start Playback/


Earlier today at the direction of Security Director Voncloud I received donation of 5 fully working medical bays from the [LN]-LNS-Normandie. I've stashed the bays on cargo deck 3 until a use for them can be found. Also can someone please remind Voncloud that all work orders need to be submitted to the section head and not handed to the engineers directly.

-Rob Out

\End Playback/

End File
-- feed terminated --
-- Secondary data log saved --

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Promotheus - 04-11-2023

[Image: lZ8esqS.png]




[Image: television-static-black-white-rainbow-sh...087476.jpg]

OSI's board of directors
Deciphered Encrypted Profitable OSI Transmission (DEPOSIT)

OSI's board of directors
The Captain
Corinth Research Station Annex
█ █ █ █ █
An intelligent find.

Good day sirs and madams.

During a routine delivery in Omicron Theta I received a transmission from Corinth Research Station.
Now you might remember the last time something like this happened and we found Whalium on Pygar. I understand any reluctance considering Whalium, while initially promising, ended up being mostly decorative. Fortunately this time the source of the transmission is one of the scientists from the research station, not some poor sod evacuee desperate to make a name for themselves on their new home.

I've attached a link to the pitch as well as the travel record for your review.

Kind regards,
The Captain

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Pennyfield - 04-14-2023

[Image: OSI-header-Bartholomew-Kelsomagus.png]

To: Cap'n of the Prometheus
CC: OSI Board of Directors
Subject: Re: An intelligent find

Good day captain,

While I usually prefer to address one by their given name rather than just 'Cap'n' I searched the archives only to find out the records show only 'Cap'n' as a name. So Captain, disregarding the fact that HR has not got your personal details on file, both myself and the board are interested in your proposal for AAIP.

Your Executive Summary quite sums things up to an extend that OSI would be interested in developing as well as selling as a commodity.

The one thing we have not seen in your write-up is the risk assertion nor the mitigation of any risks involved in exploiting this idea. As you speak of Artificial Intelligence we are sure that certain factions, both in-house as well as abroad, will certainly have second thoughts. For this reason the board requires a deliberate and careful risk assessment of introducing this 'commodity', if one could call it such, to the Sirius community. The board therefor requests you to do a proper risk analysis as to mitigate any risks as regard to our operations.

On behalf of the board I hereby require a full risk analysis regarding the proposal for introducing AAIP.

So Cap'n, you are 90 percent on your way to approval. Get down to the details required and make the board agree with that which you propose.

Bartholomew (Bob) Kelsomagus - Chief Executive Officer - Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: OSI-footer-generic.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Omicron Supply Industries - 11-27-2023

[Image: OSI-header-Bartholomew-Kelsomagus.png]

To my esteemed colleagues,

With mixed emotions, I announce my decision to step down as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Omicron Supply Industries (OSI). This decision was not taken lightly but comes after much thoughtful consideration.

Over the past two years, OSI has faced numerous challenges, navigating Sirius-wide supply chain complexities and overcoming recent economic disruptions. Throughout these trying times, I have witnessed unwavering dedication, resilience, and a deep commitment to excellence from each and every member of the OSI family.

I am incredibly proud of our collective achievements. We have strengthened our core business, expanded our reach into new markets, and emerged from recent economic challenges stronger than ever before. This success is a testament to the collective efforts of our exceptional team.

While I will no longer serve as CEO, I am pleased to continue my contributions to OSI as the Administrator of Freeport 1. This role allows me to remain an integral part of the OSI family while also dedicating more time to my personal aspirations.

I express my deepest gratitude to the OSI Board of Directors for their unwavering support and guidance throughout my tenure as CEO. Their trust and belief in my abilities have been instrumental in navigating the company through challenging times.

To all of our valued employees, I extend my heartfelt appreciation for your hard work, dedication, and unwavering commitment to OSI. Your passion and expertise are the driving forces behind our success.

I am confident that OSI will continue to flourish under the leadership of Celcius Abonwood and all of our talented team. The future of OSI is bright, and I am excited to witness the company's continued growth and success.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your CEO. It has been an honor and a privilege to lead such an exceptional organization.

With sincere gratitude,

Bartholomew (Bob) Kelsomagus - Chief Executive Officer - Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: OSI-footer-generic.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Aazalot - 11-27-2023

[Image: OSI-header-Celcius-Abonwood.png]

To: Omicron Supply Industries Personnel
Subject: To lead my Family

Member's of OSI.
It is my honour to officially take up the title and duties of Chief Executive Officer.
Though I briefly held the title when my Predecessor Paul Mende's stood down, I was not yet Ready for leadership. I was too new, having spent my time originally part of our Security and Escort Division.
Over time however, and under the tutelage of Bob I have learnt what it means to be the head of such a vibrant, creative and hard working organisation such as ours. I truly hope I can succeed to fill the shoes that my predecessors have left in these times of turmoil.
There are many challenges that lay ahead of us, and I have great vision as to how we will face these down and achieve all of our goals.

So I thank not only Bob, but all of you for remaining loyal to OSI, for continuing the work and hard graft you manage to do day to day, for braving the threat's and risks we face out in Sirius. To continue flying the OSI banner and ensuring our reputation remains' as it is. I also thank you all for your patients during this turbulent time with Theta and yet another Relocation of Nichols Trade Centre.

But rest assured that plans are already in motion which will hopefully return us to a more regular schedule of work. I have worked along side the Board for Many year's and I know they will support me in ensuring that OSI and all that it stands for will continue to thrive in Sirius.
Celcius Abonwood - Chief Executive Officer - Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: OSI-footer-generic.png]