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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 03-27-2008

To: Lt. Karchov
Comm. ID: Captain Ares

---Transmission Initiated---

Permission granted. Be careful on Pittsburgh, keep things quiet and don't get yourself in trouble, understood? We'll have the engineers on the Havana take a look at Natalia to see what ails her. Hopefully she'll be up and running shortly, comrade.

-Ares out

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 03-29-2008

Comm. ID: Captain Ares, aboard the RACS-Havana

---Transmission Initiated---

The crew and I were testing the repaired Havana in Bering... she's rocking steady.

On activating engines and shields... who came up on scanners but Mon'Star? Ha bloody ha indeed. We unleashed the fury of all gun batteries, hurting him badly and scaring him from the system.

Myself and Lt. Striatov then conversed with JG... apparently they're off hunting some insane robots or other. We let them do it after warning them to leave us be.

Also of note, an LSF IDed Arrow-class interceptor had the presence of mind to park itself within range of the Havana's cannons. Very unwise.

-Ares out-

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 04-04-2008

To: All SCRA
Comm. ID: Captain Ares
CC: Zoner Council

---Transmission Initiated---

Right, this is important everyone, so listen up. It appears that some 'Zoners' seem to think that they are the guardians of House Liberty these days, using cruiser-class vessels to engage us in spite of being warned otherwise.

Now, I am giving a standing order regarding such ships. If you spot any so-called Zoner vessel larger than a gunboat in hostile space, treat it as hostile and engage on sight if you command the capability to do so. They shouldn't be there in capital ships to begin with, so assume they are there to cause harm to our Revolution.

Anything gunboat-sized or smaller may be there for civilian purposes but look upon them with suspicion.

Outside of hostile-controlled space, treat the Zoners as we normally would. Inside hostile, House-controlled, space they are potentially disguised hostiles under a false banner of neutrality and should be treated as such. Anything larger than a gunboat will be terminated.

-Ares out-

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 04-06-2008

Comm. ID: Captain Ares

---Transmission Initiated---

The most succesful raid in a long while has just been completed, comrades... Baltimore shipyard in New York has suffered extensive damage thanks to our Supernova torpedoes launched repeatedly at various construction decks.

The Liberty defence forces were unable to prevent our strike force, consisting of myself, Commodore Zehn and Lieutenant Commander Varnava in bombers along with Lieutenant Commanders Varanov and Prutko providing a very capable fighter escort, from infiltrating New York, doing the damage, then exfiltrating after causing immense damage.

The strike force took out roughly eight enemy fighter-class vessels as well as an SA cruiser and a so-called 'Zoner' destroyer. Commodore Zehn's systems cut out due to an exploding enemy vessel, but that was our only loss of the raid... so... pretty damn good going if you ask me, troops!

-Ares out

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cmfalconer - 04-15-2008

CommID: Lt. Alexi Karchov
Target: SCRA Command
Message Origin: Barrow Base - Hudson

This report comes on the heels of a successful incursion into Liberty and Bretonian space.

First, I am happy to report that both my Viper and
Natalia are fit for duty. The techs FINALLY figured out what the problem was (bad Kusari Optronics). I'll be looking for a refund next time I'm at Cape Verdi.

I launched with my Taiidan for a shake-down cruise when Captain Ares was just coming back from a raid. It was decided that New York was too much of a hot-bed, so we headed to Texas, and from there to California, where subversive messages were broadcast throughout the system.

As usual, the capitalist ignorami were out in force, with our messages of freedom being met with the usual scoffing and disregard. However, a young pilot was, I believe, moved by our message and should be in contact with Captain Richtofen. We were taunted by a [KoF] trader, who tried to coax us to Los Angeles, but as we arrived, no sign of the coward was spotted, only small-time traders. A Navy Destroyer Patrol (NPC) came from around the planet to engage, and after destroying both Gunboats, Cpt. Ares decided to pull back, leaving the Destroyer to limp back to LA.

From there we spotted some Mandelorians in Manchester, and proceeded through Cortez to Sheffield station. Captain Ares, with some well-placed jabs at the bounty-hunting scum, convinced the Mandelores to come and play.

The Revolution's finest, in two Taiidan Bombers, were met by John Cabot and Ranov'la Aran, both in Blood Dragons. It was not the best situation for us, and quickly got worse as another Mandelore (sorry, I missed the name) came in with an Eagle and a BPA)Johnathan.Higgens in a Hussar engaged as well. Four on 2 odds, with VHFs and an LFMk2 against our Taiidans was difficult, but Captain Ares is a great pilot, and
Natalia and I did our best as well.

Captain Ares made the first kill as John Cabot succumbed to our combine fire. We then turned our attention to the Eagle, who didn't last long. His shields went down after a MiniRazor shot from
Natalia, and after getting pummelled on his hull, withdrew from the fight. It was now 2v2, with Captain Ares taking fire from Ranov'la Aran. I swung my Taiidan around to engage the Mandalore, but Cpt. Ares ordered me to take out the Hussar.

That LF was a very tough target, especially for my Taiidan. I had to use some creative maneuvers that had
Natalia groaning in protest a couple times, but I finally got the Hussar in a head-to-head pass. The SuperNova connected, taking down the fighter's shields, and a well-placed Nuke on the same pass blew up the Bret's ship.

Captain Ares tried to pull out of the fight, having taken extensive damage from Ranov'la. I passed the Captain some bots, and tried to down the pesky Mandalore, but he proved too good a shot. First Captain Ares was destroyed after going through the JumpHole to Magellan, and then the sneaky Mandelore disabled
Natalia with a well-placed NukeMine of his own. (I was destroyed)

The damage to my Taiidan was not as extensive as first thought, but she will be out for a couple days as the techs patch up the plasma holes in her hull. I met Captain Ares after the raid, and he gave me a quick rundown.

Two to One odds, both of us in Taiidans, the enemy in nimbler craft. 2 enemies destroyed, 1 severely damaged and forced to flee, and one with a good repair bill before against 2 losses. Add to that a possible new recruit, and a good day for the Revolution.

Lt. Alexi Karchov

Message Send...
...Redirect to secure location...
Message end

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cmfalconer - 04-15-2008

//double post

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Blodo - 04-15-2008

ID: Lt. Yuri Striatov
Location: Barrow Base, Hudson

Salutations comrades. Yesterday we have managed to push both into the heart of Liberty and Rheinland itself. The Liberty strike was a legitimite tie, with two defenders down but also two of us. The fault here was that we did not concentrate properly and were caught of guard near the Texas jump hole, but no doubt that will not occur on our next strike. Our forces consisted of myself and Captain Ares in Taiidan bombers, Lieutenant Commander Baranov in a Tiger Shark and Lieutenant Commander KeSi in a VHF.
We were engaged by a total of four fighters and a Liberty gunboat at first. Our forces were taking the upper hand as two fighters fell quickly, however something unexpected happened moments later. The balance shifted to the side of the lawfuls due to a preposterous appearance of a Bretonian gunboat in the heart of New York, which had used the chaos of the fight to strike at us with it's (// vastly overpowered) missiles. My bomber fell as I could not hold off the fire of said pursuer, and still being busy trying to shoot down the Liberty gunboat befouling us with it's presence. Captain Ares's bomber was hit soon after and the rest of our forces fell back at that point.
Cpt. Ares and myself commandeered a new pair of bombers immediately after our return to Barrow. Lt. Cmdr. KeSi's fighter was heavily damaged and required extensive repairs, so we have continued without him. Our forces struck at Rheinland after only to find out that New Berlin has cleared off shortly after our arrival! No doubt the defenders were too scared to even venture outside their armoured bases and face us in open battle. Rather than waste our time waiting for them, we have decided to proceed into Sigma-13. Apart from a few arrogant traders we also found there a single Outcast Falcata and a Corsair Gunboat. The Falcata suffered a controls malfunction during the fight, and we left it alone to be dealt with by the Wild in the area. The gunboat tried to run from our attack force, however to no avail as we disrupted it time and again and finally destroyed it with a few well placed supernova's.
At this point we decided to call it a day and returned to Barrow Base in Hudson.

In my opinion the day can be considered a decisive victory. Our losses were lesser to total enemy losses in the few battles we waged. I look forward to continue to destroy the forces of the everpresent capitalists, until there is nothing left.

Striatov out.

- transmission ended -

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 04-22-2008

Comm. ID: Captain Ares

---Transmission Initiated---

Good morning, comrades. Today's surgical strike went well, myself flying my bomber with Lieutenant Commander Prutko providing perfect fighter cover. On first entering New York we managed to find ourselves encountering Director Copeland of the LSF in his Avenger fighter. We, naturally, engaged.

Much to our surprise (and to Copeland's surprise, it seemed), a mercenary in a Rheinland bomber joined in to help him. His cockpit was smashed by my Supernova as Prutko crippled Copeland's craft. Those bastard LSF spies have stealth technology comparable to our own Intelligence boys, so we can't confirm his death. No escape pod found.

We later, near Rochester base, encountered an Outcast piloting a Rogue Gunboat. We buzzed him for quite some time, wearing him down. He called in fighter support from an Outcast Sabre, duly destroyed by the Lieutenant Commander. We continued our punishment of him but he flew well. He then called for assistance from a mercenary in a light fighter which had Prutko and I worried in our heavier craft. The mercenary ate one of my nuclear mines and the gunboat wisely crashlanded in Rochester's emergency docking bays.

Scratch two bad guys for me and two for Vasiliy!

-Ares out!

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Zeltak - 04-25-2008

Entering code sequence... Permission Granted...
Please verify identification: Lt. Zarevo Kaputski
Transmission initiated... Loading... Loading...

Greetings my fellow brethren! It is with great pride to announce that I have successfully acquired a Taiidan Bomber as requested. Using our armory at my disposal I have equipped myself with the needed wepons and defence materials. I hope to serve the Coalition well and bring forth our beloved ideology.

It is here I will break free from the chains of misery, it is here I found my people and it is here I will fight for the People!

Kaputski out!

[color=#FFFFFF]Transmission terminated...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - desecrator - 04-26-2008

--- Incoming Transmission ---
-Trace Detected; Sector Unknown, Hudson System - Transmitting Message-

Message to; SCRA
CommID; Commander Nikolai Varnava

Greetings, Comrades! Quite an excellent day for the Coalition! Kaputski, Striatov, and myself had bomber flight exercises while no missions objectives were set. Both have improved amazingly since the beginning and end of training, and we had decided to put their newly acquired skills to the test.

New York was once again filled, about time it needed to be cleared out. We jumped in to system to find an Outcast Lane Hacker Gunship just outside. We fired on it without question, the cardimine filth ran off just as he was on his last lines of life. Afterwards of course, as expected, the LPI ran in screaming and firing at the same time, along with a JG Gunboat.

The Gunboat went down quickly, using our usual strategics, the LPI however was tricky, his ship difficult to hit. Though our battle was cut short as an Ion Storm forced our ships back to Texas, and we returned back to Hudson. Either way, an excellent day for the Coalition!

Varnava out

--- Transmission Terminated ---