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I can haz skype - Printable Version

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I can haz skype - RmJ - 03-19-2010

[5:35:17 AM] Ivan: keep us posted about your progress Bride
[5:35:37 AM] Zigeris-Masanori-Hansen: bride = me?
[5:36:01 AM] Zigeris-Masanori-Hansen: god you just reminded my girl doesn't know anything....i should keep it that way
[5:36:07 AM | Edited 5:36:11 AM] Zigeris-Masanori-Hansen: <,<
[5:36:28 AM] Ivan: ...
[5:36:33 AM] Zigeris-Masanori-Hansen: >.> i am in left field aren't i
[5:36:36 AM] Ivan: bride as mcbride not as my egoistic director:D
[5:36:38 AM] Zigeris-Masanori-Hansen: <,<

I can haz skype - Tovig - 03-19-2010

[23:46:59] hrimthur: how have a Order| Capital vessel has to be named ?
[23:47:22] hrimthur: Order|CV- ?
[23:49:37] Chris (Kelt): Order|CV-Name
[23:49:44] hrimthur: ok
[23:50:30 | Modifi? (23:50:43)] Jordan (BLACKSTALKER JC): Another New Addition To The Order What The F**k Pawning Fleet
[23:51:05] Chris (Kelt): Nice one.

I can haz skype - Altaris - 03-20-2010

[7:47:25 PM] Divine (Sylvan-Fairy): a Fairy is a Fee
[7:47:28 PM] Divine (Sylvan-Fairy): not an Elf
[7:47:38 PM] Altaris: never played HoMM 5 Div?
[7:47:50 PM] Divine (Sylvan-Fairy): U R HOBBIT!
[7:47:54 PM] Altaris: one of the cities were Sylvans
[7:47:56 PM] Altaris: they were Elfs
[7:48:15 PM] Altaris: hobbit? imma 194cm tall
[7:48:26 PM] Altaris: im long short Hobbit if something
[7:55:57 PM] Divine (Sylvan-Fairy): Divine (Sylvan-Fairy) renames Altaris to 'Long-Short-Hobbit'
[7:56:54 PM] Long-Short-Hobbit: wha?
[7:56:58 PM] Long-Short-Hobbit: wuah!

I can haz skype - Altaris - 03-20-2010

[8:08:01 PM] Altaris:;#entry945110
[8:08:10 PM] Altaris: congratz Div, you are famous now
[8:08:51 PM] Divine (Sylvan-Fairy): I already was before.
[8:09:00 PM] Altaris: keep lying to yourself xD
[8:09:18 PM | Edited 8:09:27 PM] Divine (Sylvan-Fairy): I eat Hobbits.
[8:09:20 PM] Divine (Sylvan-Fairy): So watch it.

I can haz skype - Boss - 03-21-2010

[9:34:11 PM] Sean(Bobthemanofsteel): Hello good sir, I would like to enquire upon your clearance sale!
[9:34:15 PM] Sean(Bobthemanofsteel): Sean(Bobthemanofsteel) adjusts monocle.
[9:35:29 PM] Squee!: Do tell, my conniving friend
[9:36:18 PM] Sean(Bobthemanofsteel): What ships would you have for purchase, Mr. Halshankinwobble?
[9:36:56 PM] Squee!: Renegate - Outcast Pirate Transport
KMV-Jagst - Kruger Mining Ship
KMT-Vechte - Kruger Behemoth
Jennifer.Government - Pirate Touketsu
MM~Jacek.Espen - Mercenary Sabre
MM~Jacek.Espen. - Mercenary Roc
MM~Jacek.Espen: - Mercenary Challenger
LR-Dun.Try.This.At.Home - Rogue Greyhound
LR-Push.Button - Rogue Barghest
LR-Homicidal.Librarian - Rogue Werewolf
LR-I.Dub.Thee...Oops - Rogue Bloodhound
Omaha - Hacker Guard Gunship
Widersacher - RM Bergelmir
Nat.Cole - LN Guardian
-[CoC]-Schneider - Mercenary Wasupu
-[CoC]-Schneider. - Mercenary Roc - Corsair Titan
Cedro.Gonzalez - Corsair Correro
[9:38:16 PM] Sean(Bobthemanofsteel): How intriguing!
[9:38:31 PM] Sean(Bobthemanofsteel): Quite a wonderful selection of items you have there!
[9:39:13 PM] Sean(Bobthemanofsteel): And after perusal of the catalogue, I am tempted to ask how much the LH Gunship would sell for?
[9:39:24 PM] Sean(Bobthemanofsteel): Or, how much you would let it go for.
[9:40:06 PM] Squee!: Well, my good fellow, first allow us to explore the features of this unique offering
[9:40:22 PM] Squee!: Our first stop must of course be the armor!
[9:40:31 PM] Sean(Bobthemanofsteel): Well indeed!
[9:40:55 PM] Squee!: It is loaded with a Universal Mark Eight, though small, packs in an additional two-and-a-half times the base armor of the vessel itself
[9:41:13 PM] Sean(Bobthemanofsteel): I say!
[9:41:22 PM] Squee!: The vessel itself is registered to the Lane Hacker Guard, its IFF and papers reciprocate that
[9:41:41 PM] Squee!: The armament of this fine craft are henceforth detailed
[9:41:52 PM] Squee!: Not one, not two, but THREE Gunboat Battle Razors
[9:41:57 PM] Squee!: A pulse cannon!
[9:42:03 PM] Squee!: Two Lane Hacker Gunboat turrets
[9:42:14 PM] Squee!: A Train Cruise Disruptor, for stopping those people you just can't let go
[9:42:32 PM] Squee!: and the omnipresent Enhanced CM Dropper, for those times when you just have to get away from it all
[9:42:45 PM] Sean(Bobthemanofsteel): Great scott!
[9:43:05 PM | Edited 9:43:11 PM] Sean(Bobthemanofsteel): It is like a Battlecruiser for leprechauns, good sir!
[9:43:20 PM] Squee!: You may be thinking "Good heavens! Such a fine craft! However shall I finance this figment of my fancy!"
[9:43:31 PM] Sean(Bobthemanofsteel): Indeed I am!
[9:43:39 PM] Squee!: Fear not, my fine friend, for this fear shall be forthwith soothed
[9:44:33 PM] Squee!: Though it pains me to part with a ship that is as much my child as the rugmuncher behind you, I should be willing to let it find a new home for perhaps a paltry forty million Sirius credits
[9:45:37 PM | Edited 9:46:27 PM] Squee!: Not only that, but the ship is currently stationed on the fabled Fort Leniex with a full complement of missiles, CMs, and regenerative components!
[9:46:14 PM] Sean(Bobthemanofsteel): Well, I shall have to consult my financial advissor as to whether such a payment is viable in my current financial situation, but it does sound like a fine purchase!
[9:46:37 PM] Squee!: You know my number, good sir
[9:47:05 PM] Squee!: A fine day to you, and I pray your financial advisor good tidings to you!
[9:47:30 PM] Sean(Bobthemanofsteel): Well, my finacial advidor happens to be me, and I have informed myself that this amount is payable immediately, to an account of your choosing!
[9:47:44 PM] Squee!: Well sir, this is indeed cheering news!
[9:48:19 PM] Squee!: Regrettably--and I do hope it does not reflect poorly on me, aside from my lack of planning skills--I find myself incapable of setting the new owner transfer codes at this time
[9:49:06 PM] Squee!: I should be pleased to note a time to do so, however, at my earliest ability on the morrow
[9:49:47 PM] Squee!: Were you to be as trusting as to deposit the monies at this time, the target account would be 'Renegate'
[9:50:08 PM] Squee!: If, however, you prefer to wait until such a time as the codes are prepared, I fully understand and sympathize
[9:50:23 PM] Sean(Bobthemanofsteel): Well of course, I will do so at my next spare moment, as a show of good faith!
[9:50:44 PM] Squee!: I am honored, sir, by this trust in my own self you hold
[9:50:47 PM] Sean(Bobthemanofsteel): And if, you were to be a rapscallion and away with my money, I shall enjoy hunting you down atop my stallion!
[9:51:12 PM] Squee!: Aha! My good sir, you must know it, but verily you chance to be a poet!
[9:51:50 PM] Sean(Bobthemanofsteel): Indeed, good sir! Though it seems you too, as it were!
[9:52:31 PM] Squee!: *laughs* Come, my friend, let us adjourn to the fire-side and enjoy a good pipe
[9:53:16 PM | Edited 9:53:23 PM] Sean(Bobthemanofsteel): This sounds most agreeable, perhaps I shall poor some sherry, as well? Or would you prefer something with a little more, 'Tally-ho!'?
[9:54:00 PM] Squee!: To begin, a glass of sherry shan't be amiss, though I daresay some bourbon would make this night complete
[9:55:53 PM] Sean(Bobthemanofsteel): Very good! I shall treat you with a glass from my very own collection, which has somehow made into into your most wonderful abode. I daresay it was the work of those Impish youths I have seen scarrying about your estate!
[9:56:29 PM] Squee!: I must ask you to excuse their brash actions, they only act as their own dear Papa does!
[9:56:45 PM] Squee!: *chuckles* Oh, the things I did in my youth...
[9:57:09 PM] Squee!: ICHS?
[9:57:16 PM] Sean(Bobthemanofsteel): Ohyes XD

I can haz skype - Dusty Lens - 03-21-2010

[3/20/10 11:08:36 PM] Dusty Lens: Sounds like something from the moderator chat
[3/20/10 11:08:43 PM] Dusty Lens: Mods: Looks like an ID was nerfed
[3/20/10 11:08:52 PM] Dusty Lens: Mods: the admins expect the rage spam to be random and light
[3/20/10 11:08:59 PM] Dusty Lens: Mods: *threads start lighting up*
[3/20/10 11:09:11 PM] Dusty Lens: Mods: Wait... This spam isn't random or light...
[3/20/10 11:09:16 PM] Dusty Lens: Mods: *SQL ERROR!*
[3/20/10 11:09:19 PM] Dusty Lens: Mods: SOMEONE MADE A MISTAKE!
[3/20/10 11:09:25 PM] Dusty Lens: *Dab's computer explodes*
[3/20/10 11:09:31 PM] Dusty Lens: Mods: SOMEONE MADE A BIG GOD DAMN MISTAKE
[3/20/10 11:09:46 PM] Sarawr: Lmao
[3/20/10 11:09:57 PM] Dusty Lens: Probably gonna ICHS that for teh lulz
[3/20/10 11:10:14 PM] Sarawr: do it up, yo.

<3 Starship Troopers

I can haz skype - Aaronny - 03-21-2010

Quote:[15:25:28] Jean-Philippe: Boobs
[15:25:35] Jean-Philippe: Woops
[15:25:43] Jebus_007: boobs?
[15:25:47] Seby DeeJay: hehehehehehhee he said BOOBS
[15:25:51] Seby DeeJay: hehehehehehehe
[15:26:11] Jean-Philippe: Yeah.
[15:26:15] Jebus_007: tits, jugs, melons...
[15:26:16] Jean-Philippe: I said Boobs,
[15:26:19] Jean-Philippe: OMG LOL *BONER*

Quote:[13:09:12] Jean-Philippe: Actually.
[13:09:44] Jean-Philippe: Killing lolwuts miners and traders is kind of a favor we'r doing for Liberty, it's like if we all put a little of us into helping their cause, the more we kill, the less LABC they get.
[13:11:31] Jebus_007: Nah, what will all the barghest owning, Rp-ing people do then?
[13:11:53] Jebus_007: Destroying lolwut caps is fun.
[13:12:02] Jean-Philippe: Ah I know, they'll stop PVP whoring and start roleplaying ?

I can haz skype - darkxy - 03-21-2010

[21:15:39] Chris(Elsdragon): Why would I be?
[21:16:00] Chris(Elsdragon): I -have- a girlfriend thanks
[21:16:19] Andr? Jord?o aka AJBeast: I have...
[21:16:24] Andr? Jord?o aka AJBeast: MY right and left hands.
[21:16:28] Dave (Akura): Both?!
[21:16:30] Dave (Akura): Nice...

I can haz skype - Exile - 03-21-2010

[23:18:14] Mike Oerlemans (Exile): I found one thing, but found out that that's universal amongst women
[23:18:20] Maximilian (FooFighter/Foofi): Chick logic?
[23:18:23] Mike Oerlemans (Exile): Like
[23:18:25] Mike Oerlemans (Exile): if you ask her
[23:18:31] Mike Oerlemans (Exile): "You wanna go to the movies or stay at home"
[23:18:33] Mike Oerlemans (Exile): "up to you
[23:18:37] Mike Oerlemans (Exile): D=<
[23:18:38] Maximilian (FooFighter/Foofi): Yeah. Chick logic.
[23:18:43] Mike Oerlemans (Exile): DXDXDXDDURRRRRRR
[23:18:50] Maximilian (FooFighter/Foofi): They really should make a dictionary.
[23:18:53] Mike Oerlemans (Exile): yeah
[23:18:56] Maximilian (FooFighter/Foofi): English - Woman; Woman - English.
[23:18:57] Mike Oerlemans (Exile): "Womenary"
[23:18:59] Mike Oerlemans (Exile): XD


I can haz skype - Neronian - 03-22-2010

[10:22:13 PM] Chris (Sovereign): No classes on Wednesday
[10:22:15 PM] Chris (Sovereign): woot woot
[10:22:22 PM] Neronian: STFU Chris.
[10:22:26 PM] Neronian: Back in deh Cage.
[10:22:30 PM] Chris (Sovereign): then again... I've had that since high school
[10:22:43 PM] Chris (Sovereign): I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK IN MY POKEBALL
[10:22:48 PM] Captain Anderson: Which is...a long f***** way away D:
[10:23:05 PM | Removed 10:23:10 PM] Captain Anderson: This message has been removed.
[10:23:07 PM] Captain Anderson: Wait
[10:23:11 PM] Captain Anderson: XD
[10:23:12 PM] Neronian: XD
[10:23:19 PM] Chris (Sovereign): BUT IT'S DARK AND CREEPY IN THERE
[10:23:23 PM] Captain Anderson: SO.
[10:23:35 PM] Chris (Sovereign): Murphy you are not allowed to talk until such time as you remake your Maquis
[10:23:41 PM] Neronian: YEAH.
[10:23:41 PM] Chris (Sovereign): NO I WOULD NOT
[10:23:48 PM] Neronian: STFU MURPHEH.
[10:23:52 PM | Edited by Captain Anderson, 10:24:16 PM] Neronian: EXACTLY. I R JUST KIDDING I LURVES YOU MURPHEH.
[10:24:17 PM] Captain Anderson: XD
[10:24:24 PM] Chris (Sovereign): Oh yeah...
[10:24:27 PM] Chris (Sovereign): forgot about the jacuzzi
[10:24:32 PM] Chris (Sovereign): Chris (Sovereign) returns to his pokeball
[10:24:36 PM] Neronian: Much Better.
[10:24:55 PM] Neronian: The Pokeball that I refuse to pay Upkeep on is reserved for Deneth.
[10:25:26 PM] Captain Anderson: XD
[10:25:31 PM] Captain Anderson: Captain Anderson scratches head
[10:25:31 PM] Neronian: Well. Now that That is out of my system.
[10:25:33 PM] Captain Anderson: WTF? XD
[10:25:45 PM] Neronian: What...
[10:25:51 PM] Neronian: Did I do something..?
[10:26:17 PM] Captain Anderson: Captain Anderson throws a Pokeball
[10:26:21 PM] Captain Anderson: ALESKI I CHOOSE YOU!
[10:26:33 PM] Neronian: DON'T THROW THAT ON-
[10:26:49 PM] Neronian: Neronian watches as Nomads pop out and start tentacle raping every living thing in sight.
[10:26:56 PM] Captain Anderson: O.O
[10:26:59 PM] Captain Anderson: ALESKI IS A NOMAD?!
[10:27:03 PM] Chris (Sovereign): Chris (Sovereign) is not in sight because he is inside of his pokeball
[10:27:08 PM] Neronian: I alphebitized them. D:
[10:27:12 PM] Chris (Sovereign): Chris (Sovereign) is therefore not tentacle raped by nomads
[10:27:16 PM] Captain Anderson: O.O
[10:27:23 PM] Captain Anderson: ALESKI! YOU BETRAYED ME?!
[10:27:33 PM] Chris (Sovereign): wait, I'm the Das Wilde agent and I'm the only one -not- getting infested here... WTF
[10:27:34 PM] Captain Anderson: If someone ICHS's this.
[10:27:41 PM] Neronian: WTF Chris.
[10:27:41 PM] Captain Anderson: I'm going to be pissed.