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The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - Printable Version

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RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Lythrilux - 03-28-2013

Your name: Lux Ryder

Where the money is going: BHG|Lux.Ryder

Kills: 1 Indie Pirate Asco Brigand Gunboat

Circumstances: Me and Black.Claw found this dude on the lane, pirating a trader. We weren't able to stop the transaction, but we were able to make him pay. Hell to pay at least.
Black.Claw let me have the kill.

Pirate Gunboat ID
Gunboat Pirate Pop

Payment owed: 1,500,000 + 2,000,000 = 3,500,000

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Washizuka - 03-28-2013

Your name: Amano Hyo

Where the money is going: Rising.Hope

Kills: Neptune'sGhost - Outcast Tridente Gunship

Circumstances: Found him while flying trough California. Seemed wery high on Cardi. Had a friend with him but sadly he escaped me.

Proof: ID, Kill

Payment owed: 1.500.000 + 2.000.000 = 3.500.000

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Zapp - 03-28-2013

Your name: Carson

Where the money is going: Purple

Kills: 1x LR- Werewolf, 1x Outcast bomber, 2x hostile Freelancers (Roc and Wrath)

Circumstances: I jumped into New York from California and saw a large furball going on. I caught the tail-end of it and managed to blow up a LR- Werewolf. I went to Manhattan to resupply and there was an Outcast bomber (which hadn't been at the first fight), so I took him down too. Shortly after I started shooting, though, a Freelancer flying a Wrath came up and said he was assisting the Outcast, then opened fire. A Roc did the same shortly after. I took all three down. You can pay for the Freelancers or not, since it's not listed on the board. But they're obviously criminals.

  • [Image: th_lr_id.png][Image: th_lr_kill.png]
  • [Image: th_oc_id-1.png][Image: th_oc_kill-1.png]
  • [Image: th_1fl_engage.png][Image: th_1fl_id.png][Image: th_1fl_kill.png]
  • [Image: th_2fl_engage.png][Image: th_2fl_id.png][Image: th_2fl_kill.png]
Payment owed:
1.500.000 + 500.000 for LR- Werewolf
1.500.000 for Outcast bomber
1.500.000 for Freelancer Wrath (if you choose to pay that; counted as "Generic Pirate")
1.500.000 for Freelancer Roc (if you choose to pay that; counted as "Generic Pirate")
Total: 6.500.000 for all kills, or 3.500.000 for the Rogue and Outcast

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Valhalla Sr. - 03-28-2013

Your name: Zlatan Ibrahimovich

Where the money is going: Wantannabe

Kills: Outcast Bomber, Pirate Gunboat

Circumstances: Travelling from NY I took the lane, and above it I saw two guys attacking a lonesome Camara. One was a Golden Chrysanthemum and the other was the Outcast Bomber. I moved in and killed the Outcast, while the GC Bomber ran away. After finishing up the Bomber, i came across the Gunboat in Cortez, right after the gate. It was a quick one.


Total Owed: 1.500.000 + 3.500.000 = 5.000.000
Cash to: Wantannabe

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - The Republic Of Liberty - 03-29-2013

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]

To all contractors;

Payments have been authorised for:

  • 3,500,000 to APM-Crabster
  • 18,000,000 to Steven_Howard
  • 32,000,000 to At.The.Left.Hand.Ov.God
  • 13,000,000 to BHG|Lux.Ryder
  • 7,500,000 to BHG|Harry.Cooper
  • 14,500,000 to BHG|Cool
  • 2,000,000 to BHG|Mamba
  • 10,000,000 to BHG|Terminator
  • 3,000,000 to BHG|Moshu
  • 4,500,000 to Ronny."Flash".Johnson
  • 3,000,000 to Aurra.Sing
  • 15,000,000 to BHG|Flash
  • 3,500,000 to Rising.Hope
  • 4,500,000 to Purple
  • 5,000,000 to Wantannabe

Thank you for your services.

Nergal; your bundling of claims only makes work harder for our claim processors. If you continue to do so it may result in errors decreasing your pay.

Steven Howard; one of your claims could not be processed as at the time the server hosting the data was unavailable. You will not be paid for claims that are inadequately evidenced. In addition, you were denied a target by the primary fleet and continued to engage. You will not be paid for that encounter.

Ronald Roberts; your claim lacked a timestamp. Also watch your weight, I think I can see your waistline in one of the images submitted.

Troy O'Neill; please use our template in future. One of our claim processors described your submission as 'awful'.

Vatman; I'm afraid one of your claims lacked a timestamp and could not be paid.

Jacob Shattuck; I'm afraid one of your claims lacked a timestamp and could not be paid.

Phoenix Wright; in one of your claims all links pointed to a single, insufficient image.

All contractors; there was a noticeable issue where data was not being directly linked in a raw format, but to a system containing it. If your data are not linked directly, you risk your paycheque.

Evidence for payment is below:

Ferris Dufresne
Central Liberty Internal Treasury

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - monmarfori - 03-30-2013

Your name: Steven Howard

Where the money is going: Steven_Howard

Kills: Martin.Xavier, a Rogue Werewolf, and Susan.Farrell, a Hacker Bayonet

Circumstances: They tried to escape, but failed thanks to a 22nd Bounty Hunter that helped me kill those pests down.

Proof: Martin.Xavier

Proof: Susan.Farrell

Payment owed: 1,500,000 + 1,500,000 = 3,000,000 credits

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - monmarfori - 04-02-2013

Your name: Steven Howard

Where the money is going: Steven_Howard

Kills: Mr.Dodger and *SoS*-Kaplan, both Asco gunboats.

Circumstances: 2 pirate gunboats who lost their lives. I soloed Dodger, lost 200 nanobots, but he was killed. Then I helped against Kaplan, he went dead.

Proof: Mr.Dodger

Proof: *SoS*-Kaplan

Payment owed: 1,500,000 + 1,500,000 + 4,000,000 (Gunboat bonus) = 7,000,000

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Flashâ„¢ - 04-03-2013

Your name: Ronny " Flash " Johnson

Where is the money going: BHG|Flash



Circumstances: These two were found in the lanes, and then destroyed in duels..

Pirate: Identification Destruction
Rogue: Identification Destruction

Payment Owed: 3.000.000 SC

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - SnakeLancerHaven - 04-04-2013

Your name: David Hayter

Where the money is going: Snake.Hunter


1x Outcast Gunship "Tridente"

Circumstances: I was flying around Manhattan, when I saw a Liberty Transporter (DSE-Energia) fighting an Outcast. First I wasn't sure what it is, but after I saw a Tridente and heared "Someone disrupt him!", I followed it immediatly. It was trying to run, but I was able to stop it. Together with Energia, we gave him great damage and with the last shots of my Ship he blew up.

[Image: screen34.jpg]

Payment owed: 3'500'000 SC

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Leo.Wilson - 04-06-2013

Your name: Leo Wilson

Where the money is going: Leo.Wilson

Kills: northern.fury, Outcast Falcata
Seth, Rogue Gunboat

Circumstances: Got into a large scuffle with some pirates, Rheinland Military, and indian fools. Only picked off one kill, but its better than nothing.

The rogue gunboat was lurking out by the lane in california with a freelance pirate bomber. I went after the bomber, who went full evasive and tried running into the ice field. He flew right to this big rock with a big drydock attached to it and continued to circle it while the rogue gunboat attempted to take me down. While shooting the freelancer, [LN]-Gold-4 showed up and brought the odds up for me. We took down the gunboat promptly.

ID | Tango Down
Rogue Gunboat
ID | Eliminated

Payment owed: 1.5 Million + 3.5 Million (Total of 5 Million)