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Liberty Police, Inc. Applications Office - Printable Version

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LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Zapp - 09-05-2009

' Wrote:*Receiving Transmission*

Opening Message:

Dear Mr. Myers

Sorry about the trouble there. I just do not like giving my name out to people until I have had contact with them. Here is my Name:

Timothy Ryan\
sorry for any inconvenience sir.

Well then, we'll just... overlook your age for now... I'm sending some forms for you to sign, it's a waiver that doesn't make us responsible for employing minors. Set up your ship, LPI-Timothy.Ryan[O], and see the Maintenance Chief for your Patriot. You gotta earn the badge and IFF though, so get on it.


LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Zapp - 09-05-2009

' Wrote:Name: RUI.H
Age: 23
Height: 1.8m
Weight: 200 Pound
Previous Jobs: Nothing much, Just finished University of Texas
Qualifications: 1st Plasma Gun designer/maker in U of T, Graduate of U of T

Brief Biography: Well there, I was borned in a hospital station in Texas (the station was later destroyed for being unused for too long, I started off learning nothing but flying and shooting, didnt even go to high school.. *sigh, Later ma dad tought me all about the equipments on a basic ship,
and I start realizing how important education is, So my parents got me a home teacher, and teach me all the requirements of Edu.Liberty, Since I had such a interest in Building Ships weapons, different parts, so I went in University of Texas for Engineering. Now I just graduated, thought of becoming an LPI.

Reasons for Joining: Joining the LPI has been a thought in teenage for me, I can do all the 'hardcore' stuff in the movies, and working on my experiments for newer ship advancements and the same time. Catching these pirates, smugglers never gets bored.

Thats me

//Skype N/A
// MSN:

On further review of your dubious credentials, we have decided to make this a permanent rejection. Have a good life.

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - crimecities - 09-11-2009

Name: Garm Tiger
Age: 34
Height: 6"2'
Weight: 327 pounds

Previous Jobs: Sweatshop worker, Bounty Hunter, Bakery Shop owner

Qualifications: High school graduate, Pilot's license, Bounty Hunter's license, free donuts, Combat Experience, Undergraduate degree in Commercial Cooking

Brief Biography: Well. My life started in a poor section of Rhineland Before The War. I worked in a sweatshop...yadda yadda yadda...what you really need to know is that I became a Bounty Hunter for a while, then I moved to Liberty and used the cash to open up a bakery on Manhatten. Unfortunately, diplomatic tensions between Liberty and Rhineland then increased, and I could not go back to Rhineland.

Reasons for Joining: I always got a kick outta bounty hunting, and I want to return to space. Additionally, I am a Connoisseur of all things pastry, and I want to share my passion with people like me.

//Skype: Alex Heartnet

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - MB52 - 09-12-2009

You seem like just what we need! welcome to the force. We'll have you set up in no time, just ask any officer for help.


LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Pinko - 09-12-2009

* Name: Kriss White
* Age: 25
* Height: 5'8''
* Weight: 170 pounds
* Previous Jobs: Pittsburgh Equipment Dealer
* Qualifications: Field Experience, Maintenance unit experience, LPI Employee for now 3 months ((No Badge, although)), Advanced Knowledge in Civilian weaponry, Advanced Knowledge for Liberty Weaponry, Basic knowledge of weapons in general.
* Brief Biography: Nothing too special for me. I was born and raised on Pittsburgh so scrap knows me. I learned to maintain ships by the age of 18, at my dad's business. Failed Police training twice, decided to join the LPI's rank in other domains, the one suiting me most was to be part of the Maintenance unit.
* Reasons for Joining: I'm not interested in getting a badge. All I want to do is to serve Liberty in this rough time, and the best way I've figured was to keep their ships working. I'm only interested in joining the R&A Branch, and I try to never let down my wingmen in a fight, unless the situation doesn't require me anymore.

((Little Extra: ))

SKype: Jessicka.Beaupre

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Boss - 09-12-2009

' Wrote:* Name: Kriss White
* Age: 25
* Height: 5'8''
* Weight: 170 pounds
* Previous Jobs: Pittsburgh Equipment Dealer
* Qualifications: Field Experience, Maintenance unit experience, LPI Employee for now 3 months ((No Badge, although)), Advanced Knowledge in Civilian weaponry, Advanced Knowledge for Liberty Weaponry, Basic knowledge of weapons in general.
* Brief Biography: Nothing too special for me. I was born and raised on Pittsburgh so scrap knows me. I learned to maintain ships by the age of 18, at my dad's business. Failed Police training twice, decided to join the LPI's rank in other domains, the one suiting me most was to be part of the Maintenance unit.
* Reasons for Joining: I'm not interested in getting a badge. All I want to do is to serve Liberty in this rough time, and the best way I've figured was to keep their ships working. I'm only interested in joining the R&A Branch, and I try to never let down my wingmen in a fight, unless the situation doesn't require me anymore.

Jim looked up from the paper to the would-be R&A officer. Eyes never leaving Kriss' face, he slowly leaned back, set the paper face up on his desk, and settled into his chair. So he sat for a small eternity, staring directly at the space between the poor kid's eyes.

"Aww, c'mon, Jim, give the kid a break." Karl Agathon chanced past Jim's office, and not a moment too soon. Poor Kriss was breaking out in rivulets of sweat under the force of Jim's gaze.

"I'm...not...finished...." Jim, still staring, reached into his desk drawer and retrieved a beautiful gold filigree case. "Do you know what this is, Kriss?"

Kriss shook his head. No, he didn't know, but he was sure Jim would tell him.

"Darn right I will. This here box holds the crushed and destroyed dreams of thousands of applicants." Jim reached back into his drawer and pulled out another, less ornate box. "This one here is full of happy things. Like the absence of paperwork. Leisure time. This thing I've never seen but hear is amazing: 'Sleep'. Pick one."

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Pinko - 09-12-2009

' Wrote:Jim looked up from the paper to the would-be R&A officer. Eyes never leaving Kriss' face, he slowly leaned back, set the paper face up on his desk, and settled into his chair. So he sat for a small eternity, staring directly at the space between the poor kid's eyes.

"Aww, c'mon, Jim, give the kid a break." Karl Agathon chanced past Jim's office, and not a moment too soon. Poor Kriss was breaking out in rivulets of sweat under the force of Jim's gaze.

"I'm...not...finished...." Jim, still staring, reached into his desk drawer and retrieved a beautiful gold filigree case. "Do you know what this is, Kriss?"

Kriss shook his head. No, he didn't know, but he was sure Jim would tell him.

"Darn right I will. This here box holds the crushed and destroyed dreams of thousands of applicants." Jim reached back into his drawer and pulled out another, less ornate box. "This one here is full of happy things. Like the absence of paperwork. Leisure time. This thing I've never seen but hear is amazing: 'Sleep'. Pick one."

Kriss was somewhat confused, but didn't want to mess up now. Was it a trick? A sort of test? Most likely... could he really mess up? Is his fate really sealed between choosing two boxes? He then took a deep breath and manages to stop the sweating. He then taps with his fingertip the Golden box, with the most serious attitude he could give to himself, remaining silent.

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Boss - 09-12-2009

' Wrote:Kriss was somewhat confused, but didn't want to mess up now. Was it a trick? A sort of test? Most likely... could he really mess up? Is his fate really sealed between choosing two boxes? He then took a deep breath and manages to stop the sweating. He then taps with his fingertip the Golden box, with the most serious attitude he could give to himself, remaining silent.

Jim opened the box. Then he opened the other. Then he turned both around to face Kriss.

They were both empty.

"Well, shoot. I seem to have misplaced my 'Denied' stamps."

"You mean both of them were..."

"Yeah. Cruel, I know. Well, best make do." Jim reached behind the kid's ear and pulled out a stamp. "I thought you were just hard of hearing...My bad, I suppose."

Jim took the stamp and slammed it down on the paper with such force that both the gold and drab boxes were jostled a good six inches across the desk.


LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Soar - 09-21-2009

Hesitating for a moment at the entrance of the recruitment centre, Aaron Cooper examined the statue in front of the edifice. He couldn't quite make out who it represented through all the pigeon droppings. After squinting at it for a while through the sun's warm midday rays, he sighed and looked back to the building that stood in front of him, imposing with its plain white walls. A bit nervous, he took one last glance at his PDA to make sure he was at the right place, and, that confirmed, took a deep breath and walked through the doorway.

After crossing the doorstep into the lobby, he allowed his eyes a moment to adjust to the dimmer artificial lighting and made his way to a throng of excited people (presumably fellow applicants for the job openings that had recently come up) standing in front of a plain counter, behind which confidently sat a secretary with a no-nonsense look plastered on her face.

"Silence!", she barked into the microphone, causing a distressingly irritating blare of static that had everyone covering their ears. "I want everyone to line up, single file! This isn't a high-school reunion, darn it!"

With a low wave of mumbling and complaining, the would-be police officers lined up. Taking advantage of all the shuffling about, Aaron managed to place himself near the front of the line, and from there waited patiently until he reached the secretary's desk.

Handing him a form, she ordered: "Fill this out and put it in that slot over there. Next!"

Moving to the back of the atrium where he had some breathing space, he nicked a pen from someone next to him when he wasn't looking and scanned through the sheet of paper. Trying to keep his handwriting as legible as possible (who knew people still wrote by hand nowadays?), he answered the questions as honestly as possible - which of course means with as much embellishment he could fit in without declaring himself the president of Liberty.
  • Name: Aaron Cooper
  • Age: 21 in a month's time.
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Weight: 165 lbs
  • Previous Jobs: Co-pilot for an Ageira Starflier escort ship; serving boy at Sunbucks Cafe.
  • Qualifications: I got my high school diploma, and from there took a two-year apprenticeship with Ageira as an escort.
  • Brief Biography: Like a lot of people who aren't rich enough to afford nice homes on Manhattan or Los Angeles, I was born on Pittsburgh and grew up in a neighbourhood that, although not a fine one by Manhattan standards, was definitely one of the better ones on the industrialized planet. I led a pretty normal life, and not that bad for a kid on Pittsburgh: both parents working, no siblings, went through school alright, and the other regular stuff that'd be too tedious to put on paper, especially with the limited space which I'm close to exceeding already. So anyway, I went through an apprenticeship with Ageira - I would have gone with DSE, except that there was no room for me with them. I was lucky to have a teacher who was able to pull some strings and get me with Ageira instead; otherwise I'd be stuck on the manufacturing chain on the surface. Fast forward a few years through the apprenticeship and here I am.
  • Reasons for Joining: I need a career, not just a job that'll leave me in a static position my whole life. Some of Liberty's best and brightest are or were among the LPI's ranks, including my personal idol, Sean Toronto. I'd hear stories from my piloting tutor about how he'd get the job done no matter what the risks involved, and that's just the kind of heroism I hope I'm able to someday manage to show even half as much of. Liberty's always been good to me, and I think it's only fair that I give something back in return, to her and her people.
After re-reading what he'd written a mind numbing one time, Aaron pushed and shoved his way back through the line-turned-crowd-anew, the applicant from whom he'd "borrowed" his pen searching frantically around him, and with fingers crossed dropped the sheet into the slot embedded into the desk. After taking a last glance around, he walked back out into the sunlight and calmed his heartbeat with a few steady breaths before going back home to wait for a response, should one come.

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Zapp - 09-21-2009

' Wrote:Hesitating for a moment at the entrance of the recruitment centre, Aaron Cooper examined the statue in front of the edifice. He couldn't quite make out who it represented through all the pigeon droppings. After squinting at it for a while through the sun's warm midday rays, he sighed and looked back to the building that stood in front of him, imposing with its plain white walls. A bit nervous, he took one last glance at his PDA to make sure he was at the right place, and, that confirmed, took a deep breath and walked through the doorway.

After crossing the doorstep into the lobby, he allowed his eyes a moment to adjust to the dimmer artificial lighting and made his way to a throng of excited people (presumably fellow applicants for the job openings that had recently come up) standing in front of a plain counter, behind which confidently sat a secretary with a no-nonsense look plastered on her face.

"Silence!", she barked into the microphone, causing a distressingly irritating blare of static that had everyone covering their ears. "I want everyone to line up, single file! This isn't a high-school reunion, darn it!"

With a low wave of mumbling and complaining, the would-be police officers lined up. Taking advantage of all the shuffling about, Aaron managed to place himself near the front of the line, and from there waited patiently until he reached the secretary's desk.

Handing him a form, she ordered: "Fill this out and put it in that slot over there. Next!"

Moving to the back of the atrium where he had some breathing space, he nicked a pen from someone next to him when he wasn't looking and scanned through the sheet of paper. Trying to keep his handwriting as legible as possible (who knew people still wrote by hand nowadays?), he answered the questions as honestly as possible - which of course means with as much embellishment he could fit in without declaring himself the president of Liberty.
  • Name: Aaron Cooper
  • Age: 21 in a month's time.
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Weight: 165 lbs
  • Previous Jobs: Co-pilot for an Ageira Starflier escort ship; serving boy at Sunbucks Cafe.
  • Qualifications: I got my high school diploma, and from there took a two-year apprenticeship with Ageira as an escort.
  • Brief Biography: Like a lot of people who aren't rich enough to afford nice homes on Manhattan or Los Angeles, I was born on Pittsburgh and grew up in a neighbourhood that, although not a fine one by Manhattan standards, was definitely one of the better ones on the industrialized planet. I led a pretty normal life, and not that bad for a kid on Pittsburgh: both parents working, no siblings, went through school alright, and the other regular stuff that'd be too tedious to put on paper, especially with the limited space which I'm close to exceeding already. So anyway, I went through an apprenticeship with Ageira - I would have gone with DSE, except that there was no room for me with them. I was lucky to have a teacher who was able to pull some strings and get me with Ageira instead; otherwise I'd be stuck on the manufacturing chain on the surface. Fast forward a few years through the apprenticeship and here I am.
  • Reasons for Joining: I need a career, not just a job that'll leave me in a static position my whole life. Some of Liberty's best and brightest are or were among the LPI's ranks, including my personal idol, Sean Toronto. I'd hear stories from my piloting tutor about how he'd get the job done no matter what the risks involved, and that's just the kind of heroism I hope I'm able to someday manage to show even half as much of. Liberty's always been good to me, and I think it's only fair that I give something back in return, to her and her people.
After re-reading what he'd written a mind numbing one time, Aaron pushed and shoved his way back through the line-turned-crowd-anew, the applicant from whom he'd "borrowed" his pen searching frantically around him, and with fingers crossed dropped the sheet into the slot embedded into the desk. After taking a last glance around, he walked back out into the sunlight and calmed his heartbeat with a few steady breaths before going back home to wait for a response, should one come.

The Chief absent-mindedly pins all the applications to the wall and throws darts at them. One happens to land on this one, and it's ACCEPTED.

// If you can get in-game now, I can help you set up.