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Red Hessian Reporting Facility - CaltuRe - 06-26-2010

...Incoming transmission...
From: Oberleutnant Hans Becker
Location: Firetal base, Omega 11
Subject: Patrol report

As far as my Sabre was repaired after a fight in Stuttgart I was able to start my usual patrols again.
At the beginning I came to Planet Stuttgart - New Berlin Jumpgate trade lane, to collect some donations for ze Revolution.
Soon I stoped the Bowex transport. Captain was a polite and had full cargo of a Military Venchies. I asked him about the donation for the Revolution and explained to him our goals and ideas.
Well, he was a kind man and gave 2.000.000 sc for our great deal. He asked me not to share his name, maybe he is afraid that the Kanzler or the Queens agents will know about that and he will be punished.

Than I met a Junker in a Pirate transport, he had full cargo of alloy.
I also asked him to make a donation for the Red Hessian Army and zer Revolution. But this one was a rude and refused to pay anything. He told me that he hates the Revolution and would never support it. Well, I let him move out. meh, he is a terrible man.

Well, one hour later we received the message from comrade Hans Gukel. He reported about Corsairs fighters in the Hammen Hole and asked for support.
Major Hoerst, Me and Oberst Neurath came as soon as we could.
Gefreiter Gukel was alone against 2 of the Sails pilots.
Major Hoerst entered the fight to help him. Me and Oberst neurath were ready to jump in if it would be needed.
Lucky, maybe after a 15 min the first sair decided to run. His ship was badly damaged.
Another Sair did not stant for long too. He ran as his friednd did before.
Both of them docked at Cadiz. We had lack of firepower to make a counter attack.
So, finished my patrol and docked on Firetal.

Hans Becker out.
...End of transmission...

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Rapur - 06-26-2010

***Incomming Transmission***

Message to: RHA command
Comm ID: Udo Keisinger
Location: Vogtland Base, Dresden

Today we had a small attack on the corsairs in their home system. Adolph Hessler led the strikeforce alongside with Herr Neurath. After we got to their home planet, Crete there was already a fighter squad waiting for us. Ofcourse they had to use some sneaky coward tactics and brought in gunboats, but nobody can stop The Army. In the damage was about 3 fighters and 2 gunboats down, and we made out there alive without any loss. Unfortunately my guncam got damaged during the fight, but I'm sure the others can provide you proof of the corsair ship's destruction.
After this battle I'm confident to say that the days of the corsair nation are counted.

Signed: Udo.Keisinger

***Transmission Ended***

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Roland.Koenig - 06-27-2010

*** Incoming transmission ***

Comm ID: Roland Koenig
Source: Ronneburg Base, Omega-5
Subject: Omega-5 incident

Guten tag mein damen und herren.

I was sitting in the cafe on Freital this morning having a coffee and discussing some of the finer points of weapons design with a comrade, when I heard the call over the comm system. There was a situation in Omega-5 which required our immediate attention. Several of us moved out immediately and proceeded to the system to find comrade Orlov of the Coalition fighting off a savage Corsair attack some 20 clicks from Ronneburg.

We wasted no time in offering our assistance, and together we began to wear down the savages. It took some time as we had to go through several reinforcements along the way, but of course they never stood a chance.

I should note that herr Joker was in the vicinity also and offered his assistance, though we had the situation under control from the beginning and that was not necessary. I have attached two guncam images to this report of the incident, more would have been available but there appears to have been a malfunction in the onboard the storage device. I will have our engineers take a look at it at once.

[Image: th_o5a.png] [Image: th_o5b.png]

As always it was a pleasure flying with you mein herren. Drinks are on me at Ronneburg!

Fur das volkrevolution!

Koenig out

*** Transmission terminated ***

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Blodo - 06-27-2010

Message to: RHA
Comm ID: Major Gunther Hoerst, RHA SOA
Location: Freistadt, Omega-7

Comrades, I am sending this via secure link from Omega-7, because the information is of utmost importance. This is vital to our strategy, it will mean an incredible upheaval of power in the Omega systems in our favour.

I want a team observing Briesen at all times, starting now. Word is the Daumann workers are increasingly discontent about the lack of Military presence in Omega-7, and that is an opportunity we must seize. If I am correct, we might be looking at a full scale strike soon.

Radio Freies Rheinland is working full time broadcasting the truth over the system's many channels. I'll update you with further information as it reaches me.


Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Petitioner - 06-27-2010

Incoming Transmission!
From: Klaus Strausburg
Subject: <no subject header entered>

Major Hoerst, I will take it upon myself to personally ensure that there is always a patrol near Briesen. Long live the revolution! Klaus out.

End Transmission!

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Nicolas - 06-27-2010

Transmission source: Omega 5, Ronneburg Base
Transmission ID: Hans Gukel
Transmission receiver: RHA
Transmission begins:

Guten Abend, Kameraden der RHA

First I want to report about two donators to the RHA and it`s cause.

I found one in Omega 7 and the other one in New Berlin.

[Image: emerikconv.jpg]

Emerik Donation

[Image: reynoldsconv.jpg]

Reynolds Donation

Then I went for some training to Omega 54. After that I went on patrol to Omega 41 where I found a Corsair Dromedary Border Worlds Freighter. I told him to give me his Deuterium which he dropped. It seems as I had some troubles with my communication system, as I sent some transmission to RHA Liner Talesin but Pit Gruenfink didn`t receive any. However, after some time my transmission made their path through space and the answer came soon. He was ready to come to Omega 41 and to get the Deuterium. I asked him to pay me one Million Credits, because I needed my communication system and my ship due to radiation repaired.

I went to Ronneburg to write this report and will go on with patrol now.

Keep the fight for freedom for the Vaterland on.

Gefreiter Hans Gukel

Transmission Ends

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Talesin - 06-27-2010

>>>>>>>>>>>> Incoming Transmission <<<<<<<<<<<
ID:Pit "Talesin" Gruenfink
Source: Wolfsburg Shipyard, Omega 54
Topic: Blood Diamonds Route, Donations and Shippings
Transmission Code: AB4

Guten Tag Kameraden,

some things did happen since my last report.

At first we went to Omega 3 to look for some cargo interdiction and to seek for more Donators.
During my time there several other Hessian Vessels named HS~Otto.Flick, HS~Hans.Gruber and Neo-Viking|Birka showed up and decided to assist me.

We didn't have to wait long untill a Bowex Shire passed. Normally we don't need to ask Bowex for donations, since they occasionally ship our Blood Diamonds and supply our Bases, but this time it was different.
The Vessel was shipping rheinlandic Military Vehicles, and we could not let it proceed like this, after directly having founded the Rheiland Military with this. But since Bowex still supplies us we weren't harsh this time and showed mercy.
Thankful the Bowex Captain donated three millions to our cause.
[Image: warpoletax9vto1mrc.png]

Short time later an indepenant Trader named Noprobs passed by. Though he was insisting that he hasn't got much money, he was willing to donate one million to our cause.
A righteous man, donating though he can hardly spare anything.

Few Moments later a Freelancer named BlitzHorst arrived. Whilst i was still talking to him a nother Freelaning Ship called Fangs showed up.
Those Freelancers both seemed to be reasonable man and after explaining them the needs for donations in our task against the Corsairs, the corrupt Government and their Military Pets, they donated all they could spare, 750k Credits each.

These Captains seemed really to be supporting us and the Captain of the Vessel named Fangs even offered further monetary support if needed.
[Image: thankfulldonators48z1gmrn_thumb.jpg]

After this short interruption i commenced supplying our Bases again.
We also made the trip to Liberty two times to ship several Blood Diamonds to Pradua Base, Galileo for further distribution.
[Image: diamondsop5zyf3e_thumb.jpg]

At the first time i tried flying through Kusari Space, since i experianced it would take a long time to get through Rheinland and Liberty Space:
[Image: map2r26hgwkq.png]

As expected the route did take nearly as long as the direct way, but it seemed to be alot more dangerous, i had several hostile contacts on scanner, though i were able to escape.

So after that experiance i took another route. This time we didnt move through New York like the first time, as that seemed to be very dangerous, but we moved through California and Ontario:
[Image: map1w6ohisna.png]

Up to now this route was the most riskless one, we did sneak 'round the RM-Controlled System of New Berlin, around the crowded Liberty Capital System of New York and even around most of the war-scourged territory in between.

After finishing these runs and supplying Casablanca Base, we started to supply Wolfsburg again.
Since the Junkers could provide some of the needed Materials, we headed to Kreuzberg Base in New Berlin several times.
At one of these runs we met an ALG Golem Heavy Mover. He was transporting a full load of Scrap Metal. Normally i would have asked him to divide a little to us, but this time our holds were already filled up to the top, so i merely asked for a Donation.
That ALG one seemed to be very supportive since he provided us with three Million Credits.
[Image: algdonationw0n1yti2_thumb.jpg]

After that short interruption we continued our delivery to Wolfsburg.
Heres the List of shipped goods until now:

6.700 Units Ship Hull Panels (+1.200)
14.000 Units of Engine Components (+7.300)
432 Units of Optronics
1.000 Units Quantum Multiplexors
8.600 Units of Basic Alloy (+5.000)
1.000 Units of Super Alloy
800 Units of High-Temperature Alloy
2.190 Units of MOX (+595)
2.500 Units of Superconductors (+2.000)
14.000 Units of Scrap Metal
10.900 Units of H-Fuel (+3.900)
200 Units of Deuterium
2.500 Units of Fertilizers
500 Units of Polymers
1.000 Units of Water (+400)
2.500 trained Men and Women

Cargo Files:
[Image: shippingsvifonr1a4b_thumb.jpg] [Image: shippingsvii5yocbr4n_thumb.jpg]

Docking at Wolfsburg, my second home:
[Image: dockedagainzu6ifb08_thumb.jpg]

I will commence shipping various goods to Wolfsburg. The Colonization project of Planet Wiesbaden is stopped at the moment, but though i will try to aquire Terraforming Materials to improve the atmospheres conditions, since currently the planet is rather dusty.

[color=#33CC00]Zum Schutze des Volkes!

>>>>>>>>>>>> Transmission ended <<<<<<<<<<<

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Rapur - 06-28-2010

***Incomming Transmission***

Message to: RHA command
Comm ID: Udo Keisinger
Location: Vogtland Base, Dresden

The last patrol was pretty exciting since we had the opportunaty to fight the feared Black Sails there. Major Neurath sent me a request for back so I hoped into my ship an proceeded to the Omega-5 system where the fight already begun between our men and the corsair pirates. Sasha Orlov from the SCRA was there too doing a pretty good job killing those bastards. The fight ended up with 1 loss and we successfuly destroyed the enemy ships and returned to Ronnenburg station for repairs. I managed to take down one of their best pilots too.

Guncam of the destructions

Signed: Udo.Keisinger

***Transmission Ended***

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - .:Pandemonium:. - 06-28-2010

-----------------------------(...incomming transmission)-----------------------------

COMM ID: Captain Miquel Cordero of the Outcast Navy
LOCATION: Omicron Alpha - planet Malta
SUBJECT: RHA technology request


Greetings Red Hessians

This is an official technology request for my ship, i would like to buy Red Hessian Destroyer Missile Launcher for one of our ships.... to be precise for a destroyer under my command, currently the weaponry market isnt offering such powerfull missile turrets like you have in your armory. I would appreciate if it would be possible.

We need one (1) piece of this weaponry, and it will be mounted on the Storta destroyer "Krak des Chevaliers", sure if allowed this technology wont be used in future agains RHA or any of your allies.

Thanks in advance for quick reply.

Captain Miquel Cordero
Commanding officer of the "Krak des Chevaliers"

-------------------------(...transmission ends)----------------------------

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Blodo - 06-28-2010

Message to: RHA-net Technical Squad
Comm ID: RHA Comm Security Squad
Location: Vogtland, Dresden


Today we have intercepted an unauthorised transmission coming from those treacherous Outcast schweinen. It would appear that whoever sent the transmission was using one of those old restricted access codes that were given out to our former 'allies' over a year ago. We have taken the liberty to patch the security hole, and delete all of those non-standard access codes. The incoming transmission was also destroyed, and the signal completely jammed as per protocol.

Take note: You are hereby ordered to once again review the directives of the Revolutionary Council regarding RHA-net security. Such blatant disregard for our comm security will not be tolerated once again.

Oberleutnant Niklas Bader
Comm Security