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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Othman - 11-01-2008

Comm. ID.: Captain Baranov

---Initiating Transmission---

What a day comrades! Just after the peerless blockade of Omega-5, we have claimed yet another great victory against the oppressors of Rheinland today. According to the data compiled so far, the military of Rheinland lost a whole fleet composed of at least 3 battleships and lots of other support units including the flagship Westphalia of the military of Rheinland, while the combined strike force of the Hessians and our wing barely gave away a loss or two after a long but fruitful hassle. Neither civilians nor the reinforcements provided by bounty hunters were able to prevent the dreadful shattering of New Berlin, fed and trimmed with human blood. I wonder how they will convince their media now about this disasterous security breach which aided us to penetrate into the heart of Berlin without being detected and intercepted!

For detailed intel on the precise statistics of the outcome, we might need to refer to the reports of RHA.

[Image: screen45.gif]

Rejoice now my brothers and comrades, as our foes have once again failed, the tradition continued to serve its people and despair is sowed deep into the soil of Rheinland!

For the red dawn!

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - FooFighter - 11-05-2008

::SUBJECT: Report A-01::
::COMM-ID: Mireille Ceyes::

Greetings, Comrades. I'm proud to announce that my kill count grows and grows while no one of these corrupt counterrevolutionaries, be it the Corsairs or my former Libertonian brethren, has been skilled enough to take down this proud (Ex-)Marine that I am.

While patrolling together with Lieutenant Gellantra, we managed to take down another three Corsair corpse-eaters. One in a fighter, one in a gunboat and one in a cruiser. Both warships were taken down very quickly (my thanks go to the Lieutenant for his support in a Bomber) - the Gunboat received the final shot from Gellantra's heavy weaponry; it was me who gave the cruiser the coup de grace. The fighter managed to escape however, utilizing strange technology that made him incredibly hard to target, but not before we disabled his shield multiple times and almost destroyed his hull as well. Sadly, not one of them gave me the pleasure of screaming for his life over the comms; I guess I should show some respect even for our enemies.

[Image: report01.PNG]

I also met with the Platoon I've brought with me when joining the revolution today. While I sadly have to admit that two of them seem to show doubt toward the cause they are fighting for, the rest of what once was the 23rd Boarding FORECON platoon is gladly supporting the Revolution. Instruct the barkeeper to keep them away from alcohol, though; if I see any of my men drunk while on duty, both he and the Bartender on Cape Verde should better be covering each other's six - I promise that both will be in serious trouble.

For the Red Dawn!

Ceyes out.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - horvat - 11-05-2008

...:::::Incoming Transmission:::::...
To:Mireille Ceyes
Comm ID: Luis Gellantra

Greetings Comrade,indeed it was one of those glorious days that we had *Chuckles*, although one thing is wrong you can't instruct barkeeper not to give them alcohol *Hick*. For REVOLUTION!!! PS: You have a big bill to pay, i have maybe drank too much celebrating the victory. *Hick*. Luis out

...:::::End of transmission:::::...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 11-06-2008

Transmission to: SCRA Fighter Command
Comm ID: Commander Weise
Routed Through: IMG Channels

Brothers, those man-eating corsairs have taken another shot to the chest! Two Cruisers, two gunboats, and a Titan were claimed today in a battle stretching from Omega-5 to Omega-41. Commodore O'Jovem, Captain Striatov, myself, and Lt-Commander Karchov launched from Cape Verde an hour ago. I grabbed my scimitar, and the others their bombers.

We advanced into Omega-5, and were preparing to move into Omega-41, when the corsair fleet was among us. I dispatched OPG Poisin within minutes, as the others took down the gunboats. The two cruisers immediatly fled, but their cowardice only postphoned the inevitable. One cruiser was caught on the other side of the hole, and blasted to smithereens, leaving the crew to burn in the hash radiation. An Ion storn caught me then, and left my nav sensors incapable for several minutes.

When it cleared, I spotted the other cruiser near the Omega-5 hole, and engaged. As he attempted to flee from our overwhelming firepower, I laced the bridge with fire, and she exploded into scrap.

From there, the flight moved to Ronneburg to reload and repair. Captain Straitov replaced his bomber with his fighter, and from there we moved to Bretonia. Upon our entry to Cambridge, we were hailed by Commander Stanley Nelson of the BAF, who informed us in his pompus, arrogant, and rather girlish tones that we were not welcome.

Uh huh.

Commander Nelson was the first to perish, followed by the Gunboat HMS-Warspite. Following that, I engaged a bomber piloted by an extremely skilled Ensign. I kept his shields down, but he appeared to have a limitless suply of Nuclear mines. After the third bout of radiation slammed into my ship, I saw no choice but to ditch on the IMG's Cardif Mining Station. The fight outside rages, and I see the young lad who forced me down has perished. He was brave, but brave on the wrong side of this war.

I expect reports to come from Commodore O'Jovem very soon, and I assume a transport is enroute for me and my fighter. Don't hurry too much though, I've introduced the pub here to 'Crazy Mexicans', and I think that burly chap in the corner is looking fo-

*Blam! Blamblam!*

Erm, he was looking for a fight. Anyhoo, I'll be back soon, keep the Vodka cold for me.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cmfalconer - 11-06-2008

CommID: Lt. Cmdr Alexi Karchov
Target: SCRA High Command
Message Origin: Gran Carina, Omega49

I've been tasked with clarification and recon duties for these two sorties, and will soon have guncam footage. Bear with me, my Natalia's computer is giving me headaches.

Message Send

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 11-06-2008

Comm. ID: Commodore Adrian 'Ares' o Jovem

---Transmission Initiated---

Well done to the pilots of Red and Gold Wings for this evening's conflicts against both the Corsairs and the Armed Forces of Her So-Called Majesty, Carina.

For diligent escort and support of our bomber pilots, Commander Eugen Weise is to be presented with the Order of the Shield of the Coalition. Something of a mouthful, that, but this decoration is awarded to pilots for going beyond the call of duty in defending more vulnerable individuals. Specifically, the award is for taking out a hostile Titan class vessel before it could even threaten his wingmen.

Also of note are the professional manner in which Captain Yuri Striatov and Lieutenant Commander Alexi Karchov performed in both engagements. Captain Striatov's tactical acumen as an operations officer and Lieutenant Commander Karchov's extreme cool under fire from missile batteries are both worthy of Mentions in Dispatches.

Good work, people. Keep it up.

-Ares out

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 11-06-2008

Transmission to: SCRA
Comm ID: Admiral Ty Kirk, Fleet Commander

Comrades, it is my pleasure to announce we have gathered the neccesary equipment and supplies to begin the construction of my new flagship, the CPW Poplular Front. This new class of Destroyer, designated the Typhoon series, is the pinnacle of Coalition technology, and is the brainchild of Chief Engineer Xing KeSi. I expect it to be fully operational within the end of the year.

Six ships of this class are to be produced, and will replace existing Fearless class vessels within the fleet. Captain Jan Richthofen's Ho Chi Minh will be the second of this new type, and the third is as yet un-named. The old Fearless class will be used as spare parts, and to feed the war machine in scrap metal.

To replace the old mix of fighters and bombers, we are recieving an entirely new, Coalition produced, line of snubfighters. The new Revolution, Insurgent, and Partisan class ships will allow us to replace our aging fleet of alliance-produced vessels with cutting-edge snubfighters. Considering the havok already wrought by our brave pilots in their old vessels, these new ones will usher in a new age of combat prowess, and usher the final victory ever closer.

Currently, their are no plans to retain any old-style ships, although there may be one or two exceptions allowed.

For the Revolution! Kirk out.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Othman - 11-06-2008

Comm. ID: Captain Baranov

---Initiating Transmission---

After orbiting Ronneburg for a while, we had a small skirmish with the Corsairs of OPG, Benitez and independents today. They were unable to touch us as usual, while we managed to mock them into submission by a deadly blow. A Corsair Gunboat was first to be vanquished just as a Praefect Cruiser followed the same fate shortly after. They then did send more of them which only aided us with additional fodder and target practice. Funnily enough, I have destroyed 4 very heavy fighters with my nuclear mines throughout the combat.

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 11-06-2008

Comm. ID: Commodore Adrian 'Ares' o Jovem

---Transmission Initiated---

Again, time to honour our heroes.

Captain Miroslav Baranov is to be receive a Hero of the Revolution medal for his dogged pursuit and destruction of enemy fighter which were distracted by Captain Yuri Striatov, who shall receive another Mention in Dispatches.

Both of these pilots are bloody heroes, and should be treated as such.

-Ares out!

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - horvat - 11-09-2008

.....:::::Incoming Transmission::::......

Comm ID: Lt. Luis Gellantra

Greetings Comrades, i will be short as always. During our flight trough Cambridge Lt. Feyzullah Hikmet and I encountered a BAF pilot which was soon accompanied by one more gunboat and a fighter. Fight was hard but we managed to destroy gunboat and were forced to flee due to increase of BAF and Bounty hunter vessels in Cambridge system. This is only a show how scared are they of us. Comrades they had to bring whole wing to force us to flee*Laughs*. Long live the Revolution!!!!
[Image: screen90.jpg]

....::::End of transmission::::.....