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Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Printable Version

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Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Kingalex535 - 09-16-2010

Transmission source: vogtland dresden

Transmission Begins:

Greetings Red hessian Army!


I bring tidings of the destruction of the Military. I had recieved a call from Thomas Sledge that there was a situation at the trade lane from bonn to stuttgart. I came ASAP and he had to leave due to lack of fuel and I met the Joker, a few of his men, and a Hessian cruiser surrounded by indies and rm. When the battle started, many of the indies fled or were destroyed by the joker and his gang or the Hessian cruiser but 2 RNC and a fighter remained. The outcomes are below.

RNC cruiser: Destroyed
RM Indie: Destroyed
RNC Battlecruiser: Fled heavily damaged

Finally, when i was patrolling Omega 7, I met a kruger miner mining colbat. He stopped the moment I asked and, with a bit of a talk, he said he supported the Hessian movements and also gave a donation of 2 million to our cause.

On the side i wrote me autobiography which you could look at on the side.

End of Successes.


I have failed to infiltrate and gain access to their military codes and their staff. They told me never to apply to become apart of their service again.

End of failures.

For The Revolution!

Transmission ends.
Transmission source: Vogtland bar

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - FaithfulWanderer - 09-17-2010

~~Recieving Encrypted Message~~
~~Source: Unknown~~
~~Identification: Virgil Cainen, RHA Enlist~~
~~Decrypting Message~~


I've recieved your confirmation of my application. I've reviewed the RHA Operational Manuel thourally and am up to speed on all basic procedures. I've already procured funds to support my fighter and I am eager to begin my fight against the Kanzler and the corrupt National Party. I will retransmit my personal frequency below. Awaiting further orders.

Skype Address: anarchal-faith

~~Encryption Ends~~

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - ChillerMiller - 09-18-2010

-----Incomming Transmission-----

COMM ID: Rekrut Peter Schubert

Greetings Kameraden,

My name is Peter Schubert i was a Rekrut in the red hessian army.
One day i decided to lay my weapons down and live in peace but that time is over.
I return to fight for the revolution.

-----End of transmission-----

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - socioclast - 09-19-2010

[Image: newberlin1.jpg]

----- Incoming transmission -----
Message to : RHA
Comm ID: Oberst Ernst Neurath
Location: Vogtland, Dresden

After taking small hiatus from frontline duties, I returned to my active position and decided that my bomber will be needed closer to our main base of operations in Dresden system. My return from Bruchsal base to Kaiserslautern Depot didn't go unnoticed and within few minutes my location was compromised near planet Neu Berlin by one Rheinwehr pilot on patrol. He followed me toward Brandenburg station when I received information about our veteran gunboat RHGB-Liebling is on patrol and is coming to help me out.

Before Liebling arrived, one more Rheinwehr pilot arrived and the fight started almost immidiately. After few minutes 2 more enemy pilots arrived so now it was 3 Wraiths and 1 bomber against our gunboat and bomber. Not so good odds to begin with but two quick anti-matter shots vaporized enemy bomber and fighter.

[Image:] [Image:]

Since ion storms interference was getting high and our disruptive action has already been successful, we left those remaining two blood-thirsty pilots near lanes and entered coordinates for Kaiserlautern for refuel and refit.
I shall begin uploading new tactical info from Frankfurt traffic lanes and military patrols immidiately.

For Hessians!


Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Kingalex535 - 09-19-2010

Transmission source: Vogtland, dresden
Transmission ID: Leutnant Mike.Stah
Transmission begins:

Greetings red hessian Army!

The corsairs have suffered greatly and now, we will be able to push them back. We had made a gamma raid with the Order in which we bombarded Tripoli Station. It will take them weeks to repair with the total damage we did.

Finally, I heard that a battle of 5v5 was taken in dresden between the RM and RHA. The situation was that they tried to despirit the miners from joining our cause and put them back into line. I hope nothing happened that would injure our movements.

For Ze Revolution!

Transmission ends.
Transmission source: Unknown

//I don't know if this was actually true, i just heard about how a battle took place 30 minutes ago with 5v5.

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - socioclast - 09-20-2010

[Image: report1v.jpg]

----- Incoming transmission -----
Message to : RHA
Comm ID: Oberst Ernst Neurath
Location: Freital, Omega-11

We managed to steal a victory again in Stuttgart, mein kamaraden!
I was on patrol with Major Hoerst, we were both in VHF near Neu Berlin jumpgate when RM patrol showed up consisting of two Wraiths. Seems that Rheinwehr doesnt train those rekruts so much as they even sent one of their cruiser Black.Mamba as support.
Focused fire on cruiser slowly drained its nanos and its demise seemed inevitable. Just in time to finish it, our ally herr Joker showed up and cruiser's power core disintegrated soon after.
Remaining two Wraiths dispersed, one fled to Neu Berlin and other tried to escape toward planet Stuttgart. We targeted the latter and his vessel exploded near the planet.
As we returned to the jumpgate, another lone Rheinwehr pilot was embarassingly forced to retreat without a shot being fired.

[Image:] [Image:] [Image:]

Upon return to Omega-11, unprotected Daumann transport carrying Hessian prisoners and cargo of Cobalt ore was intercepted. Needless to say, he tried to run but Major Hoerst was waiting for him on the other side of the Dresden jumphole. He payed 6mil and released those prisoners as ordered. It saved his life.


Small reconnaissance mission for Omicron Gamma was organized soon after with help of herr Joker and we managed to bring back new scans of Gama defence positions to Freital. Offensive strategies for Gamma will be corrected accordingly to these new insights.

For Hessians!


Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Lucas_Fernandez - 09-20-2010

Message to: RHA Command
Comm ID: Major Adolph.Hessler
Location: Vogtland, Dresden

I was heading from the omega 11 system back to Vogtland when a military wraith came and opened fire at me.
After the fight begun a bounty hunter ship came who joined the battle on the military side.
The wraith managed to escape me but Jack Hunter haven't had such luck.


End of transmission.

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - ChillerMiller - 09-20-2010

---Incomming Transmission---
COMM ID: Rekrut Peter Schubert
SUBJECT: Patrol Report

Guten Tag Kameraden,

Today i started the search of my beloved Odin on Vogtland.
It took me 2 hours to find it and i was happy that the Transmitters are still working.
I just had to update the Identification Papers.

After i done all my settings i visited Omega 7.
There i found 2 miners and i asked them if they wanted to donate for the Red Hessian Army.
These 2 are huge supporters of the Revolution and they donated 7 Millions to help us to fight the Military traitors.

After this nothing much happened in Omega 7 and i returned to Vogtland.
There i sent the donation to the Armoury

That is all for now
---End of Transmission---

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - ChillerMiller - 09-22-2010

---Incomming Transmission---
COMM ID: Rekrut Peter Schubert
SUBJECT: Patrol Report

Guten Morgen Kameraden,

I made another patrol in Omega 7 this morning.
Because i am low on time i gonna make that one very quick
-I scanned Omega 7
-I found one person who wanted to donate 2 Millions
-As usual the donation was sent to Armoury

That is all for now
---End of transmission---

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - ChillerMiller - 09-22-2010

---Incomming Transmission---
COMM ID: Rekrut Peter Schubert
SUBJECT: Patrol Report

Guten Tag Kameraden,

Rekrut Schubert is reporting in again and i hope you wont be dissapointed that i didnt get a donation this time.
But i was very lucky a Military traitor passed my way.

It was Gefreiter Joachim Landers of the Rheinland Military Primary Fleet.
He followed the orders of his Kanzler without thinking.

So he decided to attack me and that was a bad decision.
The battle was short and Landers ate my mines.
A big cloud of scrap metal.
His escape pod was tractored in by a pilot of the Westliche Rheinland Flotte.
He didnt seem interested in revenge his pal.

I watched him fly away and then i returned to Vogtland

Schubert out
---End of Transmission---