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RE: Communication Zone: Maquis Front de Libération de Gallia - Lionel Bourcher - 11-24-2022

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From:Lionel Boucher

Went on a patrol in Roussillon

And look what we found near Pamiers! Some people called the BIS! They might contact us later, and we might figure out what the hell they are - they looked Bretonian!

[24.11.2022 13:19:08] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Bonjour!
[24.11.2022 13:19:23] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: Greetings,
[24.11.2022 13:19:25] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Putain! What's a cruiser doing in my system!
[24.11.2022 13:19:40] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: And what does BIS stand for, never seen your kind
[24.11.2022 13:20:02] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: yeah, we need know what your knew
[24.11.2022 13:20:30] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: I know nothing, looks like a Bretonian ship?
[24.11.2022 13:20:58] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: The ship's Gallic is good too
[24.11.2022 13:21:12] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: So seeing as you brought it to us I will have to ask you who you are and why are you here!
[24.11.2022 13:22:01] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: I found information on Palmier
[24.11.2022 13:22:16] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Palmier? Putain man, you mean Pamiers?
[24.11.2022 13:22:25] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: and repair to back on Bretonia
[24.11.2022 13:22:38] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: So you ARE Bretonian?
[24.11.2022 13:22:43] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: What does that SIS thing stand for
[24.11.2022 13:22:52] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: We have only dealt with your military
[24.11.2022 13:24:07] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: Yeah .. our military are stand by now,
[24.11.2022 13:24:21] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Last time we talked to them was when they lifted the blockade for us
[24.11.2022 13:24:22] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: wait a minute
[24.11.2022 13:24:29] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: When we helped the people of Lorraine
[24.11.2022 13:24:38] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: That's let me think...almost a year ago!
[24.11.2022 13:24:54] Can not pay bounty against ineligible combatant (reputation towards target must be 0.00 or lower).
[24.11.2022 13:25:08] Rules Tip: Do not run Freelancer at a framerate above 155fps - for more information on this, please visit our forums @
[24.11.2022 13:25:44] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: great mission in Loraine
[24.11.2022 13:26:05] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Thanks! It helped us greatly and was a success
[24.11.2022 13:26:08] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: even though we "lost"
[24.11.2022 13:26:25] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: *Laughs* the Putain de Merde Royalists ate it up
[24.11.2022 13:26:43] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: hahaha, indeed
[24.11.2022 13:27:10] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: it wont be long before the first Fruits of our Labour will show
[24.11.2022 13:27:13] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: well, what your plain now to Gallia?
[24.11.2022 13:27:25] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Take down the Oppressive Gallic Union of course
[24.11.2022 13:27:34] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: That has all those former spineless Royalists in charge!
[24.11.2022 13:27:34] Changing screen mode=windowed
[24.11.2022 13:28:23] Changing screen mode=full
[24.11.2022 13:28:33] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: We have a few projects in the meantime
[24.11.2022 13:28:38] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Toulouse over there is one of them
[24.11.2022 13:28:51] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: and wjat we will can help your cause?
[24.11.2022 13:28:54] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Place is a shitheap, we want to make it useful
[24.11.2022 13:29:02] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: what**
[24.11.2022 13:29:04] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Well we need all we can get! Weapons, Supplies, Information
[24.11.2022 13:29:18] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Contacts, you name it, we are in a bad situation
[24.11.2022 13:29:37] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: See the Pamiers here? It's an escape artist, not exactly known for taking things head on.
[24.11.2022 13:29:48] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: It will be decades before we can challenge the Union openly in our current state
[24.11.2022 13:30:38] Changing screen mode=windowed
[24.11.2022 13:30:54] Changing screen mode=full
[24.11.2022 13:31:06] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: So if you can provide us with literally anything, we are all ears
[24.11.2022 13:31:51] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: wel, i wil bring this to the attention of my superiors an they will contact youcoammand
[24.11.2022 13:32:21] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Merci! I am looking forward towards finding out who the putain you people are in the first place *laughs*
[24.11.2022 13:32:43] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Your ships like the Armed Forces, yet you don't seem to be - make sure to include that too Sirian please !
[24.11.2022 13:34:40] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: when you findout "Putains", let us know so we can help each other
[24.11.2022 13:35:06] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Let your people contact us, we are always looking towards working with Sirians
[24.11.2022 13:35:17] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: We want an open Gallia afterall
[24.11.2022 13:35:40] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: wonderfull
[24.11.2022 13:35:42] Changing screen mode=windowed
[24.11.2022 13:36:16] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: certainlly we see you later new
[24.11.2022 13:36:22] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: So long!
[24.11.2022 13:36:34] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: With your permition
[24.11.2022 13:36:41] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Of course, be on your way

Terminer l'émission,
Lionel Boucher
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RE: Communication Zone: Maquis Front de Libération de Gallia - Lionel Bourcher - 11-24-2022

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From:Lionel Boucher
Subject:What the

I met a strange Brigand today, a man who was with the Council, all moralizing about our Lorraine diversion that lead to the Champagne Heist that made the Mazagran project possible. Some people have a short memory.

I had a good chuckle thinking of Council's Suiciding nuke ridden battleships or them nuking their own people with their scorched earth policy. Seriously though - what was it with the Council and nukes - and how were we ever called the "radical" ones - the mere hundreds of necessary collateral deaths we caused over the years are truly small potatoes compared to the Council's standard policy in its heyday.

[24.11.2022 14:39:57] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: yes
[24.11.2022 14:40:08] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Bonjour
[24.11.2022 14:40:18] Ah, the Front.
[24.11.2022 14:40:20] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: Hello, Boucher's
[24.11.2022 14:40:23] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Oui
[24.11.2022 14:40:29] I take it this one is a guest of yours?
[24.11.2022 14:40:50] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Can't say I know these people much
[24.11.2022 14:41:01] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Saw them earlier today, look Bretonian
[24.11.2022 14:41:10] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: well, i need away to new missions now.
[24.11.2022 14:41:16] Did the warship give it away?
[24.11.2022 14:41:32] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Well, kinda, they arent the kind we saw before
[24.11.2022 14:41:35] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: So long strangers!
[24.11.2022 14:41:59] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: Cya later to your
[24.11.2022 14:42:05] They have some nerve to show up unannounced in a warship.
[24.11.2022 14:42:24] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Whoever they are *laughs*
[24.11.2022 14:42:30] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Nothing we couldn't handle if need be
[24.11.2022 14:42:50] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: We fucked up the Enclave here, what's one little cruiser *smiles*
[24.11.2022 14:43:07] It's not one cruiser that concerns me.
[24.11.2022 14:43:14] It's the nation it belongs to.
[24.11.2022 14:43:42] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Beggars can't be choosers as they say *laughs* We don't mind Bretonian
[24.11.2022 14:44:22] And when they become intent to add this system to their Empire?
[24.11.2022 14:44:32] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: They can certainly try *laughs*
[24.11.2022 14:44:50] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Seems like they all but dissapeared from Edinburgh
[24.11.2022 14:44:55] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Gaians took care of that
[24.11.2022 14:45:05] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: If they want to take us on it will be their doom
[24.11.2022 14:45:24] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Here we can fight, it's in the open that we haven't figured out yet
[24.11.2022 14:45:32] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: I wonder if we can take on the Union in the open in my lifetime
[24.11.2022 14:45:40] Unlikely.
[24.11.2022 14:45:49] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Good ol' Pamiers here is an escape artist rather than a fighter *laughs*
[24.11.2022 14:45:59] I'd hope the mess in Lorraine is a constant reminder.
[24.11.2022 14:46:04] Tip: The world of Freelancer is full of ambiguity just like real life is. Not all characters showing up as hostile are your enemies. Likewise - not all characters showing up as neutral are your friends.
[24.11.2022 14:46:10] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: We did what we needed to there
[24.11.2022 14:46:28] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Fooled the lot, including Bretonians
[24.11.2022 14:46:39] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: They haven't realized we have used them yet *laughs*
[24.11.2022 14:46:52] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Lorraine can suck my balls and all the people in it besides your kind and us
[24.11.2022 14:47:00] That's what concerns me.
[24.11.2022 14:47:25] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Planet's fucked anyways, we had to supply the food to make it realistic that we want that "Uprising"
[24.11.2022 14:47:42] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: It was all worth it, you might see another warship of ours soon
[24.11.2022 14:47:50] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: "Only" a year later *laughs*
[24.11.2022 14:48:13] So disappointing.
[24.11.2022 14:48:37] Do you not see where your current actions will lead you?
[24.11.2022 14:48:54] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: To ...hope!
[24.11.2022 14:49:13] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: I mean Pamiers having sister ships, maybe we can finally use it in some capacity, hit and run and all
[24.11.2022 14:49:27] You're a strange man if you find hope in the bodies of the innocent.
[24.11.2022 14:49:30] Death: BAF|HMS-Arcturus was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[24.11.2022 14:50:05] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Innocent? The whole of Lorraine is a Royalist breeding ground, the people there can burn as far as I am concerned
[24.11.2022 14:50:57] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: That they ate up our "Uprising" was a shocker in the first place - as if we cared about those people *laughs*
[24.11.2022 14:51:37] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Since when is a brigand self conscious anyways
[24.11.2022 14:51:41] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: We all know about your "loans"
[24.11.2022 14:52:17] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: I don't want to say the word slave. But it's awfully close to it - I ain't judging, we all gotta do what we gotta do
[24.11.2022 14:52:28] Have you considered I might not have always been a Brigand?
[24.11.2022 14:52:45] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: have you been a cop like the others/
[24.11.2022 14:53:10] What, Royal Police? Don't make me laugh.
[24.11.2022 14:53:30] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: why scoff at them, so many brigands come from those *laughs*
[24.11.2022 14:53:32] I was CLN.
[24.11.2022 14:53:47] That's why I scoff at it.
[24.11.2022 14:53:56] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: What are you doing mixed up with the Brigands then! We need people on the front lines
[24.11.2022 14:54:38] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: All those Councillards that have joined us - why aren't you one of them?
[24.11.2022 14:54:53] I was for a short time.
[24.11.2022 14:54:59] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: I know it must be an ego hit when the dogs became the masters *laughs*
[24.11.2022 14:55:00] Until Lorraine.
[24.11.2022 14:55:05] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Fate is funny sometimes
[24.11.2022 14:55:17] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: What do you mind about lorraine anyways
[24.11.2022 14:55:45] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: We fed the people, tied the Navy there and fucked right off to our real goal
[24.11.2022 14:55:59] Innocent people were used as a diversion, thrown at a well equipped and organized force.
[24.11.2022 14:56:19] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Well , we FED the civilians
[24.11.2022 14:56:27] And left to die while the Front went off to steal ships for themselves?
[24.11.2022 14:56:35] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: And yeah yeah, perhaps some maquisards that were left behind paid the price
[24.11.2022 14:56:50] I don't know what you were before Boucher, but I was a soldier, and that was not what I signed up for.
[24.11.2022 14:56:51] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Small price to pay however, we are all proud to give our lives
[24.11.2022 14:57:17] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Well, the Councillards are too soft - we don't value our own life so greatly
[24.11.2022 14:57:38] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Softness and Compromise lead to council's doom anyways, this is why we lead the way now
[24.11.2022 14:57:57] I fought the Kingdom, I fought again against the Kusarians unjust invasion, and I risked my neck again in Lorriane.
[24.11.2022 14:58:04] Do you take me for a coward!?
[24.11.2022 14:58:15] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Of course not, different philosophy
[24.11.2022 14:58:24] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: I don't mind dying, sacrificing my life for the greater good
[24.11.2022 14:58:46] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Even sacrificing other lives, that's been the difference of phylosophy between us and the Councillards since forever
[24.11.2022 14:59:29] It is not up to either of us to sacrifice civilians! Where do you draw the line?
[24.11.2022 14:59:40] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: We never sacrificed Civilians
[24.11.2022 14:59:46] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Not in Lorraine at least
[24.11.2022 14:59:46] Changing screen mode=windowed
[24.11.2022 14:59:52] Or do you even draw the line? and instead go on to become as bad as the Royalists themselves?
[24.11.2022 15:00:28] Changing screen mode=full
[24.11.2022 15:00:55] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Never said I am a good person - we always got our hands dirty, we had to
[24.11.2022 15:01:09] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: If we didn't the King would still be alive and healthy for one
[24.11.2022 15:01:28] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: What's a small collateral in the grand scheme of things
[24.11.2022 15:01:45] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: We fight a foe that murdered Billions at once, that gassed and killed our people that trusted them
[24.11.2022 15:02:08] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: A few hundred lives in collateral damage - well - seems like a reasonable sacrifice to me
[24.11.2022 15:02:17] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: If it will lead to victory
[24.11.2022 15:02:44] A few hundred? Do you really think that was the limit of the casaulties to your little escapade in Lorraine?
[24.11.2022 15:02:57] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: What casualties - we fed the civilians
[24.11.2022 15:03:02] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Lost a few fleeing ships
[24.11.2022 15:03:39] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Not much compared to Indochine for one, there we blew up some civilians, and the Taus are better fot it
[24.11.2022 15:03:54] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Why does Council Moralise anyways, we are small fries
[24.11.2022 15:04:04] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Just look at the planet over here
[24.11.2022 15:04:24] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: The nuclear fallout from the Council nuking their own people still poisons it
[24.11.2022 15:04:36] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: We are not much different you and I see
[24.11.2022 15:05:04] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Fuck if I know if we ever clean it up enough to have some hidden bases there at least
[24.11.2022 15:05:15] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: That was Council's strategy however
[24.11.2022 15:05:46] Changing screen mode=windowed
[24.11.2022 15:06:07] You truly are incapable of seperating individuals from the group.
[24.11.2022 15:06:19] Tip: Are you new to our server? Introduce yourself on our forums in the Welcome Section at
[24.11.2022 15:06:21] That is just one of the reasons we are nothing alike.
[24.11.2022 15:06:25] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Well, you served the Council, and those were their tactics
[24.11.2022 15:06:35] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: As in high level tactics, not just some *individuals*
[24.11.2022 15:07:23] And still it was a controversial decision! One that almost ripped us apart!
[24.11.2022 15:08:24] Furthermore I didn't "serve" the Council, I fought to try and make my home a better place, not to just destroy it.
[24.11.2022 15:08:37] Changing screen mode=full
[24.11.2022 15:08:46] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: Well we did just that, we fed the cursed people of Lorraine
[24.11.2022 15:09:30] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: And that is what we all do - fight for what we believe is right
[24.11.2022 15:09:40] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: We are peoples of all sorts of values and beliefs
[24.11.2022 15:10:01] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: United under one goal. Heck, who knows, It is my opinion that we are not builders, we free the people
[24.11.2022 15:10:12] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: and we go our separate ways, let the people decide how they want to use their freedom
[24.11.2022 15:10:44] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: The former Council commanders have their methods, so do individuals, and so do we old school Maquisards
[24.11.2022 15:10:49] I'll be amazed if there is anyone left at the end of the day with your methods.
[24.11.2022 15:11:13] People like you are the reason this cursed nations history will endlessly loop.
[24.11.2022 15:11:21] Au revoir.
[24.11.2022 15:11:26] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: There's a difference
[24.11.2022 15:11:32] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: I will not be in power, nor want to be in power
[24.11.2022 15:11:43] [FLG]Boucher's.Jag: If I am the necessary Evil in somevody's eyes, so be it

Terminer l'émission,
Lionel Boucher
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RE: Communication Zone: Maquis Front de Libération de Gallia - Lionel Bourcher - 12-09-2022

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From:Lionel Boucher
Subject:No Fun

Putain, looks like there was no Royalist Hunting Season. The Sirians have delivered freaking 75,000 Super Conductors to Roussillon without the strays bothering them a single time. Even what we thought was left of them is gone.

With the strays gone it's time to focus on the core worlds - we need to disrupt the Union logistical machine. Take resources from the GMS, Take lives from EFL and IDF, depending on their level of cooperation. The systems we should now focus on are Picardy and Zurich. As our Mazagran Flagship Project is all but finished and we don't need to keep our presence in Roussillon at high levels anymore.

And one last thing - try not to kill these AWES people if you come across them - it could make us look ungrateful. And if they have something we need, take it moderately, heck even consider trading them whatever we take from the Gallic corporations that we can't process.

Terminer l'émission,
Lionel Boucher
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RE: Communication Zone: Maquis Front de Libération de Gallia - Lionel Bourcher - 12-09-2022

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From:Lionel Boucher
Subject:Material raising run

Resource raising.

Well - the Mazagran project is leaving us dry, I went on a resource-raising expedition! Be it Raw Hydrocarbons from IMG|Shovel, Shukensa Components from -)T(-..Imperial.., or Oil from GMS|Frances.Troyes, I raised materials that netted total of 41 054 422. Not bad for one stroll on my frigate! I've even planted some nukes on a GMS Barge we can use later

Terminer l'émission,
Lionel Boucher
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RE: Communication Zone: Maquis Front de Libération de Gallia - Lionel Bourcher - 12-13-2022

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From:Lionel Boucher
Location:Limousin system
Subject:Mad man attacked us!

This Richards-[Fae is now a wanted man! I was in the Limousin system where the aggressive animals were spotted again. If you see him, take him out on the spot!

Terminer l'émission,
Lionel Boucher
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RE: Communication Zone: Maquis Front de Libération de Gallia - Lionel Bourcher - 12-16-2022

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From:Lionel Boucher
Subject:Routine Ideology check

How nice! The GMS still hate the Royalists! We had a nice and friendly chat today!

Terminer l'émission,
Lionel Boucher
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RE: Communication Zone: Maquis Front de Libération de Gallia - Lionel Bourcher - 12-17-2022

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From:Lionel Boucher


The treacherous Kusarians that have all but put the Royalists in power with their invasion and subsequent treaty signing are terrified of us.
So terrified in fact that their battleship [KNF]IKN-Nagato ran with its tail behind its legs at the mere sight of our two bombers. I could swear I could see a trail of piss floating in space behind the cowards!

If only things were this easy on our home front.

Terminer l'émission,
Lionel Boucher
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RE: Communication Zone: Maquis Front de Libération de Gallia - Lionel Bourcher - 03-04-2023

Boucher, falls into a deep sleep, exhausted from the ongoing battle against the Gallic Union. In his dream, he finds himself soaring through space on the back of a massive Redemption Class Battleship. The ship is sleek and powerful, and Boucher can feel the vibrations of the engines as they speed through the galaxy.

He looks around him in awe as he sees dozens of other Redemption Class Battleships flying in formation, their engines glowing with a bright dark-orange light.

As they continue to fly, Boucher notices that the ships are starting to morph into different shapes and sizes. Some become small and dart-like, while others grow into massive, planet-sized vessels. Colors and patterns swirl around him, and he can't help but feel like he's in a surreal dream.
Just as the dream reaches its climax, Boucher is suddenly awoken by the sound of the alarm blaring. He jumps out of bed and grabs his weapon, knowing that the battle against the Gallic Union is still raging on. Though disappointed that his dream had to end, Boucher knows that the real fight is just beginning. The [FLG]VG-Mazagran will be the first Redemption of many to join the Pamiers in the Maquisards' long-term struggle. With determination, he sets his sights on the day ahead and prepares to do whatever it takes to protect his people and defeat the enemy.

RE: Communication Zone: Maquis Front de Libération de Gallia - Lionel Bourcher - 03-14-2023

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From:Lionel Boucher

The crew of the Sarcelles has joined the ranks of the Front, becoming the [FLG]VG-Sarcelles

And we were very successful, be it in Tau-37,53 or Lorraine, we have not been defeated and have taken many enemies down in last several hours!

[14.03.2023 18:08:12] Death: IKN-Niizuki was put out of action by [FLG]VG-Impitoyable (Gun).
[14.03.2023 18:05:28] Death: [KNF]IKN-Haruna was put out of action by [FLG]VG-Sarcelles (Gun).
[14.03.2023 16:19:10] Death: NCB|MNC-Xavier-Spiteri was put out of action by [FLG]VG-Impitoyable (Gun).
[14.03.2023 16:17:50] Death: VagonDeSuministros was put out of action by [FLG]VG-Impitoyable (Gun).
[14.03.2023 16:52:37] Death: HS>Tarxien was put out of action by VG-Guepard (Gun).
[14.03.2023 16:56:11] Death: HS>Destino-Final was put out of action by VG-Guepard (Gun).
[14.03.2023 17:03:08] Death: MNS-Kraken.Privateer was put out of action by VG-Guepard (Gun).
[14.03.2023 18:52:51] Death: MNS-Aguirre was put out of action by VG-Le.Murdereur (Gun).
[14.03.2023 18:56:06] Death: HS>Destructor was put out of action by VG-Guepard (Gun).
[14.03.2023 18:56:42] Death: MNS-Maestrale was put out of action by VG-Le.Murdereur (Gun).
[14.03.2023 19:02:54] Death: GNS-Toussaint was put out of action by VG-Guepard (Gun).
[14.03.2023 18:54:11] Death: HS>Abraxis was put out of action by CLN-Independence (Gun).

Terminer l'émission,
Lionel Boucher
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RE: Communication Zone: Maquis Front de Libération de Gallia - Lionel Bourcher - 03-17-2023

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From:Lionel Boucher
Subject:Outcast change of heart

Looks like we got new fans!

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Terminer l'émission,
Lionel Boucher
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