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[M]olly Recruitment Center - Printable Version

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[M]olly Recruitment Center - Format - 09-16-2012

I goofed. Delete this?

[M]olly Recruitment Center - Tigger - 09-19-2012

[Image: cynthiatbar4.png]

Aye there Wesker, ye been accepted. Report to me at Arranmore for yer uniform and yer trainin'. If'n ye got heart and ye got brains enough ta learn, ye'll do fine. If not, well, be sure ta fill out the beneficiary block on the personnel roster.

Cynthia Morgan
Officer of the Day

PS What ye waitin' fer? Saint Patty's day? Get yer butt movin lad!

[Image: cynthiabttm.png]

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Zyphr - 10-01-2012

[Image: recruitmentv2.png]

Name: Zyphr Tomahawk
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Clan: Unknown
Tick the role you want to be in [M]
Regular[M] [X]
Wild Geese [X]

Biography: Zyphr Tomahawk is the name. I've been around all around Sirus. My great grandfather arrived here in one of the five sleeper ships, the Hispania. As it was, he served the Outcasts and so did his son. But my own father was quick to break the family tradition. He traveled across Sirius to find a better place, the Dublin Mollys. Shortly after that, I arrived. Ever since I remember, my father always said I was quick to judge and a bit arrogant, but I'm just equipped with excessive willpower.

Reasons for joining us: I'd like to be a backbone of the Sirius world, show them that life isn't fair. Things happen. Mollys attack. Inside I have a lion Molly heart, I am looking forward to serving our legend. Surpassing our goals. Veni, vidi, vici. I came, I saw, I conquered.
S.K.Y.P.3 information Name: Zyphren

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Amelia - 10-12-2012

[Image: xdtd15.jpg]

Apologies for the delay it took to accept you. There have been a lot of changes and work recently, that has kept us all busy. Anyway, I am here to tell you that you are accepted. Your next step is to report to Arranmore where everything else will be handled.

See you in space!

Aimee MacDonald

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Tyber.Zann - 10-24-2012

[Image: BruenorMolly.png]

Name: Bruenor
Gender: Male
Age: 52
Clan: McSwain
Tick the role you want to be in [M]
Regular[M] [X]
Wild Geese

Biography: Name's Bruenor. Me home's Arronmore. I never knew my father. Mum did what she had to with what she had in hard times. In her case a charming smile and a nice figure put food on the table and roof o're our heads. I took to scrappin early on. Mum wern't a saint, but a good woman she was and to this day I'll nae hear a foul word said 'o her without the fool what said it catchin a beatin. I've been in and outta prison me whole life simply for darin to live in a place what some king claims to be his. Outlaw they call me fer makin my way in me own home! Well bless me if I ain a outlaw son of a whore, but by God I'm a free man and will die as such!

Reasons for joining us: I'm a man o' peace. Once our enemies are dead and gone I figure we'll have peace! I aim to do my part for kin and kind. I earn my keep minin our dublin gold. I'm not afeared a' fightin, but while my hands're strong enough to crush a man's skull, they shake a bit and me eyes ain't what they used to be. I'll not shy from a fight to be sure, but helpin t'fund the war is where I'll be most help.

S.K.Y.P.3 information Name: Unavailable til next year due to address Wink

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Rhodesian - 12-04-2012


RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Tigger - 12-13-2012

[Image: cduncantbar.png]


I believe you were accepted via private communications. If that is not the case, please contact me via personal message.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A new recruiting officer has been assigned to handle new recruits and training.

Carrie Duncan
Communications Director

[Image: cynthiabttm.png]

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - sean24 - 12-21-2012

Name: Sean Callahan
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Tick the roles you want to be in [M]
Regular [M] [X]
Wild Geese []

Biography: My name is Sean Callahan. I was born on Planet Leeds. Grew up there most of my life and have been working for the past ten years in a smelter. Up in North Bretonia we seldom hear about the situation in Dublin, and when we do I've discovered it's all spun up by the media.

An Uncle of mine set the record straight for me. He says to me one day- "how would you like to live life for a purpose? To have a goal that you keep fighting towards?" He expained how he secretly works for the republic, and aids the independence effort.

I realise I can't just keep living this way on Leeds. I've not said a word to my relatives about my leaving. It's cost me my life's savings to get a ship and get off planet. It sickens me to think of the way the Bretonian government tries to justify denying Molly independence and killing them. They are exploited by BMM to destroy the entire system if need be if more gold can be gathered and BMM profits increased.

I have been exploited by poor working conditions on Leeds. And the Mollys were also exploited in the same way before the Founders Day Revolt. I am eager to join the effort to bring peace to Dublin and independence to the Mollys.

Reasons for joining us: I wish to see a resolution of the conflict in Dublin and Molly sovereignty over the system. I also am dissatisfied with the Bretonian government and have seen that other houses operate in a similar fashion. Hence I see the Mollys as like minded.

//I've recently started playing again and would like to join a faction. The Mollys and Bretonia are an area of RP I have not delved into much in the past so I think it will be refreshing and fun.

S.K.Y.P.3 information sean.thompson.161446

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - ABBA - 01-08-2013

First name: silent
Clan (surname): Miner
Age: 27
Birthplace: New London
Why do you wanna join?: I want to be useful as a miner for Mollys!
Which wing do you want to fly in? (Check those as apply)
[X] Regular [M]
[X] Molly Mining Corporation
[] Wild Geese

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Havok - 01-09-2013

[Image: mollyheader.png]

Subject: Recruitment

G'day Silent and Sean,
't seems ye' paperwork got a bit.. lost durin' t' Holdiay Season. Ye' know Molly parties 'n te' Whiskey. Anyways, ye' applications have been checked by t' Governor, and she approved both of ye'. So in te' name of Governor Moore, ye both be Molly Recruits now.
Ye are both to report t' me at Arranmore for ye' introductions.

[Image: mollyfooter.png]