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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Zeltak - 01-02-2009

Entering code sequence... Permission Granted...
Please verify identification: Lt. Zarevo Kaputski
Transmission initiated... Loading... Loading...

My Comrades!

Today I was approached by Comrade Alexi and Comrade Lanakov. Apparently they had been planning an assault against the Corsairs together with the Hessians who were located on the other side of the minefield in Omega-5. Time passed... we were waiting for our Hessians Comrades to gather to initiate the strike, at the same time some of our own comrades were quickly heading to our current position at Omega-5.

We had detected a group of Corsairs known as the Benitez outside the Omega-41 system. From the look of it, they had sent out one of their Corsair dogs to bait us into heading to Omega-41 were they would strike us from our rear. We however, had already interpret their pathetic attempt to trick us. But we didn't bother to follow, our numbers and coordination were far better than our enemies. Which was clearly demonstrated at the battlefield.

[Image: corsairdeathvs0.png]

The enemy was swiftly taken care of, Mateo Benitez managed to escape but we let that dog escape. After the skirmish in Omega-41 we headed back to finalize the attack at Cadiz Base. However, as we approached the remaining Corsairs they immediately docked inside the station to take cover.

Our Hessian comrades aided us in this battle, and I wish to give out my gratitude for their support. I'm also very pleased with our own comrades. They showed the true meaning of teamwork, I hope to see in the future the same well efforts from them.

For the final victory!

Kaputski out!

Transmission terminated...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Zeltak - 01-05-2009

Entering code sequence... Permission Granted...
Please verify identification: Lt. Zarevo Kaputski
Transmission initiated... Loading... Loading...

My Comrades!

Today, we proved the devotion and loyalty our comrades held for our home! Today, we proved that no force, of no size or strength could break us. Today... my comrades, we showed that the Coalition will be the last standing!!!

It all started when I was on my regular patrols. I spotted first a Zoner who kept flying through the system, jumping between Omega-5 and Omega-52. Taunting me as I tried to catch him for questioning... I warned that Zoner, twice! He refused to halt nor comply. So I waited for him this time... this time he would not get away... and when he tried to make a run for it to Omega-50 I intercepted him and destroyed the insulting dog!

Then... as I was returning to Cape Verde station... I saw a huge flotilla of corsairs. From fighters to battleship, this army had assembled at my doorstep and I witnessed this with my own eyes... Apparently they wanted to be "merciful" and told me that they were going to use this system as a mean of transporting their troops to Omega-49 quicker. And they really thought I would allow that. Haha, these dogs never learn... we are not like the Corsairs who run at the first sight of trouble, who hide and submits itself to a force larger than its own. No... we are the Coalition and we do not submit to anyone, especially not the Corsairs!!!

[Image: 292mhao.jpg]

They insulted me, they insulted my comrades and they insulted the Coalition! I charged against them... I expected to die, hoping to bring some of them with me to the afterworld. I fought desperately near the Cape Verde station, I managed to destroy two ships and soon I was going down. But, I heard a familiar voice, it was Comrade Gellantra and then I heard another voice, It was Comrade Lanakov! With their assistance we could... no... we would destroy the enemy!

One by one they went down. Our three bombers were a fearsome combination of speed and damage. We pushed the remaining forces back to Omega-50 were their main group was located. This battle required more than a few bombers, we needed to answer Battleship with Battleship and so we did. The magnificent Osiris named after the revolutionary thinker Karl Marx came forth to aid us. A much needed assistance indeed.

[Image: corsairdeathlf4.png]

Let it be known, that no matter how many they send at us. We will not submit to them!

For the final victory!

Kaputski out!

Transmission terminated...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Bjorn - 01-05-2009

Incoming transmission...

CommID: Cpt. Bjorn Thorvaldsson
Location: Cape Verde
To: All SCRA ships and pilots
Subject: Promotions

Good day comrades. Over past few weeks, several of you have shown exceptional skill and virtue, showing themselves as true warriors of the People. Following pilots have made Coalition proud, and are rewarded as following:

-Lieutenant Luis Gellantra is promoted to Lietuenant Commander, and will be taking position of Gold wing XO.

-Lieutenant Mireille Ceyes is promoted to Lieutenant Commander.

-Lieutenant Timor Khruschev is promoted to Lieutenant Commander.

-Sub-Lieutenant Nitchiev Lanakov is promoted to full Lieutenant.

Well done all of you, and congratulations. You can find your new insignia in your quarters. Promotion celebration will be held at Kalashnikovs tommorow evening.
Good luck to all of you, and continue with good work!
For the Coalition, for the Red Dawn!

Thorvaldsson out!

Transmission terminated.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - horvat - 01-05-2009

~Incoming Transmission~

To: SCRA Headquarters
Comm ID: Luis Gellantra
Subject: RE:promotions

*Salutes* Thank you all comrades for the promotion. It is a rare honor, but this all could not be achieved without you all. We function as a machine, war machine and i have been forged in the belly of that beast. For Coalition, FOR RED DAWN!!!



~End of transmission~

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tic - 01-05-2009


Comm ID: Timor Khruschev
Target: SCRA Headquarters
Subject: Ppromotions

Thank you for this promotion comrades. I promise i will not fail you. My heart and mind are with you.

The time is at hand, and the Red Dawn shall prevail.




Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - FooFighter - 01-05-2009

Comm. ID: Lieutenant Commander Mireille Ceyes
Subject: Promotion

---Transmission Initiated---

My Comrades,

I feel honored - even though this is not the first promotion I have been given in a military, it is my first since I joined force with the Revolutionary Forces, and I am proud that my commitment to the Red Dawn has been noticed. I promise that I will do my best to utilize the new responsibilities and the power that has been given to me through this promotion to be even more efficient in working towards our goal. I shall not fail you.

For the Revolution, the Red Dawn, the Coalition!

Mireille Ceyes out.

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lanakov - 01-05-2009

*ID : Nitchiev Lanakov*

Comrades,I am very honored by this first promotion.
I'm proud of serving the Coalition ideal whatever it takes.
I've been given aces as team mates and desperate situations.
We made it,each time.
We're more than an army.
We're a family.
We're the sons of the Coalition !

Lanakov out.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Xing - 01-06-2009

[Link user: Lt-cmd Yue Fei]

Greetings comrades of the Coalition.
Tonight, myself, sub lt Raneis and sub lt Vaschenko went for a patrol through the omegas to seek for potential enemies of the People wandering close to our space.

After an uneventful patrol through various omega systems, we came in for some action at omega 5,

[Image: screen30sf5.png]
We first encountered this mercenary fool trying to make his way around we don't know where. This scum died under the combined firepower of our three fighter crafts, with sub-lt Raneis landing in the final bullet that terminated the life of this ship.
The man openly admitted to work under contract for the Corsairs; his job seemed to be the destruction of our fellow revolutionaries within the Red Hessian. Such a lowly soul, ready to murder for credits, wasn't allowed to live of course.

[Image: screen31ft1.png]
Later on, what appears to be his friend, or associate, I am not sure, appeared on our scanners, hauling among other things, nomad brains. His IFF suggested close connection with the Bretonian military, which made me fear it might have been a spy. He was of course engaged at once, but managed to run to the omega 11 with barely anything of a ship left. Let us hope this shall be a burning enough reminder for this fool.

[Image: screen32gh5.png]
The first man we downed, apparently, didn't died, nor did he learn from his deadly lesson. So, lucky sub-lt Raneis had the honour once again to chunk in the terminal bullet in his cockpit, hopefully ending the life of such a tenacious imbecile forever.

[Image: screen33mz8.png]
This one is somewhat strange. My strike team was resting at Verde, when this lone corsair went in our system. He was immediately engaged by the three of us, and, strangely, a second intruder.
I've had the occasion to talk with this certain Viktor Navorski, and my opinions remain inconclusive. This man obviously has Coalition blood in him somehow - his speech patterns, accents and name suggests OE Eastern European origin - slavic, probably. When interrogated on his whereabout, he claimed to be a... ah, how to say, a man trusting none and who lived in isolation from the rest of this world.
For as far as I can tell, he doesn't seems harmful to the Revolution, and his enemies seems to be compatible with ours. I've left the man be for the time being, for he did helped us destroy the mysterious corsair pilot, who was followed through 2 entire star systems.

I wish to congratulate both sub lt Raneis and sub lt Vaschenko for their professionalism during tonight' operations. Their ability to obey orders with efficiency allowed the revolution to once again prove its superiority against the alliance dogs.
That is all for tonight Omega systems patrol debriefing, comrades.

Long live the Red Flag!
Lt cmd Yue Fei, over.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Chucc - 01-06-2009

Comm. ID: Lieutenant Rand Y'Bashtad
Subject: Promotion

***Transmission Initiated***

Thank you sir, for the honor and opprotunity to be of service. I will continue to get training sessions in as I seek out Captain Totenkopt. I would be honored to join the Recon division. I had spoken to the late commanding officer of the Engineering Division I do believe. Being as my personal expertise and background are in this field I will also be applying for the Engineering division details and any necessary training I will need.

Lt. Y'Bashtad Out

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Xing - 01-11-2009

[Link user: Lt-cmd Yue Fei]

Greetings my fellow comrades of the Revolution. A quick situation report.
After a small reconnaissance flight throughout the omegas, then through Rheinland space and then Sigma, mainly to update my intelligence files, I have jumped to Kusari, in a hope to find potential revolutionary minds. Through my patrol in Shikoku, the imperial navy seemed to have sent after me 3 of their warriors to assassinate me in order to shut my voice permanently...

As you notice, they have lamentably failed in their quest of personal honour... or whatever they called it.
[Image: screen35kt0.png]
Because, as my comrades can see here, my first opponent was so scared by the might of my firepower shredding away his ship, he barely managed to get a single shot at me, and decided to... ah, commit suicide instead, plunging on a planet.

[Image: screen36fh8.png]
His comrade, apparently not much more brave, went... pretty much in the same dishonourable act.

[Image: screen37cm2.png]
And, finally, it seems my last opponent, too shaken by the loss of his two fellow warriors, died from a direct hit of my torpedo.

As you can see comrades, already some encounters on my first sortie since weeks, but it seems I am still capable to fight my way around. I hope my voice - and the execution of these three fools, will have reached the ears and hearts of those Kusari citizens who can still be saved by the Revolution.

Lt cmd Yue Fei, over.