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Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Printable Version

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Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Cond0r - 12-02-2010

Incoming Transmission
ID: Oberleutnant Raymond Amsel
Opening Channel

Reporting about todays action in Omega 7 und New Berlin.

First, we encountered some miner that refused to pay a tribute to the Red Hessians, even when he admitted that he was taking the goods outside of Rheinland for his own profit. The fool even lied to us about sending the tribute, well, he didn't live very long. After he blew up, we called in one of the transports to pick up the goods. Then, we moved to New Berlin. There was some heavy traffic and activity there, and again we met two more traders. Both of them refused to pay a contribution, and both of them signed their death sentence by doing so. One of them didn't even bother of replying to me, I guess he just wanted to die in silence.

We called in one more transport to pick up all the goods that were left behind, and then we moved out of the area because the system was brewing with activity, and the area became too dangerous.

Attached Images:


Fur das Vaterland, fur die Volkrevolution!!

Transmission Terminated
Signal Lost

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Markus_Janus - 12-03-2010

Guten tag.
Having recently upgraded my Odin to R.H.A. specifications, I began my new career as a Rekrut by familiarizing myself with the front we have against the Corsairs.
I have now mapped the Omega-5,7 11 and 41 systems.
While I was scouting out Omega-5 I came across a miner registered as USS_Caparra that was attacking our brave comrades.
Powering up my weapons, I demanded their release and once refused, began a sustained attack against his vessel.
Unfortunately he was able to escape certain destruction through the use of some kind of cloaking device.
Although he was able to escape, I am sure he will think twice before coming back.

My next system Omega-41 was also interesting, I stumbled on a Corsair and decided to see what these men were made of.
His vessel registered as [-CDT-] Battle*Gazi.
I informed him that he was violating Hessian territory and his end was near, how strange it was to me that he agreed and when offered a chance to run, he took it.
Being quite surprised by this I set course for home as my fuel was running short.

Upon entering Omega-11 I found a vessel registered as Mare.Nostrum, a BWT vessel with a load of gold.
Upon getting within range this vessel did not attempt to flee but open communications.
Intrigued I informed him that because he was travelling through Hessian territory, a tribute was demanded to support our cause.
He was only to happy to offer two million credits to the cause and asked about speaking to our commanders about transporting goods for us if we needed.
I informed him of a frequency he could use to get through and planted several temporary relay beacons for this purpose.
This should give him a direct line through while avoiding tracking by the R.M.

Finally entering Dresden I was getting ready to dock for the night when I ran into two Kruger transports registered as SachkundigerTransport1 and SachkundigerTransport2.
These proved to be kaptained by unstable individuals as when I informed them there was a price to pay for their defilement of Dresden, they not only informed me that they would rather die, but after the destruction of one vessel, the other continued to ask for death.
I was only too happy to answer their wishes.

My vessel is now undergoing decontamination at Vogtland where I shall rest for the night.
It was a pleasant day.

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - ChillerMiller - 12-03-2010

---Incomming Transmission---
Sender: Gefreiter Peter Schubert

Guten Tag Kameraden, Schubert here

Today i patroled the omega 7 system in order to find some miners who are ready to donate for our cause.
I was lucky and i found one but that one pressed the " RUN AWAY " button very fast. Furthermore he hired a mercenary gb to fire at me. I called backup because I cant do something against a gb alone, in the meantime I focused on the Hegemon but unfortunately he managed to escape. Right after that Gefreiter Riedel joined me and together we took out that gb

::Uploading guncam shots::
Image 1
Image 2

Together with Riedel I continued the patrol and we were able to find that hegemon again but this time he had no chance and donated for the Volksrevolution.
3 Millions for the Volk.

---End of Transmission---

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Markus_Janus - 12-06-2010

Guten tag sirs.

I began my patrol of Rheinland today by making sure our presence was felt within the core.
While laying an ambush I was fortunate to come across a miner registered as Miner_X18.
After a short chat, I lightened his load by 500,000 credits and moved on.

He must have radioed in my position because targets quickly thinned out from there.

Moving out to the Omega systems, I was pleased to come across a Corsair Slave Liner registered as Collector-2.
This vessel was stacked to the roof with artifacts and I was looking forward to depriving the Corsairs of this boost to their economy.
However with an endless supply of allied fighters, combined with the armor of his vessel, I was not able to stop him before he jumped into Bretonia.
Being unfamiliar with this area, I turned my ship around and headed back to the land I love.

Somehow in this time, a Corsair battleship registered as Captain(Bs)Armin had slipped into the New Berlin System and was passing Bonn Station.
Although this was a dangerous place to be, I could not let this Corsair's arrogance go unanswered.

Once I arrived on scene, I noticed a RFP vessel already on scene but lacking suitable firepower to engage.
I threw my lot in with my fellow countrymen and we engaged this monstrosity.
We were quickly joined by another Polizie vessel and managed to cause severe damage across the Corsair battleship.
After attempting to hide within the corona of Stuttgart system's star for a while, he realized that his time was up and ran for Omega-7.

Unfortunately upon arriving in system he found a Rheinland B.S. waiting for him and together we quickly dispatched this menace.
Finding myself outnumbered and outgunned, I quietly slipped away during thew victory dance and headed back to Vogtland for repairs.

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Markus_Janus - 12-06-2010

Guten tag mein herr.

Another day in the trenches and I am beginning to hate the Corsairs more and more.
I began today with a routine patrol of the Omega-7 system but all was quiet.
I did however link up with one of our comrades, Martin Kastell and after hearing a distress signal from Omega-5, went to investigate.
We found Invictus under attack by a Corsair fighter and two Gunboats.
Immediately falling in to defend our brother, it was not long before the first ship fell by my hand.
Once we had achieved an advantage over these Corsairs the first Gunboat went down as well.

The last Gunboat fled and my brothers asked me to hang back to observe and act as cover should any other Corsair arrive.
It was only a matter of time until we were victorious.

It was not long after this we spotted a Corsair Cruiser escaping the system.
We followed the ship registered as -HAF-C-Pyrgos.
Eventually catching up to this ship in Omega-47, it's fate was sealed.
The onslaught continued and eventually my Odin was taken down by another Corsair Gunboat, thus ending my flight.

The doctors say I should make a full recovery and will be flying again in no time.

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Markus_Janus - 12-06-2010

Guten tag mein herr.

I have recieved word that my new fighter will be ready for launch soon.
She is a fine vessel, another Odin class Fighter.

I am looking forward to continueing the good fight.

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Landers - 12-06-2010


Gefreiter Friedrich Riedel
Source: Ronneburg base, Omega 5 system.
Target: RHA Command
Subject:Victory againts corsairs in Omega 5.

Guten Tag, kameraden!

Today, is a glorious day for all members of the Red Hessian Army! We cleaned Omega 5 from the Corsairs, and now, we are able to move strikeforces to Omega-41! But we musn't take the drinks, I think we are in great danger!

[color=#FF0000]The following report is classified at the level 9.

Today at Omega 5, I've met an unidentified corsair vessel. I can't detect any human lifeforms in that, and it's unlike to ANY KNOWN corsair figters or bombers! It was like a drone. A drone, which is better armored, and have better and stronger weapons than our or the known corsair technology.
[Image: freelancer2010120615362.jpg]

About the combat skills of the drone:

It has got strong weapons, and it's well armored, however, it's quite easy to outmanouver it and with good weapons, it's easy to destroy it yet. Maybe the corsair enginers didn't made a good work, but if they solve the problems with the movement of this, it could be a hard enemy! We musn't let him go, so we destroyed that drone.
[Image: freelancer2010120615560.jpg]

End of classification

So, when we I was fighting with the [color=#FF0000][CLASSIFIED]
two corsair gunboat arrived to protect it. Fortunately, my kameraden arrived to help me out, and we fought together againts the gunships. One of them is destroyed in place, but the other one tried to escape. The wreck is near Cadiz.
[Image: freelancer2010120616021.jpg]
[Image: freelancer2010120615584.jpg]
[Image: freelancer2010120616074.jpg]

We spotted a Corsair cruiser, which was left to Omega-47. More of our kameraden arrived, so we went after it, and attempted to destroy. The cruiser escaped to Omega-41, where you can find it's wreck. After that a corsair Legate, as known as their flagship entered O-41, so I ordered to return Ronneburg at once.
[Image: freelancer2010120616453.jpg]
[Image: freelancer2010120616565.jpg]
[Image: freelancer2010120617111.jpg]

Well, this day is a victorious day for us!

Für das Volksrevolution, kameraden!

Friedrich Riedel, Gefreiter

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Pacific - 12-08-2010

----------Incoming Transmission----------
---------- Comm ID: Gefreiter Dimitar Rachkov--------
------------Source: Freinstad Base ------------------
----------Location- Unknown cant track-------------

[Image: 1258361h.png]

Greetings brothers once again seems I am spending more time in the odin then in the bar *laghs*. I go out today with my fellows and we take a trip to Omega-7 and to see what. Couple of miners decided to fill their trouts with ore and lather on with credits. So we stopd 2 Miners One of them refused to pay and decided to leave *laghs* ya right. He went Bom for the matter of seconds. But the other miner had something in her that I wanted to find. I was not wrong she can support us when ever she can I managed to convince her to believe in our cause. I explained to her for what are we fighting and for who. I am glad that we have te support of the people. Thats means more drinks *laghs* I am attaching the comm logs I wont edit them cause I am to lazy.

[08.12.2010 18:39:12] Lisa.Schultz: I think i will assist you... and help you as good as I can...

This is how our conversation finish.

Dimitrar.Rachov out Out

--------------- End Transmission-----------

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Xenosaga - 12-11-2010

::: Activating government censorship countermeasures :::
::: Transmission to the Red Hessian Army :::

Seid gegrüßt fellow workers and laborers!

Today is a good day for the Red Hessian Army! Although I am still new in your ranks, I have already intercepted a Corsair freighter on the way to Cadiz. He was carrying spoils of battle he had from Omega-3, I assume. He was laden with guns, munitions and pilots from other factions. To prevent him from delivering these goods to Cadiz, I destroyed the freighter right away. It was escorted by a Corsair "Imperator" Gunboat, but its captain was not very proficient at aiming. Although I only had an Armor Upgrade MK II, I could destroy the freighter and return to Ronneburg safely.

Guncam picture:
[Image: ebb3dt824mso.jpg]

Viele Grüße

Mustapha Mond

::: Transmission End :::
::: Terminating government censorship countermeasures :::

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Xenosaga - 12-11-2010

::: Activating government censorship countermeasures :::
::: Transmission to the Red Hessian Army :::

Seid gegrüßt fellow workers and laborers!

Two traders passed by Vogtland Base today. They were extremely unfriendly and refused to comply with our orders. We gave them several occasions to surrender and donate, but they fired upon us and tried to flee. Destruction was inevitable. Together with the comrade Riedel and our supporter Devil.Wings, the transports were destroyed.

Guncam pictures:

[Image: 9mcn89mgma4.jpg]

[Image: vkmtxb8fmdo.jpg]

::: Transmission End :::
::: Terminating government censorship countermeasures :::