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Life at the Aett: Skarsi's Tale - Printable Version

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Life at the Aett: Skarsi's Tale - Sabru - 07-02-2013

//currently restricted to TAZ members
//To aid reading, the list of characters is below and is color coded.

List of Main Characters:
Skarsi Wyrdmake: Captain of the Iron-Blood, TAZ Pope, Brother-Captain and Leader of Clan Wolf.
Fith Godsmote: Sergeant, Second in Command of the Iron-Blood, Chief Bodyguard of Skarsi Wyrdmake, Head of Security for the Clan.
Ulvurul Heoroth: Also known as Longfang, Chief Sensor Officer on the Iron-Blood, Responsible for leading any prayers to Eris.
Aeska Brokenlip: Weapons Officer aboard the Iron-Blood, Deputy Head of Security for the Clan.
More Characters will be added as the story progresses.

Location: Gran Canaria, Omega-49. July 2 820 A.S

Chapter 1: A New Dawn

*Skarsi steps off the dropship and takes a deep breath*

"Ahh. smell that nice country air." He turns to his second in command, Fith Godsmote. "Makes a change from the recycled air aboard ship." "That it does, Brother-Captain. This will be a fine location for the Aett."

"Fith, get the brothers to work. We have a lot to do." Skarsi turns back to look at the view. "At once, Brother-Captain."

*Fith turns on his heels and marches back into the Dropship.*

As he hears Fith yelling orders to the men, he contemplates recent events and what the future may hold.

The rise of the militant zoner faction known as the ZA has been a source of both problems and debate among the zoner community. Their attempts to take control of the Omicron-74 system has provoked the ire of many of the Zoner factions. The TAZ have avoided being drawn into the conflict, despite the best efforts of the self styled "lord-Commander" of the ZA Tri Udent, and David Dvir who remains a source of confusion.

Skarsi has no fondness for the ZA, stemming from an incident 9 days earlier.

9 days earlier.

Location: Omicron-74. June 23 820 A.S
The mission: A peacekeeping patrol through the system

*Midway through the patrol, the Iron-Blood approaches the vicinity of the Zoner Alliance station "Kappa Defense Station"*

*Skarsi stands on the bridge of the Iron-Blood*

"Longfang, anything on the sensors?" He turns toward the sensor station. "Nothing except the Zoner Alliance station, Brother-Captain." Skarsi turns again, this time towards the weapons station. Aeska Brokenlip responds before Skarsi can even open his mouth. "Weapons are set to standby mode, Brother-Captain. They are ready if we need them." Skarsi returns to the command chair and sits down. "I'm going to my cabin. Let me know if anything comes up. Fith, you have the bridge." "I have the bridge, aye."

*Skarsi heads to his cabin to take a short rest. 30 minutes later Skarsi is woken by the Iron-Blood shaking slightly.*

Skarsi keys the comm panel on the wall next to his bunk. " Bridge, report." "Fith here, sir. The ZA station is firing upon us. The shields are holding for now." "I'm heading up." Skarsi heads to the bridge at a run.

After a quick sprint, he arrives on the bridge. "Report. why is it firing on us?" Longfang answers. "Unknown sir. As soon as we entered weapons range, it opened fire."Longfang turns to his console to check something, then turns back to Skarsi. "The guncams have recorded it all." "Evasive Maneuvers, now!"

*Skarsi braces himself as the Iron-Blood dives and turns about to get away from the hostile fire*

"Shields down! Taking hull damage." "We're clear. Good work everybody. Make best speed to Livadia shipyard. Fith, send a message to Baffin. Priority 1." "Aye aye, sir."

Present Day

*Fith's return brings Skarsi's attention back to the present*

"Brother-Captain, the camp is set up. Sentries are posted just in case the Corsairs or Coalition try anything. The bird is squawking TAZ ident codes, so hopefully no trigger happy SoB takes a shot at us." "Good work Fith, dismissed." As fith walks back to the camp, Skarsi looks out over the area. "A fine location indeed."

RE: Life at the Aett: Skarsi's Tale - Sabru - 07-05-2013

List of Main Characters:
Skarsi Wyrdmake: Captain of the Iron-Blood, TAZ Pope, Brother-Captain and Leader of Clan Wolf.
Fith Godsmote: Sergeant, Second in Command of the Iron-Blood, Chief Bodyguard of Skarsi Wyrdmake, Head of Security for the Clan. Ulvurul Heoroth: Also known as Longfang, Chief Sensor Officer on the Iron-Blood, Responsible for leading any prayers to Eris.
Aeska Brokenlip: Weapons Officer aboard the Iron-Blood, Deputy Head of Security for the Clan.
Varangr: Herald (aide) to Skarsi.
More Characters will be added as the story progresses.

Location: Glebe Island, Gran Canaria, Omega-49. July 5 820 A.S

Chapter 2: The Hard Work Begins

*Skarsi steps out of the tent and breathes in the brisk morning air*

Skarsi walks around the camp looking for Fith."Fith, where are you?" Longfang meets him at the edge of the camp. "Morning Brother-Captain. I haven't seen Fith, or Aeska for that matter either". They stroll around the perimeter of the camp while discussing the pending construction. "Here is the manifest of the recent delivery sir." Longfang hands Skarsi a datapad.

[Image: efVu4fj.jpg]

That GMG affiliate, Mr. Hone, is very good at his job. Delivered the supplies very quickly. I recommend that we contract him for future deliveries. The rice has been dispatched to the NCC and Corsair aid camps, and the machinery is 1 kilometre from here at the nearest open ground." "Good work." The conversation is brought to an end, as the sound of an approaching dropship is heard.

*Skarsi and Longfang sprint to the temporary landing zone and arrive just as the dropship touches down. *

"Fith, where the hell have you been?" Fith and Aeska snap to attention. "Sir. Just thought we'd do a bit of surveying. Turns out we are on an island, Glebe Island to be exact." "How do you know what this island is named?." Before Fith could respond, Aeska cuts in. "We visited that bretonian colony, Port Jackson. We got into the colonial authority office, and "requisitioned" some survey data on the area.We covered our tracks so they wont know anything is missing." Aeska hands Skarsi a datapad with a map displayed on the screen.

[Image: jxAPD72.jpg]

"So this is the area?" Aeska nods and switches the display to the next picture.

[Image: rXcQlp0.jpg]

"The black dot on the map indicates our current position. We need to secure the island's perimeter from any unwanted visitors." Skarsi nods and turns to Fith. "Get some automated guns from the Iron-Blood. Set them up around the Island's perimeter. Configure them to 'Fenrys" protocols. Warning shots first, then disabling shots if needed." "At once, Brother-Captain. I'll also make sure there is always a squad on standby to secure any unwanted visitors who land." Fith walks back into the dropship, and takes off heading to the Iron-Blood's landing point.

"Varangr?" The reply comes from behind Skarsi. "Yes, Skarsi." "I want construction of the bunkers started immediately. They must be 100 metres deep so that they can withstand any weapons fire from orbit.We'll sort the hangar entrance once the space has been excavated." "It will be done, Skarsi." "This is an all hands on deck effort. I'll work out a shift schedule. Anyone not working security or construction is to be resting." "Alright then. everybody's got their assignments. get to it. Dismissed."

RE: Life at the Aett: Skarsi's Tale - Sabru - 07-12-2013

Location: The Aett, Glebe Island, Gran Canaria, Omega-49. July 12 820 A.S

[Image: XFdFnDK.jpg]

*An alarm blares across the island, as a flurry of activity engulfs the Aett.*

Skarsi radios his 'command squad', as he calls them. "Meeting, strategium, 5 minutes."

*5 minutes later*

*The meeting begins*

"Things are getting more precarious. The corsairs are stepping up their presence on the planet.""Aye, these cretans are as unstable as a barking toad. Who knows what they'll do next."

*A holo-chart hums to life*

"Fith, go over the new security measures."
"Yes, Brother-Captain. Alright, we are now at alert level Aurelia. The automated guns will now fire on anything not authorised by Brother-Captain Skarsi. Marine Squads are on 24 hour rotation. Anyone who survives the guns and land are to be held, until they can be returned to where they came from. Any corsair or Coalition people who manage to land, are to be disarmed and brought here immediately for interrogation. If they resist, you are authorised to shoot them."
"One more thing Brothers, this whole situation has the potential to make a greater barking toad's blast look like a damp squib. So be careful. Dismissed."

RE: Life at the Aett: Skarsi's Tale - Thexare - 07-15-2013

A small AN-297 Panther atmospheric fighter launched from a hanger out in the forest. Its rust-colored plating was quite reminiscent of the Crow and the Hyena, but then, it was made by one of the same manufacturers - Aquila Defense Systems found more success in the planetary market. It was armed with only a pair of TP-3 laser cannons, but it was rare to need more in atmospheric flight anyway.

Flying this craft was Lloyd Black, a brown-haired Bretonian man with a recurring attitude problem. Under most circumstances he would've preferred to send Henry or Evan to deal with business, but circumstances made that difficult or impossible.

On approach to the Aett, Lloyd transmitted the security code, and waited for a signal before proceeding. As he drew closer to the landing area, he noticed the many weapon platforms. Even the LSF would consider them overkill, but with recent events, Lloyd wondered if it might not be adequate.

It occurred to him that he wasn't sure exactly where he was supposed to be. Given the security of the base, he decided it was in his best interest not to wander, so he just climbed out of the cockpit, took off his helmet, and stood next to his fighter. It wasn't the quietest ride out there, surely it would've caught someone's attention.

RE: Life at the Aett: Skarsi's Tale - Sabru - 07-16-2013

Fith watches the brown haired man step out of the small fighter.
"This must be the man Skarsi mentioned in his transmission" he thought. He walked over to the man, with two guards in-step behind him.

"Kallisti, and well met. You must be Mister Lloyd. Brother-Captain Skarsi mentioned you would be dropping by. My name is Fith Godsmote, and welcome to the Aett." He turned around and beckoned for the man to follow him.

"Brother-Captain Skarsi is currently off-base attending to some other matters. A room has been prepared for you for to stay until Skarsi comes back." They come to a dropship and hop aboard for the short flight to the main base. "As a security precaution, these men...." he indicates the two fairly large guards looking out of the back "will accompany you while you are on the base. Should you need anything, just ask them and they shall do it. You are free to explore the island, but your guards will warn you if you approach an off limits area." They hop out of the dropship and walk into the main building. "If you have any questions, there is a comm system in your room. Your guards have my comm code."

Fith thanked the man, then returned to the command centre while the visitor headed to his room.

Once in the command centre, Fith Voxes Skarsi.
"Brother-Captain, Mr. Lloyd has arrived. do you ave any orders?" "Observe him. i must be sure he can be trusted before any plans go ahead. I shall be a few more days, but when i get back i want a full report. Skarsi, out."

RE: Life at the Aett: Skarsi's Tale - Thexare - 07-17-2013

"Not... quite what I was expecting," Lloyd muttered, looking around at the base. Quite impressive, really; he recalled a similar design from a movie he watched a few years ago. He was reasonably sure it wasn't actually based on any such fictional base, but the overall concept was very similar.

Then again, there's only so many places you can go with an island fortress.

He asked one of the guards assigned to him, "Is there a problem if I send a message to one of my men? He seemed half-convinced this was a trap - nothing personal, he used to work in intelligence. Everything's a trap to them."

RE: Life at the Aett: Skarsi's Tale - Thexare - 07-18-2013

The guards confirmed that this was allowed. Lloyd turned on the comm unit and paused for a moment, remembering the proper phrasing. "Henry, everything's fine over here. My contact... actually isn't here at the moment, so this may take longer than expected. I'll call later if there's an issue."


The base was very different from what he would've expected a Zoner to have - especially one of the Bafflings. The layout made it easily defended against a ground-based assault, and the batteries rendered airstrikes... problematic, to say the least. He knew better than to try investigating the defenses too closely, as much as he wanted to, and made it a point to steer clear of the armory for similar reasons.

Truthfully, the whole situation had him quite nervous. Like the majority of Zoners, he had never been on a military base, or any similar installation, and he had no idea what the proper guest protocol was. "Alright, it's an impressive base, really, but I need something to do. You have some work here I can help with while we wait? Or maybe a gym, a trail to hike, a rec room?"

RE: Life at the Aett: Skarsi's Tale - Thexare - 07-19-2013

The guards explained the base's amenities, as well as the terrain of the island itself, though they claimed to not need help with any current work at the Aett. Lloyd opted to look around the wilderness; he was still a bit too sore from training to go to the gym if there were other options to keep him busy.

The scrubland was quite beautiful, though not what Lloyd would have expected from an island. Admittedly, he had been on few. Somewhat dense shrubbery and uneven terrain made the hike a bit difficult, but it was better that way. Something to keep his mind off the fact that everyone except him has a gun and they're all watching.

The island seemed rather quiet. Not completely devoid of life, but still rather sparse. Lloyd assumed that the activity scared the animals into hiding, or maybe the people at the Aett hunted them. Didn't much matter, really. There were still some seabirds to see, and plenty of space to cover.

Much of the plant life was relatively common on Gran Canaria, though there were a few smaller shrubs he didn't recognize - then again, Lloyd was a Zoner, not a Gaian. He made a clear effort not to step on or in anything he didn't recognize, just to be safe, but other than that he was actually enjoying the walk.

Sure enough, that realization brought his thoughts back to the matter at hand. And as expected the guards were still following him; they had no more difficulty than he did with the trip. Given that they had prepared a room, it was a safe bet that it would be at least another day or two. Realizing this, Lloyd tensed up a bit, but there wasn't much he could do really. Leaving early would jeopardize the whole deal.

One of the guards alerted him that night would soon fall, so the group returned to the base. By this point, Lloyd needed something to eat anyway, so he headed out in search of a mess hall or equivalent facilities. Maybe he could get a feel for the kind of people at the base; Skarsi had made a good impression, but even if he was the one in charge he was only one man.

RE: Life at the Aett: Skarsi's Tale - Thexare - 07-22-2013

The next morning, one of the guards approached Lloyd and invited him to the Aett's gun range. In the absence of anything better to do, he agreed.

The Aett's gun range was considerably more impressive than that of the ZRF bunker, whose "gun range" consisted of a small clearing and a few improvised targets. In contrast, the Aett offered targets in a variety of sizes and shapes, including moving targets. Immediately, Lloyd's attention was drawn to a set of very large, rather unwieldy-looking weapons in an unlocked case on the wall. He wasn't a particularly small man, but he knew he wouldn't be able to do anything with those. Instead, he decided to test a lever-action bolt rifle. An update of an ancient design, the bolt rifle used replaceable power cells to power its shots; a typical cell would give you five shots before replacement, thus nearly negating the biggest flaw of lever-action weaponry.

He queued a series of moving targets, approximately human size and speed, at the extreme end of the range. Looking down the scope, he waited about fifteen seconds to get a handle on their movement pattern before firing all five shots in quick succession, four of which hit their targets.

"Clear. Next," Lloyd called after reloading and preparing a spare cell. The second wave included ten targets. Lloyd gave them the same observation period as the first batch and fired another series of five shots, reloaded, and fired the second burst. Ten shots and a reload within twenty seconds, eight targets down.

"Think I'm out of practice. Clear, hold."

RE: Life at the Aett: Skarsi's Tale - Sabru - 07-23-2013

Skarsi had just returned from attending to some business off base. He decided to head down to the firing range and release some tension.

Lloyd turned around as Skarsi strolls in, unexpectedly wearing full battle armor.

" Ah Mr Lloyd. i see you are partaking in our fine firing range." Skarsi continues talking, as he walks to the wall case, selecting a particularly large weapon and loading it before stepping to the lane next to Lloyd. "Apologies for the delay. i had to go deal with some rogue corsair buggers who were raiding civilian convoys out in the badlands." Skarsi fires a shot, blowing the top half of the target completely off and nearly deafening Lloyd despite ear protectors. Skarsi fires the rest of the magazine off, doing the same to the other targets what was done to the first. He unloads it and places it back in the case.

"Now, if you are ready, we can go and discuss the matter at hand."