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WIP: Some Sort of Order Light Bomber - Printable Version

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WIP: Some Sort of Order Light Bomber - TLI-Inferno - 10-24-2013

This is my first model, and it's not done, just spent about an hour working on it this afternoon (although most of that hour was spend talking, i was on-and-off making the mesh during that hour).

It's not done, but I'm thinking of it being some kind of Order Light Bomber, textured and meshed similarly to the Onuris. Maybe even be a replacement for the current bomber, as their bomber and two of their fighters look almost exactly the same right now, besides slight differences.

View in 3D

[Image: 2z8qc01.jpg]

It will be textured similarly to the Order "Onuris" Light Fighter

I'm curious about what other folks might think of a ship kind of like this (I plan to work on it more sometime).

RE: WIP: Some Sort of Order Light Bomber - belarusich - 10-24-2013

scale down picture a bit...

RE: WIP: Some Sort of Order Light Bomber - Mercarryn - 10-24-2013

Well, those wings are...odd. Unless you want to tell me it has its wings positioned like they are similar to the Onuris.

Actually, setting up a bomber with similar V-shaped wings might be interesting. Though in that case it needs a fitting rear.

My two cents about it.

RE: WIP: Some Sort of Order Light Bomber - Omicron - 10-24-2013

(10-24-2013, 08:30 PM)TLI-Inferno Wrote: It's not done, but I'm thinking of it being some kind of Order Light Bomber
To be honest, what I see resembles nothing that The Order would build. There are no simmilarities to any ship of the already existing shipline.

(10-24-2013, 08:30 PM)TLI-Inferno Wrote: textured and meshed similarly to the Onuris.
Onuris has wings facing forward, not reverse. Your ship lacks anything that would resemble an engine.

(10-24-2013, 08:30 PM)TLI-Inferno Wrote: Maybe even be a replacement for the current bomber, as their bomber and two of their fighters look almost exactly the same right now, besides slight differences.
Not going to happen as long I am leader. Bomber is supposed to be based off one of the VHF's of ours - in this case Nephthys.

RE: WIP: Some Sort of Order Light Bomber - Tankman - 10-24-2013

(10-24-2013, 09:36 PM)Omicron Wrote: Your ship lacks anything that would resemble an engine.
Apperantly one forgets what WIP means...

RE: WIP: Some Sort of Order Light Bomber - TLI-Inferno - 10-24-2013

When I was first making this I wasn't thinking about it being a bomber, not even an order ship. So its style won't be a 100% match to order, and it doesn't have bomber parts yet, but that's something I'll work on in the future.

Yeah "Onuris's wings go forward and this's wings go backwards". Okay, and? Why does everybody act like all of a faction's light fighters, heavy fighters, VHF's, and bombers, are supposed to look exactly the same? They aren't supposed to be slightly modified copies of each other, they just are because it was easier for people to do that than to make new models.

Take a look at the kusari bomber and compare it to the kusari VHF. Nothing in common, but they are both still fitting as kusari ships.

This wasn't originally intended to be an Order Bomber, but with some changes to make the body portion of the ship sharper and I am sure it will fit pretty well. Or, if need be, it could be turned into an SHF.

RE: WIP: Some Sort of Order Light Bomber - Thyrzul - 10-24-2013

(10-24-2013, 09:36 PM)Omicron Wrote: Onuris has wings facing forward, not reverse.

Gecko, Agama, Basilisk has wings coming out from the back, not from the front. Stellion still gonna make it into the mod.

RE: WIP: Some Sort of Order Light Bomber - Omicron - 10-25-2013

Don't try making it into Order ship because it wont be one until you start from scratch. It does not have Order feeling to it.

The Order ain't Council who from mainly stolen and INRP outdated hardware DIY a new ship for their line. The Order is not Kusari either. The Order is interested in having ships looking more as logical evolution of each other, following fammilar lines and themes. This is why Bastet looks more like hi-tech version of Nephthys, Sekhmet is based on VHF frame and Onuris still keeps the old cockpit and simmilar shaped middle section.

Copy an cockpit from Liberty/Order ship and make simmilarities visible from the start. The Order ships do not have smooth curves everywhere as your model does. If you want to experiment, do not change everything but like half of it.

RE: WIP: Some Sort of Order Light Bomber - TLI-Inferno - 10-25-2013

(10-25-2013, 12:28 AM)Omicron Wrote: Don't try making it into Order ship because it wont be one until you start from scratch. It does not have Order feeling to it.

The Order ain't Council who from mainly stolen and INRP outdated hardware DIY a new ship for their line. The Order is not Kusari either. The Order is interested in having ships looking more as logical evolution of each other, following fammilar lines and themes. This is why Bastet looks more like hi-tech version of Nephthys, Sekhmet is based on VHF frame and Onuris still keeps the old cockpit and simmilar shaped middle section.

Copy an cockpit from Liberty/Order ship and make simmilarities visible from the start. The Order ships do not have smooth curves everywhere as your model does. If you want to experiment, do not change everything but like half of it.

I already said, it wasn't originally intended to be an order bomber and I will straighten its edges later to make it fitting.

If you look at the Onuris, it is actually quite similar in style, other than that the Onuris is a Light Fighter, making it much thinner and tighter.

RE: WIP: Some Sort of Order Light Bomber - Omicron - 10-25-2013

I see no simmilarities between your project and Onuris, sorry.