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Atka Research Station: Research Deck Sigma - Printable Version

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Atka Research Station: Research Deck Sigma - Eduard - 11-03-2013

Research Deck Sigma

The ultimate excruciation in terms of Cryer ingenuity and materialization of intellect and innovation: Research Deck Sigma shares its existence with the other similar decks on Atka Station by proudly being one of the most recent complex of laboratories and research amenities ever to be designed and eventually, built inside the apparently innocent and honest, yet nonetheless unscrupulous and overtly inconspicuous confines of the station bearing a broader, parent role.

The Sigma Deck ( Which is just another connotation improperly and informally adopted by the various plebes, workers and any denizen who embodies even the briefest subsistence in proximity to it ) is home to the most jaw shredding, exquisite and fastidious technology ever to be grasped and held in the metaphysically suffocating grips of the Cryer's Pharmaceutical and Medical Technologies branch, the only known entity to possess a more superlative and superior form of inconspicuousness and secrecy than the deck itself.

The overtly lugubrious deck, consorted by the watchful and prying eyes as well as finespun display of skill and showmanship in a branch of talents found in an ever permanent correlation to the requirements of the deck itself of none other but Sir Rousseau Anouet, known formally as Monsieur Rousseau Anouet, Cryer Pharmaceutical and Medical Technologies' Head of Research Department.

Soothed and transformed, bent and refitted, abandoned and used beyond the exploitation it could comprehend, the Complex, together with the entirety of its amenities, found its use under that man.

The purposes masticated and machinated by the deck are fairly specific and definite. One would exude forth the ignorant blabber that the deck was handed out to Anouet so that he could manifest his utter amusement, materializing the very excess of thoughts and ideas from the metaphysical plains of his cognitive entrails by making certain that they are brought to reality, to existence in a working, profitable condition. That cantankerous elaboration of nothing but apparently ignorant words possess and unfortunate truth to them, still, this truth manages to embody in half its form as Anouet is not ( ideologically exuding ) the final authority on this deck as he responds to a purpose as well. Indeed, he has dedicated his life, in correlation with the fine deck he leads and operates towards the study and eventual advancement of genetics, medicine, biology, mutation and biological alteration and any other process or scientific branch that could imply a macabre mutilation of a once living entity in order to uncover the marvels of genetics and biology it may have hidden behind the organic veils materialized as squishy mass of flesh that it may had possessed at that time.

As sealed and secluded as it may be, far from any curious or prowling eye, the deck won't hesitate to display the magnanimous architecture and machinations it has at its disposal to any would be individual that happens to find itself subject to the wonderful opportunity of being able to set foot on it.

Sprawling a long and apparently unending wide corridors masked and veiled by the decorative tins and colours of bronze that adorns the astonishing, colossal walls as the corridor crawls and crawls forth through the architecture of the station which confines it, only to have itself disfigured into a set of rooms, elevators, decks, each housing different experiments, research ideas, storages, quarters and machinations serving the wellbeing and interests of genetics and science as well.

And at the end of the corridor, thrown as if it was specially adorned there in order to emphasize it's exalted prestige, one would lay witness upon the personal desk room of monsieur Anouet, from where he could direct the ongoing research ideas as well as glamorously excogitate the possibilities and contrivances required start new ones.

All in all, the complex was an astounding embodiment of the Cyer Pharmaceuticals and Medical Technologies' heinous and ambitious desires to advance forth upwards through the metaphysical mountains of innovation and science

RE: Atka Research Station: Research Deck Sigma - kikatsu - 11-08-2013

Up above the winding corridors of the research wing stood the hanger modules and the adjacent shipping deck. Crates of sensitive material found themselves being constantly loaded onto and off of the transports that moored themselves to the station on a daily basis. The normal loading and unloading had been paused however to allow for the approach of two groups of three ships. Each small convoy consisted of a pair of Defiant gunboats, sleek silver ships manufactured by one of the Navy’s larger contractors in Liberty space, and one much smaller Grizzly shuttle. The whole way up the ships kept changing position, the Grizzlies swapping out and changing escorts ever two dozen K to prevent any nearby vessels from easily identifying which Grizzly was actually carrying a passenger. Not even the traffic control officers were allowed to know which vessel was the decoy and which was the actual passenger shuttle. The vessels cautiously slid into the open docking bays as the gunboats took up patrol patterns around the perimeter of the station.

Only after the landing process had been completed for both craft did one give a sign of being the real shuttle. The boarding ramp of Black-12 slowly lowered and made contact with the deck plates. A pair of black and white plated security bots made their way down the ramp as if to pave the way for older, silver-haired man who immediately followed them off the ship. Clad in a crisp black suit, the only sign of color on the man was brown in his eyes and his light blue tie hanging from his neck.

The robotic guards and the man made their way across the flight deck and into the station’s security stations where they were subject to brief, but intensive scans. The guards inside and the computer systems proudly announced the arrival of Director Clarke. Largely ignoring their welcomes, he checked his wrist-top computer briefly before turning to the chief of security.

“Am I to assume that Anouet is still on Sigma deck?”

RE: Atka Research Station: Research Deck Sigma - Eduard - 11-08-2013

At the time of the overtly prestigious arrival of the ever imposing personality known to many as Director Clarke, who also often found himself contrived inside the plains of metaphorical and metaphysical phantasmagories as the ever benevolent quintessence, the very heart of this finespun and apparently esoteric organization, efficiently veiling itself under the obscurity of corporatist honesty and diligence only to be bestowed with the opportunities and amoralities of prosperity, ambition and interest laid forth and protected by the freedom of inconspicuousness, Mister Anouet, a less omnipotent element for the interests of the organization but nonetheless paramount as he could be easily mistaken with the incarnation of the Research Department's mind and ambitions, found himself exerting his existence inside the warm and hospitable confines of his own desk room found in Research Deck Sigma.

His desk room, bureau, office or whatever connotation one would dare spew forth, was at the same time, dabbling between the barriers of extravagance and modesty. To describe it in a more precise method, it was efficient!
Its beauty was found in the simplicity of its comfort, it wasn't adorned with useless decorations, however it was ornamented with whatever objects and amenities Anouet would find interesting or competent enough to fill the cadaverous holes of a goal he devised. And whatever amenity was found in the confines of his desk, was beautiful through whatever point of view one would create.

His activity reeked of a complete absence of any irrelevant and entirely purposeless physical exhaustion as Anouet, the 40th year old geneticist with an outstanding temptation of permanently displaying the desire to perform the role of a psycho-analyst in an attempt at tackling and disfiguring other people's minds in an permanently insatiable lust for social entertainment which would only be fed by exuding forth pestering attempts at analyzing the very entrails of other people's cognitive inhibitions as well as purposely predicting whatever behaviour he may expect them to make, would be found sitting on his chair inside his own office, paying the necessary respects to the pause of whatever activity he may have pursued until now by honouring it, and restraining from any kind of labour, focusing entirely on relaxation and excogitation.

Anouet would deem that an execrable display of socialization affinities, but even he was fully aware inside his own mind that he possessed little to no social skills, and he didn't even given any sort of consideration, or care for that matter as he was compensating with an magnanimously exasperating and satirical behaviour as well as a valorous talent for the branches he is specialized in. Inside the murkiest of his thoughts, he inhabited the certainty that he would never be fired for the indignation he so frequently oozes.

The black leather and extremely comforting arm chair, a central focal point inside his room, mathematically illustrating the greatness and importance of any would be occupant of it through its centered and precise position, found itself pressured by the geneticists body, who made sure not to deliver the slightest amount of mercy to the chair that so benevolently and loyally supports his weight only to confer him comfort. Anouet was subjecting it through intensive torturing heard by the chair's leather emanating the distinctive resonant sounds as he leaned backwards on it in an attempt to place his legs on his desks and rest his right hand under his chin emanating meditation.

Ignorants would easily discard Anouet as a slacker, but what he lacks in physical labour compensates with the chaos inside the metaphysical plains of his cognitive mind as not one moment of his finite, and to his opinion, short existence isn't spent devising or excogitating new and innovative ideas.

Trapping and strangulating all this eloquently thrown ideas into the finest grips of consideration, it would be a certainty to say that a said chief of security would divulge Anouet's presence still found between the walls of his office at Deck Sigma