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Slight Issue when I boot up my PC - Printable Version

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Slight Issue when I boot up my PC - Luis - 11-27-2013

Okay, I built a PC January this year contianing these specs:
>Intel Core i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.4GHz
>8gb RAM
>NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670
>MotherBoard: ASUS - P8Z77-V LX

When I

RE: Slight Issue when I boot up my PC - sindroms - 11-27-2013

(11-27-2013, 12:38 AM)Luis Wrote: Okay, I built a PC January this year contianing these specs:
>Intel Core i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.4GHz
>8gb RAM
>NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670
>MotherBoard: ASUS - P8Z77-V LX

When I

Go on.

RE: Slight Issue when I boot up my PC - Luis - 11-27-2013

Okay, I built a PC January this year contianing these specs:
>Intel Core i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.4GHz
>8gb RAM
>NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670
>MotherBoard: ASUS - P8Z77-V LX

When I boot up my PC, my Monitor does not show the Boot Menu, like the F8.F2, DEL options to go into your Bios Menu. However, instead my Monitor stays asleep until the Welcome Screen comes up.

But, When I connect the HDMI Cord from my Motherboard to my Graphics Card, it shows everything from Boot Menu to Welcome screen. So I try to see what was the problem, read the manual of my mother board but no luck on finding the issue. I was having this problem since the first day i start her up. Never paid much attention to it but it is starting to get annoying not seeing my Boot Menu everytime i boot up my PC.

I tried the VGA cord from motherboard to monitor, nothing shows but welcome screen.
I tried HDMI cord from Motherboard to Monitor and nothing shows up but welcome screen.

It only shows Boot Menu when i connect the monitopr to my Graphics Card only =/

I want the HDMI cord to be connected to the motherboard <---> Monitor instead of Graphics Card <---> Monitor. Thats my problem.

Any ideas on this issue here?

(Sorry for the first post - my internet crashed when i sent the post =/)

RE: Slight Issue when I boot up my PC - Govedo13 - 11-27-2013

Also your Mobo is working fine on second read, it is users fault.

Normally one connects the GPU to the Monitor not to the Mobo. The Mobos without integrated GPU does not even have option to connect monitors to them.

Your Mobo have its own buid-in GPU. If you remove your main GPU and connect the Monitor to the Mobo HDMI, the PC would work on the integrated GPU.
If you connect the cable to the integrated GPU and the same time the main GPU is on at PCIe the Mobo gets confused and do its thing.

Access the BIOS and enable longer loading times if you wish. You can also add/remove the quick boot as well. Mine BIOS menu shows only for 2 sec. Hell ASUS even allows you to change the wallpaper of the said menu using AI Suite II.
Also keeping this CPU at less then 4.2 Ghz is crime.

RE: Slight Issue when I boot up my PC - Kazinsal - 11-27-2013

By connecting your HDMI to your mobo instead of your graphics card, you are making your graphics card totally useless. You should be aware of that.

RE: Slight Issue when I boot up my PC - Govedo13 - 11-27-2013

I am not sure about it. It depends on BIOS programming.
In general for desktop usage indeed you are right but I does not know if the BIOS does not fire up the Card if some heavy load hits the PC like starting some game etc. There are many such technologies within laptops using build-in/discrete cards for different tasks like Hybrid Crossfire technology and Optimus technology.
I bet however that ASUS safed money and as long as you plug something at the PCIe it runs on it only since there is no urge to safe electricity and because desktop PCIe cards are efficient enough with their auto undercloaking ability in idle/desktop.

Also you are on vacation and you lurk the forums? I at least do it from work.

RE: Slight Issue when I boot up my PC - evanz - 11-27-2013

one strange question, is you say your comp crashed, i wished mine knew to click send before it crashes

RE: Slight Issue when I boot up my PC - Luis - 11-27-2013

Yeh - I figured out that i should have connect my monitor to my GPU instead of the mobo. Was doing a bit research last night and reading the Graphics Card Manual. I feel ashame for not using my graphics card for 8 months instead i was using the MOBO integrated GPU. LOL

And to say - my games looks a lot better now. Especially eve online. WOOHOO!

RE: Slight Issue when I boot up my PC - Thargoid - 11-27-2013

Surprised you never noticed, I can't even play TES: Oblivion on my crappy on-board GPU.