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Invergordon Spaceport: Marauder Section. - Printable Version

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Invergordon Spaceport: Marauder Section. - Junker Marauders - 12-17-2013

A large freeport built by Junkers in the desolate Inverness system. Built in 799 A.S., it was known as the largest Junker installation in Sirius sector - until the existence of Junkers of Gallia was revealed.......

Upon entry to the Marauders own person section of the Spaceport, you come across a flaring neon sign...

Welcome To Invergordon Spaceport

The rustic smell of welded scrap fills the air as you enter. Discarded parts are strewn across the floor as if almost to compliment the Junkers own punctuality. Dim flickering lights stress to give the area at least a little amount of light in order to sustain the atmosphere. Various patrons and scrap enthusiasts litter the area; whether they are sharing stories of salvage trips, relaying pirating operations or are here just for some socializing. It seems that people here are affiliated with the Marauders in one way or another. Even those who are not know to have relations with the Marauders seem to still be welcome, albeit if treated with a slight suspicion. A large holo-screen presents all the latest announcements. 'If you have a matter to speak about with the Grand Marauder, please leave a notice for the receptionist so that they can inform him'. Underneath the screen, a robotic AI in a rusty chassis stands idly by wiping up glasses on automation. Upon further inspection, it appears that the robot acts as both the bartender, clerk AND receptionist...

There is much to do on Invergordon, it can be considered one of the most darkest corners of Sirius's underworld gatherings. However, that is simply a matter of opinion. Whether you wish to grab a drink, discuss business with other criminal groups, plot a murder or just do plain business, the choice is yours.

// Welcome to Invergordon! Anyone can post here. If you wish to RP with Marauders or begin a possible RP, this is a place to chill. You are free to do whatever RP you wish with other people though, the more the merrier!

RE: Invergordon Spaceport: Marauder Section. - Arioch - 12-17-2013

A slender man in his mid-twenties walks into the main concourse at Invergordon, and smiles, feeling at home. As he makes his way on the catwalks and various corridors to the main hub of Invergordon, he welcomes the smell of metal, grease, oil, and other industrial smells that were never hidden or kept isolated. For Junkers have no need for such niceties as nice smells and brushing away reality that surrounds them in favor of a skewed visuals and dulling smells. Practicality is what they enjoy. The blatant truth in front of them to see and judge. That, and the occasional synth weed.

As the man entered into the common hub, he noticed the amount of traffic coming in from the various docking and mooring points. Invergordon was becoming alive once again. *Time for me to set up shop* the man thought.

As he nestled himself into a corner near the center of the hub, he unfolded his chair, clicked a button on a seemingly inconspicuous walking stick, and BAM! A bright green neon sign filled the air above him, reading:

Vallon's Synth Weed Emporium

The man, the entrepreneur, the "High" marauder, Jake Vallon was ready to start his day right. With a toke and with providing the fine people at Invergordon a means to enjoy their time here...

RE: Invergordon Spaceport: Marauder Section. - Hidamari - 12-22-2013

The Espectro flew at top speed from the Puerto Rico system across Liberty and the Independent Worlds to arrive safely inside the secluded Inverness system.

Claes was seated in the cargo bay which had been immaculately cleaned of all slave feces, blood and other biomatter. Being temporarily fitted with some minor luxuries for the long cross sector journey.

Reading over reports and writing up final promotions for her crew Claes kept herself busy, trying not to think of Horacio or her baby, lest she wish to return prematurely to La Fenice D'Oro.

The Commandante was not alone however and with her in the cargo bay was a half squad of marines, seven of them and their commanding officer, captain Arietta Bianchi. Claes looked up from her data pad scanning them with her eyes, many of them just glad to be off Fenice for a while, due to not being allowed to take a break like the rest of the crew while she flagship was undergoing maintenance.

Enzo's voice was heard over the intercom, "Uh.. Commandante, Enzo here, Invogorden station in sight, we will be arriving in around 10 minutes" the old man said reporting the ships position, "Si.. Grazi" Claes responded briefly.

Bianchi quieted the marines in order to prep them again just before landing "Alright listen in!" she instructed with authority. "Alright, the chances of anything happening on this Op are minimal at best, however, we don't know the intention of the Junkers nor who we will be dealing with once we are there, the Commandante's safety is paramount, if anything goes down you make sure you are covering her and making sure she gets back to the Espectro." She instructed waiting for that to sink in before continuing.
"Team one is; Botticelli, Romaro, Lamborghini and Fettucci. You will be on babysitting duty, you with signore Luciani will be watching over the Espectro and will make sure nothing happens to her during our stay, you will maintain a perimeter around the craft at all times and wait for us to return, If the Junkers mistake the ship for scrap metal i'll make sure you are inside the next craft they turn into a compact cube." she instructed again, warning them of what would happen if they failed at such a simple task. "Who's Luciani", A marine asked, the name tag on the front of his armoured vest displaying 'Lamboughini', Another marine 'Greco' spoke up with a sigh "'e in the front driving this bucket"

Captain Bianchi continued "Team two, Ramirez, Bruno, Greco and myself will be moving with the Commandante, remember, until proven otherwise these people are friendly so don't go killing anyone and turning this into an incident." she scorned. Claes looked over shaking her head a little 'I still don't think I need a full armed guard' She thought to herself but didn't wish to undermine the captains efforts. "Hopefully all will be well, relax a bit amico's" Claes said still looking at her pad still.

"Commandante, we have received clearance to land we will be touching down in 2 minutes" Enzo reported, Claes didn't respond, turning off her data pad she placed it into her pocket and folded her arms, waiting.

The ship decelerated gradually and then was jolted a few times before coming to a rest. Enzo carefully pushed open the canopy and stood up in the cockpit, "Ugh, damn cramped seating, I want a clydesdale.." he muttered to himself as the deck crew brought over ladders and other equipment for refuelling. Enzo climbed down the ladder and rubbed his left thigh, just below it his robotic leg began.

A gangplank was raised into position from the deck floor to the hatchway on the side of the Espectro. climbing up the incline Enzo released the seal on the hatch and opened it. moving back down to speak with the dock crew.

Bianchi looked up as the door opened and Enzo beckoned them out before moving away himself, "Right, lets go" she instructed. Rising to her feet the captain holstered her powerful pistol, shouldering her assault rifle by the strap she lead the marines out of the ship, Claes shook her head with a quiet sigh and followed them out into the stations open hangar and down the gangplank.

"Lets not waste time" Claes said briefly before continuing on, Captain Bianchi agreed and followed vigilantly with the other 3 marines. The remaining soldiers guarding the ship as instructed. Turning on the data pad again Claes brought up the floor plans and followed them to the Marauder owned section of the station, being met immediately by a strong smell of decaying steel and carbon fibre.

There were people all over the place but none of them looked to be any different from the last Junker she saw down the hall. Bianchi eyed up all the individuals whom even came close to Claes, and it had become apparent that with such a guard force they were being watched quite actively, mostly people looking at Claes and wondering who she was.

Turning into a bar area they looked around the dusky room, people speaking to one another about their various exploits laughing and having a good time, the atmosphere was at least more contained than it was on board the Fenice D'oro, something Claes was thankful for.

Noticing the scolling text on the large holoscreen Claes moved to the bar, much to her distaste a Robot was behind it methodically cleaning and putting away glasses 'god i hate robots' she thought looking at it, "Robot, where's the receptionist?" she asked in a demanding tone, not wanting to be speaking to a mere machine any longer than she had to..

RE: Invergordon Spaceport: Marauder Section. - Max Morse - 12-22-2013

"We don't exactly have a receptionist, but I'm in charge of new arrivals." A redheaded woman wearing a tight, black, leather flight suit, sitting a few seats down the bar turns and looks at her, eyeing her several bodyguards.

"You must be Commander Leslie, of the 75th." She stands and walks over to her, completely ignoring the guards and holding out her hand. "Name's Carol Horner, sorry about the way you were contacted, the boss has a real penchant for being mysterious. He also isn't good with people, that's why I'm here. It's nice to meet you."

RE: Invergordon Spaceport: Marauder Section. - Hidamari - 12-22-2013

Claes frowned at the robot for not answering and then herself and Captain Bianchi turned to face the fiery haired individual. "Ah, Si" Claes shook Horners hand, "Claes Leslie, Mosquito Commandante, good to meet you signorita Horner, this is the captain of my guard Captain Arietta Bianchi" Claes said introducing her head of security.

Bianchi also shook Ms Horners hand, if not a little stiff but gave her best cordial smile though said nothing. Claes grinned "As the head of security on board Fenice, insisted that I bring armed escort due to the almost shady nature of the initial call I was sent, I hope it wont be a bother." she finished with a quiet chuckle.

The other marines each stood at ease behind their captain.

RE: Invergordon Spaceport: Marauder Section. - Max Morse - 12-22-2013

"Please, if there had been a problem I wouldn't be talking to you right now. Would you care for a drink?" She gestures towards the bar.

"Our bartender may not look like much, but he can make any drink you ask for." She looks at the bodyguards for a second. "They're welcome to have a drink too, though I understand if you say no, they are on duty after all."

RE: Invergordon Spaceport: Marauder Section. - Hidamari - 12-22-2013

Claes raised an eyebrow and looked back at her men, Bianchi spoke up quickly, "They drink more than enough already, ma'am" she offered bluntly, Claes nodded and looked back to Carol, "They are fine, but please.. I will take you up on that, show me what this atrocious construction can whip up" she said with a smile defying her irritation of having to deal with the machine once more.

"Commandante!" Captain Bianchi said loudly as Claes and Carol began to walk away, forgetting herself she lowered her volume quickly under Claes' scornful glare, "uh, ma'am which table will you be seated at?" she asked looking forward, hands behind her back. Claes was a little displeased at being shouted at but didn't mention it. "That one, by the window so I dont feel so enclosed.." She announced and turned back to Ms Horner with a smile as they returned to the bar.

Bianchi turned around to the rest of the marines whom were all snickering at her making an ass of herself, sneering that is until they noticed the captain was staring at them. "Right... Bruno, Greco stand guard at the table, Ramirez you're with me" she commanded and walked to the other side of the room.

With their rifles ready, the two marines stood guard over the table, the last marine following the captain away.

RE: Invergordon Spaceport: Marauder Section. - Max Morse - 12-22-2013

Standing next to Claes at the bar, Carol gets the bartenders attention. "I'll have the usual, and she'll have, hmm..." She turns and looks at Claes, as if scrutinizing her. "She'll have a firebrand, make 'em both a double."

She turns and looks at Claes, then leans in so only she can hear her. "So, the Captain certainly takes her job seriously, but it's not necessary, nobody here is armed with anything heavier than a pistol, and they're under orders to not start anything."

RE: Invergordon Spaceport: Marauder Section. - Hidamari - 12-23-2013

Claes leant on the bar table facing Carol, grinning like a cat, "aah Si, she does, she lives for her job, but she looks after me very well too, I cant really fault her for dedication. I do wish she would lighten up just a touch however" she admitted looking over past Carol wondering where the captain had gone to.

The mechanic bartender delivered the drinks, Claes turned to face the top of the table, putting both hands against its edge. "Never had a firebrand before, whats it like?" she asked almost cautiously.

RE: Invergordon Spaceport: Marauder Section. - Max Morse - 12-23-2013

"Molly Whiskey with a liberal amount of hot pepper juice. It's pretty spicy, makes it feel like you're breathing fire." She takes a sip of her own drink, a simple gin and tonic. "We're lucky here, Invergordon is used as a rest stop for a lot of traders, legitimate and otherwise, so we get lots of nice alcohol and things like that."

She stands up and grabs her drink. "I believe you wanted the window seat?"