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DarkWing - faction feedback - DW-Suzanna - 08-03-2008

[Image: e43ea9b17d02454e80d1282c4e6d8699.gif]

[Image: solhistory1.jpg]
[part of the original document in Solarian language]


Our Wings Will Darken The Sun


Long ago, DarkWing was formed to be an elite fighting force from Solaria to counter the threat posed by the Shivans - a barbaric predatory race that threatened to exterminate all who inhabitated the area of the galaxy known as Freespace. The Shivans drew their power from the sun, hence DarkWing was so named to symbolically darken the sun.
After many years of fighting the Shivans were defeated and DarkWing had become a higly professional fighting force.

The corrupt politicians within the Freespace system fought for control of DarkWing seeking to use them for their own ends. The decision was taken by DarkWing to leave the system and travel through the galaxies surviving as bounty hunters.

Darkwing command received a DataStream from Kusari Naval forces offering a 12 billion-credit bounty on pirate TS Burgh. He was last spotted in Omicron Alpha. They immediately set out to trap him. When cornered near the northern section of Alpha, he jumped through an unmarked hole. Not to be discouraged, Darkwing command called for reinforcements. They were to take the 5 squads of fighters and pursue Burgh into the new system, while the battalion led by Suzanna, in the flagship Excalibur, a fleet of four battleships and four cruisers were to jump in and seal the exit. After the fleet jumped into the system, they discovered that it was occupied by the Shadows, and they were not receptive to their perceived invasion of their space. The battle waged on for hours. The Darkwings fought brilliantly, but were simply outnumbered. In a last ditch effort to win the battle; Commanding Officer Suzanna had the battleships transfer their Devastator torpedoes, ten-ton nuclear torpedoes, onto the four cruisers. The four cruisers, each loaded with two Devastators silently moved forward at a slow and steady speed. Ignored by the Shadows, who were busying themselves with the flagship Excalibur and our four battleships, the cruisers gained a full vantage point on the entire Shadow fleet. After the entire crew had teleported from the cruisers, they set the autopilot to launch the nukes directly to the center of the Shadows.

The result from the eight nuclear torpedoes detonating at the same time was cataclysmic. The impact of the nukes of caused a tear in the very fabric of space. As Darkwing were pulled to the center of the rift, they noticed all of the Shadows were gone. Only wreckage remained. As the wreckage of the Shadow ships was pulled into the rift, they were being compressed into nothing. The entire Darkwing squad beamed into the flagship, they were certain the end was near. After the explosion the entire crew fell unconscious.

They awoke with a strange feeling of singular consciousness. It seemed their thoughts were connected. They were as one. As they piloted the flagship back to Solarian space they discovered things had changed. The system had changed; the Solarian Militia was nowhere to be found. Their home planet CR-1 was desolate, unable to support life of any kind. So they built the Dark colony, as a freestanding station orbiting the newly dead planet, and started to rebuild.

They were attacked by the Corleone Mafia, a mercenary group threatened by the skill of the Darkwing squad. The War waged on for many years. Bloodied, but not defeated, the Darkwing sent a team of scientists to the Shadow system in an attempt to discover why they shared the same thoughts. The team found a rift in the space-time continuum, and sent in a probe to inspect the seeming unending threads of the universe. It seemed a rift had opened allowing them to move from reality to reality, each the same yet somehow different. All major houses seemed to play the same part, yet they never knew about the multi-verse. The multi-verse was a term used by Darkwing scientists to describe the parallel systems in Sirius. They were able to harness the power and equip an interstellar scanner to pick up life forms throughout the multi-verse. The last signal received was from Discovery. A similar universe, yet the House factions were ran under a different set of laws.

As per usual guidelines of the Darkwing squad, we have travelled here to make our way as mercenaries. Always looking for a way back to the home of our ancestors, the Solarian people. We dont know how long we will be here, perhaps for eternity. We will, however strive to continue the Darkwing tradition: To be the best of the best, and to let no bounty go unclaimed. We are the Darkwing, you may destroy our ships, but that will not help you. We shall molecularly transmit to our base, re-buy our ships and weapons and seek you out. You have been warned.

Faction Tag: DW
Faction Id: mercs [bounty hunter id]

NPC Alignment BH
Diplomacy- neutral with all except pirates

DW-Suzanna - Leader

npc affiliation: bounty hunters

Neutral with all except pirates

Terms for escorting, or aiding in wars are negotiable

DarkWing - faction feedback - Jinx - 08-03-2008

your factions has been here longer than i - all in all, i never experienced any problems. - you ran the only BHG faction for a long long time - especially in the times when no one would be BHG and everyone was a merc ( 4.83 and before ).

so far, i only saw responsible actions - ( mind, i haven t seen very much first hand ) - but i don t share the bashing you experienced. - so from my point of view, the faction is OK and has shown a responsible attitude towards the use of their ships and freedoms.

i miss a general "cause" or "aim" - ( if you re fighing the nomads, who draw energy from the starts / suns, too - i haven t seen you very active in the omicrons, but more active in the core )

most of the time, i have seen your people idle or simple "be around". - i haven t seen any attacks that were not based on RP, - but quite some self defense.

so if you formulate a general idea that the faction wants to achieve ( something that is not to be achieved like the extinction of all nomads or something ) - i d like to see it performed more ingame... but other than that.... everythings fine.

DarkWing - faction feedback - Cawdor - 08-03-2008

well .. where to start.

Quote:NPC Alignment BH
Diplomacy- neutral with all except pirates

Since I don't assume that you are neutral to SCRA or Phantoms, it would be nice if you could list all NPC / PC factions who you have other relations than "neutral" with. And I find it hard to believe that you dont have any friends in sirius like other mercs or BHs.

Also, I miss the equipment list. Which rank is allowed to fly Capitol ships? or are caps forbidden? What weapons do you use aside from BH weapons? a concrete and mandatory ship and equip list is desperately required.

And er ... I dont know what your ZoI is. could you please point it out? are there some regions where you are not allowed to fly caps? As far as I know Bounty hunters should only have caps in the omicrons.

And do you have any rules for the faction? Rules of engagement or for de/promotion, recruitment? Looks like you forgot to put them into your faction status.

DarkWing - faction feedback - Raekur - 08-03-2008


Why would a mandatory ship and equipment list be considered desperately needed?
I think that everyone already knows what weapons and ships are permitted to BH.

As far as friends here, I can think of only 1 group that is considered friends.
All others are considered neutral or enemy last I checked.

Zone of Influence, good question considering that no matter where we go someone complains about us being there.

Our rules are listed in our forum as well as what is expected by our members.
Since our RP to this server is one based on being from out-system this means that there is no known history about us. So publishing any additional information is OORP (not to mention that posted items in the past have been used to attack us)

So, if you want to know more about us, RP it.
But I will warn you, our structure is unlike any other group you have likely encountered.
When you understand a shadow you will understand us.

DarkWing - faction feedback - Cawdor - 08-03-2008

Hey reakur. I just wanted to inform you that the faction status is an ooRP document dedicated to the community. So feel free to state your shiplist, rules and other informations here. It will not spoil your RP and will even help you to recruit members as they would know what/who you are/do on the first glimps rather than reading the next faction-status and join them; since no one will really reg on external forums to get the info. Thats why the factions status pages were introduced in the first place:)

DarkWing - faction feedback - worldstrider - 08-04-2008

Only problem I have had is taking in-character comments and leaping from them to out of character ones. just rp.

Also, when you guys are in a system, it's been with 3-4 cap ships and threats of, "Don't anger us or else." That's a bit antisocial.

Two of your members hunted a freelancer character while I was setting it up for making an in-character comment and chased it over three systems, killing it with a battlecruiser and gunboat (it was a lone bomber with level 2 turrets and level 8 guns and a starkiller torp).

What was the character repped as that you killed?...Bounty Hunter Guard with a freelancer ID.

So those sort of things are a problem. Seem to have calmed some lately which is nice. i think Jinx's comment is to the point. You guys need a defined purpose that's clear to others instead of the, "We're bored don't make us kill you while we loiter" thing.

DarkWing - faction feedback - Boss - 08-04-2008

Don't take this the wrong way, Suzanna, but I've never seen you guys in anything smaller than a destroyer. Granted, you fly a gunship, but I've never encountered it personally. That and the Omega-15 incident.

DarkWing - faction feedback - Blodo - 08-04-2008

You guys seem to be rushing into any PvP fight without point or purpose. I mean, it did calm down a bit recently but I rather clearly remember the fact that you have declared you will not be helping RM, yet when the Coalition invaded New Berlin not only did you rush over there, the RM explicitly told you to be on your way but you still denied. Two of your capships were destroyed.

It's not a big mystery why house security forces generally do not want you to help them. Nobody takes you guys seriously cause you act like you have no purpose. That faction status is formed like yet another generic sirius police BHG group, and that is how I saw you guys act so far. The way I figure DW roleplay is that you aren't just BHG but only fly under their colours, so how about you define your allegiances a bit more than "hostile to 'pirates'" (sic)? You could define a group more hostile than other and wage war with them, etc. It would cure your lack of PvP and maybe add to your faction's RP.

Because right now all I see is BHG like any other: flying capships above all, and attacking anything red on their HUD.

DarkWing - faction feedback - Zeltak - 08-04-2008

' Wrote:You guys seem to be rushing into any PvP fight without point or purpose. I mean, it did calm down a bit recently but I rather clearly remember the fact that you have declared you will not be helping RM, yet when the Coalition invaded New Berlin not only did you rush over there, the RM explicitly told you to be on your way but you still denied. Two of your capships were destroyed.

It's not a big mystery why house security forces generally do not want you to help them. Nobody takes you guys seriously cause you act like you have no purpose. That faction status is formed like yet another generic sirius police BHG group, and that is how I saw you guys act so far. The way I figure DW roleplay is that you aren't just BHG but only fly under their colours, so how about you define your allegiances a bit more than "hostile to 'pirates'" (sic)? You could define a group more hostile than other and wage war with them, etc. It would cure your lack of PvP and maybe add to your faction's RP.

Because right now all I see is BHG like any other: flying capships above all, and attacking anything red on their HUD.


And I would also like to see ship restrictions, like capital vessels for higher ranked members only. As it seems now, every encounter with a DW member regardless of which one, its always either a BattleCruiser or a Battleship. You also seem to attack targets that for the slightest reason annoys you and thats not how the Bounty Hunters operates. You should attack targets that can benefit your group economically, yet the majority of attacks I have personally encountered with your faction has not only been started by your side, (Like the SCRA incident when we attacked Rheinland you attacked us even when the RM pilots tried playing it fair and told you to back off, you didn't even listen to them, that shows you want to PvP very badly.) but the attacks themselves are mostly pointless and doesn't follow any logical roleplay motives.

Also, Bounty Hunter faction are supposed to be working for the lawful houses and other lawful contractors. How come it you are shunned by some houses, like for example Liberty.

DarkWing - faction feedback - me_b_kevin - 08-04-2008

i have had numerous encounters with DW individuals and so i shall post my experience. i've had very little RP if any with most DW members, though i am only one person after numerous encounters i would hope to have more than a few words of RP text from the DW.

the other is the story of the DW, i'd prefer to see something based on Freelancer and it's continuity. aliens other than the ones in freelancer, which themselves aren't really aliens but constructs built by aliens, are typically frowned upon. there are plenty of options present in the freelancer universe to not have to go outside of it for stuff.

that being said, i meant that as constructive criticism and would never want you guys to leave. i wish you guys the best of luck and hope to see you in space soon