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Natio Octavarium Declaration of Intent to Attack - Printable Version

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Natio Octavarium Declaration of Intent to Attack - Kazinsal - 01-12-2014

=== Incoming Transmission ===
== Encryption: Incredible ==

[Image: Kane-NO.png]

Good evening.

This message is to the owners of Itasca Station. Your station privileges have been revoked because of, well, we've discussed this. Consider this your formal notice of eviction from the cloud you have built this in as it falls under the jurisdiction of the Octavarium Intelligence Commission and the Vagrant Raiders as its military force.

9. The construction of an unlicensed base or space station in Natio Octavarium territory is illegal and may result in the overtaking or destruction of the offending base, and a fine being levied upon the owner of the base. Bases may be licensed on a very specific basis with contract-specific terms and conditions.

We will be in touch to find you a place to set up your base free of charge. Your fees will be refunded.

The Vagrant Raiders and its hired mercenaries will be enacting this.

Harold A. Kane
Taskmaster, Vagrant Raiders
Minister of Relations, Natio Octavarium

=== Transmission Ended ===
== Trace Failed ==

RE: Natio Octavarium Declaration of Intent to Attack - Kazinsal - 01-13-2014

=== Incoming Transmission ===
== Encryption: Mmm. ==

[Image: Kane-NO.png]

Good afternoon.

The situation has been resolved.

Harold A. Kane
Taskmaster, Vagrant Raiders
Minister of Relations, Natio Octavarium

=== Transmission Ended ===
== Trace Failed ==