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Commonwealth Recruitment Channel - Printable Version

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Commonwealth Recruitment Channel - Commonwealth - 01-12-2014

[Image: i2YstuR.png]

[Image: black-white-static-design.gif]

If you have encountered this frequency, this encrypted transmission in anyway, then it means that you have been watched, watched by an organization interested in the talents and skills that you possess.

That organization is called The Commonwealth, and we, the Commonwealth, have uploaded this encrypted neural frequency channel so that any would be exquisite, talented individual with the skills and capabilities that we may have an interest in, would find it.

You, whoever you might be, dearest citizen of this wretched, desolated world filled with poverty, intrigue, political backstabbing and a rise for dominance coupled with an insatiable hunger and ambition present in any man or woman, have been bestowed with the chance of a life time.

Indeed, you have been offered the chance to join inside the ranks of our fraternity, the Commonwealth. To join the confines of one of the most esoteric and intimate organizations that Sirius has to offer. You will have the chance to give in to your interests and ambitions, and pursue your goals alongside fellow-minded people.

Remember: We are solitudinarians, lonesome individualists, yet we are brought together by our common interests and goals. Our mutual trust and interest molded into a fraternity with one of the most close bonded, sympathetic towards each other members you may meet, and you have the chance to join us.

You will taste the sweet taste of amorality and the rewards it offers. You will find that survival is stagnation, and what truly is paramount is prosperity.

But to join us, to veil yourself under the warm embrace of the Commonwealth, you must convince us that you are worthy.

How? Well for that, this channel has been left at your disposal.
Write a declaration of intent, anything you wish. Simply make it a certainty that the words you exude, the information you give about yourself, the lies, the truth, are enough to convince us.

The path to prosperity is yours to pave.

RE: Commonwealth Recruitment Channel - Eduard - 02-10-2014

The time for hedonism and once incessant delight for trivialities has extinguished. The Commonwealth spreads its wings once again

RE: Commonwealth Recruitment Channel - Caconym - 02-21-2014



The following content is in the official language of Gallia, French.

My name is Guillaume De Calais. I am an ex-information theorist at the beautiful yet clearly overrated École Normale Supérieure of New Paris. I quit my job due to some... unexpected however totally deserved trouble with a colleague. After leaving my old, exquisitely refined and perfectly well to-be-missed home in a rush, I've decided to leave my magnificent homeland for more exotic places, such as the Sirian "Tau" systems, which, while sparsely populated, at least as I heard, appear to be home to a great amount of exciting activity, which translates to exciting job opportunities. I started looking for groups who would accept a Gallic scientist, and received this... attention-demanding communication. So here I am, wherever that may be.


RE: Commonwealth Recruitment Channel - Enkidu - 02-21-2014

[Image: 5rp9qj2.png]

[Image: Commentary_sci-fi-interfaces.jpg]

The camera clicks out of its lethargy and into somber life, providing a dull, backlit illumination to a tall, slender, male figure of indeterminate age and determinate ego. A dull, dulcet theatrical chuckle resounds, disturbing the slight russet pallor cast by the screens amid a gauze of expiring cigars. Exactly what has triggered the figure's merriment remains illusive, temporarily, until you realise the footage displayed upon the imposing expanse of the terminal is in fact a gruesomely contrived viral montage of hangar collisions, strung together for the perdition-bound perusal of some of the less ethical utilisers of the neural net.

"…Oh, the plights of the plebilian orders eh? Dieu foutu…"

Something - possibly yourself, has arrested the attention of this jocular man. Mid laugh, he halts, tabbing down the trivial footage with one well-practiced flick. A curse and a cursory adjustment of collar and hair later, and Achille Augustain Nadeau rotates to greet your face, revealing one of the most irritatingly, incomparably dapper individuals you have ever felt the displeasure of feeling jealously over. For the remainder of the conversation, Nadeau switches, with a notable lessening of glottal strains, into the mother tongue.

"Evidently you possessed the the appropriate concentration of situational intelligence and/or decryption hardware to physically de-scramble this signal, so already I harbour a degree of information over your person already, Calais, if you deign permit a fellow to moniker you as such. Either you are a man of means, or a man of consequence; it goes without saying that the latter is the most desirable of those twin potentials, but both as a unit would be a torturous tantaliser for me to turn down, my countryman".

Despite the separation of space, he bears an odious tendency of being right in the room with you, to the point as if every breath he smothers is being extracted straight from the recesses of your head. Perhaps if his grin only appeared a tad less predatory.

"…Where are you presently? Well, that is a query I (for one) cannot possibly fathom - It does beget a series of potential concerns if a man need query another not intimately associated with his physical presence as to the exact nature of his present locality, hm?"

Somehow - possibly just materialising there, a perilously over encumbered glass of sparkling Chateau deFrance has snaked its way into Achille's latter hand, which he sips at laboriously, by way of the dramatic pause.

"I am in concurrence with you ami; the glass encrusted confines of the Royal institution is no quarter for a respectable male…" *Smiles sagely* "…Certainly not one who aims to… well, name any ambition above the menial pars. However, from this digression I (permit one for sounding clandestine), succeeded in deriving a second, scant tit-bit (you will correct me if I am erroneous, I am sure), that you, my bafflingly brief brother climber amongst the informative branches of the tree of knowledge, are seeking employment from an agency containing resident Sirians, such as the very same accretion I oh-so-erroneously find myself thrust forth as a representative of, hm? Now companion, that may be a matter of angst betwixt us! Do you not perceive, that a fine, limber, exquisitely over-bred Gallic Compatriot such as myself may be up in arms in askance over why a fellow may deign co-operate with such lesser orders as the Sirian stock, eh? Do you believe your skillset to be… inconsistent with the present Gallic Mean, eh?"

"Do phrase your riposte appropriately. I am not in the habit of employing IT consultants, just to inform me how to turn the screen on. I have slaves for that purpose".

And, with a certain emphasis, Achille Augustain Nadeau performs just the inverse.

[Image: MF7w7K1.png]

RE: Commonwealth Recruitment Channel - Caconym - 02-21-2014



The following content is in the official language of Gallia, French.

The lack of video and the superior quality of the sound makes it feel like the being speaking is not light years away, but rather right next to you, all around you, using the glory of the perfected "3D sound" technique started so long ago on Earth.

I'll be blunt. Even though I am perfectly capable of making beautiful, meaningful, and extravagant introductions as your good self clearly is, they are a waste of time, at least in my opinion. So I'll just skip that onerous part of every communication with your fancy and exquisite organization, unless that poses a grave problem that I have not foreseen and that could potentially wipe out all life in Sirius, or it causes a personal insult that I do not mean to deliver. However, as that is a highly unlikely event, I'll abstain. Now, to the highly important business that we are supposed to be having. To answer your questions in the order that they were asked:
- Yes, I am fully able, both in hardware and software, of decrypting this transmission. A rather easy task, if you ask me. Full apologies and no offense intended to your, I am sure, highly competent cryptology experts whom I wager spend countless hours on this beautiful collection of aggregated data.
- You can call me Calais, I don't mind; in fact, I fail to care how people call me as long as it is not offensive or demeaning and rather unrefined for them to use.
- As for your mean/consequence query, I am capable of both; however, that always depends on the variables involved. For example, I lack all skills necessary for the production of cheesecake, that particular dish being Libertonian junk food.
- For my location, that was a rhetorical question. You apparently failed to grasp this, or are proving to be gifted with a sense of humor so few among us Gallics possess. I sincerely hope for the sake of the Commonwealth that it is the second option rather than the first one.
- I thank you for what I'll take as a compliment on my departure of my rather jolly but plain existence back "home". I'd rather stay positive and not imagine that you are directing demeaning sarcasm at me.
Your guess is correct. I am indeed looking for employment in an agency housing both Sirians and Gallics, for whatever that may be worth. However, this is not due to a lack of skills on my part. All the contrary. I was one of the top researchers back at the University. I only left for personal reasons. Now, having left Gallia, I seek a place in which they accept both the people of Gallia and the common Sirians. A place like the Commonwealth, as you so discreetly pointed out, using your obvious talent for up-front diplomacy. And I take rather as an offense the fact that you consider me a mere IT consultant. Indeed, that would be like comparing the vacuum-tube computers of old with our modern nanofoam AI matrices.


RE: Commonwealth Recruitment Channel - Enkidu - 02-21-2014

[Image: 5rp9qj2.png]Shock riddles Nadeau's features; shock so sincerity-wraught it could only been born of considerable practice.

"You take offence? Why comrade, you need not even state as such, take as much as you require! Offence - as a highly-traded Sirius wide market variable, circulates comparatively inexpensively and is thus on the house! I assure you Sir, we have ample offence enough to offer as charged; you may tax us of it as much as your particular glut may desire - however, may I render a slight point; it is financially under tactful to mention your offensive acquisition to a potential employer. The gaffer concerned may (upon observation of your copious influx of the aforementioned from his party), may find himself privy to re-enumerative dock (as it were) to the material aspects of the employed's payment, if only to create a sense of equality and camaraderie with the employed's fellow dron… valued co-workers and slaves (as it were) to the Common ideal."

"I will be certain to through feed your (undoubtedly) heart-convulsed professional critique to those same aforementioned cryptology experts - particularly a certain Californian creti… construct of jocular disposition and a withering impotence. But a minor query, pray;"

"…May you specify in terms (exact or inexact, I care not) the sociological nature, as it were of this (no doubt lamentable) dispute (you state with a colleague), that provoked such a apt, intelligently-considered career shift? I mean only to pry, of course."

[Image: MF7w7K1.png]

RE: Commonwealth Recruitment Channel - Caconym - 02-23-2014



The following content is in the official language of Gallia, French.

The lack of video and the superior quality of the sound makes it feel like the being speaking is not light years away, but rather right next to you, all around you, using the glory of the perfected "3D sound" technique started so long ago on Earth.

As I said last time, give the full extend of my heartfelt apologies to the Californian "construct" of yours whom saw fit to issue this low-level transmission that even a Maquis cretin would be able to intercept. To answer your question on the particular nature of the specific dispute between me and a certain ex-colleague of mine, it was about the name of the pet project of the University, which I will not, for obvious and clear reasons, talk about in this almost unprotected channel. Nothing too serious or life-threatening, although one of the local mainframes got an overdose of coffee and did not enjoy the full extend of the graces of that particular brewage. In fact, it blew up, causing quite a rack. That is, mon ami, if I can call you that, the true reason of my sudden career change.


RE: Commonwealth Recruitment Channel - King Owl - 02-27-2014

::Incoming transmission::
::Opening video feed::

[Image: WCYBibM.jpg]

Bonjour, medames et monsiours.

I offer you the pleasure of speaking to Pierre de Nuit, well known scientist, or what is left of that. I was experimenting animal mutations untill one of my... results killed a student...Poor him.
But this are past stories.Life brings us new beginings, so i took mine and decied to slide toward a superior community, one that can understand the values of my work. Now, time has taken its toll so i decided to retreat in the company of select people.

Perhaps you could be such company...

"Even if you don't know it yet... you want me."
::Ending transmission::

RE: Commonwealth Recruitment Channel - Enkidu - 02-28-2014

//The below dialogue is to be conducted in the officialised linguistics of the Gallic race.

[Image: 5rp9qj2.png]

||This insert of the transmission field is addressed to Dr P.Night||

Achilles' eyes glint with the lustre of a Hessian tear at the prospect of a new applicant to disse… cross examine. How refreshingly popular the fraternity has become.

“Well, quite. Perhaps we could; pending a desirable applicant”.

"So, Doctor Stone Night - your name bears a certain solidity with the worldly wreaths of universal academia. However, as is oft with weightier objects, they bear a certain… tendency to respond unfavorably to the bull-bars of fate. Whist a meager minion may spread her or himself about the roadside with minimal notice, a creature of mass may shatter - break, or be broken, as it were. You admit to being…a perceptibly flawed stone, as it were…"

"…So pray. Why should an agency such as mine inject itself with the frivolous cast-offs of the New Parisian intellectual establishment, hm? What makes you conclude that I would desire another man's ejecta - yourself, notably, without the conclusive formulation that you may comprise a credible threat to our agency’s retinue? Exactly what fallacy did the student commit to be mutilated so? Was the experiment conducted upon the student, or ah, rather, was the student a… subject of the experiment’s anomalous behavior, or indeed, was the student behaving anonymously at the time of crises?”

“I must profess, compatriot, That I am at a certain… loss. The student’s pimple-encrusted marijuana-riddled demise makes for a penny tragedy worthy for common plebeian neuralnet perusal, no doubt, but remains somewhat… immaterial.”

“…You see ami, my particular… facet… of the Commonwealthian raven, already contains an innumerable plethora of pre-eminent biologists, and thus, those deemed to be suitably capable must be possessive of a certain decisive flair, I pray you appreciate?”

“…State the nature of your research, Dr Night, and we may perpetuate our dialogue unabated”.

[Image: MF7w7K1.png]

RE: Commonwealth Recruitment Channel - King Owl - 02-28-2014


*Playing with a glass on the side of a table he says with a relaxed tone*

I must admit , i have let you in mist .
So let me start here..

[i]*Long time ago ... I was trying to cross feline genes with human genes, to see if the organism of the feline will allow the genes to mix and create what later was ment to be a humanoid feline...All the standard feline behavior but with human sides...More like a dream of mine....But all got wrong the breeding didn't work..Well in the manner that i wanted....But it worked for cross genes which had made the feline more powerfull and as well smarter. We decied to put into a isolated place , away from any place where can harm , thus keeping it into greate shape and oversee the evolution in time and what was changed, where and how .On of the sudents decied to stay over night and oversee the feline...Well we all thought and told him to not get to close or let be fooled by the feline...At it had human intelect as a samller scale but still was able to fool you..So he didn't listen and when he had o feed the feline ...She was playing with him ...She let him pet here even stay with here in the cage..But ata moment when he turned his back the feline jumped at his throut...We heard his desperate sounds, but when we got there the feline was on top of him and riping and tearing the poor boy. We have tryed toput the feline into sleep , but was to late...He lost to much blood and died , into a painful and slow death...*He shed a tear and wiped it out*Now the event got public and our lab has been close all the creations were killed .*

This is all .. And it all the pain in my heart i have to say ..That moment changed my life and will never be as it was..