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To: Natio Octavarium -- Where do I show my passport? - Printable Version

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To: Natio Octavarium -- Where do I show my passport? - Energia - 01-13-2014

COMM ID: Lieutenant Commander Sikk, Violia
TARGET: Vagrant Raiders/Natio Headquarters

A woman comes into view on the received video, leaning back against the comfortable leather seats of her ship. Looks like it might be something for the Liberty Navy, though her blue flight suit bearing the various marks and emblems of said Navy may be giving it away. Short, light brown hair, and green eyes. "Good.. Sheesh, it's morning already.. Good morning! I am Lieutenant Commander Sikk of the Liberty Navy Secondary Fleet. I've come to ask, well, for permission to bring my fighter craft into your space. I've heard mumblings and talk about the Navy no longer really allowed in the area and, well.." She offers a shrug, scratching at the side of her nose for a moment. "I don't really have my own personal craft, and a.. number of my family has actually moved over to your new colony in Kansas, or, how do you call it-- Caledonia? If it isn't too much of an issue, could I have permission to enter the system, and not have one of my snubcraft blown out from under me?"

"Thanks in advance, for your time."
She smiles briefly, before the video flickers, and then goes blank, signaling the end of the transmission.

RE: To: Natio Octavarium -- Where do I show my passport? - Thexare - 01-13-2014

=== Incoming Transmission ===
== Encryption: Eh, why bother?==
= ID: Amber Brown =

Hi. Amber Brown, Ministry of Services.

Normally we'd prefer if you use a personal craft instead of a Navy ship, but if these trips are cleared with your commanding officer I suppose we can make an allowance for a snubcraft. Just can't have entire wings constantly in and out, y'know, but if you've got family here it wouldn't be fair to keep you from seeing them.

So yeah, you're clear.

=== Transmission Ended ===
== Trace Failed ==

RE: To: Natio Octavarium -- Where do I show my passport? - Energia - 01-13-2014

COMM ID: Lieutenant Commander Sikk, Violia

Violia comes on screen once more, still in her fighter."That's fantastic news, miss Brown. Everything's clear on my end, and I'll be sure to leave a message when I'm dropping by. Don't want anyone out of the loop."

"Thanks again!"