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Breaking rocks in the Hot sun.... - Printable Version

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Breaking rocks in the Hot sun.... - Gentle - 01-24-2014

Confined to the cell Gentle awaits his daily food rationing plate. A grey and tasteless muck that would barely sustain his large frame. Today would be a special meal and would hopefully be accompanied by a message from an old friend that would explain much about the last few years. Gentle's doctor had rebuilt him many times in the past. But the last time was an epic task. His body had been rebuilt using cloning technology to replace the cybernetic limbs and organs that had adorned the pirate for many years. The shock of humanity almost destroyed the pirate. Remorse and regret fed back into his awakened soul. What could he learn from the doctor about his DNA's ability to regenerate and mutate so fast. Why had the liberty navy pressed so hard to find a corsair turned phantom and keep him alive?

A hole wide enough to allow delivery of the food tray opened in the force field and a grey hand held the tray long enough for Gentle to scrabble forward and catch it before the uncaring guard dropped his slop on the floor. Gentle scraped the food into the bin and eagerly searched the plate and tray for signs of a message. Nothing. Six days now since the message had come to him that he could expect answers. The zoner inmate had assured him there was to be answers soon. The eating spoon turned idly in the Pirates hands mobilised by his frustration. Something was not right. The weight on the plas-steel was off balance. Careful examination revealed a hairline fracture in the handle. Hope stirred as Gentle unscrewed the handle nervously checking for the approach of guards. A thin Film unfolded from the handle and dropped into the pirates lap. With trepidation Gentle began to read.

"Old friend, What I am about to tell you is terrible and miraculous. Your DNA appears to be mutating regularly. You are carrying a virus. All my efforts to replicate this virus in the laboratory have failed and I attributed this to atmospheric conditions. I was right. The virus is activated by the atmosphere of Crete. I can only surmise that this virus was introduced into you by the Phantoms while you were under their control. Its effects on your body however seem to have produced an advanced regeneration and increased strength at a cellular level. I have introduced this to other corsair genomes in the laboratory with a sample of Cretian air and in 80% of the cases the genome has become unstable and the cells have died. Further testing has shown that the cells that have survived have developed a resistance to the nomad integration gene.

I can make only the following assumptions:

The phantoms wanted you to carry this to crete and infect the people causing widespread alteration of the corsairs and significant loss of life.

No doubt their 'gift' of strength and regeneration with nomad mind control immunity was key to their plans. Imagine the chaos should you return to Crete my friend. This virus uncontrolled could devastate the entire populace.

I have been able to fathom an antiviral agent that will replicate your own DNA mutation. To produce this antiviral we will need to monitor your own genetic code regularly and update the serum every time your body mutates your DNA.

I estimate that uncontrolled this virus would wipe out 80% of the corsair people on Crete. With the aid of the serum there would be a loss of only 15%.

While this virus is horrendous in its potential for damage. I expect the Gifts devised by the phantoms would ultimately have made the corsairs stronger and resistant to nomad machinations. Something the LSF and many other scientific families would welcome.

It is only a matter of time before the Liberty Navy or LSF figure out what I have learned. I have already heard talk in some circles that Liberty is preparing an announcement... I do not know if this is related or even true. The fact you are alive after your actions over the years... tells me you have some value other than as a mantle piece.

You are the harbinger of some kind of fate that cannot be understood at this time. Your new found conscience and your corsair resolve will be tested greatly by this knowledge.

I wish you luck and hope you once again fly the skies.


Staggered and shocked the pirate began to eat the note to prevent its discovery. "What am I to become... what of my people.... who else is to use my soul for their purposes." Fury and anger begin to swell within the pirate. "I must find a way out. Liberty shall not have this secret be it weapon or blessing"

RE: Breaking rocks in the Hot sun.... - Gentle - 01-25-2014

Prison guard Cletus McReady approaches the cell of the sleeping figure. Turning down the plasma grid intensity the figure of the snoring pirate becomes visible through the force field. A sadistic grin begins to spread across the guards face. Only 20 minutes earlier a remit had come from an Agent of the LSF to soften up the subject.

Cletus armed his plasma wand and increased the voltage supply to the plasmastatic head. 'Y'all gonna burn pie rat, Says ere you gonna be needin t get a dose of ma medcine on a reglar basis.' The force field comes down and without further warning the prod hist the slumbering pirate.

Blue light explodes in Gentles waking moments and his body arches into a muscle spasming lurch that throws him from his bed and smashes him on the floor.

Aching from the hit Gentle looks into the eyes f his aggressor. 'Hola amigo' creaks from the pirates mouth. Gentle stands. Cletus grins and swipes the Pirate in the face. Gentle is thrown backward into the wall in a spectacular explosion of light that illuminates the entire prison floor. An immense wave of pain floods the pirates mouth and his head smashes on the cell wall causing light and stars to explode in his mind and his mouth to burn like hellfire rockets.

'Your mother tickles me like that gringo' Gentle jibes as his weakened legs force him upright.

'yous a dumb ass lil ho pie rat. Im'a gonna make you suffer like you never sufferd afore' the guard retorts. A sickly hand thrusts the prod into gentles groin.

Gentle screams and as a grin of satisfaction spreads across the face of the guard. Gentles massive hand grabs his windpipe and crushes with inhumane power while the pirate screams in agony.

Several hours later as the cells are opened from lock down. A guards body is found lying decapitated on the floor of cell block D.

No one saw what happened and Gentle doesn't mind that he missed his first meal.