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The Do̱rieís - Printable Version

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The Do̱rieís - KaiserDietz - 01-26-2014

[Image: kAKD80S.png]

"With your Shield, or on It"

The First Migration began in A.S. 550, at the founding of Leon Base, in Omega 41. The Do̱rieís were among the defense groups that came to protect the base, numbering only fifty men and fifty women, drawn from the Corsair family Spartiatai, renowned for their fighting skill and known as the first one hundred, among many other names. Ultimately many of these original settlers became affected by the radiation of the Omega 41 neutron star, and became infertile and lost their hair. Spartiatai women wear wigs, but Spartiatai men shave to bald as a sign of strength in the face of the elements. As part of a scientific project, many of the spartiatai affected by infertility underwent biological augmentation to return their child bearing ability. The experiments were originally just to enhance the fertility of the patients; however, the tests soon expanded to muscle augmentation, sensory implants, biological chips and evolved to the scale of the tests done on the (now) Reapers of Sirius. Though physically successful, the augmentation left them psychologically damaged and shunned by Corsairs, leading to a reproductive divide, here the bloodlines of the Corsairs and Dorieis split. Their new genetic identity set them apart from the regular Corsairs, and a troubling amount of racism began to well up against these “freaks,” and intermarrying subsequently ceased Even now, despite the almost complete lack of physical advantage exist at this point, a good deal of prejudice exists. As the Spartiatai population grew slowly on Leon Base, there was an outbreak of violence against them. Torched labs and petty crime abounded. Not wishing to take part in further violence, the remaining Dorieis, this time including men, women, and children, began the Second Migration.

The Second Migration began in 720 A.S. as a little over two hundred men, women, and children left Leon aboard Correos, bound for the newly constructed Cadiz base, in Omega 5. Although still a heavily militaristic society, the Second Great Migration was bolstered by the Korinthíous, merchant mariners of Freeport 14, and the population of the voyage swelled to nearly four hundred souls. The Korinthíous chose to join the migrant fleet with the Spartiatai as the two groups had existed symbiotically together for a long time; the Spartiatai ships defended the Korinthíous freighters, which ran food from house space back to Crete. Together the two groups formed the Do̱rieís and became a nomadic group that peaceful traded in the upper Omegas and fighting for the Corsair Empire in times of great need. Racism persisted aboard Cadiz Base, forcing the Do̱rieís to reject the station as a permanent home. They still use Cadiz as a center for ammunition restock, and are renowned for their feats against the Hessians, swarms of their fighters holding back fleets of Hessian troops.

The agoge is perhaps the most well-known feature of the Do̱rieís, the rite of passage of a youth into the service of the spartiatai. Although subject to change, their current training ground is in Hammen Hole of Omega 5, where young men are sent to train against each other and against the Hessians. In addition to combat training, Spartiatai youths go through a rigorous academic training, specifically in ship engineering, as Dorieis would prefer to rebuild and create ships than be dependent on a faction as a source for their ships. In addition the young men are required to go on a "rite of passage" to be determined by the Spartiate's mentor When they return to the merchant fleet, they must scavenge in the fields of the dead for weapons and ships, instead of simply purchasing them, to avoid dependence on any group. As a result of their affinity to re-purposing ships, they are known to shun the Corsair nationalism and pride in their own shipline, and instead will fly whatever is airtight, including Borderworld class and the occasional bounty hunter vessels. This nonconformist attitude toward fighting technology has further separated them from the Corsair families.

In rare cases outsiders may join the Do̱rieís as Helots, servants to the captains of freighters. Under even more special cases, these outsiders may become pezoi, foreign fighters that battle alongside the spartiatai.

There are several important tenants in the sparse laws of the Do̱rieís:
  • Thrift: Do̱rieís may not purchase ships, weapons or armor, they must be found among the graves of the dead.
  • Agility: Do̱rieís may fly no vessel bigger than the Dromedary. Unless deploying en masse, Dorieis are to use light fighters.
  • Honor: Do not flee battle, even in the face of overwhelming odds. Do not fight enemies in more number than they themselves field.

Their Current Status
The general hostility to their genetically modified nature has made the Do̱rieís an exceedingly isolationist group, occupying only a small portion of Cadiz, preferring to live aboard their ships for months on end. Their fleet of Correos and Dromedaries have been outfitted to grow food aboard them and are required to equip mining machinery to mine water and oxygen. Only pharmaceuticals force them to venture into new space to dock and resupply. Their youth mortality rate is exceedingly high, and only the strongest survive the radiation and the agoge to become warriors of the spartiatai or apprentice to become merchants of the perioecei. Their population has only recently reached twelve hundred total and they occupy nearly fifteen "live" freighters, or the core fleet, while groups of four or five auxiliary ships will venture outside the fold for supplies.

Do̱rieís ships are primarily found among the Omegas, remaining in the farther reaches of space. The closest to civilization you might find a Spartiate is in Stuttgart or Cambridge, accompanying a Merchant Marine vessel, purchasing extra food rations and consumer goods for the Migrant Fleet. For other supplies, Mercahnt Mariners will venture further, to the Omicrons, into the ship graveyards and Zoner stations.

Naming Convention:
Fighters, Bombers(full spartiatai): (/\)Greek.Hero.or.Monster
Fighters, Bombers(trainees): (/\)Firstname.Lastname
Freighters: (/\)-DMM(Do̱rieís Merchant Mariner)-Greek.City.State
Liner( faction flagship): to be constructed.

Command Structure:
Strategos (2): Takes the name Lycurgus (law-giver) or Leonidas (general)
Spartiates: Men or women of equal status, may be elected to special positions in the Do̱rieís political structure.
Pezoi: Like Spartiates, but cannot vote or hold office.
Perioecei: Merchant mariners
Helots: The base of Do̱rieís society, may only fly in groups of other members.

ID: Freelancer
IFF: Corsair
Ships: Borderworld class, Civilian class, Corsair shipline
Weapons and Armaments: Any that can be found in wrecks. Unsalvageable equipment may be purchased.

Friendly: Corsairs
Positive neutral: Corsair allies,
Neutral: All not mentioned
Unfriendly: House law enforcement, Coalition, Order, House corporations
Hostile: Nomads, Red Hessians, Outcasts, Sworn Enemies of Imperio Cosair.

ZOI: Limited Corsair; Omegas and Southern Omicrons, avoid systems with mass trade infrastructure. May range further for valuable weapons or supplies.

  • Hunt for valuable weapons, armors and ships
  • Build the Dorieis name in the Omegas
  • Hunt bounties for the Imperio Corsair
  • Raid food and medical shipments
  • Begin a Third Great Migration
  • Train new members in the agoge
  • Construct a central colony ship

Useful links:

Additional Notes: This will be a closed-economy faction. Each member may not import cash from other accounts as this is meant to have a very “Spartan” feel. Ships and armor may be purchased OORPly, but all weapons findable in-field must be salvaged . Players may “scrap” the bodies of their fallen targets and subsequently use their ships. Each member is required to have some dedicated role play for their character. Recruitment and artwork will be done if enough interest is shown.

RE: The Do̱rieís (WIP, feedback welcome) - Kampanom - 01-26-2014



RE: The Do̱rieís (WIP, feedback wanted) - Euca - 01-26-2014

Wow, love the idea!


RE: The Do̱rieís (WIP, feedback wanted) - KaiserDietz - 01-26-2014

goals for the faction are added

RE: The Do̱rieís (WIP, feedback wanted) - Kampanom - 01-26-2014

Third Great Migration?

Is it a long-term objective?
Do you plan to somehow secede from them after?
Where would you plan to migrate?

I'm intrigued, now.

RE: The Do̱rieís (WIP, feedback wanted) - KaiserDietz - 01-26-2014

That is a long term goal, as in a while off, to maybe some uninhabited systems. The faction would spend a few weeks in different systems on the way to their destination. Once again, all of this is subject to change. Dependent on how the RP goes with the Corsairs, the faction might decide to become completely independent of all else.

edit: If further discussion is required, contact me on skype: dietzthegreat

RE: The Do̱rieís (WIP, feedback wanted) - Zelot - 01-26-2014

Freelancers working off of Cadiz? No way.

RE: The Do̱rieís (WIP, feedback wanted) - ProwlerPC - 01-26-2014

There might be difficulty getting that tag to be tracked by the admin desk if you plan on going official in the future. There was difficulty trying to get another faction's tag on it that also used the characters; \ and /

Considering how many mouths they have to feed due to their sheer monghol like numbers and also their near xenophobic type nature I would be a bit surprised that they would consider the idea of using hired guns, let alone take them in on one of their overpopulated stations. I'm not up to speed too much on their lore from .86 up though.

RE: The Do̱rieís (WIP, feedback wanted) - KaiserDietz - 01-26-2014

you misunderstand. Freelancers fighting for corsairs from cadiz.

they are from corsair ethnicity, which would hopefully put them at ease with the corsairs. Freelancer ID is to keep them separate from corsairs, but i may consider swapping ID and IFF

RE: The Do̱rieís (WIP, feedback wanted) - ProwlerPC - 01-26-2014

Perhaps if it's for them, in their name and all that. I'd expect complete assimilation into their culture in a mere couple generations, however, with the watering down of your blood with theirs happening immediately for all future offspring. Sorry, not just blood, but all beliefs as well.

edit add: while I never play as a Sair, I've always had a bit of a soft spot for them. I sometimes wonder if they are the Orks of Disco XD