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Skype is Crashing. - Printable Version

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Skype is Crashing. - Ironwatsas - 01-31-2014

Starting... this morning. Skype has begun to crash every 30 seconds to 5 minutes at random intervals.

Before going through all the effort to go talk to their tech support, and considering how much we use it (and the fact that it's only purpose is communicating with you lot), I curious as to if anyone here would know what the deal is.

I've already tried reinstalling Skype. I've made no system changes or driver updates any time recently, and the only change Skype has shown is it is displaying advertisements above the chat. I'm guessing that has something to do with it, but I need some idea where to look for a solution. Searching around hasn't netted me any results.

Does anyone have even a remote idea what could be wrong?

RE: Skype is Crashing. - razorviper - 01-31-2014

hmm....if you are on windows, go to C:\Users\<your account>\AppData\roaming and make backup of the entire Skype folder and try deleting the entire Skype folder or only your account folder inside the Skype folder. See if either one helps. Also by default AppData folder is hidden.

If the above doesn't work, try making another windows account and run Skype and see what happens.

RE: Skype is Crashing. - Ironwatsas - 01-31-2014

Okay, I renamed the Skype folder and tried with a fresh one. It lasted for an hour or two and then crashed mysteriously.

I can't currently make another account for testing purposes, so I'm going to uninstall now that I know where the hidden folders are, and simply wipe out everything Skype related. Then reinstall. There may be some hidden folders in there that are corrupt or something.

RE: Skype is Crashing. - dirmaster0 - 01-31-2014

Yes, you definitely need to remove Skype & associated files completely to truly have a fresh install. Most likely with the update somehow your installation became corrupted, causing a small bug. This should fix it, otherwise check their support forums for a possible fix?

RE: Skype is Crashing. - Ironwatsas - 01-31-2014

Well, long story short it didn't work. I got serious, uninstalled, deleted every remaining file with the word 'skype' in it, then rebooted.

It crashed 5 seconds after I installed it.

I'm going to go search for answers elsewhere. Thank you for your time.

RE: Skype is Crashing. - HuggieSunrise - 01-31-2014

try and fine an ancient copy of skype light?

RE: Skype is Crashing. - Trakais - 01-31-2014

On 10 May 2011, Microsoft Corporation acquired Skype Communications, S.à r.l for US$8.5 billion. They can make everything to crash.