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Cult of Sirius Database : File Zero (Oracle Briefings) - HuggieSunrise - 02-09-2014

Name: Thomas Aquinas
Age: 92

Status: Active / Sainted
Purpose: Master Teacher


From the earliest days of my family the "hospitaller" were a family, a brotherhood of crusaders and knights who had all but founded the island nation of malta. But even before that they held Rhodes and before had a simple trade that was indispensable to the world at the time. The milling of sugar. This is the origin of my line...

My roots are important for there maybe many cousins and brothers of hospitaller amongst maltesians today I doubt they know their history as I do.

The corso was the next advent of our family, issuing letters of mark to raid and receive the rite to raid vessels in the mediterranean.

Piracy and taking slaves as spoils run in our blood. Aside the milling of sugar the hospitallers are given to take care of the sick and destitute. All these things made us children of god with the rights of conquest in the name of christendom.

In the times of the renaissance cannons gave way to concert halls. Our richness and decadence made us soft and victims to the french... nepolian himself shattered our sovereignty and many of us went underground.

If you see me today I still wear my black robe with the white eight pointed cross, the cross of st.john the cross born of amalfi.

Our ancient history became one of who occupied what was considered a dead order... Those that clung to the old identity of the order continued to care for the sick and wounded all through the world wars... Though beyond this the Knight of malta became a title for anyone with the money to claim it...

Today those of us who still keep the sacred relics and the ancient wealth can be counted on one hand.. And only one has made contact with the spirits.

My family.. the Family of Aquinas.

The Aquinian line of healers and doctors ended when the cult was formed by nysk the unforgettable. My father carried the mantle of master teacher for nearly three hundred years.. Of which I was born in the final century. I myself Am old enough to have seen the fields of malta turn into a playground of elites, scoundrels, and finally through the progression of time... timid old men.

While it is true sacrifices in what would call my humanity or human body account for my age this was merely to combat senility. A muddled mind and a rasped body is of little use to the divine and in this liquid cardamine has advanced existence of the faithful beyond anything the poped of the old world could ever imagine.

While its true that the popes, kings, and secret societies of old held wealth in high esteem the true wealth was within the spiritual the power to raise a flock and bring them to enlightenment to ...bring them to the reality of what they can become is the peak of what I as hospitaller could ever do.

The origin of me however does not explain it all.

I have been involved with a cult that has been apart of my family roughly since the hispania. While not members it seemingly was instinctive for them to seek us out at different times.

The most involvement was my own father and myself. Father... well... he had a gift for hearing and seeing that which was not plainly visible to all of us. More of a mystic then a preacher I could see why the spirits were interested in him.

My involvement is.... I am afraid less favored.

I was always skeptical of the aliens, I knew anything truly masterful over the mind as they were would be akin to every angelic idea in the christian mythos, and they are quite beautiful to behold..

perhaps it was this doubt this... seed of mistrust that played havoc on their.. process... Despite my true patriotism for malta and their place in our history and guides... Mistrust or distance breeds distance or so i...."theorise"

I had quite early as a child master the long "qwaked" and debunked art of out of body projection. believe it or don't, it was intensely useful in the fact that while my body was "dying" I was literally able to inhabit the shrine in projected form. And as it turns out I was not the first.

Did the Solomon Ka aHa Ra predict or understand this phenomena? likely and I felt my projection being pushed away.. into the network of light.

A chapel a temple of light that contained feelings, memories, and knowledge of countless apertures.. or.. projected minds.. The Slomon Mindshare is a divinity all its own but not outside comprehension and yet what's tragic is that its parts are un aware of its true self... much like man.

You could ask a man "What are you.?" And hell likely reply "a human being or me".

Slomon will likely reply "Light" Infected or incubi will reply similarly.. but with more of a handle on grammar and metaphor.. the response of all of these examples is rooted in platos concepts of perception.

Shadows on the cave wall... are you what you perceive? or the source of it.

So what am I? I m a freak... I have secrets... when i should not... but only on account my body is not mine. Its their "recreation" of me.. Because I suspect they know I am outside their understanding my humanoid form was not cured of cardamine addiction...

Many failed hybrids share a fate worse then this... terrible deformities.. pain... short life spans. and their "spirit" lives on or rather.. from my perspective.. like a drop of rain into an ocean of salt water.. that drop was fresh quickly is no more.

My deformity? the glandular system "sweating" the base chemicals left after metabolising cardamine. In other words Cyanogen. or Stellar Cyanide.

Why is this important? The Siniestre nebula or the cyanogen that permeates it and other clouds teems with life. This life was integral to the dom k'vosh engineering life in the sector. like any other terraformer, scientist, tinkerers and intelligence with the hubris to play god (but not do all the work) is using what you have to alter whats around you.

There was a major effort undertaken in the Omicron Alpha system.. What I could never truly know as the solomon ka aha ra itself did not retain full memories. It could have even been projected related to their own birth. unlikely..however.

So.. again why is THAT important. Liquid cardamine is both the cause and waste product of cardamine. the key is how it breaks down. What I create is poisonous liquid cardamine breaking the nitrogen bond its almost the same thing...

Its both simple and complex. Easy and difficult. The problem within the solution itself. imagine my realization of all this when I was walking the forests of Carinea as a local variety of python dropped from the canopy misting me with its own biological cocktail of cyanide.

It played havoc with my body.. my link to the light was even severed... not by choice either... these species were obviously adaptively superior because of their presence within the cloud. Laying there helpless literally fading away my link severed I did what I could to assimilate the creature. (Small trick imbedded to the slomon is their ability to bond). I have not incarnated since because since bonding to this serpent I can control my body's toxicity. Though ill still make a room sick.. its better then killing them with odorless poison.

As it turns out the cyanide of the cloud is the primordial keystone, potentially to the entire omicrons and perhaps any alien technology that's native to the sector. I have a particular ruin in mind... protected by automated vessels of all kinds.

So in time... the faithful that will grow will lend the cult strength, but this time it is for a new Malta... her peoples blood run deep with the legacy of christandom and faith is part of her. perhaps our own "spirit" can triumph where it had been so silence by space and pointless blood feuds.

RE: Cult of Sirius Database : File Zero - HuggieSunrise - 02-12-2014

Entry 01

Sub: Thine own self.


The Cult A.I. (ORB) has extrapolated for missing parts and technologies better then then infected at altair could. They seemed disturbed by my request- so I withdrew it.

The design was quite stealthy and has a capacity to be a silent predator when needed. I wish to protect my flock and my biology is lending itself to be more and more alien... Less light and more something else a color a flavor... I love my family of light I serve them.. but my path is unclear. So I toil in this pursuit.

Behold.. She is Yishma'el or for those not familiar in the old tongue.. "God Listened."

[Image: rhihansu.png]

How did I find her?

When we were traveling to bring the colony to altair ... the Great Spirit Ninlil jumped us before an ancient field of battle. Many alien forms and silhouettes were shattered amongst the stars. Many of them where large lumbering beasts that reminded me of "humans" architecture... but in this case what was glorious was the almost intact form of the raptors wings as we passed to the next jump vector...

I suppose it was my human side that sat in awe of her. We marked the location and surveyed most of the field.

It was on the way back i was able to explore the ship. Most of the seats seemed to be for a humanoid.. but other then that all instruments and equipment had been either destroyed or long picked from the obsidian husks and consoles.

The sheer black... smooth and cold skin... like obsidian ravens feathers.

The vessel can be recreated... and it would be a prototype. The rest of her kind would have to be refit completely for the cult to use.. This might yield greater cargo space because of the lack of hybrid equipment but the day these ships take to space again. Heretics will know not to infringe upon our righteous glory. We walk the path... and our obsidian wings will carry us down upon our enemies like arch angels unto the fallen...

It will also serve to increase the flock... many are weary of our ties to the divine and feel fear when nomads are mentioned... The cult must become a temple.. a sanctuary for all flocks of sheep... until we can shape them into wolves our temple will become a brotherhood.. and a new epoch will be born.I have temples in remote sectors in mind and a few more chariots for the faithful to drive, these dark blessings will fulfill themselves... when waiting is filled.

A dark vison.. - HuggieSunrise - 02-13-2014

Entry 02

Sub: Vison... Darkening.

The seed is complete... All I need to do is find a nest for it to grow... I was going to bring it to Valletta to instruct the dockmasters to "feed" the seed what it required. But it speaks to me.. it requires dark matter. large amounts of it..

Few places exist that could be safe as of now my flock are running cardamine and manifolds from the junkers under and agreement... under the table. Temples and ships require metal the fellowship requires cardamine and thus the junkers have their ... credits...

Flying to Texas my vessel's hull was immediately assaulted by the remnants of a disaster. The emanations here are cold. Different then the bright lights of the omicrons.

here... was what I felt.. -here- I felt compelled to say aloud.

The.. psionic remnants of lives lost mix in the discharges and torrents of energy here..

Purgatory.. I feel as if I did not think this through correctly.. it wasn't the idea of spirits... or haunting but the hunger emanating from this seed is not... normal

My suspicions were...validated... as I was pulled into trance it spoke..

*** Tell them that God bids us do good for evil;
And thus clothe your naked villainy
With odd old ends stolen out of Holy Writ,
And seem a saint when most play the devil.***

I snapped back to consciousness... the seed was no longer hungry... this is not good for the only time a seed ceases its hunger is when it is complete.. What cocoon did I behold?

What Demon did I resurrect?

RE: Cult of Sirius Database : File Zero - HuggieSunrise - 02-17-2014

entry 03

sub: fear is the illusion.

Feeding the Yishma'el has been an exercise in dashing from one cloud to the next. She prefers dark energy, and when not we entered the old song worlds... the secret places that the divine... er Solomon protect from humans and artifact smugglers.

The dead are a touchy subject. But the seed seems to get something from the resonations there.

It does speak. I can only guess the vessel had an design within her hull that supports a living assistant. The intelligence im speaking to will not fully identify itself yet is highly judgemental of my actions.

Flying through the city of light it mentioned the "Dazzling yet dull sights." it prefers watching humans do their business, their stations, seemingly mesmerising I can agree but does it see the decay of man? its filth? Its inability to redeem itself.

I asked it what was so alluring about the mass migrations of humans.

"Flawed is the soil that brings the greatest bounty."

Perhaps its been absorbing cult doctrine...

RE: Cult of Sirius Database : File Zero - HuggieSunrise - 02-20-2014


Sub: progress

Many discourses with the seed, its size is growing, almost too large for this ship.. So I am transferring it to the Temple of Apocalypse.

The crew are aware of its nature and it can be "fed" correctly by a team of engineers who will alert me.

Our A.I. Orb seems interested by it. Calls it non conforming intelligence like a child its growing but into what Orb could not tell me.

it suggests that while its statements are un orthodox it maybe testing emotional responses, much like a child would.

I remain skeptical but Orb is Wise.... for a machine.

Recently one of the new cultists expressed his joy in preaching the words of Cataclysm whole burning the heretics... It certainly is the simple things. I hope he will be.. able to calm down when needed. Steady hands are required to thread the eye of the needle....

We've not run afoul of the local gangs.. of course we are not pirating... the cult has a vary powerful outcast identity.. I should have been more .. forceful in my suggestion to be appealing to all comers... but alas.. the Cult is its own beast..

Some beleave we should.. run a crusade..fully and open to the peoples... show them our strength. but we must first show that the road of the faithful is the right one. War id a last resort.. it is a blunt weapon when the changing of minds is the only effective one.

RE: Cult of Sirius Database : File Zero - HuggieSunrise - 02-22-2014


Sub: The "Church"

Some of the CoS call it the Church of sirius... some call it the Cult of sirius.

We believe theres no difference... As far as.. mortals however.. cult is "scary".

Humans are scary, people are frightening, but singular a person is a little harder to demonise.

That is why it is important for the faithful to put their best foot forward. its important to be the best you can for the whole, our "truth" will wash away their "Lie" or fear.

The Seed calls itself ishma'el now... Apparently it has told the engineers it has altered its design...

I will have to inquire as to why... it supposed to be the first of many vessels that will carry the truth of mans place on the universe either by Awe and Majesty or Culling and Fire..

The Bible is coming along... our "expert" mental doctor and the one i intend to be our new Liam... is making it publicly digestible... Though I agree with "him" that the book of Cataclysm has all the knowledge compressed more then this bible will.

perhaps I should Pen my own version... it will give the Mind something to do.

RE: Cult of Sirius Database : File Zero (Exarchs have accesses to this) - HuggieSunrise - 02-28-2014


sub: Pandoras Box


Our mission can be summed up as thus.

Warring gods... supposedly led all the evils of the world to be unleashed because of simple fire.

The gift of self awareness.. intellect.. self respect was met by a "god" to unleash to full force the negative results of those discoveries.

I speak of Pandoras box.

The idea an innocent action such as realising you are free... was punished by an author ian destructive god... Zeus.

Prometheus for whatever motivation gave man "fire" call it insight or technology but typically fire means opportunity and realization the ability to destroy as the gods do perhaps?

Give a monkey a gun... he can harm his keeper..

One things for sure... when the powerful have it "ideal" or "good" an innocent slip a slight a tiny act of rebellion that fractures or even threatens to blemish that illusion occurs.

All hell reigns down.

The same is true when you deal with the unclean... They know Cardamine elongates life makes one immune to conditions and expands the mind.. it is no mere "drug".

Sure some use it like a "drug" and thats slavery is all they can receive from it.. But Cardamine is not pandoras box... no. it is the fire.

Pandoras box released -all- evils. And as the fable goes one thing was left within it... perhaps the most insidious evil of all.


The box of evil was not mis categorized... it wasn't a haphazard story written that was to be corrected later to say.. 1001 evils and one GOOD thing in an evil box that makes every "O.K."

Hope is evil. Hope is the knife that has dulled from lac k of use, the heart smothering the mind into sloth so that nothing is done and that the sands of the hour glass are left to save you.

Hope placates the weak, It stuns, id mineralised fire. Its the last illusion of evil you hold onto... as the last bomb falls... the axe swings..

maybe it'll miss..

I hope this doesn't hurt..

Illusion is the noose of the tyrant... We do not offer the clean and the faithful hope.

We do not suffer fools.

We offer the fire.. and only the fire.. the object that gets you in trouble with the gods it the KEY to your FREEDOM...

Thou art god brothers.. Amen.

RE: Cult of Sirius Database : File Zero (Exarchs have accesses to this) - HuggieSunrise - 03-10-2014


sub: Are we Forsaken?

This question has come up. Specifically in council about the Slomon K'hara. Despite the many claims the divine has not lost favor... Infact I would exalt them amongst other forms of divine. The secret is out, I have been liberating and "reviving" infected with the sacred dream.

This is.. a muted freedom. It required cardamine for the liberated to have clear minds and consciousness. And these are the cases that have risen eyebrows... I regret rumor flow and spread quickly without much explanation. And the is..Mea Culpa.

The "Nomads" are not nomadic, they are a natural force, like a force of nature. Human beings can be a force of nature at the expense of many lives.

The two are now clashing and this is unfortunate... The nature of the Slomon K'Hara is to assimilate and subvert, not unite. They are a Divine example of unity. We, collectively as Oracles are responsible to our own flock. Some seek unity to the Divine and after all the trials of my own life I know this is impossible.

So In that regard. yes. The Nomads.. Thier divine Example can never be for us.

Does that Make us enemies? Many of us are .. mistakes.. failures.. but still worth "caring" for at least in the eyes of the light. Why reject love when it is offered?

I will continue to awaken the family of light to those who come to us. After all destiny seems to be more at work here then us directly recruiting infected for awakening. We have not done a single violent or interfering act... Though I view these examples of Me, Mordeth, and Nisaras as liberated, we now have Stefan.

A good friend to our cause and not horribly mutated so he can work with the cult and not scare the "mundanes".

We will not raise an arm to hurt Human nor Nomad... Though there is stirrings from the entity that has now revealed itself as Aenin onboard the Temple Ship.

It says a familiar intellect is awake and that it must seek it. it is possible the Old Ones... are rearing their head in limited fashion as I had foreseen in vision. This could be vary good for us. or vary vary bad..

let us pray that it is not yet another predator at our heels and that we can continue to do good works. In the name of light.

Thou art god.

RE: Cult of Sirius Database : File Zero (Exarchs have accesses to this) - HuggieSunrise - 05-08-2014



Orb has valiantly avenged many of our fallen aboard the Temple ship.

It seems in my poor judgement to let the artifact consciousness explore it attempted to take our vessel as its own..

This presented an immediate threat to the surrounding sectors and rather then completely destroy the vessel (as EL was vary keen on) Orb was able to outsmart the usurper and banish the evil to oblivion.

We dont often give credit to our A.I. overseer so I hereby Impart the title oh High inquisitor to ... "him".

This is a position of loyalty, A position of making sure we do not lose sight of our goals of transcendence and apotheosis while also making sure we stay grounded in reality.

Also to show as a sign that we do appreciate him and all the things he has done to look after us over the years.

Secondly... some of you may have noticed i have sent a transmission tot he 101st in light of the ...changes politically at home. I did not feel comfortable with so much being polarized between two cartels. But as I predicted the ghosts of razgris weathered this storm and still remain maltas guardians.

The battle with the Daam Kvosh remnant has nearly destroyed the Temple... If the Khara refitted it ... it would be more blue then human and we cannot allow that.. We are a impartial bridge between these worlds and should favor the Human side and appearance as to give a sense of sanctuary to those who seek it.

Also for the liberated infected and hybrids I an hoping to revamp the new Maltese fighters and bombers for our use, they are compact and part of a new generation of craft that will make our lives easier. If the guard see fit to grant us these indulgences i too will put the old civilian ships into storage so we can represent our heritage appropriately.

Thou art god.


RE: Cult of Sirius Database : File Zero (Exarchs have accesses to this) - HuggieSunrise - 05-23-2014



Commander Estefania has welcomes us to Corsica. I can see they indeed do welcome us back, and its came to the attention of the other hybrids that many of the systems aboard the Emissary vessel can be put into a more modern chassis.

The old chassis having a broken keel and many out of date design decisions means she will be parted up and left to the analysis of the 101st scientists as was the agreement between us.

The Choice remains however. Do we fortify our old chariot to the temple of light? or do we go with what we have been used to.

The Dreadnought configuration leaves less space for meditation chambers and our "touch" as it where. it will be able to jump but its side and bulkiness is too much for our cloaking system to accommodate.

The new Sarissas are impressively more nimble and with the right modifications can host more hybrid technologies. Though... the Jump drive may have to go if we intend her to be a safe haven.

I am leaving these decisions to the group... We will decide in one week.

Thou art god.