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Golden Dragon Casino, Ruby Lotus Tea Room - Zelot - 02-09-2014

Ze'ev Barak walked into the dimly lit tea room. It was a favorite spot of his. Lining the walls of the wide, low ceilinged hall were bamboo booths. Each booth had a table with low benches surrounding it. The booths all had a parchment paper door and walls.

Heading to a booth on the left hand side of the large hall, Ze'ev asked the hostess for 2 pots of tea, 2 bottles of sake and a boat of Sushi, and continued into the booth. Sitting with his face to the door, he prepared himself for the meeting to come. A waitress brought the drinks into the booth and set them on the table. She left quickly and silently.

He had known the owner of this establishment for over 20 years. He was always well taken care of, and the Hogosha did not speak out of line, so he knew his anonymity would be secure. pouring a cup of tea, he waited for his guest to arrive.

RE: Golden Dragon Casino, Ruby Lotus Tea Room - Silver - 02-10-2014

A shadow appeared and knelt, displayed in the parchment door. With a hand, the hostess opened the door, and Silver, clad in a light orange iromuji that combined with her hair, now gathered in a bun, entered the room with a whispering "Ojama shimasu." to the hostess and knelt in front of Ze'ev Barak. The hostess quickly closed the door and disapeared.

With a slight bow of her head, she then looked at Ze'ev Barak.

"Konnichiwa, Barak-san. It is a pleasure to finally meet you face to face."

Silver slightly smirked and arranged her iromuji, under her knees.

RE: Golden Dragon Casino, Ruby Lotus Tea Room - Zelot - 02-11-2014

Ze'ev looked at the woman in front of him.

"So this is the famous Silver. Your name travels around Siruis as if it were a puff of smoke. One day on one side, the next on another. The woman, the myth, the legend... Silver Reaver, and such respect to one as insignificant as I. Please, sit. I think we have some things to discuss."

RE: Golden Dragon Casino, Ruby Lotus Tea Room - Silver - 02-12-2014

Nodding, Silver got up and sat in the comfortable cushion. Looking at the table in front of her, she appraised the scent of the tea filling the room. Raising her eyes from the table to the man in front of her, his face had that deep traces, like they were carved into the stone like visage. Sitting upright and with a distinguished look, the man seemed fit, fit enough to betray the age that was displayed in the lines that were drawn by time in his face.

Ze'ev Barak was a name that had power in Kusari. But above all, respect, even from his own enemies.

"I would not call your path insignificant, Barak-san."

With a dexterous movement of her hand, she grabbed the tea pot and filled both cups with grace.

"As neither you call mine. But both of them, unfinished, yes?"

Silver then grabbed her cup, and sipped. As her eyes raised from the cup, Ze'ev shifted slightly. And like that, the atmosphere in the room shifted from a peaceful encounter between two travelers of the universe.. To a dark cave where two monsters stared both in the eyes.

And both their eyes changed, both locked into each other. The cold eyes of the kusarian developed a fire that could consume someone's fear and soul. And the soft grey eyes of the libertonian transfigured to the one's of a reaving hunter. Screaming for blood.

"And so our paths cross, here and today. What can Death do for you, Ze'ev Barak?"

RE: Golden Dragon Casino, Ruby Lotus Tea Room - Zelot - 02-12-2014

The look, oh the look, Ze'ev knew it well, and when she called herself Death, he knew it was no mere trifling thing. Ze'ev knew Death, better than most, but it was clear to him, this waif of a woman, she knew Death as well. Where she went, it was clear, Death went with her.

For a second, Ze'ev flashed back. The images came slower, and less frequently than they had right after he had left. The image was dim, but he knew them all, in his mind the Seven Sisters showed themselves to him, one by one, except for two. The twins had to be together, even in his mind.

And then he came back to the moment. "Remarkable" he muttered to himself. "Silver, His Imperial Excellency has sent me out, once again, as in the past, as his ambassador. I have been meeting with many people, though this meeting was at the top of the priority list."

Sipping his tea, he once again looked up and met the woman's powerful gaze. "The Emperor means to return to the Chrysanthemum Throne. At present, our forces and operational range are limited, and with the current "peace" that stands in Kusari, it would be easy enough for the Rebel Naval Forces to cordon off Kyushu and quickly eliminate the Emperor's forces. We cannot allow this to happen. The Emperor -must- return to the Throne. So, we must find a way to strike at the Imposters from where they don't expect it. We need..." Ze'ev again looked deeply into her fierce eyes, meeting the intensity he found there. "We need Ghosts.... And the Emperor thinks you are the leader of the Ghosts we need."

RE: Golden Dragon Casino, Ruby Lotus Tea Room - Silver - 02-12-2014

What you could call some cold silent seconds, for them it was an everlasting gaze at each other. The bloodlust in Silver's eyes kept on as her mind furiously worked at the statement Ze'ev Barak made.

A line in the sand. An opportunity. Unrest. War. Destruction. Death.

As the pieces fell into place and all the possibilities were burned and engraved in her mind, she shot a smirk.

"The Emperor wants the Reavers to do what they do best."

Silver, with a hand, still with her eyes locked onto Barak, sipped more of the tea. And her mind raced.

"You want us to go in alone. And to rain death and destruction unto the Naval Forces."

She then relented her gaze, and Ze'ev Barak obviously relaxed. Drinking the last bit of the tea, she grabbed one of the bottles of sake and poured it in the two glasses that were available.

"You do know that the Reavers never went against Kusari? In all of our bloody history, we stood with the Emperor and Kusari, as a House, since the first contract."

Quickly, she placed the glass in front of Ze'ev and then looked at him again. If before there was bloodlust, now it was a relentless assault. One could swear that instead of those grey eyes, eyes of a hunter, there was a hint of blood somewhere.

"The Emperor wants us to pull a suicide mission over and over again, in the middle of a war that will bleed your House."

But a smirk, an eerie smirk flashed her teeth, like she was a predator.

"A Phantom meets Death, and he asks for more."

Ze'ev eyes betrayed him for a split second. And Silver kept the smirk for she knew. After all, this was her arena. Years of deals and contracts in which the major trade asset was death, made her feel at home. And with a toasting maneuver in direction of Barak, she downed the contents of her glass.

"With that in mind, what is the Emperor willing to do for these ghosts when the Chrysanthemum Throne will be his to claim forever? Because ghosts and Death always have a price. A heavy one. For all of us."

RE: Golden Dragon Casino, Ruby Lotus Tea Room - Zelot - 03-10-2014

Ze'ev held the woman's gaze. She was quite remarkable he thought to himself.

"These are large questions, one's that I would not want to answer prematurely. For the moment, one would think, a contract is a contract, no? That said, discussions of our...future together might be a bit premature. Aside from that.."

Ze'ev was cut off by a knock at the door. A small man walked in handed Barak a note and quickly left without even a glance at the woman across the table. Opening the note he looked at the woman.

"I am sorry, something seems to have come up. I am going to have to take care of some things." Barak slid a key across the table to her. "Please, make yourself comfortable. This is the key to suite 137. It is yours for the duration of your stay here. All the amenities of this facility are at your disposal. When I have finished with this business I find you and we can resume this discussion. Again, you have my most sincere apologies. It has been quite the pleasure to meet you."

Ze'ev stood, bowed deeply at the waist and walked out of the room. This was quickly followed by the sound of the next room's door opening and closing.

RE: Golden Dragon Casino, Ruby Lotus Tea Room - Silver - 03-11-2014

She has seen messages like these before. That would make a man's heart jump and run. Yet, it was in her nature to be annoyed at the fact that this was not important enough. As Barak left, Silver nodded in a gracious manner, returning to her cool self.

But still, she cracked her neck to relieve some of the tension building inside.

Grabbing the key of the suite, and reliving the meeting in her head, she got up and walked out of the small tea room. One of the hostesses quickly came to her. Silver showed the key to her, and the hostess showed the path she would have to follow with one hand.

Not five minutes later, Silver was entering one the most exquisite suites she had the pleasure to see.

"Well, best i make myself at home then."

She unlaced her iromuji, and as Kusari tradition dictated, her naked form came to bathe in the light of New Tokyo's star.

Removing a small cigarrete from a small case on the nearby coffee table, she lit it up and enjoyed the first breath for a couple of seconds, organizing her thoughts.

"While i am waiting.. Better to get other things moving then."

Her hand reached a small data pad, hidden in one of the sleeves of the iromuji, and started a comm.

RE: Golden Dragon Casino, Ruby Lotus Tea Room - Singularity - 03-12-2014

The man after studying carefully what was written in the note, started his way towards the deck mentioned. The Guard at the front shōji started escorting him to the designated meeting place. The sounds of clashing of the different shōjis produced a sound of full of exhilaration.

"I am asked to be at Deck 15, I hope you knew it" The man spoke to the guard.
The Guard nodded. It meant he was already instructed of whom they were expecting.

"This is your place, sir" The guard pointed towards right of the Hidari Heya.
On the side of the walls where the inner shōji adjoined, Deck-15 was written rather wispily.
"Arigatō" He acknowledged the guard.

Inside, He notices a man, calm, relaxed and probably in deep thought.
"Ohayō Barak Sensei"
"I was asked to meet you and help you in reconciliation of your current progressive affairs with emperor's wishes to festinate it a bit"

He tried to speak with great fervour. He knew the man with his dynamism.
"The Emperor wants you to let me join you and help haste the diplomatic affairs in the situation. He has plans of organising a secret meeting with his trusted generals to help appraise the situation and dictate possible actions needed to be carried out after. He wants this after a discussion with you personally"

With the first look, he had framed Barak to be righteous and wished he wasn't taciturn like most people were.
"Is the business over here dealt with sensei??”
“And anything you want to know?”
He stated as he glanced at the nearby surroundings.

RE: Golden Dragon Casino, Ruby Lotus Tea Room - Zelot - 03-12-2014

Ze'ev Barak looked up at the man as he walked in. While he gave his message, a smile crept across the face of the former leader of the Artisan Farmer's Alliance, Member of the Imperial Council of the Rising Suns and Ambassador at Large for Emperor Jien Kogen of Kusari.. among other things. Ze'ev had seen this before. He had never been a military man per say, but he had spent enough time working with them to recognize the signs. A young officer, trying to impress, while still unsure of themselves. A common trait in smart young officers, Barak had always thought.

"Sit, sit. I am no officer, there is no need for such formality with me. I am just a Farmer at the end of the day."

Barak picked up a small bell and rang it. One of the woman working quickly came into the room.

"Tea, please." He said quietly, the woman bowed and left the room."

Ze'ev looked at the other man. "So, I can see you are ready to jump into it, but I prefer to move slowly when needed, and quickly when forced. It's important to keep the proper pace in life."

The woman returned, poured each man a cup of tea, placed the pot on the table, bowed and quickly left the room.

"So, first things first, you obviously know my name, why not tell me yours."