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Blood Money Bar - Clinic and Financial Advisors, Inc. - Poena Outpost - 02-10-2014

[Image: sf9zu8U_zps154dc138.png]
Bar open 24/7 to IND & Reaver personnel. Or those (un)fortunate to have been invited.

- Welcome to the Blood Money. Today's soup is Whisky, everyday. -

Bartender: Jean Pierre Jones
  • Born on New Paris.
  • Bastard son of a contesse with one of her servants.
  • Quickly dismissed to the gutter.
  • Killed his way to the top man of his quarter.
  • Le Rouge Quarter.
  • Cocaine dealer, murderer and proficient lover.
  • This man did it all.
  • From bombing a boutique.
  • To stealing the virginal daughter of Comte Valisnoux and getting her in so bad shape that it created a new saying in New Paris, "Once you go black, you will need a wheel chair."

Some very basic rules. Break 'em and you get broken. We got fighters, torturers and lawyers present. Each and everyone of them able to enjoy your never ending misery in case you do decide to -frack- up. Respect the locals. Our trustees have their own booth with unlimited supply of nicotine and caffeine. You can spot them by looking for booths generally decorated with pictures of saints and Kusari paper lamps. Hands off them too. Here's a simple list:

  1. No guns. You bring a gun or deadly object to this bar, a saying of a very wise Commander of the Liberty Navy comes to mind. And that is: Rip and Tear. It involves the fine art of ripping you in to fine pieces. And then tearing them into your friends buttocks so it can gain that extra aroma as he soil his pants during the whole procedure.
  2. You pay your tab. You don't get to walk out with booze or bar appliances to pay. The IND treasury fund will be very happy with the extra income when you get shaken if you walk out.
  3. If a brawl happens, the Reaver Merc. Co. & the Independent Neuralnet Division will deny any participation afterwards it. So.. If your hand was broken by Mortlock, stabbed by a ninja, burned, eletrocuted, and shot by giant shapeshifting alien incubbi, you were drunk at the time and forgot you shoved your hand on a dare in the garbage shredder.
  4. Sh** happens.
  5. In case of urgent medical treatment, please head to the back of the bar, to the Clinic for treatment.
  6. You got a problem with a Reaver or a Division member? You're in the worst place possible, bubba. And that means we get to kill you. Our dump chutes are easily accessible and the cloud is sure to destroy your flesh and bones into oblivion. Such a nice location.
  7. When a Reaver decides to kill you, it's gonna be horrid. It's gonna be messy. And you can bet it's gonna be fun.

Vices & spices are all around, the IND is -NOT- responsible for that. Alcohol flows, in case you need a drink, ask the big black guy in the tuxedo. Remember the rules and enjoy your time.

RE: Blood Money Bar - Clinic and Financial Advisors, Inc. - Tyler - 02-11-2014

*Walking inside the bar Stirling took off his jacket and slung it over his shoulder. Taking a glance around the room he noticed how the slaves that have been brought in to finish the bar did their job well. Surely he would have to go over the bar, scrutinizing the entire interior to have it fit for IND standards, but the construction manager kept the pressure good on the -very- cheap labor workers, leaving Stirling with a early satisfied feeling.*

*He sets course to the bathroom and enters.*

RE: Blood Money Bar - Clinic and Financial Advisors, Inc. - LegendOfTheWolf - 02-11-2014

Amber strolled into the room, the smell of the imported materials lingered like a unwanted guest.

It had been a good couple of days for Amber, the credits were coming in thicker and faster than ever, and she was finally able to relax and live life. Her mood could be seen through the attire she wore, instead of having her regular flying kit on, she wore tights jeans accompanied with a loose hanging jumper.
Her brown hair flowed freely as she approached an empty booth. Scouting the place out she noticed how many suits were around, it was a pleasant change of crowd, it reminded her of her old USI days when you have the escorts pilots mingling with the high-ups, it was a familiar atmosphere.

Amber took her place, facing the entrance. Ordering a drink she began to familiarize herself with the new Blood Money, the look was certainly an improvement, it looked... modern.

RE: Blood Money Bar - Clinic and Financial Advisors, Inc. - Tyler - 02-15-2014

*Standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom Stirling adjusted his tie. The suit was clean and well looked after. The suit he had on before he entered was hanging inside the bin next to the entrance. The dust from the construction work he supervised ruined the quality and he contemplated throwing in a match to end its misery.*

"Such a shame."

*He muttered.*

*Looking one last time to his image in the mirror he smiled and turned around, walking to the door and pushing it open. He walked over to one of the more private booths and booted a neuralpad, looking for the right pieces of information. He sat there and grabbed one of his cigars from his inner jacket pockets, lighting it swiftly and elegantly with a long wooden match he dropped in the ashtray once the cigar was lit. No need to test the cigar because he knew the quality was top-notch.*

"I should get more of these."

*He thought whilst savouring the thick, warm and very pleasant taste. Unlike him, he kicked back his feet on the corner of the table and sat there, leaned back and waiting for Matthew and the one who calls himself Cerulean to draw up the contract regarding Poena Outpost.*

RE: Blood Money Bar - Clinic and Financial Advisors, Inc. - Havok - 02-15-2014

Kepler. A whole new home, a whole new bar, at least the name stayed the same. Daijiro "Dai" Yoshihara entered the Blood Money in his signature white suit, the Katana's on his back, and they would not leave his back either, no matter how many times the guards would try, though some of the guards stayed the same as on Freeport One, what a welcoming sight.

He'd entered the bar room then, looking around. The Barkeeper, usual to Blood Money standards, looked like a man of his business, and Dai enjoyed that. Scanning the room throughout more, he noticed a man in a suit in one of the more private booths on the end.

"In this new Blood Money my standard booth isn't around anymore." He muttered then.

He walked up to the bar, ordering his usual drink before heading to one of the empty booths in the corner of the room, sitting down in it, he slid the drink over the table, kicked his feet up on the seat opposite him and leaned back, flicking through recent bounties and news on his Data-Pad.

RE: Blood Money Bar - Clinic and Financial Advisors, Inc. - LegendOfTheWolf - 02-18-2014

Danielle walked into the bar of Poena Outpost, her blonde hair dangled over her left shoulder while the right side was neatly tucked behind her ear.

The bar seemed new, though something about it didn't seem right. She shook the feeling off and began scouting the bar for Stirling.

Stirling seemed to be one hell of a personality, something different from what Danielle was use to, maybe different was good.

As her stare hovered over the crowd she noticed something bizarre, some of the crowed wore suits, the others wore their own clothes, pilots suits, mechanics. Never before had Danielle seen such a mixed crowed, she rolled her eyes before noticing Stirling sitting at a table.

She straightened her suit, and began walking over to Stirling. The diamond necklace shined in the light as it dangled over her chest.

Danielle put on her most formal voice,
"Mr. Mortlock..."

RE: Blood Money Bar - Clinic and Financial Advisors, Inc. - Tyler - 02-18-2014

*He looked up disturbed, as he was concentrating on reading through legal technicalities about ownerships and such.*

*He then looked surprised and shook his wrist to uncover the blood diamond decorated watch. He looked back up to Danielle and produced a smile.*

"Sit. I completely forgot we had this meeting now and am currently waiting for associates of mine regarding this piece of well-hidden heaven, but I can squeeze you in 'till they arrive."

*He opened up the neuralnet for the files gathered on Danielle for references.*

"Can I order you something to drink now or will you be visiting me tonight in my quarters for a 'drink'?"

*He asked her, with a little twinkle in his eyes.*

RE: Blood Money Bar - Clinic and Financial Advisors, Inc. - NixOlympica - 02-18-2014

Cerise walked into the bar grinning taking off her sunglasses. She liked the wild look of the place. She was sure that those rich farbots are gonna turn it into something horribly posh but she was also sure it's not gonna last for long that way. She knew her fellow Reavers.

They were everything but posh.

She spotted a couple that looked just like IND millionares would and walked towards them lighting a cigarette on the way, blowing the smoke between the two.

"Any idea where can I get a drink here?" she smiled

RE: Blood Money Bar - Clinic and Financial Advisors, Inc. - LegendOfTheWolf - 02-18-2014

Danielle smiled and sat down, slowly crossing her legs.

"Thank you. And the drink depends, Mr Mortlock do you think you'll be able to handle my...assets?"

Danielle didn't normally play game with men like this, though this was somewhat an interview for a job at the IND, Danielle was willing to play what ever game they wanted to start earning some real credits.

A coy smile crept into the corner of her lips.
"I'll have a glass of Jaunalou, if you have it in sto-"

Danielle was interrupted.

The woman wasn't smartly dressed and she wasn't smoking a cigar, obviously she belonged to the other side of the crowd.
Needless to say Danielle looked the woman up and down, scanning for any sign of wealth, when Danielle couldn't find any, she turned back to Stirling, observing his response to the woman.

RE: Blood Money Bar - Clinic and Financial Advisors, Inc. - Tyler - 02-18-2014

"So a glass of Jaunalou for you."

*Nodding towards to Danielle.*

"And you see that lovely fella over there? The big black, although big black AND according to his ladies well endowed fella would describe him better, near the bar, will fetch you any drink you want. I would join you, but I've got some business to attend to."

*Saying this looking at the newcomer. After he spoke his last word he gave a sly wink.*

"Not that I want to chase you anyway, on the contrary, but I do have a meeting currently and need my undivided attention for her.

*Giving a headwink towards Danielle.*

"But, if you're still around when I'm done, I'll join you. Just in case you're wondering who the hell I am, Stirling Mortlock, vice president of the Independent Neuralnet Division and co-owner, although no official contracts have been set-up yet, of this outpost."

*He turns and shouts at Jean Pierre, asking for a glass of Jaunalou and a scotch, no ice. Looking back towards Danielle he scrapes his throat and asks her:*

"Why did you decide to drop out the USI and applied to be part of the IND? What exactly drives you to that? As you said you could have stepped up the plate there and potentially could have been leading the company."

"Also, have you signed a non-compete agreement with USI?"