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The /abandon command - Printable Version

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The /abandon command - Zigeris - 02-11-2014

Back when I suggested ships should be restricted to fuel, with much opposition, I had faintly thought of a way to exit our ships into exospace suits. Being able to take bombs or something of importance that makes spec OPs more than RP based missions that is impossible inside FL.

What I am suggesting; /abandon or /exit ship will creates an instance of the ship + load out and cargo for 30 minutes. And transforms player instance into a human sized model. And likewise target ship and type /board ship which will give you control of the instance.

What about stealing ships? Another interesting aspect of piracy is hijacking ships. Would greatly expand piracy. However I thought of a statue of limitation. Where each ship abandon/exited has some sort of ID that matches player ID (not the ID's for factions and such. So an LPI scans the ship and can see if the ID's match. So when the ship is bought an ID is bound with the player. So LPI can assume the ship was stolen. In order to clear the ID they'd have to take it to a base, like a hacker base, and there would rematch ID's. As to how to steal a ship from someone you'll have to destroy the ship. And as the ship remains intact for 15 seconds, but inoperable, a pilot (human mode) can target and type /hijack while carrying 5 nanos and 5 bats in order from having the ship explode under 3 seconds once the command is typed. The player must be within 50m of the ship to steal it. Once the ship is successfully stolen the player who once own the ship will be put into human mode. Then the victim player is left to pick up a ride to anywhere or die. Credits will remain on human mode players regardless of the ship's status. I also thought that once the /hijack command is used it sends the location and time to all police ID's 15 seconds after the ship is ATTEMPTED to be stolen, within the local system.

Selling ships? Basically you cannot log out with a stolen ship and expect to keep it beyond 30 minutes after leaving it. Unless you log off with the ship. That's be the only way. But you could steal the ship, wash it, and take it back out and offer to sell it for whatever price. In forums, would be subjective of suspicion if people are selling ships for low prices or seemingly have a lot of random ships. Dunno, if someone reports stolen ships to lawfuls they can attempt to recover them.

Police roles: Police factions, ID's, would have the power to hunt down and recover ships based on /recovership (after ship is destroyed it will spawn a damaged ship next to the owner and from there they can re-board their ship). If the person has another ship on that ID the ship will be lost. So the person after having the ship hijacked will log off as the human space suit thingy and login into it until they either get a ride or get their ship back.

I lost my ship I'm stuck out in space: Human space suits can move on their own 5-10ms and can dock with bases, but also with the /ride <password> command they can become passenger on board any ship maxed out per ship build. Taxi service and other various services can be easily useful and name your own price if needed. What the command does is gives the passenger the view ability of the owner but disables controls.

Other thoughts? Dying in human mode would be the same as if you're in a ship. So if you died in space, which is command-able or you're shot by an a hole, you'll return to the last base you undocked from. PoB's could offer housing rates? People could carry 1 mine, 5 bots, 5 nanos, 5 cargo. Maybe not at the same time. And could be possible to make a tiny gun for them, maybe, Hard points do have a limit I suppose in size on either way.

RE: The /abandon command - Caconym - 02-11-2014

It's a nice idea. However, I think it would be a bit too much. For example, imagine a random pirate steals a 5ker. The original owner of the ship will lose about 100M worth of ship. The pirate will gain a value of around 100M, which is WAY too high to be lost. And that is only with 5kers. Are there any limitations to ships that can be stolen? If no, you could see noobs or trolls in Civ Shuttles boarding BSs and stealing them. BAM! Instant BS. Not really fair. I think it would be better if you could only steal civilian ships/snubs, and/or lose the stolen ship when you log off, and it is then returned to the original owner. Apart from that, I like the idea.

RE: The /abandon command - Marcar - 02-11-2014

Interesting. But what I miss in the idea is what happens with the pirates/hijackers ship that was left there. Basically the pirated/hijacked player could than take the pirate ship.

RE: The /abandon command - lIceColon - 02-11-2014

I think it could work if there was one more ship class added: Personal Transport Ships. Even a damn LF can carry 20 cargo, a personal transport ship will be limited to 1-2 units of cargo, and either act as independent ship or act as an escape pod/eva pod/space marine suit for any ship equipped with an eject mechanism.
Cheap, Slightly larger than human sized and with low hull, no shields and limited speed. Then carrying consumable fuel and oxygen would actually make sense since you can't expect such a small thing to have its own oxygen recycler and power core.
Actually, since you promote the idea of a suit being only able to move 5m/s, why not make it consume fuel in doing so, forcing the pilot to use Ek to save fuel, and also this way the suits will be unabusable but usable?
Also, unless features like permadeath and realistic ship prices and forced RP (ie no forum selling) are implemented (which they won't be), nobody would give up their ship for self preservation. The purpose of stealing a ship to sell it eludes me. What I could see however is instead of selling the ship, the pirate (who has the ship for 30 minutes) can finish the trader's trade route and, if he pirated close to the sell point then he can earn whatever profit made from selling the trader's cargo, but not the trader's ship or equipment because boy I'd be pissed if someone jacked my ship and sold my cloak/jd.

RE: The /abandon command - Johnathan Nox Carter - 02-11-2014

This sounds like an interesting idea... especially for the RP potential, and as long as it does not effectively change the owner of a ship, but merely give control over that ship to someone for a limited time, then it's relatively perfect. Of course, it would probably be a huge amount of work, so there's doubts if it might ever happen, but i would personally like to see it someday.

[My time is limited and i can't comment much right now (I'll probably come back to debate more).]

RE: The /abandon command - Stefz - 02-11-2014

Very ambitious idea, however, I don't think it can be balanced properly.

Oh, and one more thing, FL engine. Not an expert in programming, but I don't think it can do that.

RE: The /abandon command - Curios - 02-11-2014

A lot of work for some poor functionality of very doubtful actuality. Please, no. It's RP server. Every time I see such thread with proposals of adding some very strange mechanics into the game I'm almost certain that someone runs out of imagination.

RE: The /abandon command - Birdtalon - 02-11-2014

What you suggest probably isn't even possible without changing the source code for the game.

RE: The /abandon command - Coin - 02-11-2014

stealing ships goes into 'unreasonable demand' territory.

Ransoming the ship for 1/3 of its value would mean that the scarred and pitted bars of a cell in Bastille would never echo resoundingly behind you, providing a foreboding counterpoint to salacious and lascivious grins of your cell mates as they call out overly familiar greetings to their new 'cell-wife'.

of course, this idea requires a horrible amount of coding and bug-stomping on a server that is increasingly reminiscent of a Jenga™ tower in the last throes of the game.

RE: The /abandon command - Zigeris - 02-11-2014

Can't do it clause doesn't move me when the same exact thing was mentioned about player bases and near everything else that was suggest. Near everything I've suggested throughout the years has been done in various degrees. Can't is not a word I pay attention to.

Balance and unreasonable demands: Yeah balance is always the cheap hooker that not even a desperate politician would pay for... as for unreasonable demands... I think it's very reasonable. Stealing the ship isn't going to be easy and very well could be impossible to do alone. You trade your pirate ship for another, you've spent a great deal of money on it, but the odd chance of doubling your profit, and a big chance mind you, you'd shuttle your ship for a chance of doubling up. engine impeding ability to RP and expand RP. just so irrelevant. The level a player can RP has nothing to do with the game itself. It is the level of where their life has taken them and experiences they've known. Exposure to life events, schooling (writing ability), and their own dreams. Game engines and the level of content in games does nothing to enhance or subtract the person's ability to create a story.

100M too much to lose argument. When people afk and fly into planets with 100M worth of cargo, do we change the damage caused by the planet so we can not lose 100M? Nope. Lose 100M and your ship? Sucks, but certainly puts more effort into securing routes with security. The chance of getting someone's ship would be low due to the seconds it takes to get into position and manually get out of your ship, then attempt to board the damaged one before it explodes. Above all that to make sure you have everything you need to keep it from exploding once you board the ship. If a pirate or hijacker dies in the ship they too lose their ship in space (IE it'll sit there for 30 minutes.) So it's a double edged sword. Pirates take risks too. Part of the world.