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Intro: MND Captain callsign Herrkurt - Printable Version

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Intro: MND Captain callsign Herrkurt - Herrkurt - 02-13-2014

Good day people of Sirius. I am MND captain Herrkurt and I think it's time you learn a little something about me, but only a little. I will keep to the common language so I can be understood by all. I will also explain a little about what to expect and how to behave when you cross my path.

My callsign, German for mister and a first name, may seem both odd and uninteresting. Good, I like to put people off balance by seeming unimportant but out of the ordinary. The fact is that Herrkurt is a nom de guerre implying a stranger who gives "Wise" or "Bold" counsel. I believe it rather appropriate for an intelligence agent.

If you meet me you will be scanned. I scan everyone, the more data I collect the better my reports. I may ask you to halt, don't panic, I may just want a better look or to ask some questions. I am not the police and unless you are clearly breaking a law with security and foreign policy implications I will generally not fine you for other minor infractions. I do not tolerate any games being played with military craft but I am not a jack-booted thug and will be open to dialogue with any party.

You'll also notice I am part of the newly formed Sturmgrenadier taskforce (SGHQ). As the name implies we are equipped for rapid reaction and incursion operations. If you run from questioning or refuse to comply to an order there is a high probability that whatever direction you decide to go, I will have a friend waiting.

I could tell you more about myself, but there is no reason so I won't. Every detail of information can be a weapon and my personal past is not up for discussion. I look forward to seeing you amid the stars, even when you don't see me.

Now if you have questions please ask. If they are of a personal nature I may not have an answer for you. If they concern classified operations or procedures I may not have an answer. But do feel free to ask because the more you ask and the more we talk, even if it seems like worthless jaw-wagging, the more I get to learn.