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Ames Research Station - Bay 24D - Poena Outpost - 02-16-2014

[Image: howTWub.png]
The entrance of the bay was like many others. The small door that was the only access to it, since the blast doors were welded shut, was sturdy, hard and seemingly heavy. And with a small comm panel at the side, scribbled with a small 'R' on it, waiting for anyone that would dare try to use it.

RE: Ames Research Station - Bay 24D - Core_One - 02-16-2014

Aurelia Landreau, Ex-Colonel and Ex-ONI assistant director arrived to Ames Research station, docked her old Gallic toy without major problems from Liberty lawful or Pirate side. Aure left her dirty 'Lynx', watching people carefuly and looking for strange person or group waiting for her arrival to Ames. Few seconds later weird group of people came to her Lynx, watching it like it was their first encounter with Gallic ship. This group made her searching much harder, so she went to the large metal doors on the left side of Ames docking bay. Long metal corridor appeared in front of Aure and weird, suspicious man, who was watching her all the time left corridor. Aure tried to catch this stranger, but she found small and heavy door with small panel, Aure could notice 'R'.

" 'R'... Maybe it's Bay 24D, maybe not."

Aure said quietly and moved her hand to Comm panel.

RE: Ames Research Station - Bay 24D - Pancakes - 02-16-2014

Hans made his landing at Bay 24D. It was a rather smooth one even though he didn't fill H-fuel for quite a while and was practically for most of the journey running on inertia.

He jumped out of his ship to the empty hangar. Disappointment was the word describing his feeling the most. The small rusty hangar contained only a small panel board with one large friendly button.

Hans didn't press the button. Big, red button with the marking of the letter "R" couldn't be anything but trouble, could it?

"Oh well." he gave a good nudge to the button. For a moment nothing happened. He felt quite the bigger disappointment as a huge Mecha fell from the ceiling.

Hans immediately crouched, pulled his rifle and aimed it at the Mecha. He quickly grasped it would be of no use against it, and just dropped it and said, simply, "How much?"

RE: Ames Research Station - Bay 24D - Umber - 02-16-2014

The first one to arrive at the door, Aurelia, yelped as the falling robotic HK. The process was quite simple. Either get through the open door or be... 'processed' as the security teams would say. She got in a small corridor. Extremely small, where only one person would fit while walking through it. What most people didn't knew is that in that brief walk through that small corridor, over eighteen different scanners would take readings and determine the level of threat that the subject in the corridor had.

At the end of that corridor another sturdy, metal door appeared.

As Aurelia arrived near it, it clicked and opened by itself. Aurelia pushed it open and finally the whole bay was in sight. Several men were finishing preparing a small freighter and five of them were standing in front of her, armed to the teeth, clad in assault armor, trailing their weapons on her. But what brought her back to herself was the mechanical twirling sound of laser gattling guns as two man-piloted mechanic security exo's turned their torsos and aimed their humongous cannons at her. The barrels were as big as her head, and the eminent charging sound was for a moment, all she could hear.

Umber sighed at the display, and walked through the middle of the men towards Aurelia.

"You have to excuse them.
The security teams takes their job.. extremely seriously.
One of the many legacies of the Silver Reaver, no doubt."

Suddenly, one of the assault soldiers, with a small star on it's shoulder raised his fist and pushed it down. All then, stood down.

"Ma'am. We got another visitor at the door. I suggest you move back alongside with this person."

And with that, one of the assault troopers moved in and with a open hand, invited both women to get out of the kill zone, escorting them to the side, while keeping his attention on Aurelia, to respond in time to any hazardous situation. Not even a minute later, Hans Weissman, stumped in through the door and in the ground he looked at the trailing weapons all around him. The security team leader gave a nod to Umber, signaling the all clear. With another sigh, she walked to Hans and offered him a hand to get up. Aurelia was not far behind.

"I am Umber. You two are coming with me."

RE: Ames Research Station - Bay 24D - Core_One - 02-17-2014

Aure was scared a bit when she saw guards and mechs aiming at her little body. But when 'Umber' appeared in front of her, she just took a deep breath and looked at her carefuly.

"Ma'am. We got another visitor at the door. I suggest you move back alongside with this person."

Said soldier with small yelow star on his shoulder. Another soldier invited Aure and Umber to get out of dangerous zone and Aure followed 'Umber', but she noticed soldier was keeping his eyes open.
Another man entered Bay 24D and he was surprised as much as Aurelia was when she entered Bay 24D.

"I am Umber. You two are coming with me."

Aure looked at her and nodded with a smile.

"I suppose we are going to better place, Oui?"

Aurelia asked 'Umber' silently, looking at freighter in Bay 24D.

"Can you tell us where are we heading, miss?"

RE: Ames Research Station - Bay 24D - Umber - 02-17-2014

With an invitation to board the ramp giving access to the freighter, Umber looked at Aurelia.


The three boarded the freighter, that had no windows at all, and they were faced in the small hold with another security detachment. As they sat, one of the soldiers, clearly the leader, gave word through his comms. Umber, without batting an eyelid, looked at both of them.

"The Reaver Mercenary Company is at the fore-front and stayed at the fore-front of the mercenary business for all these years due to the value we place in secrets. And we have more than our share."

Warning klaxons were seen and heard as the freighter prepared to launch. The engines started, and a small tremor was felt.

"I am a new color to the Company and i can tell you this.
If you do get in, you will see and know things that your imagination will never be capable to keep up."

RE: Ames Research Station - Bay 24D - Pancakes - 02-17-2014

Hans had mused with the idea of "In-imaginable things". As a person who've seen a whole quite lot and worked for a whole quite lot for a quite lot of time, he doubt that even a mercenary company like the Reavers could surprise him.

But as for secrets - he knew better than most how... valuable they can be.

As the ship left the bay, before Hans could even figure the general direction the ship was heading his hands were cuffed and his face covered. He tried to mumble something but the covering was so tight he could only breath. And even that only when it was done slowly

RE: Ames Research Station - Bay 24D - Core_One - 02-17-2014

"If you do get in, you will see and know things that your imagination will never be capable to keep up. I would like to know what the hell was 'Umber' talking about "

Aurelia was thinking about it 10 minutes and when Freighter launched, she couldn't stop.. Aure had her face covered and hands were cuffed. Freighter made few circles in space and pilot repeated circles every 5 minutes, so Aure couldn't know where was their freighter heading. She leaned her back and closed eyes, but she couldn't stop thinking about location or about problem with imaginations...

RE: Ames Research Station - Bay 24D - Umber - 02-18-2014

For a good hour, the freighter jumped systems and seemed like it took some tradelanes. And suddenly whispers were about.

"No. We will remove their bindings on landing, Chief."

Umber's voice was heard. Another whisper was heard, but now with a surly voice behind it.

"Ma'am. These security protocols were developed to insure Poena is safe from any.."

And it was cut short by Umber's quickly raising voice.

"Enough. It is my call and my call alone. Discuss it with the boss if you wish. Reavers never gave a second thought about risks, Chief."

Not soon after that altercation, the freighter docked. The inertia dampeners disengaged and the brunt of the touchdown of the freighter was felt. Quickly raised and moved outside the freighter, the hoods came of Aurelia and Hans. A bay, not like Ames, appeared before their eyes, dwarfing it. Countless ships of different origins were being repaired and manned. Security teams were doing drills with rousing shouts. Techs were working like busy bees, not giving a second thought to the passengers now exiting the freighter. But two heavy exo's, alongside a whole security team trailed their weapons at everyone exiting it. Suddenly, two armored turrets emerged from the ground and the raising whirl of energy in its coils made a statement that everyone felt in their minds.


The radioed voice boomed in their direction. Umber stepped in front without fear and replied.

"Abandon all hope ye who enter here."

The two Exo's disengaged their weapon systems and resumed their patrol, as the turrets disapeared into the ground. The leader of the freighter security team moved to remove the bindings of Hans and Aurelia, as Umber turned around and said to both interview subjects, with a half smirk in her face.

RE: Ames Research Station - Bay 24D - Core_One - 02-19-2014

"Welcome to hell... Oui, oui... I heard this sentence many times. This base must be well hidden and security... Our 'Valors' haven't got security like this. I think there is much more thn this and we should be careful"

Aurelia thought keeping smile, but she was nervous a bit...

Well, miss. Security is awesome, but is there a bar wher can I buy some great drink??