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Liberty Navy Personnel Noticeboard (Merged) - Printable Version

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Liberty Navy Personnel Noticeboard (Merged) - Jihadjoe - 05-24-2012


COMM ID: Commander Jasmine Greenson
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Personnell
SUBJECT: Inactive officers

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

Unfortunately the Fleet Admiral has dumped me with a pile of paperwork the like of which has never been seen before. He assures me [color=#CCFFFF]"this isn't the half of it, Greenson" but if I'm honest I have my doubts. Anyway, enough humor, and on to dealing with the business at hand.

The following officers have no recorded flight time in the last month:

  • Thomas Grayson
  • Ron Wright
  • Michael.Wright
  • Mark Dering
  • Madison Grieves
  • Kentaurus Toliman
  • James Corey
  • Dante Villiers
  • Clyde McDonald
  • Armand Vintar
  • Andy Doggett
  • Alisha Tucker
  • Aleesha Cooper
  • Aedus Stormlight
  • Anastacia Harper
  • Jacob Beumont

If you see your name on this list, you are required to report in on this comms frequency within one standard week. Failure to do so will result in you being moved onto the reserve roster, and your comms signature will be removed form the Navy's SKYP3 channels.

Greenson out.

[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****

To: Liberty Navy personnel - Miaou - 05-25-2012


COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Thomas Grayson
TARGET ID: Commander Jasmine Greenson
SUBJECT: Inactive officers

Commander Greenson,

I apologize for my absence on duty. I have been working on getting my files transferred from Bretonia, which has cut into my duty. I have hopefully covered by working behind the desk, but as my papers have finally arrived I should be able to begin patrols again. Again, I'm sorry for the troubles.

[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****

To: Liberty Navy personnel - Jihadjoe - 10-14-2012


COMM ID: Fleet Admiral David Hale
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy personnel
SUBJECT: Changes in command.

Hale here.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. As I'm sure you are aware, the vessel Normandie is now operating within the Liberty Navy, with my blessing, along with that of Secretary of State for Defense, and the President.

As a result, I'm required to find an official rank for Colonel Henri Lavalle and Princess Alice DeFrance.

Given his experience and expertise (particularly his understanding of Gallic military doctrine), Colonel Lavalle has been awarded the rank of Vice Admiral within the Liberty Navy, while also retaining his rank of Colonel within the Free Gallic Forces (currently incoprorated into our own fleet, with the addition of the Normandie). he has also been awarded the title of Commodore, for his very specific and specialist knowledge, which has and will continue to be great asset to Liberty and her people.

Alice DeFrance has been awarded the honorary rank of Captain within the Liberty Navy, as a result of her own military experience and understanding. I will be honest, Miss DeFrance is not the sheltered princess I assumed. Infact she is an extremely astute leader, and a fine soldier in her own right. This is something demanding of our respect.

I wish to extend my personal gratitude, congratulations and thanks for the service they have already rendered for Liberty and wish them both the best of luck in their every endeavor. It is a pleasure to have you both aboard. I'm sure that sentiment extends to the entire Navy.

Hale out.


To: Liberty Navy personnel - Jihadjoe - 10-14-2012


COMM ID: Commander Jasmine Greenson
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy personnel
SUBJECT: Those not meeting requirements

Greenson here

I'll keep this as short as possible, largely because I can, and partly because I'd rather get through this as swiftly as possible.

A few of you, without any prior notification or requests of leave, have been failing to meet on-duty hours requirements. The following officers have not given notification to their commanding officer regarding their absense and have recorded no flight time in the last month:
  • Robert Hanson
  • Gabrielle Hawk
  • Rudwig Stark
  • Jack Will
  • Jacob Beumont
  • John Miller
  • Adam Reid
  • Alisha Tucker
  • Armand Vintar
  • Samuel Knight
  • Mikori Lawson

These officers are to report in here and complete at least two hours flight time within the next ten days. If they fail to meet these requirements they will have their comms ID removed from the Liberty Navy's internal SKYP3 comms and will be moved to the reserve roster.

Greenson out.


RE: To: Liberty Navy personnel - Havok - 10-15-2012


[Image: 24gjg1v.png]

COMM ID: John Miller
TARGET ID: Commander Jasmine Greenson
SUBJECT: RE:Those not meeting requirements

Commander Greenson,
I apologize for my lack of on-duty achievements, recently i have had nothing but problems with the Executioner and have probably driven the Mechanics mad by now because something keeps failing or not working the way it needs to. I was assured the fighter would be ready for final test today , seeing as they almost exchanged every part in that rust bucket, it should run fine and i will get my Requirements back on track.

Miller Out.

RE: To: Liberty Navy personnel - Lobster - 11-04-2012

....::::Incoming Transmission::::.....
From: Liberty Navy, Gabrielle Hawk
Location: Juno Shipyards, Alaska
....::::Message Begins::::.....
[Image: 3285482286_36e414b443.jpg]
Commander Greenson,

Hawk here, reporting in after an.. uh.. extended absence. I realize this comms message is past due, but as they say: better late then never.

I am once again flying and looking forward to serving with the active fleet again. What are your orders, Ma'am?


....::::Message Ends::::.....
....::::End of Transmission::::.....

Notice: Liberty Navy Personnel - Teerin - 07-15-2013

COMM ID: Vice Admiral Rohj Teerin
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Personnell
SUBJECT: Inadequate Flight Times

[Image: e80190.png]

Good day, pilots.

A handful of you have not met any on-duty requisites in recent months, or in the case of the relevant Recruit, since you've been accepted into the Liberty Navy. The Admiralty has not been provided with any request from you to be placed in Reserve or On Leave nor have we received any other form of notification. Therefore the following persons have been listed as Absent WithOut Leave, and must report to this channel by the 22nd of July. That is one week from now.

Warned Naval Personnel (Rank Name)
  • Junior Lieutenant Alisha Tucker
  • Junior Lieutenant Jay Wilcott
  • Ensign Stephen Ellis
  • Recruit Helene Dupois

Should you not get back to us by then and record two hours of on-duty time in space by then, your contact address shall be removed from the Liberty Navy's Sky P3 Rapid Communication Network.

Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Vice Admiral Teerin,
Logistics Corps Head,
Liberty Navy Primary Fleet.


Notice: Liberty Navy Personnel - Teerin - 02-17-2014

COMM ID: Vice Admiral Rohj Teerin
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Personnel
SUBJECT: Ranking Adjustment, Specialized Equipment Requirements, Inadequate Flight Times

[Image: 35leseo.png]

Good morning, all.

I have a number of announcements today, so please bear with me. My first bit of news is that the rank of Junior Lieutenant has been officially discontinued. All holders of this position in the Reserve Forces are awarded honorary promotions to Lieutenant, as active personnel with the rank have already been taken off it. Furthermore, albeit a minor change, we are re-titling Recruit to Cadet.

Experimental weaponry, weaponry from third parties, and specialized strikecraft are now restricted to the rank of Commander, with Lieutenant Commanders being able to requisition that equipment from the Quartermaster. Lieutenants who have already been granted permission from Polstari to use any of those may continue to operate them. Enforcers are available to all ranks.

Finally, these two pilots are listed as Absent WithOut Leave for failing to meet flight time requirements nor having requested to be placed in the Reserves or marked as On Leave prior to that. Please check in with any member of the Admiralty to let them know of your situation. Other pilots, should you see them, please point them towards us.

Warned Naval Personnel (Rank Name)
  • Commander Angelina Dimitrova
  • Lieutenant Commander Alexis Hunter - On Leave

The two of you have two weeks to notify us and get in space before being stricken from the active roster and placed in the reserves by default. Should that happen, you may of course still choose to come back.

That is all. Best of luck pilots, and stay safe out there.


Vice Admiral Teerin,
Liberty Navy First Fleet.


RE: Notice: Liberty Navy Personnel - Jeremy Hunter - 02-22-2014


COMM ID: Junior-Lieutenant Alexis Hunter
TARGET ID: Liberty Forces Reporting Center
SUBJECT: Xenos gonna Xeen.

[Image: 9ssdx4.png]

Two days left...sorry for that close call.

Requesting On Leave Status as I am still debating whether or not I should in fact move to the reserves.

Hunter Out.

Hunter out.

RE: Notice: Liberty Navy Personnel - Teerin - 02-22-2014

COMM ID: Vice Admiral Rohj Teerin
TARGET ID: Lieutenant Commander Alexis Hunter
SUBJECT: Active Duty Status

[Image: 23msqxd.png]

Good morning, all.

Thanks for checking in with us, Lieutenant Commander. We'll switch your current status to On Leave. I look forward to flying with you again - until then, good luck out there.


Vice Admiral Teerin,
Liberty Navy First Fleet.