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Hi there DiscoGC - Printable Version

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Hi there DiscoGC - iCon3q7 - 02-23-2014

While watching some Star Citizen videos, I stumbeled across Freelancer. (Maybe those Spazzydragon ones)
I've become quite fond of roaming around and experiencing your world, so maybe the time has come for an introduction.

5 Words: Curious, Cautious, Courteous, Creative and Slightly Crazy.. Well 6. 7.

Nevermind. Want to know? Just ask..
I'll try to bring a bit of RP and generally add more positive than negative.

Bio is written, but will only be posted when I confirm that my name is not stolen.

RE: Hi there DiscoGC - Sath - 02-23-2014

Hi there,welcome Big Grin

As always welcome here.Read the Rules and the Important things.

The second link will guide you through most of your stay in here.And regarding the bio,it is good to write a bio,and post it in the forums,but you will have more fun when actually playing in game and interacting with fellow players.Also,you can control as many characters as you like,be it pirate,trader,police,military or anything.Dont just stick around with one character.As you play and move around the forums I am sure that you will get to know how this server works and is different from other games.

Enjoy your stay here Big Grin

RE: Hi there DiscoGC - iCon3q7 - 02-23-2014


I'll have a look-see.. But rules are meant to be broken, right? *dark laughter*

Just kidding.. Thank you for the welcome and the advice.

RE: Hi there DiscoGC - Nexus Ark - 02-23-2014

Welcome! Have you played any other fl server before?

RE: Hi there DiscoGC - iCon3q7 - 02-23-2014

Thanks, Nexus.

No, I haven't really played any fl before.. Just these couple of days until my account got activated.
But I'm learning pretty quick in my own not-so-humble opinion.

RE: Hi there DiscoGC - Sath - 02-23-2014

If you havent played FL vanilla(the unmodded version) Single player,it would help you a lot to realise how the factions work around here.
I suggest that,it wont take more than a week or even less gameplay time if you get hold of things in that.Then you will understand most of the factions basic in here.

Also,check out the wiki for the Discovery timeline,that is the best thing for you to keep track of the most important things that have changes in the multiple years of this mod evolving.PM me with anymore help you might need.

I too will PM you with some more links that you might find relevant and worthwhile to read and get around to know the history of discovery Big Grin

RE: Hi there DiscoGC - iCon3q7 - 02-23-2014

Thanks for the advice Wazza.

I must admit that I am just not a singleplayer person.. think the last SP game I played was Mass Effect 2..

I have spent countless hours on the wiki and the forums. (not logged, because most times I haven't bothered logging in, when I couldn't write anyway)

Do link anything you got with stories and stuff.. More stuff to read is allways good.

RE: Hi there DiscoGC - Sath - 02-23-2014

The timeline of important things all through these years

This is the best place to get started if you havent played Single player as this mod continues a lot of Single Player lore.The links to all that is required will be given in the bottom of the page and some more important links will be given in the timeline itself,you will see them as you read.

Though the timeline is only till 4.86.That might suffice as you will find everything after that when you roma around the server for a few days.I reckon that it is a very interesting read,as I used to read all of those stuff when I started out Disco OpenSP some 6 years back.

RE: Hi there DiscoGC - Sath - 02-23-2014

Though I recommend you to play the Single player and get a hold of the storyline,I am sure you will enjoy it.I enjoyed it and sticked to SP from way back in 2006(I might sound dumb but I actually had no idea about the multiplayer and the forums back them,just the vanilla SP and the Disco SP along with the interesting wiki read).

Fun times though :')

RE: Hi there DiscoGC - iCon3q7 - 02-23-2014


Thanks again.. I've looked at that timeline so many times, when reading about factions and wars, so I could get a sense of when it all happened in relation to everything else.

Recommendation noted. Maybe I'll look into it, but it just feels so pointless to RP to an NPC..