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Curious situation - Bjorn - 08-14-2008

Ok, this is situation. I am in my Liner, and i hired merc escort. Trade route was engines to Cambridge. We were in group, and also grouped with another liner waiting for us at cambridge to continue voyage in convoy. Now, on FP1, we are stoped by Corsair bomber with usual "2 mil or dai". Now, i am in liner and i have RT escort. We refuse, and engage in combat. Now, our frend from cambridge comes in to help us out defending against pirate.

Ok, we are all happy shooting each other.

Now bad part. Preafect cruiser pops up, and starts shooting us all... Eventually, we return fire and manage to drop his shield, but we got blown to bits... both liners, RT survived.

Now, no names included, so, did cruiser broke rule, or he was responding to RP situation?

Curious situation - sovereign - 08-14-2008

The one question to rule them all- who shot first?

Curious situation - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 08-14-2008

' Wrote:Ok, this is situation. I am in my Liner, and i hired merc escort. Trade route was engines to Cambridge. We were in group, and also grouped with another liner waiting for us at cambridge to continue voyage in convoy. Now, on FP1, we are stoped by Corsair bomber with usual "2 mil or dai". Now, i am in liner and i have RT escort. We refuse, and engage in combat. Now, our frend from cambridge comes in to help us out defending against pirate.

Ok, we are all happy shooting each other.

Now bad part. Preafect cruiser pops up, and starts shooting us all... Eventually, we return fire and manage to drop his shield, but we got blown to bits... both liners, RT survived.
Now, no names included, so, did cruiser broke rule, or he was responding to RP situation?

Good question, I think this does kinda break a rule because the cruiser was in a way assisting a pirate although the pirating stage was over and done as soon as you decided to show off your shiny new turrets, So in a sense it's a PvP encounter. But here's the thing, I sometimes will ripped a person ship down (equipment and all) and ask them on more time to accept my demand. So what if the cruiser came after the trader intitially denied the transaction now you two are gang raping him and all then he comes to his senses and decides to pay up. What if the cruiser helped in busting up the trader? In a way he's helping the trader "change his mind" (assisting the pirate and in extention pirating himself).

This is a very good question.....

Curious situation - Rudo - 08-14-2008

Not too different from a previous situation I had.

The cruiser was nearby. The pirate on a VHF made the demand. I refused, the cruiser started shooting.

Both parties played it like some grand loophole because the cruiser was not making the demand itself.

Curious situation - SGTMatt - 08-14-2008

Deffinatly against the rules. Not to long ago an outcast dessi got sanctioned just for being near the pirates stopping a trader.

Curious situation - gafwmn - 08-14-2008

/signed.....cruiser is in deep kimchi.

Curious situation - n00bl3t - 08-14-2008

' Wrote:cruiser is in deep kimchi.


It's a cruiser pirating. Sanction.

Curious situation - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 08-14-2008

It's yo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazz......

Curious situation - Tenacity - 08-14-2008

Yea... in no situation can a cruiser attack a trader unless that trader is using a hostile faction ID, that isnt a trade ID (as far as I'm aware).

For example, I think it is fully within the rules for a corsair cruiser to attack an advanced train that is using an outcast ID.

Curious situation - Amon.Cire - 08-14-2008

hhmm good to know