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Snakes Sound Mod: Remake of old FL Soundtracks - Printable Version

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Snakes Sound Mod: Remake of old FL Soundtracks - SnakeLancerHaven - 03-14-2014

Snakes Sound Mod

The idea just popped up into my mind as I myself am working with music and all, using programs and trying to do mixes, why not having remakes of the current FL Soundtracks? I'm not talking here about a FULLY new music, just add some "ambient" effects that gives you a different kind of feeling, its still the same soundtrack. Here I show you some examples I did:

I personaly like the Omicron one better Tongue

I've found the way of putting sounds into specific systems, many thanks goes to Raptor!

Pre Alpha:

Make sure to back up your files and read the readme txt!

RE: Remake of old FL Soundtracks - Sath - 03-14-2014

Good work (y)

I too liked the first one more...Also,the covers remind me of Vanilla FL <3

RE: Remake of old FL Soundtracks - Echo 7-7 - 03-15-2014

(03-14-2014, 06:02 PM)Snake Wrote: ...
I have a question though for the admins or anyone who knows how to do this, how can I put sounds into specific Systems? Like Omicron Delta or Theta since they both use the usual Omicron sound, how can I put seperate soundtracks into those systems? Thanks!

Every system INI file has a section that looks like this:

C:\...\Discovery 4.87\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Br01\Br01.ini (New London)

space = music_br_space
danger = music_br_danger
battle = music_br_battle

... Which refer to files found in:
C:\...\Discovery 4.87\DATA\AUDIO\MUSIC\

You need to replace the reference in the system INI to the new music file in order to change the system's ambient music.

Disclaimer: This may or may not trigger the anti-cheat. You have been cautioned.

RE: Remake of old FL Soundtracks - SnakeLancerHaven - 03-21-2014

Thanks for the info! Allthough I tried this, it wont work, the system just is silent, it wont play the music. Anyone help?

RE: Remake of old FL Soundtracks - Echo 7-7 - 03-22-2014

(03-21-2014, 08:25 PM)Snake Wrote: Thanks for the info! Allthough I tried this, it wont work, the system just is silent, it wont play the music. Anyone help?

If importing new soundtracks into Freelancer, they have to be exactly the same format/encoding as whatever is currently used. (I don't know what that is off the top of my head, you'd have to look it up.)

RE: Remake of old FL Soundtracks - Pavel - 03-23-2014

Freelancer Forum

It sounds cool.

RE: Remake of old FL Soundtracks - SnakeLancerHaven - 03-23-2014

OK! I've done it! Thanks for all the help and special thanks to Honky. It doesn't trigger the Anti-Cheat and I hope it stays like that, good now I can do my sound mod for Discovery Big Grin cooL!

RE: Remake of old FL Soundtracks - SnakeLancerHaven - 04-05-2014

Ok I added musics for some official factions that wanted an own music style for their home system. I have no problem in that, just the usual FL Soundtracks will be remade and not replaced, pls don't get me wrong Tongue. My intention is to keep the old musics but add additional effects which will make them more cool and enjoyable Big Grin. Specific Systems have been changed already: Omega-52 (SCRA = Sol Coalition Sounds), Omicron Kappa (Consensus = Omicron Delta sound, a little discordant and psych sound), Omicron Lambda (Sentinels Unofficial but special request also on my behalf Tongue = Own type mythical and "scary" sounds), Omicron Gamma (Corsairs = Only danger has been changed to a more "Corsairic" feeling), Omicrons general Soundtrack has been reedited like the first youtube post, Omega soundtrack is still beeing edited as the first one wasn't realy good, Connecticut soundtracks has been changed to something more adrenaline taking and more arena style. Any other official factions that want own style of music for their Home System may contact me. Will keep you posted! Sorry that it takes so long, realy busy with RL things and own faction and RPs Q_Q

RE: Remake of old FL Soundtracks - SnakeLancerHaven - 04-13-2014

Pre Alpha with the systems mentioned up released

RE: Snakes Sound Mod: Remake of old FL Soundtracks - Echo 7-7 - 04-13-2014

So... that doesn't trigger the anticheat? Interesting.

Also, those Coalition tracks are very long for Freelancer music. Have you considered cutting them down into something shorter (since pretty much all FL background music is looped anyway)?

You can also cut down on mod size by removing the system folders/base subfolders which haven't been changed.

PS. Do you have a changelog? Any vanilla/Disco files that aren't modified don't need to be packaged with the mod.