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ZNS Omega 41 News Flash: Freeport 5 presents its new Administrator - Printable Version

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ZNS Omega 41 News Flash: Freeport 5 presents its new Administrator - Slavik - 03-21-2014

[Image: 250px-Freeport_5.jpg]

In an unexpected move today the administrator of Freeport 5 mr Dali Lama has transfered his responsibilities to Robert d'Autoine.

Mr Lama had taken over the role of administrator from Robert Pirx who had turned the station into a free market for all local groups and independent traders. He was able to maintain the free marketplace status amongst the warring factions of the omegas, countering take-over attempts from the Hessians, Corsairs and Bounty Hunters alike.

In a ZNS exclusive interview Mr Lama has stated and we quote: "It is time for a new mind in this chair. The situation has changed in the omegas and I'm more of crisis manager then a developer. I'll be spending more time on my personal commercial ventures as well as my security consulting work. "

He denied any allegations of being bribed to transfer his post.

The new administrator has stated that he'll continue the practise of being a freemarket station and has vouched to protect the Moyhjonic temple on the station.

RE: ZNS Omega 41 News Flash: Freeport 5 presents its new Administrator - Eduard - 04-06-2014

It has been a few days after the departure of mister Dali Lama and Freeport 5 can already witness the staggering presence of the Commonwealth as Head Councilor Robert d'Autoine announces his official arrival in the administrative seat of Freeport 5.

In a short interview, the Head Councilor was asked what are his intents for the new Freeport he administrates.

[Image: tumblr_lrqghaHIE61qbuwx5.gif]
" A place from which valor will cry out and charge into all the corners of zonerdom " he answered in a cryptic and metaphoric manner. Despite he was reluctant to decipher the intents of the Commonwealth for the Freeport in a more transparent manner, we can only assume that he has benevolent plans, considering the flourishing states of Freeport 10 and Freeport 101, other stations found under the Commonwealth influence.

After the announcement and interview ended, reporters and bystanders managed to accost the Head Councilor while he walked for his personal vessel.

Inquiries flushed about, asking him about the state of mister Dali Lama, only so that they will be cut off short with assurances of his well being, stating that he is " most certainly in a stiffly healthy condition and free of any harm ".

[Image: tumblr_m9st2zV4PS1rtypdro2_r1_500.gif]
[[The following is a video excerpt from the unofficial interview containing the answer the Head Councilor gave after he was posed with questions regarding the whereabouts of the ex-administrator]]

Later, the Head Councilor stated that Mister Dali Lama was tempted with the opportunity of accepting a permanent holiday, funded entirely by the Commonwealth, on an "Exotic and pittoresque, holiday Planet, neighboring to the Freeport 10 which will provide a proactive lifestyle and forcibly guaranteed, maximized happiness" . However, he didn't speculate whether the ex-administrator accepted or denied the tempting proposition.

In the meantime, the commercial ventures of mister Dali Lama continue unhindered, even benefiting from an unexpected success.