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Thanks for all you have done. - Printable Version

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Thanks for all you have done. - Siren Stone - 05-05-2014

Okay… while I know what I’m about to say will be met with criticism, insult, rage, and hatred, I understand everyone has their own feelings about these subjects and they are fully entitled to their opinions given that they are exactly that, their own opinions. What I am about to say is only one such opinion and it belongs to myself alone and no other… unless you do agree with me then it becomes a shared opinion.

To those of you that agree with me on some of these points and have something nice to say about it, then please feel free to speak up, the same goes to anyone with anything bad to say about what I’m about to say.

So… Admins, Dev’s, Moderators, and their cohorts, I have but one thing to say to all you watchers of the night.

Thank you.

No really, thank you. Thank you for all that you’ve done from the very beginning of this mods creation. If it wasn’t for what you dastardly ladies and gents have done, then there would be no community and there would be a whole frak ton less friendships and subsequent enemies in this online world. Yes, one could say that what the Discovery universe has done is create a whole world of fun loving Role Play enthusiasts as well as people of the opposite side of the coin who are out to ruin it, but what it’s really done is bring people together. I for one would not have the huge amounts of friends I do now if it weren’t for this game as well as a loving boyfriend who picks on me at every turn. I am simply trying to say thanks.

I must admit that I am a Role Play obsessed person who would rather have a player RP with me in game then hunt me for a blue message, but that’s the chance we have to take in game. I love it when My trade ship gets stopped by a pirate and asked where my cargos going, why I’m taking it there, and what it’s purpose is rather than simply saying “gimme the monies.” But we have to deal with this, because it’s a game and not everyone knows how to play every game they play properly. Heck, I know I don’t and that’s for darn sure. I constantly have to ask my fellow faction members about what the best load out for what ship is and “Hey, is this (Insert faction tag here) on our no fire list and if not, what do I do?” I’m constantly getting griped at for doing things I’m not supposed to do and at times I have to be punished by my faction leaders as well as getting picked on for my things I do, but that’s what we all have to deal with when playing a game such as this, and it’s the way we take such criticism and things that defines this game.

This game would not even exist if it weren’t for a certain ANZlagger who shall rename nameless that got a bug under his butt to make something out of Microsofts blunder. There would be no space to fly in, no ships to pirate, no trade to be had and defiantly no Role play to think of, and I for one am thankful for all that these hard working and highly criticized individuals have done for us.

That is why I am saying just this, Thank you, If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have the current life I do and the friends and person I care for as well as a place to kick back, relax, and fly as fast as I can to avoid that pesky pirate that always seems to find me one way or another. Factions come and go as do players and friendships, but after alls said and done, there would be no such thing were it not for the people more than a few of us take for granted. So…

Thank you.

Safe flying and I’ll see you in the black.

EDIT: Apparently this has come across as a farewell message... wasn't my intention but meh, I'm still here boys and girls, just keep a weather eye out in Liberty and I'm sure you'll catch my Bison or Werewolf pack flying by somewhere. This place is home.

RE: Thanks for all you have done. - Lythrilux - 05-05-2014


RE: Thanks for all you have done. - Siren Stone - 05-05-2014

OI I never said I was leaving. ;3 I'm just saying whats hardly ever said. this place is my home, my dysfunctional, laggy, humorous and sometimes highly enraging home. I aint leaving for a long time..... Hopefully.

RE: Thanks for all you have done. - Lythrilux - 05-05-2014

My bad, my ability to read worsens at this time x3

RE: Thanks for all you have done. - Apollon - 05-05-2014

Only one thing to say "Damn right" a lot of people here blame the staff for most stuff, while most of them wouldn't even know how to manage things like them, So we should be thankful, as they keep the mod alive to this point, Only way to help them is to interact and play fair and well, Thank you

RE: Thanks for all you have done. - Siren Stone - 05-05-2014

Ugh.. I aint leavin. ;(

RE: Thanks for all you have done. - Apollon - 05-05-2014

I edited it x3 got ninja'd like Luc

RE: Thanks for all you have done. - Acolyte - 05-05-2014
