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Phase 1 -The Temple of the Revenant - Omicron 82 - Printable Version

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Phase 1 -The Temple of the Revenant - Omicron 82 - |nfrared - 05-11-2014

[Image: 0b38a50d-eb93-4569-a111-0f08285d7650_zps5901e3d3.jpg]

I gazed out at the inner fabrication coil of the Temple, assessing the damage. The design of the station had spared most of the sensitive equipment, a small consolation. The increasing toxicity of the environment aboard the last vestiges of the Etherium Empire was eroding morale, the others becoming resigned to their demise. We had been so advanced we had not felt the sting of pain or desperation for millenia, but already I felt accustomed to it, embraced it. The tone of the Empire had changed. I felt hardened in my resolve to make decisions that Elders in past years would have deemed abhorent and primitive.

Only precious iridium could reverse the process and feed the orbital complex's mass fabrication devices. A constant source of the extremely rare mineral would be needed, but if found could be repurposed into almost anything - fresh atmosphere, new equipment - and more importantly - new vessels.

That was why I had summoned the others. Seers that could offer council to one such as myself were now extremely rare, and their trust was a luxury I no longer possessed. While few knew of Elder Stratos's demise at my hands, many knew it was I who had ordered the evacuation and premature launch of the Bridge. But to betray me would be folly - death by iridium deficiency was a painful end and having witnessed in others a sickness that had not struck us since the birth of the Empire - a sickness believed to be a fabrication of truth in order to rule until now - was an end none would choose for themselves.

Without me, they would all be dead and our kind extinct.

They began arriving now, each of them experts in their field. I had demanded new designs for vessels more suited to this sector and now I would learn of the progress made. We needed to be able to defend the sacred station, the one true relic of the Fall. But the Temple was never constructed for larger vessel creation, and the equipment we had required iridium to fabricate the components needed. Our equipment had confirmed the presence of the required element, but it was across dangerous and occupied space. We had captured one damaged human craft that had wandered too close to our new home and a small team were attempting to repair it. Just one shipment of dense iridium in solid form would be enough to flush the station with fresh atmosphere and prime the fabricators, greatly enhancing our chances.

Whatever the Seers offered now would correlate directly to our survivability. As they entered I continued to gaze across the fabrication coil that was the centrepiece of our Temple, awaiting the results of our painful labour

RE: Phase 1 -The Temple of the Revenant - Omicron 82 - Stoner_Steve - 05-11-2014

A Seer entered from behind and approached the Elders back. He twitched drawing attention to himself. He made a gesture of welcome which was returned. This Seer had been elevated to his status by the Elder personally. He was known to be the most un-loyal, untrustworthy, and generally dishonest member that the Elder ever had the displeasure of meeting. That being said he had his perks. Willing to negotiate with anyone, and more than happy to resort to blackmail, or belligerence to get his way. Splinter glanced into the Temple, noting the damage. "Elder Shard, you look flustered." He looked over at the Elder, "I hear the designs are ready to be shown. I am hopeful we will have a prototype soon, I've been restless stuck on this station."

RE: Phase 1 -The Temple of the Revenant - Omicron 82 - |nfrared - 05-11-2014

I regarded the newcomer with something approaching pride, my acknowledgement of his presence a subtle gesture. This individual would have been classified as an upstart and sent on a long and likely irrelevant scouting mission by others in authority, but not by my hand. His promotion had already begun to serve his purposes, this one would keep the other in a state of underlying confusion and disarray, thwarting by proxy any attempts on my own position.

I had charged Splinter with assessing the state of the mass fabricators and conducting a study on adapting our facilities in order to construct more suited vessels. It came as no surprise to me that he was anxious to see the designs - he wanted to know the extent of the modifications the would need to be made to the fabrication coil. Tactfully deviating from the implication that I was anything other than perfectly content and mentally stable, my response was silent through the implants in contrast to the rare vocalisations Splinter had adopted - a result of our studies on the sectors lifeforms - however I still gestured physically as I communicated to Splinter.

"How has your work progressed Splinter? Your agitation exudes from you. You must be anxious to know how much work lies ahead. I assure you our pain will end soon."

RE: Phase 1 -The Temple of the Revenant - Omicron 82 - Unlucky_Soul - 05-12-2014

A gnarly Seer approached. He's Crankshaft and he was somebody who could fix things. He walked a slow pace and in his hands he held a holo-disc.

"Elder.. " he croaked. He was stressed. He appeared tired and it showed in the tone of his voice.

"I had the probes examined the outsider ships. We have been discreet about it and there is no way they know their ships have been examined."

He clears his throat.

"It appears they run on a hydrogen-based fuel. Well I have managed to tinker with our transport and well we have managed to adapt them to use this fuel for flight."

He then turns to his holo-disc and activates it.

[Image: fau7N7B.jpg]

"Our transports can be manufactured from scratch with the materials available from this system, though its a far cry in terms of quality from our very own homeworld, but it should suffice for now."

"Elder, our strike craft, we can't use the old ones. We have to make new ones. Our previous models, well.... they use Iridium, which we cannot afford to do so now. The modifications we have tried on the transports don't work well with the strike craft. We will be using whatever materials we can find to construct them. Unlike the old ones they will be using the same hydrogen based fuel that the outsiders use."

He then switches off the holo-disc and in a tired voice he starts to speak.

"I will be heading back to the creation bay to continue crafting the blueprints for the ships."

He slowly heads towards the exit.

RE: Phase 1 -The Temple of the Revenant - Omicron 82 - Stoner_Steve - 05-12-2014

Seer Splinter started to examine the design for the transport. He made eye contact with the elder and smugly spoke aloud again, "Even the old man knows how to use the new language." Splinter paused again before continuing via the implants. Gesturing at the transport he continued, "This is going to be a beast if we manage to pull it off, I don't know where we are going to gather supplies for this."

The Seer feel silent while moving the design around to view it from all angles. "I also find it most troubling that we are running low, or more accurately running out of Iridium, have we even found a replacement in this forsaken place?"

RE: Phase 1 -The Temple of the Revenant - Omicron 82 - |nfrared - 05-13-2014

As the old one entered I was abruptly reminded of our vulnerability. This one was suffering the first stages or iridium deficiency, a sickness that Splinter was quick to draw attention to. This was our one major obstacle - should we find iridium and be able to get it to the Temple, our existence would become that much more bearable.

I had planned for this however. Such a rare mineral in preliminary reports was still several stars away, and for that reason I had charged another Seer with assessing the damage to the Bridge - The escape we had used to arrive here in the first instance. A small jump, if possible, could relocate the Temple to a point within limbs reach of our goal.

Refusing to answer in the adopted tongue as the others had, I communicated again through the implants.

"There are other yet to have audience, Splinter. The fabric of my intentions is unfolding, my foresight in this matter will benefit us all. We must discount no options if we are to survive. These designs are most promising. The old one has exceeded my expectations. Pray that the others do as well. Our survival depends upon it."

Turning back to the view of the fabrication coil, he added -

"Others will arrive shortly. I would have your council as I learn of their progress. Stay."

He indicated an antigravitational pillar, a device where one could float without bearing the weight of their physical form.

RE: Phase 1 -The Temple of the Revenant - Omicron 82 - Unlucky_Soul - 05-13-2014

Crankshaft rested a bit.The creation bay was where he found release. His body ached for iridium, but how could he assimilated it when it was running low. He fought through the temptations by concentrating on work and remembering the old days.
He then had a flashback. Memories of days long gone. He remembered the time when he was a young he accompanied his elders on the hunts. He would stay at a safe distance and watch as they staked their prey in the open grassland. How he missed watching the playful Khurlya scampering around mischievously and the lumbering Khardoot.

Suddenly he shot up. "Khardoot" he said aloud. He remembered those magnificent beasts. Powerful and well armored. He remembered their survival tactic of the adults forming a circle around their vulnerable young shielding them with their heavy bulk and armor. He suddenly had an idea. He was soon crafting and was lost in his work.

After a long time he got up stretched himself a bit. With a satisfied look walked away from the console. In the screen this image was displayed.

[Image: kbTQVVt.jpg]

RE: Phase 1 -The Temple of the Revenant - Omicron 82 - Stoner_Steve - 05-14-2014

Seer Splinter moved to the side of the Elder and entered the podium as his weight neutralized, he pulled up some the schematics of the battle-transport. He turned to the Elder and gestured at the screen. "Are such weaponized vessels truly needed?" He shook his head, "I fear our cause is lost if we must resort to such measures"

The Seer lapsed into an unhappy silence

RE: Phase 1 -The Temple of the Revenant - Omicron 82 - |nfrared - 05-14-2014

I let out a barely audible hiss, expressing my agitation. Questioning my caution, my tactic for our survival. Lesser caste would have been severely punished for such a slight. Only then did I recall that this was exactly the trait I had required of this Seer.

I calmed, turning my gaze from the coil but not turning around.

"It is a neccessary measure. I would not have the other beings of this sector believe us to be easy prey. They will fight for every one of us they wish to extinguish. Our cause is no longer what it was, if we must sacrifice our former fragile grace to make way for a new stage of our evolution, so be it."

I saw Splinter's disapproval. This one still clung to memories that could never be erased, of a time of complete content. Continuing the silent communication, I turned to face the levitated Etherium.

"Embrace our renewed existence, for to not do so will be our downfall. Take comfort that you will play a vital part in it. The weak among us are gone, only those of gifted caste remain. We will grow to be stronger. Much stronger "

Resuming my vigil at the large viewing port, I continued to monitor the process in the crafting chamber via my implant feeds, where the old one worked with renewed energy.

RE: Phase 1 -The Temple of the Revenant - Omicron 82 - Unlucky_Soul - 05-15-2014

Crankshaft was exceedingly tired. He sat to rest. The pain in his body was intense. He couldn't bear assimilating Iridium anymore. Not ever since The Battle for Etheria. A part of him died that day.

He remembered the day well. He was out in the outer rims when the distress signal was received. He was one of the many that flew as fast as they could to Etheria. He remembered the first time he saw the invaders. Blue and cylindrical in shape, tapering at the ends. He slew them in defense of his homeland. Scores had fallen to his guns. But as he slew one two would take its place. They were too many, he was too late. He saw a huge mass move towards Etheria. Then he got a call from the Elder to retreat. He hastened to the meeting point and along with the few they retreated. Etheria had fallen. His family, his friends, his love.

He was changed that day. He hated the Elder for it. He wished he had died along with his brothers that day. Not to be ravaged by pain every moment of his life. Yet along with the hate came gratitude to the Elder. Without him the remainder of Etherium would not have survived. Without him we wouldn't have a chance to rebuild .

He was drawn back to his surroundings. He realized while deep in thought he had crafted something. He was perplexed. He studied the design before him intently.

[Image: MByG6tR.jpg]