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KJNK Junker Radio - Printable Version

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KJNK Junker Radio - Ironwatsas - 06-20-2014

[Image: VH6sJmD.png]

"Hey? Is this thing on?" *taps microphone* We live? *ahem*

ALLLLLRIGHT SPACE COWBOYS. You're listening to KJNK. The one and only Junker Radio Station. I am your host, HOOOOOWLIN' MAD MEDFORD.

I have found the ancient vault of golden records, I have conducted a seance to contact the ghost of Freddie Mercury, and I am in possession of the most powerful musical instrument ever forged by the gods of ROCK!

And I am broadcasting LIVE from our custom built mobile broadcasting station. You can run, but you can't hide, because I have Six Terrawatts of Radio Waves that won't behave.






Our Comm Lines are OPEN and we are taking requests. So come one, come all. We have all the rock legends from Ancient Earth preserved forever on one amazing collection.

*No Xenos or Hoghshas Allowed



Would you like to sponsor this radio station and broadcast YOUR company/terrorist organization/agenda. KJNK Junker Radio is looking for advertizes and money right now! So don't wait around, contact KJNK today!

Any and all propaganda adverts must pay a 10% surcharge. Any and all human rights reserved.

RE: KJNK Junker Radio - Sarawr!? - 06-20-2014

>>Incoming Transmission<<
>>Sender Ident: The Junkyard Artist<<
>>Link Established<<
>>Initialize Video/Audio<<
[Image: 820c6580-5c10-4898-aad0-5eff93eb7bd9_zps...1403301024]

" uhm, I've never done anything like this about...hmm...oh oh! something operatic and edgy, yanno? Something reeeal cool to keep me entertained while I sit on the la-...while I sift through debris fields! If you could gimme something like that, that'd be real awesome!"

>>Transmission End<<
>>Link: Disconnected<<
>>Signal Lost<<

RE: KJNK Junker Radio - /// Drake /// - 06-20-2014

:::[ Transmission Recording ]:::

Hey there KJNK, Scrap Runt J Betham here. Can you give a shout out to Dot Bentham of Bentham's Junk and Not-so-Junk on New London please? She's me ma', she'd love a shout out from her lad... not contacted her since I've left!

Cheers friend. And as a request, play anything that I can bare out through that vast, cold big blue!

:::[ Transmission Sent ]:::

RE: KJNK Junker Radio - Stoner_Steve - 06-20-2014

[Image: NyYZ28f.png]

Dudde, like can we get some AC/DC on the waves, maybe like Thunderstruck

[Image: 8cQT7by.png]

RE: KJNK Junker Radio - Ironwatsas - 06-21-2014

Alright, Yooooou asked for it ladies and gentlemen. You want edgy? You want shouting? You got it, baby.


Now, every caller who signs in may be entered to win two tickets to the Prismriver Ensemble LIVE event on Planet Honshu this July.

[Image: lUcDWu1.png]

Great show, I saw it when they were on Freeport 9. Feels, man, FEELS. That's how it works. And the pyro effects will burn your hair out if you're not careful.

You can also win up to 1000 credits, or a free KJNK T-shirt as runner up prizes. Terms and conditions apply. Not eligible to Xenos, Hogosha, or Alien Infectees. You must be a legal resident of the Sirius Sector age 16 or older or have an awesome fake ID.

We'll be back for more right after a few messages from our sponsors.

RE: KJNK Junker Radio - CandidFriend - 06-21-2014


[Image: screen191i.png]


The modern world has made the way of the fox much more difficult in these trying times. You see, many of mankind's creations have had a dramatically detrimental effect on nature. Foxes routinely fall victim to industrial debris...

[Image: iD8JyoV.png?1]

The increasingly urbanized and fragmented landscape is also quite unnatural and unnavigable you see! The ever decreasing number and diversity of wildlife has made finding food for fox quite ever more of a chore!

[Image: Bjm8mQb.jpg?1]

But YOU can help!


With your help! We can spread the word of Inariism, for she is the goddess of all the foxes! A blessing of good faith would be most welcome and help to make all foxes, everywhere, much happier! As one of Kusari's oldest and most beloved charities (with OVER 4000! YEARS of history!), Inari~shrine is your best choice.

So if you're going to donate and have a lil' faith. Make your Donation an Inari Donation! Foxes will thank you!

[Image: JywjSNR.jpg]

So send those donations to Inari's.Mobile.Shrine.

For more information about the shrine or blessings packages, please contact satomikitsune@inarishrine.kon


Inari Shrine proudly sponsors KJNK Junker Radio. The Serious station for Sirius Rock.


RE: KJNK Junker Radio - Zelot - 06-21-2014

Comm ID: Ze'ev Barak

Die Junkers Die!

RE: KJNK Junker Radio - Ironwatsas - 06-22-2014

Dyin', Huh? Weeeell if that just ain't a peachy chime-in, fignuts.

*plays a toilet flush sound effect*

Reminds me though, we all gotta check out sometime. Brings up a lotta questions? Will I go up the stairway to heaven or down the highway to hell. How big will my pyramid be? When my hair and fingernails continue to grow, will they retain their blonde and rich qualities for future archaeologists to marvel at.

We may not have the answers to all these questions, but hey... don't fear the Reaper, Man.

RE: KJNK Junker Radio - Scumbag - 06-22-2014

---Incoming Transmission---
ORGIN: Deshima Station; Shikoku.

Hey there KJKN, i'd like to send a shout out to all my guild mates out there who make Sirius a better place. And a special dedication to all the bad guys who show up on our scanners, this is an old one, i hope you can find it. Green Day Haha you're dead
And crank up the terawatts man, we can barely hear you up in Kusari


-End of Transmission-
--Data Connection Lost--

RE: KJNK Junker Radio - Ironwatsas - 06-23-2014

Took a little rooting around through the archives. Punk rock is a little outta our airwaves but, ehh, a request is a request.

Does make ya think though. All the cool artists of the old ages killed themselves off with drinking, drugs, sexually transmitted diseases, huffing automotive exhaust, and self-inflicted gunshot wounds. It's sorta the same path Sirius is going down today.

Y'see that's all part of the grand cycle, man. There's a connection. It's like getting covered with wet crazy glue then shaking hands with someone you personally hate but have an awkward kinky crush on. And that glue that binds us all together is music.

Now, let's take a quick break, get some commercials out, take it easy out there people.



[Image: Planetform3.jpg]

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