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Which Disco members inspire you? - Printable Version

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Which Disco members inspire you? - Valarin - 06-25-2014

Yo, Discovites.

You're probably wondering, "who the hell is this guy?" - to which I'd say, I'm a newbie.
"But newbie," you yell, "It says under your name you've been here since 2008!". And you'd be right.

Six years ago (has it really been that long?) I found Disco after a long series of other servers, and instantly fell into reading every morsel of good story and RP I could find. I spent days trawling through posts and following the adventures of my favourite characters, factions, or whatever, but that's all I did. I was burnt-out on actual freelancer gameplay at the time and didn't take part, but I still remember some of the best stories I read and the characters who helped shape their respective factions into what they were at the time.

It took a few years for me to return to the game and begin my own stories, most of which sadly never left my hard drive, but RL stopped me for a long while and now I'm hoping to come back and re-join the fold anew, long after activity wipes. I'm sad to find that many of those people whose stories I loved are no longer here and their writings forgotten, but as I remember them and realise I looked up to the authors I begin to wonder who everyone else remembers and respects.

And so I ask you, members of Disco new and old alike - have there ever been members of the community you've been inspired by or looked up to? And why? Give a "kudos" to the most memorable stories you've read and recommend them for others. In the years I've been gone I'm certain I've missed a few gems, and I'd like to discover them! I'm sure there are a whole host of newer players who might never find those memorable tales without a little guidance.

Personally? I always admired Laowai, who I remember as a feared and respected Corsair elder who had a great depth to all of his characters. I'm sad to learn his "Outsider" story, and those that follow from it, probably won't ever be finished, but he nevertheless remains a great inspiration for one of my own characters. Kudos, Laowai.

What about you?

And since this is flood; inb4 Karlotta.

RE: Which Disco members inspire you? - sindroms - 06-25-2014

For me it is whoever was flying Moonbase"LOGIC"Miner back in 2007. He took around 4 days to bring me up to speed how things work in Disco and it is because of him I even bother making tutorials and videos. I know how damn nice it felt to have someone show me the ropes so that I wouldn't have to learn it the hard way.

Never learned who was the guy on the forums though, since I joined the forum side of Disco in early 08.

EDIT: Why flood?

RE: Which Disco members inspire you? - Trogdor - 06-25-2014

Hm... Doc Holliday. But, it'd be inappropriate for me to talk about why.

RE: Which Disco members inspire you? - Foochow - 06-25-2014

Well, for me it was Oldum and Cabulb. They inspired and tought me to work with graphics. And Im most thankful for that Smile

RE: Which Disco members inspire you? - 7AlphaOne1 - 06-25-2014

Umm, lets see, umm, err, ammmm, its, uhh, I favour umm,

yeah, I liked Tal when he was around. sad he had to go.

and yeah, Legendary. that guy had a hell lotta potential. sad he cheated and got banned.

why do everyone I like get banned? :|

RE: Which Disco members inspire you? - Valarin - 06-25-2014

Whoah, quick replies! Me like. Also flood because it was the first place I thought of for a random topic! Perhaps it'd be better elsewhere, I dunno.

Doc Holliday is a good one, I remember him too - possibly even from a server before Disco, although maybe I'm getting confused. His stories here were fantastically written. I have fond memories reading about him, the TAZ, his wife and the tombstone estate.

And as someone who's watched a fair few of your videos, Spazzy, it's nice to be able to tip a metaphorical hat to the guy who inspired you. Especially as someone who had to find my own footing and got lost and intimidated by the scale of Disco quite a few times! Cheers!

This sig below me was commissioned from Oldum way back, although sadly I never knew Cabulb much. Tal and Legendary I unfortunately never met!

RE: Which Disco members inspire you? - Strichev - 06-25-2014

The grammar nazi guy back in the day. I don't remember who he was, sadly. He kept correcting any errors in writing and thus made me purposefully improve my English.

RE: Which Disco members inspire you? - Sath - 06-25-2014

My choice would be dan. His alts, namely Sarah Mcflaren was quite a good one and the way he presents his stories in the forum is spectacular.

The Benitez members, they have this 'real' family kind of association with them. Making real life friends in an Internet gaming community is something that I have not seen much.

RE: Which Disco members inspire you? - Savas - 06-25-2014

First would probably be AlphaOmega who tiught me everything, gave me cash when I was new, and was generally just a lovely gentleman to be around. Unfortunately, while he was at basic training the activity wipe got rid of all his stuff and he has since quit.

A bunch of others as well like Yao that I can't currently remember.

RE: Which Disco members inspire you? - Giorgio - 06-25-2014

Doj (lol)