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Kusari Territorial Police Service Report Database - Sarawr!? - 07-07-2014

>>: Incoming Transmission
>>: Link Established
>>: Message Begin

A Word From The Superintendent

[Image: Keishi_zps1a29d76f.jpg]

Ohayou, Officers. This communications frequency has been granted to us by the Democratic Republic, so that we may communicate efficiently and effectively, regarding the events of our daily patrols and other missions.

Henceforth, this channel will be connected to a secure server which will serve as the Patrol Report Database for all personnel of Ryodo no Keisatsu Sabisu.

We Officers stand together, taking charge of the future of Public Security in Kusari, always remember this. Conduct yourselves with honor and good judgement and I know going forth that you officers will make me proud, and I know that the people of The Democratic Republic will come to be proud of us as well.

~ Keishi Kojima Shinosuke

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RE: Kusari Territorial Police Service Report Database - sindroms - 07-07-2014

[Image: D47l5w8.png]

Location: Narita Outpost
Transmission Signal: OK
Encryption: Normal
Subject: Patrol Report

Good evening.
My patrol started two days ago, when I ran the Nemuro down to Liberty on assignment #51-135. I did the usual stops at Colorado, Texas, New York and Pennsylvania. The route to California was closed due to increased pirate activity, so I notified the people at Battleship Yukon to hold the transferees until tomorrow. Hopefully they will be delivered via shuttle instead.

As expected, the Nemuro was successful at housing and transporting the inmates from Liberty and back to Shikoku, though I cannot really say anything of importance happened along the way.

Unlike a day ago, when I was leaving- Liberty seemed outright dead. I had no, I am not even joking, no encounters between New York and Shikoku. But that is where things got...interesting.

I will spare you the details from my side, so instead simply check the log yourself.

Sadly, the rest of the day wasn't as eventful. Let's just say that the Nemuro got her first battle scars after encountering an Outcast Destroyer on the lanes in Shikoku.

The breaking points did their job and only the cargo section was damaged, so the ship is currently being repaired and will be replaced in no time.

So much for the patrol, heh.

RE: Kusari Territorial Police Service Report Database - Sarawr!? - 07-08-2014

>>: Incoming Transmission
>>: Sender ID: Akiko Kojima
>>: Link Established
>>: Message Begin

>>: Audio/Video Received
[Image: 22d1941e-a2b0-45a0-b14d-cab50ef6bfdf_zps...1404774862]
Streaming live-feed :<<

Konbanwa, Akiko here with a summary of recent events. Early into last night's patrol I met with the Miko aboard Inari's Mobile Shrine. The Priestess was kind, and she educated me about the spiritual traditions of ancient Kusari, and of the plight of the...well, the plight of the Naked Foxes. Seeing an opportunity to improve public relations...a-and to stop the priestess' from talking about...naked foxes, I quickly authorized a donation in the name of the Territorial Police Services, to the Shrine of Inari. I have included a brief transcript of those events

P-Public Relations Improvement, I swear!

Later during last night's patrol, after speaking with a-and...apparently impressing, a corporate pilot belonging to the "Takarabune Company", I was given a donation consisting of several bottles of Fine Sake, Jewelry, and Five Million Credits, which I assured the grateful citizen would be utilized properly by the Territorial Police Services. Those profits could really buy us some nice equipment...o-or new uniforms, you know!?

Takarabune Company interaction.

Anyway, that concludes tonight's 48 hour shift report.

*She bows her head politely to the vidscreen as it fades to black.*

~ Junsa-buchou Akiko Kojima, Signing Off.

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RE: Kusari Territorial Police Service Report Database - Omi - 07-08-2014


[Image: S5aIz0X.png]



First report coming in here. I hope someone higher-up actually reads these things.

In any case, it's been an eventful few days, to say the least. A jumping Libertonian dreadnought, a persistent bunch of Dragons in Honshu, and a Scylla in Kepler; and even all that doesn't quite encompass recent events fully. Diverting Kishiro transports around a Blood Dragon raiding party instead of getting myself killed trying to uproot them; now that's the kind of quality I'd to see, if I were my own superior. That's quality police work right there.

Since my neural net usage is data capped, I made an executive decision to limit my guncam usage, and have thus no visual evidence of two of the three above encounters. I'd really rather not go over the limit, since there's a steep fee for that sort of thing, you know?

I did find these three, though:

Plink || Plonk || Bang

I hope that proves I'm doing lots of work. Lots and lots of work.

The kind of work that merits bonuses.

[Image: qBdP8o8.png]
Izumi Ishikawa, Junsa-bucho


RE: Kusari Territorial Police Service Report Database - Sarawr!? - 07-09-2014

>>: Incoming Transmission
>>: Sender ID: Akiko Kojima
>>: Link Established
>>: Message Begin

>>: Audio/Video Received
[Image: 22d1941e-a2b0-45a0-b14d-cab50ef6bfdf_zps...1404774862]
Streaming live-feed :<<

Ohayou, Akiko here with a brief mission report and summary. When my shift began, I was contacted by the commander of the KDS Hakurei, he was quick to inform me of his need to transfer captured members of the Blood Dragons into the custody of the Territorial Police, so that they could be taken to Fuchu Prison for detention and interrogation. I was glad to carry out such a mission, and to prove that the Territorial Police are a much more functional agency than previous State Police units...A-Although I really don't think we should have to prove anything to the Navy!

Anyways...the prisoner transfer went smoothly and the captured Blood Dragons are now safe in the hands of the Corrections Division at Fuchu.

Conversation Transcript.
Cargohold Lifesign Readings

Imanotokoro, sorede kekkōdesu..

*She bows her head politely to the vidscreen as it fades to black.*

~ Junsa-buchou Akiko Kojima, Signing Off.

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RE: Kusari Territorial Police Service Report Database - Wildkins - 07-10-2014

>>: Incoming Transmission
>>: Sender ID: Nakajima Katsumi
>>: Link Established
>>: Message Begin

>>: Audio/Video Received
[Image: Z6i4OSC.png]
Streaming live-feed :<<

Konbawa. Junsa-bucho Katsumi reporting.

I fitted out an Umibozu-class bomber and started to make the rounds around New Tokyo. It was not long before I found a transgresser, a Titanic-class heavy tanker flown with the designation of XenOn-(T), with Interspace identification and transponder codes. While scanning his vessel I noticed an anomaly, a full bay of transport turrets manufactured by unlawfuls. I was not able to pursue him, however, so I recommend anyone in the area stay on the lookout for this transport and apprehend him at once.

My next catch was in the system of Kyushu, just outside Tsushima Depot. I found a pirate train by the name of Agamemnon's Booty hauling slaves. I attempted to apprehend the vessel but he took refuge on Tsushima Depot and refused to undock to pay for his crimes. Any police vessel who spots this train in Kusari space should apprehend him immediately.

I then met up with Keibu Matsuda-san and began to patrol the outer reaches of Kusari space. We noticed a freelancer vessel carrying platinum ore on Kusari Trade Lane Net scanners but were unable to catch it before it jumped into Berry. Making our way back through Hokkaido, we stumbled upon two Ketsueki doragonzu craft between the trade lanes. While speaking with them it became apparent that they were part of a larger group that was set to attack government craft, but as what appeared to be their leaders came out of the cloud, it became apparent that neither they nor we wished to fight that day. We left each other without a shot fired and returned to patrol. If these Blood Dragons wish to serve the people as they say, then I have no quarrel with them, although I fear that when it comes to blows I will have no choice but to fight them.

As we were returning to New Tokyo the net reported of a vessel known as a "nomad" travelling through the lanes towards Kyushu. We chased it through to the Tau-23 jump hole and found a Toreda moving through, with some faulty transponder codes. As we were not in Kusari sovereign space, we let it be as long as it did not come into Kusari homeland.

That is all for now, for I must take a Kyūkei.

~ Junsa-bucho Nakajima Katsumi, Signing Off.

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RE: Kusari Territorial Police Service Report Database - Pinko - 07-10-2014

>>: Incoming Transmission
>>: Sender ID: Tomo Matsuda
>>: Link Established
>>: Message Begin

>>: Audio/Video Received
[Image: FzmzP1M.png]
Streaming live-feed :<<

Keibu Matsuda here. I was at the helm of the Otsuchi when Junsa-Bucho Kojima warned me of what seemed to be a potential smuggling convoy inbound to the Sigmas. Following procedures, I immediatly plotted a trajectory to support Kojima, who intercepted them before I could be on scene, right next of the Gas Miner Naha. As is evident here, all of the vessels on scene were illegal within Kusari space. She was met with arrogance and ignorance, the Junkers' taunting clearly indicating that they knew what they were doing.

Fortunately for Kojima-san, I arrived on scene to provide said backup. The Junkers' tone did not change in the least, though, as they now seemed all too eager to leave before we could inspect them closer. Not only did they disrespect us, our House and our Laws, but they openly stated a death threat over the comms, which was soon followed by their guns opening on us when we tried to stop them from getting further into our territorial space.

Their leader seemed to be a man from the organisation known as the Congress, who unsurprisingly was flying the Salvager, a vessel forbidden within Kusari space. Strongly outnumbered, we were still holding our own until the firepower became too much for Kojima-san to handle, forcing her to eject. Tractoring her pod, I took the tactical decision to retreat, as there was no way the Otsuchi could endure the onslaught any longer. The Congress then started spreading lies to system comms. to which I answered by clarifying a single example of a law they were breaking, along with the reach of our territorial laws.

Retreating to Kusari space, I tended to Kojima-san to make sure her injuries were minor before mooring on Akita, where I handed her over to proper medical crews, who assured me that she would be ready for a another sortie by the morning. I then decided to punch in and end my patrol.

This concludes my report.

~ Keibu Tomo Matsuda, Signing Off.

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RE: Kusari Territorial Police Service Report Database - Pinko - 07-11-2014

>>: Incoming Transmission
>>: Sender ID: Tomo Matsuda
>>: Link Established
>>: Message Begin

>>: Audio/Video Received
[Image: FzmzP1M.png]
Streaming live-feed :<<

Keishi, we need to talk. Meet me before you meet them.

~ Keibu Tomo Matsuda, Signing Off.

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RE: Kusari Territorial Police Service Report Database - Omi - 07-12-2014


[Image: S5aIz0X.png]



Ishikawa here, again, with yet another panoply of reasons why I really don't earn enough. Maybe you could put a word in regarding extra funding for us, keishi. The 'spooks' have certainly been taking enough of an interest. I promise I won't blow the extra credits on holovids.

Anyway - moving onwards - I've been busy. Busier than someone in a half-rate, ancient Chimaera really should be. I'll try to keep it brief, though.

Firstly - a couple of days ago - I received word that there was a rather large, Dragon-related, breach of security in Honshu, courtesy of Kishiro's expansive Lane and Gate Sensor Network. Unfortunately, the lane sensors were unable to convey the true scale of the incursion - no less than seven snubcraft, the majority of which were fighters.

I dug in to observe the Dragon horde, but the arrival of a certain other Ishikawa of the Naval Forces cut my observations short, and a fight broke out as the Blood Dragon swarm dove in to assassinate the Kaisho-ho.

Their strike force was, however, repelled by myself, Ishikawa-san of the KNF, and two members of the Black Dragon Society, who lent their aid to the safeguarding of Honshu's lane network.

Seven contacts || Splash one || Orchid in trouble || Splash two

Not long afterwards, the house-wide sensor network picked up something else odd - ships with Bretonian transponders ingressing from the direction of Liberty. I picked them up at the New Tokyo side of the Shikoku gate, and dutifully began explaining the relevant articles of law that were breached.

A couple of Kempeitai showed up during my investigation, but were mightily rebuffed by my commanding presence. Seriously, though - I really don't appreciate Section Whatever interfering with Territorial Police matters - especially ones as minor as a pair of lost corporate transports. Those spooks are always up to something.

Regardless, with the aid of a Police pilot named Tsukuda-san, the wayward Shetlands were returned to the Border Worlds.

Confused Shetland from Shikoku || 'Spook' interference not appreciated || Ejected to Kepler

Finally, just this evening I busied myself with cleaning up Shikoku once more. A pair of Freelancers reported a "disturbance" of sorts along the tradelane from Deshima to Junyo. Upon closer inspection the "disturbance" resolved itself into the form of a Storta, a Scylla and two Outcast bombers. Not exactly the kind of incursion I'm equipped - or paid - to deal with, as I'm sure you know.

With the help of the Freelancers, some passing-by secondary fleet Forces members, and the Naginata, the two destroyers were forced into emergency mooring procedures with an asteroid base in Kepler. Or maybe Galileo. They both look the same from inside a dark matter cloud.

The two bombers were also destroyed by - you guessed it - yours truly. Do I get a medal, a bonus, or maybe even both? I'm all ears, command.

Scary Scylla || Falcata down || Cutlass down || Harrying to Leiden || Emergency mooring

Lastly - as an addendum of sorts - I ran into one of the Kempeitai's agents in Kyushu, and had a brief but irritating conversation that I feel is prudent to document:

[11.07.2014 15:32:37] I-401: Iona: Officer, i require your time. Akita-maru, continue on your rounds.
[11.07.2014 15:32:58] RKS|-Izumi.Ishikawa: Something you need?
[11.07.2014 15:33:01] [KNF]Akita-Maru: Koji: Very well, I'll leave this to your branch.
[11.07.2014 15:33:20] I-401: Iona: Division 9, Kempeitai. Your name, rank and branch?
[11.07.2014 15:33:38] RKS|-Izumi.Ishikawa: Junsa-bucho Izumi Ishikawa of the Territorial Police.
[11.07.2014 15:34:05] I-401: Iona: what is the RKS policy when dealing with the traitor imperialist exiles?
[11.07.2014 15:34:32] RKS|-Izumi.Ishikawa: -My- policy is to safeguard civilian traffic and Republic assets. Nothing more.
[11.07.2014 15:34:48] RKS|-Izumi.Ishikawa: I believe that complies with our doctrine as well.
[11.07.2014 15:36:09] I-401: Iona: Do not try to be confrontive. If a civilian transport is attacked by one of the "lost" unknown ones -
[11.07.2014 15:36:24] I-401: Iona: what do you do?
[11.07.2014 15:37:10] RKS|-Izumi.Ishikawa: If a civilian transport is attacked by -anything- I intervene, of course - requesting backup via the proper channels if-
[11.07.2014 15:37:12] RKS|-Izumi.Ishikawa: -required.
[11.07.2014 15:37:27] RKS|-Izumi.Ishikawa: Ideally, the transport is never attacked in the first place.
[11.07.2014 15:37:44] RKS|-Izumi.Ishikawa: That's what the Lane and Gate Early Warning System and Sensor Network is for.
[11.07.2014 15:37:53] I-401: Iona: you may continue on your rounds. You may be called for an interview at a later date.
[11.07.2014 15:38:03] RKS|-Izumi.Ishikawa: Thrilling.
[11.07.2014 15:38:07] RKS|-Izumi.Ishikawa: Good day, Agent.

I'm all for working with the fellow servants of the Republic, command, but I can't help but feel I'd do my job better without cheap spy-movie extras breathing down my neck every step of the way. I've heard that the rest of our bureau has had similar encounters, too.

Even if we are to undergo some form of investigation, can you please request that these jokers stop treating me like I'm some sort of bumbling, donut-munching Libertonian pencil-pusher? I do serious work, you know.

That said, I'll try to keep my head down.

[Image: qBdP8o8.png]
Izumi Ishikawa, Junsa-bucho


RE: Kusari Territorial Police Service Report Database - Karst - 07-13-2014

[Image: sugimori_zps28924e80.jpg]

Akira Sugimori here. Today was unusual in many respects.
The first strange thing was an encounter with a Liberty trader carrying illegal modified alien weapons. I brought the Kabuto as backup to deal with this, but it went well. The trader complied and the weapons were secured. Ishikawa should have the details on that.

Next, we encountered an MND ship outside of Junyo, with myself flying the Bokken. The first of several, as it turned out. The pilot in question was flying a Roc bomber, and openly admitted they were on some sort of anti-Liberty scout mission. Thankfully they complied with our order to leave Kusari space.

Callsign: Junyo

Only moments later, we encountered a Montante-class gunboat also flown by Rheinland forces. Though the pilot initially denied being affiliated with foreign military forces, they too agreed to leave. This guncam image was taken by Ishikawa.

Callsign: Blosk

Not much later, believe it or not, there was another encounter with the MND. This time, I was flying the Naginata. There was a transport under BDM designation, with a Spatial class escort. Though the Spatial's pilot at first denied association, they eventually confirmed that they were traveling in convoy.
The BDM captain was adamant they were permitted to operate in this manner. Not wanting to draw the situation out any longer, we ended up permitting them to leave Kusari with their intended cargo. Ishikawa escorted them from Shinagawa to the border.

Callsigns: BDM|LV-Hofvarpnir | Sato

While the BDM transport was loading at Shinagawa, a GRN Lynx appeared. Naturally, I inquired as to what they were doing in Kusari space. This ended up being a long conversation. Interestingly, the Gallic that had originally been arrogant and condescending, suddenly became much more polite when the Naval Forces Destroyer Shimotsuki arrived. In the end, I escorted him out of Kusari space via the Taus.

Callsign: GRN|Maurice'Cornett

Please note that some of the above messages were on private channels among Kusari forces.

Overall, while the most common foreign military ships are Libertonian, apparently others will not hesitate either. I cannot really comment on policy here, but the sheer amount in one relatively short period of time is a bit worrying.

Sugimori out.